July 6, 1852
My Dear Uncle
I hope you will be ready to
forgive me for my
remissness in never having had the grace to send you even the shadow of
an epistle from this chaplaincy which, I may say, you were principally
instrumental in originating. You would not be much surpised at my
disinclination for enjoying in correspondence, if you could be present
in my house for one month, or even one week, be a witness of the various
kinds of occupation that I have within such a period to undertake.
There is the school, the ministry, the Colony, my neighbours, strangers,
English & American, the natives, helping
Emma to make the bed, sending
one of my pupils with an Indian servant to
try to get meat for
the day, trading venision, partridges, salmon, mats, baskets, berries
&c., &c., &c., with Indians, cutting up a deer, a quarter of beef, or a
sheep, teaching the Indians how to cook it, occasionally going into the
kitchen to see that all is going on right, preparing & mixing
ingredients for soup, gardening, including fensing, breaking up the
ground, procuring from all quarters of the globe, or saving seeds,
going to gather peas, cut cabbages, attending to their being properly
boiled, for
Emma cannot eat meat well without vegetables, & cannot eat
them unless nicely cooked, making sauce if we have time a[nd] materials;
considering, when a vessel is going

to the
Sandwich Islands, what
articles of use in the Domestic economy, it may be proper to try to
procure these, or at other times how to invent substitutes for them,
attending to the poultry, gathering the eggs, setting the hens,
registering the time of incubation of each, feeding the chickens, also
the dogs; this brings me perhaps to dinner time. then you have
doubtless heard that I have lately become a Bonâ fide
Colonist having taken a claim of about 400 acres within 1 mile & 3
furlongs of the fort. This takes up some more of my time at present,
but I intend it to abridge my labours by-and-bye. For some months we
have supplied ourselves with milk & butter, & very soon we shall have
our own meat altogether, pork beef & mutton; also our own potatoes, so
that instead of buying 200 bushels every season of Indians, in lots from
2 or 3 to 10 or 12 bushels at a time, from
Oct. to
Feb.y, all of which I
have to stand by to see weighted myself,—we shall have from the farm
all we want & some hundreds or thousands of bushels to sell.
Perhaps you would like to have some idea of the stock on the land.
Well then there are 10 cows with their calves, 3 yearlings of oxen, 31
head in all, 3 mares 1 horse and 2 other horses bought for me at
Nisqually, but not yet arrived, about 20 pigs, including 11 or 12 sows,
all the produce of 1 sow which I bought in
1850, & which is the finest
Vancouver's Island. These 20 pigs
w average now from 150 to 200
lbs. each. In about 6 weeks or 2 months we expect the stock will
increase to about 80 or 90.
There is a dairy built,

a store-house, a
fowl-house, a piggery, an enclosure for driving in the cattle, 2
dwelling houses, each with 2 windows & a chimney, but with only one
room. These will hereafter have the windows abstracted & be turned
into cattle-sheds. They are all build of wood. There is wood already
squared for building a good dwelling house, but this I do not intend to
erect this year. There is a portion of land of about 25 acres nearly
enclosed with a strong fence, about 9 acres of which are ploughed & sown
with wheat, oats, barley, pease, potates & turnips, though from the
fence not being conpleted in time this will nearly be all destroyed by
the irruptions of cattle. However there will be at least all this under
crop next hear, if we live & prosper. I think you would be much
interested in coming & giving a peep at us.
I really should seriously be delighted if you would come & settle
here with us. There certainly is a feild for another clergyman; there
is even an absolute & an urgent necessity for 4 or 5 more upon the
Island. But there is no support for one at present. There is a
Clergy-reserve, but without some capital to improve it & some interested
persons to manage it & look aout after it, it is useless.
My reason for taking so much load & setting to work at once upon it
upon so great a scale, is very much

