M Elliot
1. The
Duke of Newcastle, and
Lord Clarendon will probably determine
whether the present be an opportune moment for inviting the American
Gov to join in the settlement of a fresh Boundary question. But
down to this time no disputes or misunderstandings have arisen between
the two Countries on the subject of the Sovereignty of the
Islands in
the "Canal de Arro." The Governor however states (3851) that he has
asserted the British ownership. The Queen's Advocate is of opinion that
he has acted properly. It may therefore be sufficient to approve. But
some instruction is required.
2. Instruct the Governor on the fishing and trading questions
according to the report of the Queens Advocate.
3. As there is neither Legislative Council nor L. Assembly in
VanCouver's Island I imagine the Governor can only issue a Proclamation
or some Regulation, founded perhaps on the fishery regulations of B.N.
America, to prevent Foreigners fishing in improper places, and
trafficking with the Indians.
M Peel
The questions raised in this and the previous letter from the Foreign
Office of the
14 June appear to me of sufficient National importance to
deserve some care in the treatment. It may not be superfluous therefore
to present you with a short account of the former papers to which I have
looked back for the purpose.
Two questions you will observe are raised; 1 Should any
Communication be addressed to the American Government with a view to
settling the Boundary in the straits which separate
VanCouvers Island
from the Main-land? 2 What instructions should be given to the
Governor about American Citizens who fish within three miles of
VanCouvers Island?
Now I find that with respect to this Boundary, the whole of the
existing correspondence commences with a letter from the
Foreign Office
dated the 11
June 1847 which enclosed a Memo from
Colonel Escourt
upon the several Modes which might be adopted for defining the yet
unsurveyed portions of the Boundary Line between the possessions of
Great Britain in N. America and the United States. By this Memo it
appeared that from the Atlantic to the Head of
Cape Huron the frontier
was determined by the labours of
Colonel Escourt and his colleague; and
from the head of
Lake Huron to the Head of
Lake Superior, and from
thence again to the
Lake of the Woods, the frontier might for the
present be considered to be quite sufficiently ascertained by the verbal
description agreed on in
Lord Ashburton's treaty of Washington; that
from thence to the Pacific the Boundary consists of the 49 parallel
of Latitude which can be ascertained astronomically whenever wanted, but
which cannot at present
require to be defined across that vast breadth
of desert country. From the Atlantic therefore to the Pacific the
Frontier might for the present be deemed to be sufficiently settled.
But the case was very different when once the line struck the shores of
the Pacific, for there it entered into the immediate vicinity of
American Settlers on the one hand and of British Settlers on
Island on the other, and not being very well defined an early settlement
of the question was desirable in order to obviate disputes.
Accordingly on the
10 of February 1848 the
Foreign Office
enclosed a Despatch (of much ability it appears to me) in which the
British Minister at Washington proposed a joint commission of survey to
the American Government. After a considerable
delay they agreed in 1849
to lay the Papers before Congress; but nothing more has ever been heard
from them on the subject.
These are the circumstances under which
Lord Clarendon asks in the
present letter of the
14 of June whether it is necessary to add
this to the numerous other questions now pending with the same
Government, and not likely soon to be arranged.
Now I must observe that the subject at the present time has been
moved exclusively by a brief Despatch from the Governor (3851 annexed)
in which he—in very short and general terms; says that a question had
arisen about the sovereignty of the
Islands in the Canal de Arro to
which some American Citizens laid claim as belonging to the United
States. He promises another Despatch but none has come.
The same reasons which

were adduced in 1847 and 1848 for wishing to
define this Boundary remain now of equal or even greater force, and if I
were asked which party is most likely to lose by delay I should say that
it was Great Britain, because American Citizens being in greater numbers
than British Subjects in those parts may be expected more rapidly to
overrun any doubtful territory, and thereby to render it more
practically difficult hereafter to establish a British Claim.
But these are considerations of general policy which were just as
good last year as this. If then we are only now to consider the
narrower question whether any thing fresh has occurred to lead us to
urge the movement of a question which the Foreign Minister evidently
considers inconvenient at this moment, I must say that I do not think
that the Casual statements in the Gov despatch of the
19 of
Dec are sufficient for the purpose. I should be inclined therefore
to answer the Foreign office
that whilst on general grounds it would be
very desirable that the Boundary Line between Great Britain and the
United State in the
Gulf of Georgia and
Fuca's Straits should be defined
as soon as practicable, in order to prevent Encroachments and obviate
further subjects of dispute, the
Duke of Newcastle does not consider
that there is anything in the recent Despatch from the
Gov of
Vancouvers Island which
w render it necessary to accelerate any
fresh proposals to the American
Gov on this subject if
Clarendon should not consider the present a favorable time for the
II. This is the answer which occurs to me on the question of
Boundary. As to instructions to be given for preventing encroachment by
fishing within 3 miles of
the Island, I confess myself rather at a loss
what to recommend. It seems to me that a Governor who
has no force
worth mentioning, either Civil or Military, at his disposal, can do
little more than occasionally protest against such fishing on the part
of Foreigners, and warn them that their title to it is not admitted, in
order to keep up the British right. But the Queen's Advocate goes
further, and suggests that some advantage might be derived from
supplying the Governor of
V.C. Island with the regulations on this
subject of some of the British N. American Colonies, a suggestion which
M Blackwood recommends to adoption. If
M Blackwood knows any
such regulations which would be suited to the circumstances of
Vancouvers Island, he will be able to supply you with them. I admit
that I can hardly suppose, myself, that the regulations made by the
Governors of populous and wealthy Provinces with a due array of public
Functionaries, will be found very
applicable to the circumstances of an
Island chiefly tenanted by Red Indians and wild animals.
It appears from 10199/52 that the
Islands forming the Arro
Archipelago are very numerous, many of them being laid down on
Arrowsmith's Map as an integral portion of
VanCouver's Island. The
Gov should in my opinion be called upon to explain the steps taken
by the Americans to set up their claim to these Islands, and the Manner
in which they had received his assertion of the sovereignty of this
country over all the Islands East of the usual Ship Channel into the
Gulf of Georgia and I should not write to the
F.O. on this point till
the Gov reply was received.

