Vancouver Island Public Offices 1846
Hudson's Bay Company1074 Sep. 7 Request to confirm possession of Fort Victoria. 1074 V465HB011301 Oct. 24 Clarification of request and power of the HBC to hold land . 1301 V465HB021666 Dec. 11 Providing more complete information about Oregon and the HBC's rights. 1666 V465HB03
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1847
1148 June 9 Fitzgerald, J.E., proposal to form a colony on VI. 1148 V476F01
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1847
Admiralty - Feb. 47 Reporting the discovery of coal on Vancouver Island. 
Hudson's Bay Company 93 Jan. 22 Opinion of law officers on power to hold land grants. 333 Mar. 5 Draft grant of territories north and west of Rupert's Land.  333 V475HB02
Foreign Office nomf Apr. 29 [Nothing noted on mf index] 
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1848
* July 10 Coulson, W., enclosing draft of contents of grant. 1111 May 30 Dundas, A., arguing the HBC should not be allowed to colonize VI. 1111 V486D011674 Aug. 25 Enderby, C., proposes to co-operate with the HBC and establish a whaling station on VI. 1674 V486E01 343 Feb. 14 Fitzgerald, J.E., proposes to form company to mine the coal on VI.  386 Feb. 21 -----, encloses prospectus of company to work the coal and colonize VI. 1108 June 2 -----, accuses the HBC of reneging on its promise to co-operate with him in exporting coal. 1108 V486F031141 June 6 -----,encloses letter testifying HBC should not be allowed to colonize VI. 1141 V486F041296 June 30 -----, urging the CO to enforce policies to insure the successfull colonization of VI. 1296 V486F05 797 Apr. 15 Freeland, A.B., wants CO support for scheme to colonize VI. 2091 Nov. 8 Grant, W.C., asks if the HBC is authorized to grant land on VI. 2091 V486G012155 Nov. 17 -----, expresses reservations about grant of VI to the HBC. 2155 V486G021645 Aug. 22 Martin, R.M., wishes to prepare report on the HBC and VI. 1645 V486M011723 Sep. 4 -----, requests access to CO documents. 1723 V486M021784 Sep. 14 -----, requests specific documents. 17842035 Oct. 26 -----, requests information about amendments to the charter of grant to the HBC. 2035 V486M042076 - - -----, asks if proposed charter amendments have been finalized. 2076 V486M05 595 Sep. 24 Ryan, E., returning grant and agreeing to amendments. 
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1848
Admiralty 259 Feb. 5 Reservation of coal mines for use of crown. 1809 Sep. 14 Martin requests access to documents. 1809 V485AD022001 Oct. 19 Despatch of steam vessel and ship of war for survey and examination of VI. 2001 V485AD03
Council (Privy Council)2349 Dec. 23 Report of committee on draft charter of grant. 2349 V485CO01
Foreign Office - Sep. 3 Forwarding report by Warre and Vavasour.  * Sep. 16 Reports on the boundary. 