owing to my anxious desire to
promote the specitual welfare of
the Island, for in about 3 years, this
land will produce a revenue of from £500 to £70. per annum clear, if
the Island has the slightest chance given to it by the Colonial
Authorities, I mean those in England. At present it is true its chances
are very small.
The following table will serve to give you some idea of the
increase of stock in 3 or 4 years. I must premise that the climate &
soil are excellent & casualties with the calves are unknown. I have at
present as follows. (Of the calves I am not aware at present what are
male what female. I shall suppose them =.)
1852. 10 Cow. 2 yearling heifer. 10 calves havin. 5 ox-calves & 1 besides
1853 may be expected
10 cow. 2 heifer. 5 yearling d. 10 calve. 5
1854 12 cow. 5 heifer. 5 yearling d. 12 calve. 6
1855 17 cow. 5 heifer. 6 yearling d. 17 calve. 9
1856 22 cow. 6 heifer. 8 yearling d. 22 calve. 11
To people in England, who, having high rents to pay for their land,
and oblige[d] to part with their stock as it increases year by year, I
believe this rapid multiplication after a few years seldom occurs. The
same rule applies to horses. Pigs increase with far greater rapidity.
[Marginal note: For Hudson's Bay Co.] The great difficulty here
is to procure labour at a moderate price; and this difficulty can never
end until the price of land on
Vancouver's Island is reduced so as to
bring it nearer to an equality with that in
Oregon. At present if I
chose to cross to the other side of the straits, I could have 320 acres
nothing but residence, choosing where I liked in
unappropriated land; and previously to
Dec. 1850 or
1851, I might have
had 640. This

will last 3 or 4 years longer; and even then the land
will be purchasable for $1.25 or 5/- an acre.
These circumstances thus operate upon the Colony of
Vancouver's Island, which is distant from the Coast of
Oregon only from 8 or 10 to
15 or 20 miles, a distance which people are continually traversing
summer & winter in canoes; (I have done it myself, and am intending to
do it again next week. When labourers are brought to
the Island, which
can only be effected at great expense—an expense which no man of sane
mind knowing the circumstances' of the Colony, at present would risk.
They soon learn that, by just crossing the straits & stating before a
magistrate their intention to become Citizens of the U.S., they will
become entitled to 160 acres of land gratis & if they marry, to 320, any
time they choose to settle until
1. Dec. 1855. Consequently finding
their chance of ever becoming proprietors here, with land at £1 an acre,
tied down as it is by conditions, which do not allow a man more than 20
acres except he import English labourers at the rate of 1 man for every
20 acres (this condition the Company are wisely blinking at [at]
present, otherwise they would not have one private proprieter of more
than 20 acres on
the Island at this moment, which they are aware of no
doubt,) which to a labouring man is of course impossible; finding

I say
that the chance of their ever becoming independent is very minute & so
remote as to vanish into nothing, they naturally become dissatisfied.
As long as they remain they work, if at all, disaffectedly, with murmurs
& grumblings, & at last they apply downright for their discharge. If
this is refused they take the first opportunity, & cross over to the
other side, where their accession is hailed with joy & triumph, & they
feel themselves what they call
free, i.e. free from the H.B.
Co, for they never feel themselves otherwise than free as
Englishmen; but this term
free is applied amongst the Company's
servants to those whose time of service is expired, or whose engagment
is terminated. Moreover proprietors of land in
Oregon not having to pay
anything for it, are able to spend more money in improving it, &
consequently to give higher wages for labour. This is an additional
source of dissatisfaction amonst the men here, & another incitement to
The beneficial consequences of all these advantages to
soon reacting, contribute to operate as a new cause of prosperity, for
the population increasing, & merchants & mechanics & artisans of all
descriptions being attracted amongst them, the agriculturists have a
more extensive & immediate & a surer market

for their produce, besides
the many incidental advantages resulting in a new country from a rapidly
increasing population, & a rapidly extending spirit of enterprise. In
any part of
Vancouver's Island at the present moment, I do not believe
that any general shop-keeper could
live. There are 2 blacksmiths
& 1 carpenter, & 2 ship-carpenters. I know of no more mechanics of any
There is little or no inducement at present for any one to come to
settle. The
vis inertice acts with its own peculiar force here as
elsewhere. Some of those persons, without any enterprise, who have been
brought here by other circumstances, settle here, because they have
already some connection with the place. They speculate to the extent of
£10 in buying a town-lot 120 feet by 60, & put up some kind of a
habitation, hoping some day, if the Colony turns out well (as they say)
to sell it at a profit. Other persons settle from an entirely opposite
motive. They settle, from a direct and powerful principle of
enterprise. They can & do appreciate the natural advantages of the
Island; its fine climate, soil, timber & fish, its fine harbours, & its
favorable geographical position. There is no harbour North of
Francisco until you arrive at
Esquimalt which is 4 miles from this
harbour. They are not ignorant

