Victoria merchants it appears hope that the Morrill
tariff (if it can be maintained) will enable them to establish
Victoria as a Species of Emporium (in the nature of a bonded
warehouse) for the East Coast of America. But for this it is
necessary that they should be in regular communication with the rest
of the world
w was not the case at the date of this memorial—&
once the Governor had
rec no letters by post from Europe between
8 of March and the
20 of May. The overland mail it appears was
delayed by the hostility of the Indians, & the letters viâ
Panama by order as I understand of the U.S. Postmaster were not
received on board the American Steamers running from
Panama to
This state of things, as I understand is terminated by the temporary
contract with an American steam vessel company
w is to last for 6
months from the
1 of March last under a subsidy of 5000£ per ann.
payable in equal proportions by
V.C.I. &
B. Columbia.
The memorialists want a British Comp to be set up with an Imperial
The memorial is forwarded by
M Laird and I presume can only

answered by reference to the C.O. letter to him of the
5 June 1862
sending the whole [Pk?] to T
for inf.
It seems to me I confess that the case is one which calls for no
Imperial assistance. We subsidize the Australian Steam Packets
(I presume) not from [love?] of Australia, but because the
w passes by those Steam Packets is correspondence in
w the British public is as much interested as the Australian
public. But these postal facilities are required not for a special
trade bet England &
M Jannians illustrations are not Manchurian cotton but China sugar,
French brandy, Tea, Coffee, Rice.
but to enable the
V.C. Islanders to
Establish themselves as a Pacific Emporium in preference to
Fransisco. [Thus it?] really seems to me an object—highly desirable
no doubt—but
w ought to be effected at the Colony's expense—and
w if necessary will be so effected [if we can?] make it
unequivocally clear that they must do it for themselves &
will not lose time by delaying it in hopes of help from us.