Hudson's Bay Company 358 Feb. 16 List of correspondence on colonization of VI.  - Feb. 24 List of correspondence on colonization of VI.  471 Mar. 4 Proposed limits to land grants north of 49 
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1849
1 July 21 Transmitting Blanshard's commission as governor and letters patent as Vice Admiral. 1 V4970012 Sept 15 Act for the administration of justice. 2 V49000A
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1849
- - - - Precis regarding colonization of VI. - Dec. 26 894 Reporting Blanshard's arrival at Panama. 894 V49001
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1849
4304 May 15 Griffiths, J., requests employment. 4304 V496G01 910 Jan. 23 Moreing, H., wants agent appointed to monitor actions of HBC on VI. 1209 Feb. 9 Slaughter, W., wants letter forwarded to Captain Williams. 1209 V496S011488 Feb. 9 Slaughter, J.W., application for employment. 1488 V496S02
Should also include (but could not find):4223 date ? Garland 422310020 date ? Martin 100201205 date ? Slaughter 1205
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1849
Admiralty1293 Feb. 12 House of Commons correspondence. 1293 V495AD017020 Aug. 9 Blanshard's passage from Panama to VI. 7020 V495AD028238 Sep. 24 Vice Admiralty commissions. 8238 V495AD038270 Sep. 24 Blanshard's appointment as Vice Admiral. 8270 V495AD049461 Nov. 5 State of affairs on VI and Northwest America. 9461 V495AD05
Council (Privy Council)6238 June 29 Approval of draft commission and instructions. 62386772 July 30 Appointment of vice admiralty judge and officers. 6772
Foreign Office2237 Mar. 15 Inquiries about VI from British subjects in Peru. 2237 V495FO013173 Apr. 14 HM Consul in Peru to receive land payments for HBC. 3173 V495FO023325 Apr. 19 HM Consul in Honolulu reports on HBC in Oregon. 3325 V495FO033967 May 1 HM Consul in Honolulu reports on Queen Charlotte Island. 3967 V495FO047737 Sep. 8 Inability of HM consul in Peru to aid emigration. 7737 V495FO05
Hudson's Bay Company - n.d. - Articles published in Daily News. 2777 Mar. 31 Emigration of British subjects from Peru. 2777 V495HB024688 May 26 Despatch of vessel for survey and protection of VI. 4688 V495HB035639 June 26 Appointment of Blanshard. 5639 V495HB046637 July 28 Request for Blanshard's passage from Panama. 6637 V495HB058519 Oct. 4 Information packet for the governor. 8519 V495HB069816 Nov. 22 Hornby's report on state of affairs on VI. 9816 V495HB07
Law Office6143 July 10 Blanshard's commission and instructions. 6143
Parliamentary1170 Feb. 6 Charter of grant of VI. 1170 V495PA011823 Mar. 1 Board of Trade report on grant of VI. 1823 V495PA02 - Mar. - Confidential memo, printed at Foreign Office.  - n.d. - Parliamentary Papers. 
Trade (Board of Trade)10722 Dec. 17 Approval of device for seal. 10722 V495TA01
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1850
Admiralty 299 Jan. 11 Royal Navy unable to convey Blanshard to Panama. 1843 Mar. 4 Driver despatched to convey Blanshard from Callao to VI. 1843 V505AD027416 Sep. 6 Cost of Blanshard's passage from Callao to VI. 7416 V505AD03
Council (Privy Council) * Jan. 9 Order in Council approving device of seal.  * June 20 Approval of seal for Vancouver Island. 
Hudson's Bay Company 479 Jan. 21 Blanshard's passage from Panama to VI. 1971 Mar. 9 Blanshard's passage in Driver from Callao to VI. 1971 V505HB026452 Aug. 2 Announcing Blanshard's arrival in Victoria 6452
8250 Oct. 4 Progress of the VI settlement. 8250 V505HB039512 Nov. 22 Helmcken's appointment as magistrate at Fort Rupert. 9512 V505HB049802 Dec. 2 Murder of deserting British seamen by Indians. 9802 V505HB0510275 Dec. 18 Position regarding protection of settlers. 10275 V505HB06
Trade (Board of Trade)4933 June 15 Incorporation of sawmill and agricultural company. 4933 V505TA01