of the obstacles thrown in the way of
the Colony, particularly by its being given over bound hand & foot to
Hudson's Bay Company. They see all the disadvantages under which it
labours, & they must for some time labour with it, but they face them, &
trusting that our
Gov only needs to be informed of its circumstances
in order to give them relief, they hope to overcome them.
All persons between these two extremes, & all not actuated by this
high spirit of patriotism & enterprise in the other, that is to say, the
vast majority desert us for
Oregon, or California. Up to the present
moment a large amount of English money has been spent in bringing out
British subjects to colonise
Oregon for the U.S.; whereas Many
Englishmen who were attracted to California by the gold, would have
preferred to settle here, if it had been possible for them to do so.
But I may say they have been driven off
the Island by the illiberal
policy of the
Gov, and literally in one instance which I am well
acquainted with by the jealousy of the Company's agents here, who are
afraid of the two great increase of independent Colonists, for this
would in

terfere with their present political supremacy. But I must say,
because it is an important truth, that as long as this supremacy lasts,
the Colony never can progress and prosper, notwithstanding all its
natural advantages.
[Marginal note. Send to Adm.] Its timber, of which I have
already spoken, is fine & admirable, I am told on good authority, for
shipping purposes, i.e. for masts &c., beyond parallel. A
M Webster
who lived in N. Zealand, 9 years during wh. time he had a contract to
supply the British
Gov with spars, has come up here lately. He says
that the timber here is far superior to that of N. Zealand. The reason
why he left the latter place was that his establishment at the Bay of
Islands, was broken up & all his property destroyed, including his
timber—& whaling station, by the war with the natives, after our
Gov took possession. He lost several thousands of pounds & then
went to California.
M Broachie [Brotchie] has been cutting spars up at
Fort Rupert, and this
M Webster & some others are intending to buy them &
send them to England. They are expecting to arrive at
London in about
Feb. 1853; they design remaining there about 6 weeks, & then returning
with a cargo & passengers to this place. The passengers will go where
they like. They can either settle here or on the other side; but unless
some change is made in the administration of the Colony by our
in the meantime, they are sure

to go to
Oregon. These spars have been
seen by the Officers of H.M.S.
Thetis, which has just been up at
Fort Rupert. They have told me that they are most extraordinary. One was
described to me, as being about 150 feet in length, free from knots,
without a single branch for 130 feet, 6 feet in diameter unsquared, &
perfectly straight. They saw one squared 110 ft. in length, squared, 38
in. in diam. at butt, 28 inches at the top. They say they average
nearly 100 ft. in length & from 32 to 36 inches in diam. sq. They
say they are "unparalleled and unequalled". [Marginal note indicates
extract to
Admiralty ends but that to
HBC continues.]
I have given you a pretty extended description of the Colony & the
circumstances of Colonists at present, without entering into
statistical details. Perhaps an addition in this respect would make it
more perfect. There are from 5000 to 6000 acres of land sold to about
from 30 to 40 proprietors exclusive of the Company. Of this, upwards of
4000 acres lie in the district just round
Victoria, which for some time
was reserved for the Fur-trade, i.e. for the
Hudson's Bay Company, &
of which they refused to sell any until very lately, and another portion
lies within the Puget Sound Association's reserve round
Harbour. These reserves were excessively pernicious to the Colony.
They comprised the districts most eligible for first settlers & amounted
to about 30 square miles together. The extent to which they obstructed
the sale & settlement of land is proved from the fact that, whereas
before these reserves were offered for sale, purchasers came forward at
once, myself among the number.
Blackwood has crossed out the following paragraph.]
I had applied nearly 2 years before for a piece of land in the
neighbourhood of
the Fort, in the presence of our late
Gov M
Blanshard &
Capt. Johnson H.M.S.
Driver, & was refused in their presence
M Douglas, the land agent. He told me deridingly, when I pointed
out how injurious this was, that I might have 100,000 acres at
Mitchowsan or elsewhere "by paying for it & complying with the
conditions. As land at
Mitchowsan, which is

