Information respecting the present state of Vancouvers
7 July 1851
Lat. 45° 52'. N. Long 128°, 35'. W.
2 ⎯ The further details I have to
communicate, I must preface, by
disclaiming, the slightest inuendo on the character of the Chief Factor,
Mr. Douglas, ⎯ his long service in the Hudson Bay
, his energy & intelligence, has justly raised him to the direction of their interests
in their vast possessions in this part of the World. In repeating my opinion that
the attempt to Colonize
Vancouver, by a Company with exclusive rights of Trade, is incompatible with the free & liberal
reception of an Emigrant
Community, I mean to imply that difficulties, & embarassments must be the result, however,
good the intention.
3. In reference to the Remarks in my letter No 55, I did not
intend to explain the position of the parties who arrived in the "
May last, & are now scarcely recovered from a voyage of nearly Seven
months. I can neither denominate them as Colonists, the greater part
being servants of the
Hudson's Bay Company, intended for the preparation
of Farms, under an agreement with Individuals, on the reserved Districts
Victoria &
Esquimalt; the Company I am informed creating the Buildings, supplying the Tools, Seed & Live
Stock; the Young
reared to be equally divided, & a moiety of outlay being chargeable to
the Settlers. I may not be quite correct, but such is the spirit of the Contract,
as related to me by a
Mr. MAuley, who is located on a Farm, between
Esquimalt &
Mr. Langford, formerly in HM military service, & now a Bailiff
in the employment of the
Puget Sound Company, arrived in the "
Tory" in
May last, with his Wife & family. I visited the Farm about 300 acres,
situated on the upper part of
Esquimalt Harbour, which I am informed he has contracted with the
Puget Sound Company to establish, under similar
circumstances to those before
mentioned. Wooden Houses were being erected, lime was burning, & small Enclosures, had previously
prepared; the workmen were all Englishmen & recently arrived.
Douglas tells me that this Farm,
w cost the first year £1,200, by reason of the Artificers & Labourers, supplied by
the Hudsons Bay
Company to establish it—perhaps £800, the second year, thus
creating a lien of £2,000 on the property before any return could
be expected.
5. I am informed that at
Victoria, two small building lots of 120
feet, by 60, have been sold, one for 100 dollars, the other for 50 Dollars ⎯ The Governor
has a small cottage, enclosed by a Stockade, near
the Fort, built partly at his own expense, on ground belonging to the
Hudsons Bay Company.
Padre Lampfrit, a very intelligent & earnest
Missionary has erected a house at
Victoria a part of which is
appropriated for a chapel. He is on good terms with the community, &
took his place at my table by the side of the English Clergyman, the
Rev R. Staines, with mutual cordiality; nevertheless
the good Padre was the cause of anxiety to the settlement, through a misunderstanding with the Indians,
when the Tribe assembled round
the Fort in a threatening manner.
Mr Douglas has a commodious dwelling, nearly completed, on his Farm, near
the Fort, & a Farm house on the inland limit.⎯ his Farm, I think extends from
Point Ogden, to Mount, & is within the Protection of
the Fort.
Victoria at present offers little
encouragement to induce the visits of a Vessel of War ⎯ Neither Vegetables nor Bread
could be found ⎯
Sheep we were allowed to purchase at about 9 per pound ⎯ & for a Ton & a half of dry wild grass, cut by one of the Company's Servants,
the beach, & embarked by our own Crew, we were charged £6.5.0.
7 ⎯ The continuance of the settlement at
Soake, seems to be dependent on the Miners (mentioned in Enclosure No 3 of 55) the place
well adapted for a limited number ⎯
Captain Grant, formerly of the
Scots Greys who settled at
Sooke, has left his land to his Servant, who
may not be so fortunate in intimidating the Indians, as his Master was,
by exhibiting the effect of two small pieces of Ordnance ⎯ The previous
failure of
the Muirs at the Coal mines, & their present discontent, does
not augur well ⎯ The bush being impenetrable, the only
communication with
Victoria is by canoes ⎯
8 ⎯ I will now repeat the
statement of
Andrew Muir, in reference to
rewards ⎯
rewards offered for the apprehension of deserters, by an officer of
Hudsons Bay Company, as there exists a rumour, that the Indians who murdered our unfortunate countrymen
were under the impression, that their act would not be punished, but rather that they
wd obtain a Reward ⎯
Andrew Muir stated to me, "That the three Seamen
murdered belonged to the "
Norman Morison"' which
ship they left at
Victoria, & went on board the
England of Liverpool,
Captn. Brown. They arrived at
Fort Rupert, where intelligence arrived of their being on board the
Dr. Helmcken as justice went on
board to take them out, but could not find them. The England remained
loading until the American Steamer "
Massachusets" arrived—on her
leaving four men were missing from
the Fort. A Reward was offered for their Heads, except the Blacksmith, who was to be brought
Brown of the "
England" told
Mr. Blenkinsop who offered the Reward, it
was a rash thing:—my father heard him. My father heard
Mr. Blenkinsop
offer the reward of some Blankets for the
"white mens heads, but the
was to be brought back alive. The men
made their escape to California" On mentioning the above to
Gov Blanshard, I think he said that
Captain Brown had made a similar statement at
San Francisco.
Captain Brown is well known at Liverpool, & can be referred to, & will probably be there when their
Lordships receive this Letter ⎯
10 ⎯ There is a general complaint that no Title deeds are granted,
that the price of Land, & the condition of bringing out Labourers,
render the
formation of a Colony hopeless, & that it is vain to struggle against the monopoly of the
Hudsons Bay Company.
11. ⎯ If a further immigration is
carried on, under the present
agreement, I would earnestly recommend the
Hudsons Bay Company to send a larger proportion of married men ⎯ of the labourers who arrived in the
Tory" 75 in number, only 9 brought their wives ⎯ the single men
scattered amongst an Indian population will cause results not necessary
to dilate on ⎯
12. That more extended protection is necessary against the possible hostility of the
Indians, the opinions of
Mr. Douglas, the
Rev R. Staines, & the Settlers at
Sooke manifest. On the eve of leaving
Govr Blanshard, when on board the
Portland related to me a conversation he had held with
Mr Douglas, ⎯ I induced the
Gov to request
Mr Douglas to repeat his fears in writing—the correspondence is enclosed, & if any error has
been committed on the appointment of
M Douglas as
as a local Magistrate, I must bear the onus of having requested it of
Gov Blanshard.
13. It is with some hesitation I add to my enclosures, the copy of
some observations, made by my Steward, who during our stay was in daily
communication with the people at
Victoria ⎯ I cannot conscientiously withhold it, in justice to the community of HM subjects,
who appear to
require that their position shd be ameliorated ⎯
15. I much regret that the State
of the Provisions of the
Portland," & the urgent necessity for my return to
Valparaiso, has prevented me from going to the Northern Settlements