Treasury8290 Oct. 9 Cost of Blanshard's passage from Callao to VI. 8290 V505TE01
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1850
7234 Aug. 25 Demers, Bishop M., requesting allowance for Roman Catholic bishop. 
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1850
3 June 29 Transmitting public seal and warrant. 34 July 16 Governor's arrival in VI and formation of Council. 45 Oct 23 Progress of colony and Puget Sound Company's involvement. 56 Nov 20 Appointment of magistrate and liquor tax. 6
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1850
2 Apr. 8 5505 Blanshard's arrival in Victoria and assumption of duties. 5505 V500023 June 15 7378 Progress of the settlement. 7378 V500034 July 10 9152 Helmcken appointed magistrate at Fort Rupert. 9152 V500045 Aug. 18 9564 Killing of sailors by Newitty Indians. 9564 V500056 Sep. 18 1394 Grant's complaint of harrassment by Indians at Sooke. 1394- Oct. 19 2521 Naval expedition against Newitty Indians. 2521 V50007- Nov. 18 2726 Requesting leave to visit England. 2726 V50008- Nov. 18 2727 Tendering resignation and requesting passage home. 2727 V50009
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1851
8 Feb 3 3885 Mismanagement of affairs by HBC in Victoria. 3885 V510089 Feb 18 4441 Protests charges for goods paid to Indians. 4441 V5100910 Feb 25 4442 Complaints against the PSAC and the HBC. 4442 V5101011 Mar 29 5948 Helmcken resigns appointment as magistrate. 5948 V5101112 Apr 28 6267 Protests erection of public buildings by HBC. 6267 V5101213 May 12 6824 Receipt of seal and inability to form Council. 6824 V5101314 June 10 8058 Memorial by Andrew Muir alleging ill treatment by the HBC. 8058 V5101415 Aug 4 8963 Murder of deserting seamen and naval expedition against the Newitty. 8963 V5101516 Aug 11 9336 Unprotected state of the settlements. 9336 V5101617 Aug 11 9337 Blanshard submits his resignation. 9337 V5101718 Aug 11 9338 Cost of Blanshard's passage on Daedalus referred to HBC. 9338 V5101819 Aug 19 9339 Appointment of Council to administer the government. 9339 V510191 Oct 31 484 Douglas acknowleges receipt of commission. 484 V511012 Dec 16 1865 Admissibility of Indian testimony in court. 1865 V51102
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1851
Admiralty1801 Feb. 27 Capt. Wellesley's report on murder of deserting seamen. 1801 V515ADW1
2717 Mar. 28 Expense of Blanshard's passage to Fort Rupert. 2717 V515AD012974 Apr. 9 Blanshard to receive passage to Panama. 2974 V515AD023045 Apr. 12 Expense of Blanshard's passage to Fort Rupert requested. 3045 V515AD037395 Aug. 25 Admiral Moresby's report on proceedings to protect VI. 7395 V515AD048047 Sep. 22 Moresby's report on state of affairs in VI. 8047 V515AD058856 Oct. 21 Moresby's report on complaints against HBC. 8856 V515AD069092 Oct. 24 Capt. Fanshawe's report on proceedings against Newitty Indians. 9092 V515AD0710075 Nov. 28 Moresby's report on state of affairs. 10075 V515AD0810817 Dec. 30 Moresby's report on proceedings against Newitty Indians. 10817 V515AD09
Foreign Office6039 July 12 British consul reports gold discoveries on Queen Charlotte Island. 6039 V515FO01
Hudson's Bay Company1322 Feb. 11 Indian murder of three deserting seamen. 1322 V515HB011800 Feb. 28 Grant's complaint of HBC opposition to his settling. 1800 V515HB022226 Mar. 13 Douglas's account of murder of deserting seamen. 2226 V515HB033118 Apr. 16 Blanshard's resignation and Douglas's appointment. 3118 V515HB043558 Dec. 22 Report by Douglas on Indian unrest around Victoria. 3558 V515HB054082 May 10 Despatches forwarded to governor. 4082 V515HB065120 June 12 Report on progress of the colony. 5120 V515HB075122 June 12 Goods paid to extinquish Indian title. 5122 V515HB087742 Sep. 10 Governor's complaints on public buildings and salaries. 7742 V515HB097770 Sep. 12 Report on progress of settlement. 7770 V515HB109009 Oct. 23 Reply to Moresby's report on state of affairs. 9009 V515HB119024 Oct. 24 Reply to Muir's complaint of ill treatment by HBC. 9024 V515HB129281 Nov. 7 Refutation of Moresby's complaints by HBC. 9281 V515HB13
Admiralty 892 Jan. 28 Expense of Blanshard's passage on HMS Daphne.  4249 May 14 Violation of British territory by Americans.  4770 May 25 Gold discoveries on Queen Charlotte Island.  6031 June 28 Gold discoveries on Queen Charlotte Island.  6603 July 12 Naval protection by HMS Thetis.  7689 Aug. 16 Gold discoveries on Queen Charlotte Island.  8866 Sep. 27 Report of HMS Thetis on Gold workings.  9799 Oct. 22 Dispatch of Thetis for naval protection of VI. 10161 Nov. 1 Moresby's report on despatch of Thetis. 10161 V525AD09
11307 Dec. 9 Survey of Gulf of Georgia deferred. 11307 V525AD10 nomf Dec. 29 Cooper's and Todd's appointment to Council.  nomf Mar. 6 Finlayson's appointment to Council. 