about 8 miles distant
(accross the bay) by water, & 15 miles by land, would have been
perfectly useless to me I declined, I
could not become a
proprieter and a Colonist until the Fur-trade reserve was thrown open,
when I obtained a claim within 1 1/2 miles of my residence. I have
already without paying for the land invested about £400 upon it in
stock, implements, buildings, labour &c, indeed nearly £500, although I
only took the claim in
Nov 1851, & did not commence operations until
the end of Dec. I state this to show my willingness to become a
bonâ fida Colonist, & to give an idea of the manner in which the
advancement of the Colony has been retarded by the selfish & bad policy
of the Company. For my case is only one of many. "Ex uno disce omnes."
I may also say to those who are wise enough & willing to learn, "Ex pede
The leaving the conditions in obeyance has also contributed
considerably to the formation of a settlement, for compliance with them
as I have stated above is absolutely impossible. But their very
existence is wrong, except they be universally suspended. In truth I
should rather say they are only partially in obeyance, for the land
agent has it in his power to enforce them, & being
Gov as well, &
Chief Factor of the Company, he may use them as means of persecution or
of indulging private resentment, or throwing difficulties into the way
of persons competing, or likely to compete with the Company or interfere
with their trade. The general feeling of all persons independent of the
Company here, & of many who are in their service is in ac

cordance with
the representation I have made, as our late
Gov M Blanshard, I
am sure, well knows, (& to him I would appeal for proof,) & a
w find, if he were to come & make investigation on the
Adm Moresby also, I believe, must be well acquainted with the
correctness & justice of my statement.
I could say a good deal more upon the subject if I had time, but
unfortunately my time is so taken up with other matters, that it is not
in my power to put on record all I know about the Colony, its condition,
prospects & proceedings.
I hope the present Government will evince a greater interest in
this Island, than has been manifested hitherto. I believe they can
scarcely be aware of its importance & of its natural capabilities. If
we had but a
Gov independent of the Company, and a regular & due
administration of justice, which, I may say, is unknown at present, now
that the Reserve is, even though but partially, thrown open, & the
impracticalbe & crushing conditions left neglected,
the Island could
make a rapid advance in prosperity, that is provided also the price of
the land were reduced. This is necessary to complete its chances of
sucess as a Colony; though even without this, if we had

but an
Gov, connected directly with the Colonial authorities
in England, a great improvement would be made. [Next sentence
underlined by
Blackwood]. As it is the people in general would be glad
the Island should be annexed to the U.S. Here is a Colony
professedly independent, with its Governor a Chief Factor of the H.B.C.,
2 members of the Council out of 3 Chief Traders, & the remaining one a
ship-master often absent. Even he was appointed by the former
M Blanshard. Had not he appointed him, the three, which number is
necessaary to form a quorum, would doubtlelssly have been all members of
the Company's trade, sharing in its profits, their income depending on
the amount of the Annual divident. The
Gov is at this moment away
in the Company's fur-trade at
Fort Langley, whither he has gone as Chief
Factor, to meet what they call the
brigade, that is, the party
bringing the annual collection of furs from the interior, the country
New Caledonia, lying N. of
Oregon & W. of the
Rocky Mountains.
[Marginal note. If the writer is as respectable a man as his
profession, and his Letter
w lead one to suppose he was he would
make a good addition to the Council.
One of the fundamental articles of the Charter granting the
constitution of
the Island, is, that its ports & harbours shall be free
to the inhabitants & to all nations either trading or seeking shelter
therein. [Remainder of paragraph struck out by
Blackwood]. A few weeks
ago, the
Gov M Douglas, stated to
M Tod, the Sen Member
of Council, that he was going to bring forward a measure in council,
proposing to establish a duty