As regards the Encroachments of the
Americans in the way of fishing, they are clearly unlawful and if there
is no vessel of war to repel them, the
Gov must for the present
Content himself with protesting against them.
But there is a third point which
M Elliot has not noticed,
although it was Exclusively with a View to its elucidation that our
letter to the
F.O. of the
22 July was written. Have the Americans a
Right to trade with the Indians. The
Gov seemed to raise the
question as involving a Violation of British territor. 3851/53. The

Americans could not traffick without landing and without therefore
trespassing on British Territory. No notice of this objection of the
Gov has been taken, but the traffick is Declared to be illegal on
Another ground viz as at variance with the Monopoly of trade with
Indians in the hands of the C. And the Queen's Advocate states
(notwithstanding the Gov assertion that "the traffick was not
hurtful to any Existing British Interests" 3851/53) that no persons
whether British or foreign should trade with the Indians. I was under
the impression that the Colonists in
Vancouver's island were not
prevented from trading by the Co's Exclusive Rights, but if the opinion
of the Queen's Advocate is to prevail

there can be no trade upon the
Island, Except such as is Sanctioned by the Company.
Former experience of similar questions between the two Countries
would lead to a conclusion that the interests of posterity would be
prejudiced by leaving this dispute about boundary open. I do not
however think it is quite ripe for any renewed action on the part of the
F.O. The Governor has protested & promised further reports. I should
only inform him that till he had done the latter & told us the result of
the former no fresh negociations

could be opened.
Admiralty has lately sent two Vessels of War to the coasts of
Vancouver's Island. We do not yet know whether they may have been
called upon by the
Gov to stop the illegal fishery & if so whether
they have succeeded. Upon this point also I should call for
As regards the traffick with the Indians—I am almost certain that
in the discussions in 1848-9 about the Colonization of
V.I. it was
stated by
M Hawes that no monopoly of trade would be given to the
H.B.C. & I suspect that if the amended Charter of 1849 is examined it
will be found to be at variance with the Queen's Advocate's opinion.
M Peel
I annex the enclosed "extracts" with reference to the last part of the
D. of Newcastle's minute. There is I believe no doubt of the legal
monopoly of the
HBC remaining in force in
Vanc. I as no steps were
taken to put an end to it when
the Island was granted. Legally, the
Crown can revoke the exclusive license as regards
VanCouvers' Island if
it pleases, see the clause

at the end of that license, p. 11 of printed
papers of
1842 annexed. And the quinquennial visitation to which
Vanc. I. is subject may afford an opportunity. The Company at the same time
always assert, as the extracts will shew, that trade in
V.I. is
absolutely free, with the exception of the fur trade only.
The Clause
M Merivale refers to was in my recollection when I
made my remarks on 8610. It is clear that if the whole of
Island is comprised within the Colony, the Crown has the power at any
time to revoke the Co's licence for Exclusive trading with the Indians
in so far as it affects that Island.
I had supposed that such revocation had taken place simultaneously
with the Creation of the Colony. but it appears from the preceding
minute that this was not the case.
I am not prepared to say that it
w be prudent to revoke the
licence over the whole Island

but I would propose that freedom of trade
with the Indians be Authorized
within the Settled parts of the
Colony, so that any colonist or visitor have full liberty to barter with
the Indians, resorting to those parts, for furs or anything else,
subject to certain

restrictions as to sale of spirituous liquors &c.
The Co. might be informed that this would be done at the expiration
of the five years from the date of the Grant of Jan 1849, i.e. in January
The Co have certainly used ambiguous &

Misleading language in their
communications to this office, judging from the specimens in the
extracts which are Annexed.
The other directions in 8610 may be attended to at once.
I may however observe that there is a market price there
Vancouver's Island) as every where else, and that
Admiral Moresby's
remark "that the interest of a Company with exclusive right of Trade is
incompatible with the free and liberal reception of an emigrant
community" is not applicable to the
Hudson's Bay Company, inasmuch as
that Company neither possesses,

nor exercises any exclusive right of
trade in
Vancouvers Island."
"Extracts of a letter from the Hudson's Bay Compy to
Grey dated
14 Jan 1852."
I have already stated to your Lordship that the Hudson's Bay
Company neither claim nor exercise any monopoly whatever in
Island. But it appears to have been represented to your Lordship that
the Company exercise a virtual monopoly with respect to Settlers and
. . . *

Whether the opinion stated by the Admiral in a former Despatch and
here repeated "that the attempt to Colonize
Vancouver's Island by a
Company with exclusive rights of trade is incompatible with the free and
liberal reception of an emigrant Community," be correct or not I will
not take upon me to say. I can only repeat that it is not applicable to
the case of
Vancouver's Island, inasmuch as the
Hudson's Bay Company
neither claim nor exercise such right in
that Island.
"Extract of a letter from the
Hudson's Bay Company to
Earl Grey
27 January 1852."
There is no restriction whatever either on the importation or Sale of
British goods.
The Trade in furs, secured by Charter [marginal note. by
Licence] is the only exclusive trade carried on by the Company and it is
one of the conditions under which land has been granted to Settlers that
they shall not interfere in the Fur Trade with Indians.