Foreign Office 3513 Apr. 26 Consul's report on conduct of parties to QCI.  4097 May 8 Consul's report on illegal proceedings of Americans.  4949 June 2 Consul's report on aggressions by Americans.  9322 Oct. 14 Consul's report on Thetis's visit to VI. 
Miscellaneous 1836 Feb. 28 Establishment of schools for instruction of natives. 
Hudson's Bay Company 409 Jan. 14 Moresby's report on monopoly of HBC, etc.  847 Jan. 27 Refutation of complaints against Indians.  1039 Feb. 2 Moresby's report on Indian murderers.  1128 Feb. 4 Lands possessed by HBC before boundary treaty.  1282 Feb. 10 Despatches forwarded to governor.  1292 Feb. 11 Governor's despatch regarding colonial affairs.  1727 Feb. 24 Acknowledgement of letter of 13 Feb.  1855 Mar. 1 Governor's despatches.  2534 Mar. 26 McNeill's report on gold discoveries on QCI.  2689 Apr. 3 McNeill's report on American interests in gold.  3779 May 3 McNeill's report on American gold seekers.  4369 May 19 Gold discoveries on QCI.  6104 June 28 Douglas' commission as lieutenant governor of QCI.  6484 July 12 Despatches from governor.  7542 Aug. 9 Despatches from governor.  8029 Aug. 25 Late arrival of despatches for governor.  8869 Sep. 25 Despatches forwarded to governor.  9080 Oct. 2 Despatches forwarded to governor. 10831 Nov. 24 Governor's report on colonization of VI. 10831 V525HB1911003 Dec. 1 Douglas's canoe expedition. 11003 V525HB2011004 Dec. 1 Refutation of complaints against HBC. 11004 V525HB2111005 Dec. 1 Acknowledgement of proceedings of HMS Thetis. 11005 V525HB2211215 Dec. 8 Acknowledgement of Moresby's reports. 11215 V525HB23
Parliamentary 5686 June 17 Sums received from land sales since 1849. 
Treasury 1489 Feb. 20 Expense of Blanshard's passage from Panama.  7593 Aug. 14 Revenue from gold digging at Queen Charlottes.  9535 Oct. 20 Expense of Blanshard's passage on the Daphne. 