of 5 per cent. on imports. He expressed
his dissent.
M Douglas argued and persuaded, but
Tod was
invincible. At length
Mr Douglas stated, as if this, he thought,
would settle the matter, "but
The Company wish it,
The Company wish it." This is the free & independent Colony that is
to govern & tax itself. This
Tod told his fellow Member of Council
Cooper, &
Cooper told me. I believe it to be perfectly true. The
measure was brought forward, &
M Douglas stated that the Compnay
offered it to the Colony as a boon, for, that as they were & must be for
some time the principal importers, they would be gratuitously conferring
upon the exchequer of the Colony about £1500 per annum, the amount they
would have to pay. What ignorance of one of the first & most obvious
principles of political economy, is displayed by one party, or supposed
to belong to the other.
[Marginal note. If the preceding passage were sent to the H.B.C. it
w lead to the discovery of the writer.
However I must now turn to another subject. You are of course
aware of the great state of excitement & ajitation existing in this part
of the world. These discoveries of gold all round the Pacific have as
it were completely intoxicated almost the entire community, so that it
is very difficult to make a serious & calm estimate of the condition of
the countries round about us, or of the people inhabiting them. During
this year we have heard of the immense discoveries in Western Australia,
which have attracted thither many who were formerly wanderers in
But all this was not it seems enough. It is now ascertained that
Queen Charlotte's Island, the large Island just North

West of us, also
abounds in the precious metal, as well as in other valuable menerals,
copper & antimony, &, I am told, lead & silver. Of the gold, copper &
antimony I have several specimens. Of the former, that is, of gold, I
have already sent [
Blackwood underlines to end of
Miller] on two
occasions some which have been forwarded to the
Gov They both went
Gen Miller. [Not received at C.O.
It was this that brought the
Thetis up here. I saw some specimens
of the gold as far back as
March or
April 1851, & in
August or
I forwarded two to
Gen Miller, H.B.M. Consul
Gen of the Pacific,
at the
Sandwich Islands. He informed [me] in
October that he had
forwarded one of them together with an extra 1 from my letter to the
Foreign Office.
Gen Miller had previously requested me to give him
all the information I could, concerning this part of the Coast, &
Island particularly.
The Coy's agents here had been active in getting all the gold they
could by trading it with the natives & visiting the spot where it had
been discovered; or perhaps, I
sh rather say,
one of the
spots; for it is my belief that the Natives have discovered it elsewhere
besides. I believe some of this gold was sent from here to England,
consigned to the
H.B. Company by their agents here, in the
Norman Morison, in
Sept. 1850. I am under this impression and I am pretty sure
I am correct in saying so.
July, 1851 they sent the
Una, under the command of
Mitchell, to the spot. One Englishman, who had been in California,
W'm Rowland, & who had become owner of a little sloop of 40 tons,
Georgiana of Sydney, went in the
Una as a Volunteer, but really to
get accurate information. He returned in the vessel in
Sept or
Oct with several specimens, of which I procured some. The
information brought was of such a nature that the
Una was immediately
fitted out again & despatched for the purpose of obtaining all they
Rowland now separated from the
Una, & by going to
Olympia, which
is at the S. extremity of
Puget Sound, & exhibiting his specimens, &
relating the results of his experience, he gained a party of some 25 men
to go with him, which they did about the end of
Oct or

