I duly received Your Grace's Despatch N 66 of the
15 August last, acquainting me that the
Lords Commissoners of the Treasury had
directed the acceptance and payment of the Bill for £430, which I
drawn to effect the final settlement on account of the cost of
Building the Light Houses in
Fuca's Straits.
2. I feel very grateful to Her Majesty's Government for the
essential aid afforded by the advance of the funds required for the
erection of these Lighthouses; for otherwise the work could not have
been undertaken and successfully carried through. I will take the
earliest fitting opportunity of bringing to the
notice of the local
Legislature the necessity of providing for the repayment of the
proportion of that advance due from the Colony, but Your Grace is
aware our Revenue is very scanty, and our wants numerous and urgent,
and I doubt not Her Majesty's Government will afford us reasonable
time to meet our obligations.