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1851
1 Mar 20 Protection of colony and murder of sailor at Fort Rupert. 1 V510087 Apr 3 Accepting Blanshard's resignation. 78 Apr 20 Blanshard's passage to VI. 81 May 19 Transmitting Douglas's commission. 1 V5171012 Sep 19 HBC report on land sales in VI. 21 Nov 5 Deserting sailors murdered by Newitty Indians. 1 V51008
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1851
9954 Nov. 27 Blanshard, R., announcing his arrival in London. 221852 9954 V516B01 957 Blanshard, R., Jan. [blank], applying for reappointment in the public service. 7500 -----, Aug. 9, copies of official correspondence deposited with Council of VI. 75008073 -----, Aug. 30, forwarding copy of memorial presented to him upon his embarcation from Victoria. 8073 8996 Boys, Rev. F., Sept. 30, reporting news from Staines gold discoveries on QCI.  9263 -----, Oct 11, forwarding Staines' report on gold discoveries.  942 Cooper, I., Oct. 8, complaining that Douglas's Council resolution giving him bad name.  * Easterby, n.d., corresponding to Mr. Grey.  7949 Gray, N., Aug. 19, regarding lease of gold vein to him. 11222 Heath, T., Dec. 8, seeking informationabout availability on land in VI. 11222 5253 Holloway, H., June 9, requesting information about purchase of land on Queen Charlotte Island.  nomf Harwood, J., Aug. 12, requesting information about lease or grants of land on QCI.  - Miller, W., Jan. 5, submitting observations about price of land. 
11039 Murchison, R., Dec. 6, acknowledging account of expedition along east coast of V.I. 11039 4255 Nicolay, C., May 14, recommending appointment of government on NW coast of BNA.  nomf Staines, Rev. J., no date, acknowledging report forwarded by Rev. Boys.  nomf Settlers of Vancouver Island, no date, memorial asking for appointment of a Council on VI.  7950 Taylor, I., Aug. 23, enclosing Gray's letter on lease of gold vein. 
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1852
3 Jan 9 Appointment of Cooper and Tod to Council. 3 V521014 Feb 4 Appointment of councillor, gold discoveries, and Indian instruction. 45 Feb 11 Correspondence between HBC and Colonial Office. 51 Mar 11 Transmitting warrant appointing Finlayson to Council 1 V537009A2 Mar 18 Admissability of Indian testimony. 23 Aug 2 Missing despatches, Songhees Indians, and protection of colony. 3 V521064 Aug 20 Location and protection of missionary settlements. 45 Sep 27 Wreck of the Una and gold discoveries in Queen Charlotte Islands. 56 Dec 18 Survey of east coast of VI. 6
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1852
Admiralty 836 Jan. 28 Expense of Blanshard's passage on HMS Daphne. 4249 May 14 Violation of British territory by Americans. 4249 V525AD024770 May 25 Gold discoveries on Queen Charlotte Island. 4770 V525AD036031 June 28 Gold discoveries on QCI. 6031 V525AD046603 July 12 Naval protection by HMS Thetis. 6603 V525AD057689 Aug. 16 Gold discoveries on QCI. 7689 V525AD068866 Sep. 27 Report of HMS Thetis on gold workings. 8866 V525AD079799 Oct. 22 Dispatch of Thetis for naval protection of VI. 9799 V525AD0810161 Nov. 1 Moresby's report on despatch of Thetis. 10161 V525AD0911307 Dec. 9 Survey of Gulf of Georgia deferred. 11307 V525AD10 * Dec. 29 Cooper's and Todd's appointment to Council.  * Mar. 6 Finlayson's appointment to Council. 