beginning of
Nov, after the
Dec another vessel the
belonging to two persons, named
Palmer &
Balch, trading between
Sound &
San Francisco, was despatched from the latter place to
Sound; but the owners having been informed by friends in
Oregon of the
discovery of gold on
Q.C. Island, they thought they might as well just
the straits of Juan de Fuca, & for the sake of a few days' farther
passage, have the advantage of ocular evidence. There being only 7
persons in all on board, & the Natives reputed to be savage & Fierce,
they did not intend to attempt to do more than obtain reliable
On arriving at this spot, they found the
Una had left, & they were
warned by a paper with the signature of
Capt. Mitchell, which was
brought on board by the Indians, & was supposed
by them to be a
letter of recommendation, by no means to trust them. Fortunately
they attended to the warning in good time, for in the morning when they
were sailing away, they saw canoes pulling towards them containing about
200 men.
Just before they left, they received from some Indians, a scrap of
paper from
Rowland, written on with a pencil, which informed them that
Georgiana had been wrecked on the other, i.e. the East side of
Island, & that all the party were captives in the hands of the Indians,
who had stripped them of everything. The
Damariscove sailed for
Puget Sound, immed & gave information of the wreck, &c.
The U.S. Collector of customs,
M Moses, at once chartered the
Damariscove as a Revenue Vessel, & fitted her out under the U.S. flag,
sending a small party of Military,
Lieut. Dement & 4 or 5 privates, with
10 volunteers, to undertake the redemption, or rescue, (though the
latter in a hostile manner was not to be thought of, as it was rather
dangerous than otherwise) of the

captives. They put in here on their
way to purchase blanckets &c., wherewith to buy the men from the Indians.
M Moses sent
here to buy the necessary blankets, because
Q Charlotte's Island being British Territory, they did not wish to
have any cause of complaint arise from the British Authorities, through
their introducing
American goods; and they were the more careful
in using this precaution, because they themselves had been extremely
particular in enforcing their own Customs's laws, and by most strictly
following out the letter of them, had seized & Condemned two or three
British vessels just before, the Company's among the number.
Another Amer vessel, the
Exact, had set off for
Ch. Island during the interval in
Nov containing English &
Americans, & amongst others, a man named
Jeal, who was in my service
at the time. When the
Damariscove returned this vessel had not been
heard of, & was supposed, through some peices of plank & other remains
of a vessel being picked up on the S.W. side of this Island, to have
suffered ship-wreck. I was informed

M Palmer was here without
any place of shelter, there being no houses of public entertainment here
at that time, & therefore I invited him to remain at my house the few
days he intended to stay. He had come so far in the ship because the
health of
Capt. Balch, his partner, was in a precarious state when they
Olympia, & he thought it advisable to accompany him. however
before the vessel left here, he had so far recovered as to be able to
venture to proceed alone.
M Palmer therefore stayed until he had an
opportunity of finding some conveyance for crossing the straits &
returning to his home,
Port Steilacoom,
Puget Sound.
I derived a great deal of information from him whilst he was here.
Amongst other things he infomed me that he had heard on very good
authority in
San Francisco that the H.B.Co. had been or were applying to the British
Gov, for a cession of
Q Ch. Island, without saying why they wanted it, & of course without informing them of the discovery
of gold upon it. From my own experience knowing this to be highly
probable I judged it proper to take means of giving our
Gov intelligence, as soon as I had

good ground to go on. This was soon
afforded me.
A day or two before Christmas day
Mr. Kennedy, Chief Trader H.B.C.,
who had left
Fort Simpson to come & settle here, arrived here, having
left the
Una, in which he had come down (after leaving the
Gold harbour,
she visited
F Simpson) at
Cape Flattery, & came on from thence in a
Canoe. In about 10 days, another vessel came in, named the
Susan Sturges, under American colours. When we saw this new vessel enter the
harbour we thought it was either another adventurer on her way to
after gold, or the
Exact returned. It had been blowing very heavy gales
during the week, which accounted for the
Una's not arriving, as we
supposed she would not leave
Neah Bay (you will require a good map or
chart for this letter), which is close to
Cape Flattery, in such
weather. Judge of our regret & grief when we heard that the
Una had
been wrecked & poor
Mitchell had nearly lost his life among the Indians on shore at
Neah Bay.
The ship was anchored in the bay, and was safe
for some time, but after

the gale had been blowing a long time very
violently from one quarter, during which time the vessel was in a safe
position, lying to leeward of a protecting point, the wind suddenly
shifted to another quarter, from which the vessel had no protection &
blew if possible with increased violence.
Damariscove, on her way here to
Q.C. Island, & the
Susan Sturges, on her way from
San Francisco to
Olympia, were fortunately in
the bay at the same time. They had got in before the weather became so
very bad & so were able to take up good positions. The
Una had no
choice. She could not reach the place where they were anchored. She
was finally driven ashore almost out of the water. The Indians, who
were infuriated & beyond the control of their chiefs (or one chief
called Cape Flattery Jack, possibly the others Cleessit, or Classet, was
as bad as they) plundered the ship & the people who went ashore, stabbed
the Indian Woman, the mother of
M Kennedy's children, who had been
left on board, & finally set the ship on fire. When the
Susan Sturges
sailed away for this place with the
Una's people on board, the
Una was
in flames.
Mitchell never got over it. They saved some of the stores &
the gold belonging to the Company. Had not those other two vessels been
there, the whole of them would have been probably massacred. Some of
the men lost their all. One man, a native of
Cephalonia, named
Gabriellet, lost 300$ which he had saved from his wages. Others lost
their money, their clothes, & all the gold they had privately collected.
One man, named
John Crittle, had his jacket cut thro' the breast with a
knife, in an attempt to stab him. They were taken off by the boats of
the other vessels. I received several specimens from different
individuals & some valuable ones I bought, one for £5, one for £4 &
another for £1; and some others worth more than £1 were given to me.
I now received exact information from the eye-witnesses about
Island. The
Una had taken up one miner, named
John MGregor, who
had come out to work the coal, in company with the
Muirs; they made 4
blasts; the last time the blast produced I have been assured £230 worth
of gold. But the Indians contested the possession of the gold with the
Una's people. They scrambled, struggled & fought for it.
was going

to pick up one valuable peice, when it was seized by an
Indian; he ran after him & tried to get it away. They surrounded him,
threw him down, held him down by his hair, brandished their long knives
over him, &
w have cut off his head, but that the wives of some of
their chiefs were on board the ship, which was close alongside, so close
that some of the frayments of rock & gold, as it showered into the sea,
fell upon her deck. One of the chiefs proposed to
MGregor that
after a blast was made, they should divide the proceeds, & avowed his
great liberality in allowing to
MGregor for the larger share; for
that he
w only take the yellow metal, while
MGregor sh have all the bulk of the rock.
It was so evidently impossible to succeed without bloodshed that
the Coy's agent, in charge of the exped (for
Mitchell merely
navigated the vessel) thought it proper to desist. So they left the
place although
M Douglas, now the
Gov of
Vancouver's Island had
ordered them to remain 6 months & had had the vessel fitted out &
provisioned for that time. No doubt
M MNeill, who was in
charge, did well not to proceed to bloodshed, as it would have become a
very grave matter in that case; for certainly
the Island belonging not
to the Company but to the Crown, the gold most certainly

is not their
property; and they would have been placed in a very serious posture, if
they had murdered the natives to possess themselves of gold which
belonged not to them but to the Crown.
Although the
Una was lost
M Douglas did not intend to give up
the gold. About that time, the end of
Dec, an American vessel the
Orbit, put in her, in her way from
Olympia to
Honolulu. In the
same gale which ruined the
Una, she was blown ashore, lost her rudder &
was otherwise damaged.
M Douglas bought her & proceded to fit her
out, under the name of the
Recovery, for
Q Charlotte's
Island, wither she has accordingly proceeded under the command of
Being aware of this intention, and also of the fact of several
other vessels fitting out for the same place both in
Oregon &
San Francisco, English as well as American, I thought it my duty to acquaint
the English
Gov with the circumstances, for although it was doubtless
the duty of
the Gov of
Vancouver's Island to do all he could to
protect the interests of the British Crown & Nation, & to give them full
information, I knew it was highly improbable he would do so, both from
my own knowledge of his personal character, & also of the in