Foreign Office3513 Apr. 26 Report on conduct of parties to QCI. 3513 V525FO014097 May 8 Report on illegal proceedings of Americans. 4097 V525FO024949 June 2 Report on aggressions by Americans. 4949 V525FO039322 Oct. 14 Report on visit of the Thetis to VI. 9322 V525FO04
Hudson's Bay Company 409 Jan. 14 Moresby's report on monopoly of HBC.  847 Jan. 27 Response to allegations made by Indians of the Red River Settlement through the Aborigines Society. 1039 Feb. 2 Execution by their own tribe of Indian murderers of British sailors. 1039 V525HB031128 Feb. 4 Lands possessed by HBC before boundary treaty. 1128 V525HB041282 Feb. 10 Despatches forwarded to governor. 1282 V525HB051292 Feb. 11 Governor's despatch regarding colonial affairs. 1292 V525HB061727 Feb. 24 Acknowledgement of letter of 13 February. 1727 V525HB071855 Mar. 1 Forwarding packet of despatches from the governor. 1855 V525HB082534 Mar. 26 McNeill's report on gold discoveries on QCI. 2534 V525HB092689 Apr. 3 Ballenden's report on growing American interest in gold discovery on QCI. 2689 V525HB103779 May 3 Forwarding packet of despatches from the governor. 3779 V525HB114369 May 19 Receipt of despatches concerning QCI. 4369 V525HB126104 June 28 Douglas's commission as lieutenant governor of QCI. 6104 V525HB136484 July 12 Forwarding packet of despatches from the governor. 6484 V525HB147542 Aug. 9 Forwarding packet of despatches from the governor. 7542 V525HB158029 Aug. 25 Late arrival of despatches for governor. 8029 V525HB168869 Sep. 25 Despatches forwarded to and received from governor. 8869 V525HB179080 Oct. 2 Despatches forwarded to governor. 9080 V525HB1810831 Nov. 24 Governor's report on colonization of VI. 10831 V525HB1911003 Dec. 1 Douglas's canoe expedition. 11003 V525HB2011004 Dec. 1 Refutation of complaints against HBC. 11004 V525HB2111005 Dec. 1 Acknowledgement of proceedings of HMS Thetis. 11005 V525HB2211215 Dec. 8 Acknowledgement of Moresby's reports. 11215 V525HB23
Miscellaneous1836 Feb. 28 Establishment of schools for instruction of Indians. 1836 V525MI01
Parliamentary5686 June 17 Request for report on VI settlement. 5686 V525PA01
Treasury1489 Feb. 20 Expense of Blanshard's passage from Panama. 1489 V525TE017593 Aug. 14 Revenue from gold digging at QCI. 7593 V525TE029535 Oct. 20 Expense of Blanshard's passage on the Daphne. 9535 V525TE03
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1852
957 Jan. - Blanshard, R., applying for reappointment in the public service. 7500 Aug. 9 -----, official correspondence deposited with VI Council. 7500 V526B028073 Aug. 30 -----, memorial presented to him upon his embarcation from Victoria. 8073 V526B038996 Sep. 30 Boys, Reverend F., reporting news from Staines regarding gold discoveries on Queen Charlotte Island. 8996 V526B049263 Oct. 11 -----, forwarding Staines's report on gold discoveries. 9263 V526B05 942 Oct. 8 Cooper, J., complaining that Douglas was trying to force him off the Council.  * n.d. - Easterby, corresponding with Grey. 7949 Aug. 19 Gray, N., requesting lease of gold vein. 7949 V526G0111222 Dec. 8 Heath, T., seeking information about availability of land in VI. 11222 V526H015253 June 9 Holloway, H., requesting information about purchase of land on Queen Charlotte Island. 5253 * Aug. 12 Harwood, J., requesting information about lease or grants of land on Queen Charlotte Island.  - Jan. 5 Miller, W., submitting observations about price of land on VI. 
11039 Dec. 6 Murchison, R., acknowledging account of expedition along east coast of VI. 11039 V526M024255 May 14 Nicolay, C., discussing the growing importance of the northwest coast of British North America. 4255 V526N01 * n.d. - Staines, Reverend J., acknowledging report forwarded by Reverend Boys.  * n.d. - Settlers of VI, memorial asking for appointment of a council in the colony. 7950 Aug. 23 Taylor, I., enclosing Gray's letter on lease of gold vein. 7950 V526T01
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1852
1 Jan 30 3742 Discovery of gold on Queen Charlotte Islands and wreck of the Una. 3742 V521012 Feb 11 3778 Punishment of Indians for plunder of the Una. 3778 V521023 Apr 15 6485 General state of affairs of the colony. 6485 V521034 May 28 7372 General state of affairs of the colony. 7372 V521045 June 25 9099 Extent of HBC's fur trade reserves. 9099 V521056 Aug 2 9399 Report on the general state of affairs in the colony. 9399 V521067 Aug 27 10199 Canoe expedition along east coast of VI. 10199 V521078 Nov 11 933 State of affairs in the colony. 933 V521089 Dec 9 3851 State of affairs in the colony. 3851 V52109
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1853
7591 July 26 Gray, N., reporting discovery of coal mine on Queen Charlotte Island.  4079 Apr. 7 Taylor, R., enclosing report of Easterby's gold discovery at Queen Charlotte Island.  4529 Apr. 23 -----, requesting reply to account of gold discovery.  5168 May 16 -----, explaining reasons for applying for land lease.  5432 May 22 -----, requesting official reports of gold discoveries.  5492 May 26 -----, forwarding list of men willing to join in his prospecting venture. 