which his private connexion with the
Hudson's Bay Company, and his
participation in their trade & profits, would exert over the
obligations of his public duty as
Gov. The positive information
too which I had
rec about the application of the
Co for
Island, seemed to me to confirm the necessity for some one to give
intelligence in the proper quarters. If
M Douglas gave information
as well, no harm
w be done, and if he did not, why then it was necessary some one else should.
I therefore wrote to the British Consul at
San Francisco,
suggesting to him the propriety of at once acquainting
Adm Moresby
with the matter; which he did, forwarding to him a copy of my letter.
Within a 1/4 hour after receiving it, which he did at
Calao, in
he ordered the
Thetis to come up immed. They arrived here
May on their way up, the
Captain (Kuper), having asked permission to put
in here, & try to get some charts or information about the precise
locality of the harbour, for no man-of-war had been there before.
They remained here until
7 June when they proceeded to the
gold harbour Mitchell's Harbour the inner portion of which they named
Thetis Cove; this branches off from the South side from a channel which
runs deeply, 6 or 7 miles into
Q Charlott's Island. This Channel,
Moore's Channel bends to the N.W. & returns to the sea forming an
island, which they named
Kuper Island. They saw one peice of gold
weighing 22 oz. The people had not been successful in finding it so as
to answer their expectations. There had been 7 or 8 vessels there, but
the most of them failing in finding the gold, had departed. The
Recovery was there, blasting & trading. They bought specimens for the
I sent some of my specimens to
Gen Miller by the
Mary Dare in
April. I advised

him to choose one piece for himself, to send the next
largest to our Gov & the next to
Adm Moresby, & to let the
Adm also have a sight of
his own piece. I have
rec from
him a long letter, acknowledging the receipt of my
valuable specimens" &c. He had forwarded the Adm, &
w forward the other to the
Gov by the first safe
opportunity. I suppose they
w receive the first, which was a small
inconsiderable peice, & only of worth
as a specimen, about
Jan or
Feb last.
I have written at great length a sketch of
the discovery of gold on Queen Charlotte's Island. I suppose it
will be the first authentic one that will reach England. You may make
what use of it you please. I thought it might not be unacceptable for
you to be made the depository of the intelligence. By-and-bye of course
there will be official reports; but except
Capt. Kuper had orders from
the Adm to make a report immed
directly to the
without waiting to meet
with him & send it
thro' him, you will
have it first, as I imagine this letter will be forwarded from
San Francisco.
You may observe some few corrections in figures & otherwise in the
course of the letter. It has been read by some of the officers of the
Thetis, & I found two or three

mistakes in the description of the gold
region in
Q.C. Island, and in the dimensions of the spars lying at
Fort Rupert, on this Island. I believe now that all I have said is correct, & may be relied on.
This letter is so long, it is impossible for me to copy it. If you
think it may afford any information of interest to her Majesty's
Gov, as it probably may, particularly with respect to
Charlotte's Island, I should suggest the propriety of your taking the
proper measures for laying it before them. The information which has
reached them at present, will have been thro' the Amiralty & the
Foreign Office; but it properly belongs to the Colonial department. I
directed the Greek seaman I have mentioned to lay his beautiful
specimens before Lord Palmerston for inspection. He went hence to
London in the
Norman Morison, which sailed from here,
21 Jan
Captain Kuper was present when a blast was made & obtained some
fine specimens for the Gov but of course they cannot reach them
You will now I am sure excuse my leaving off. We are pretty well.
I should be glad if some arrangement could be made to supply me
regularly with papers, as I only get a few news then by fits &
starts. I could easily remit the money for them, if I knew how much
w be necessary. I
sh like the Times, second hand & the
Illustrated London News. Many thanks for your very interesting, useful,
& I should say, decisive book "4 ward for the Church." The views
therein exprssed are my own. What are
Hobart Seymour's books. They
seem to be highly spoken of. Popery is going fowward here as elsewhere.
A Bishop of
Vancouver's Island has just arrived, & taken 300 acres of
land within about 4 or 5 miles of
the Fort. I am going to make an
application to the
Colonial Church & School Society for assistance with
respect to a school. I have secured 5 acres of land close to
the Fort,
which I have bought for £25, for the purpose.

Why do they not send us a Bishop of the Established Church. This is just what is wanted.
I am
very much opposed by the Company's Agents, who wish to administer every
department, but by the blessing of God, if I live, I shall succeed. I
know I am working in a good cause. They have built no church nor
chapel, nor a [Editorial note: transcription ends.]