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1853
1 Jan 21 3852 Expedition against Cowichan Indians and capture of murderers. 3852 V530012 Mar 2 5423 Blanshard's correspondence not left in colony. 5423 V530023 Mar 4 5416 Report on activities of Roman Catholic missionaries. 5416 V530034 Mar 7 5417 Acknowledging receipt of commission as lieutenant governor of Queen Charlotte Islands. 5417 V530045 Apr 11 6979 Reporting actions of the Council. 6979 V530056 Apr 11 6980 Transmitting duplicate copies of despatches. 6980 V530061 Apr 11 6981 Proclamation declaring rights of the crown on QCI. 6981 V531017 May 20 8063 Conditions of navigation along east coast of VI. 8063 V531072 June 8 8062 Captain Prevost's report of cruise of Virago around VI. 8062 V532023 July 26 9498 Plunder of Susan Sturges by Indians of QCI. 9498 V532038 July 28 9499 General state of affairs of the colony. 9499 V532089 Oct 24 12345 General state of affairs of the colony. 12345 V5320910 Nov 24 738 American designs on the San Juan Islands. 738 V53210
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1853
1 Feb 8 Complaints of James Cooper. 1 V530012 Feb 10 Appointment of collector of customs and discovery of coal. 23 Mar 8 Ships despatched to VI. 34 Apr 12 Expedition against murderers of Peter Brown. 4 V530015 Jul 16 Rights of crown regarding gold in Queen Charlotte Islands. 56 Aug 9 Duplicates of Blanshard's despatches. 67 Aug 27 Legal works despatched to VI. 78 Aug 27 Expedition to QCI by Virago. 8 V530029 Sep 27 Government and peace in VI. 9Cir Oct 7 Passengers act of 1852. 10 Oct 15 Dealings with Indians and protection of colony. 1011 Oct 17 Manner of conducting official correspondence. 1112 Oct 22 Sovereignty of San Juan Islands, fishing rights of foreigners and trade with natives. 12 V5300313 Nov 12 Appointment of John Work to Council. 13
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1853
Admiralty1219 Feb. 4 Rear Admiral Moresby's report on status of Pacific squadron. 1219 V535AD011911 Mar. 2 Two warships to be sent to VI. 1911 V535AD023079 Mar. 8 Visit of the Virago to Queen Charlotte Island. 3079 V535AD035349 May 19 Moresby's report on limited protection given by HBC. 5349 V535AD045892 May 31 Despatch of Trincomalee to VI and QCI. 5892 V535AD058265 Aug. 23 Grant required for survey and charting of Georgia Strait. 8265 V535AD068605 Aug. 20 Prevost's report on Virago's visit to VI. 8605 V535AD079016 Sep. 6 Moresby's report of Prevost's visit and high price for coal charged by HBC. 9016 V535AD089415 Sep. 22 Visit of Virago to QCI. 9415 V535AD099834 Oct. 3 Redress for pillage of the Susan Sturges. 9834 V535AD1010231 Oct. 22 Erection of naval storehouses at Esquimalt. 10231 V535AD11
Foreign Office6160 June 14 Claim by US to San Juan Islands. 6160 V535FO018610 Aug. 23 Claim by US to San Juan Islands. 8610 V535FO028654 Aug. 25 Destruction of Susan Sturges by Indians. 8654 V535FO0312135 Dec. 19 Inland navigation of waters around QCI. 12135 V535FO04
Hudson's Bay Company 331 Jan. 11 HBC survey of eastern coast.  1190 Feb. 4 Account of Peter Brown's murder by Indians.  1518 Feb. 18 Relaxation of rules regarding land purchases by emigrants.  1519 Feb. 18 Douglas's report regarding state of island.  1620 Feb. 21 Despatches forwarded to governor.  3284 Mar. 14 Despatches forwarded to governor.  3701 Mar. 24 Acknowledgement of report on visit of Virago to QCI.  4081 Apr. 7 Trial and execution of Brown's murderers.  4325 Apr. 17 Proposed church at Victoria.  5479 May 16 Sending of governor's despatches through post office.  6314 June 14 Appointment of magistrates and liquor licenses.  6315 June 17 Despatch of war ship Trincomalee to VI.  9032 Sep. 6 Despatches for governor.  9182 Sep. 10 Douglas's remarks on land price on VI. 10908 Nov. 10 Freedom of trade in settled districts. 10908 V535HB15 * Dec. 24 Naval protection. 
Home Office3432 Mar. 16 Bright's suggestions regarding penal settlement. 3432 V535HO01
Land (Emigration Office)535 Jan. 19 Obligation of land purchasers to introduce immigrants. 535 V535LN016879 July 4 Easterby's application for lease of mineral lands in QCI. 6879 V535LN02
Miscellaneous4655 Apr. 28 Easterby's application for lease of mineral lands on QCI. 4655 V535MI01 8823 Aug. 30 Oaths used for appointing magistrates in England. 
Parliamentary 6303 June 16 Gold discoveries in QCI. 
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1854
5924 Apr. 20 Cooper, Langford and Skinner, regarding commission of Reverend R.J. Staines at VI. 5924 V546C015923 Apr. 17 Swanston, R.S., complaining of governor's investigation of the wreck of his ship. 5923 V546S019803 Sep. 15 -----, complaining of attitude of customs house official toward foreign vessels. 9803 V546S02
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1854
Admiralty 4698 June 1 Lighthouse construction off Victoria. 
Foreign Office 1224 Feb. 9 American citizens in Haro Strait.  4597 May 30 Boundary between US and VI.  6812 Aug. 5 Boundary between US and VI.  7373 Aug. 19 US possession of HBC property on San Juan Island.  7690 Aug. 31 Boundary between US and VI.  8044 Sep. 15 Sovereignty of crown over San Juan Island.  8493 Sep. 29 Boundary between US and VI. 
Land (Emigration Office) 7391 Aug. 21 HBC provision for clergyman on VI. 
Law Office 6 Dec. 20 Establishment of civil court at VI. 
Miscellaneous ----- May 18 Minute by Blackwood discussing issues involving VI and the HBC.  6186 July 18 Money stipend instead of land reserve for maintenance of clergymen.  6566 July 31 Regulations for purchase of land in VI.  6789 Aug. 3 Qualifications of Cameron.  7277 Aug. 15 Despatch of clergyman for VI.  7698 Aug. 31 Despatches forwarded from Douglas.  7910 Sep. 9 Appointment of Reverend Cridge for VI church. 11142 Dec. 18 Despatches forwarded to Douglas. 11142 V545MI0811321 Dec. 28 VI benefits from reciprocity treaty with US. 11321 V545MI09
War Office10301 Nov. 28 Expense of maintaining guard ship at VI. 10301 V545WA0111225 Dec. 23 Despatches forwarded from Douglas. 11225 V545WA02
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1854
1 Jan 5 3205 Loss of the barque Lord Western. 3205 V540012 Jan 7 3206 Council proceedings to 2 December 1853. 3206 V540023 Jan 30 3207 Requisition for books, printed forms, and official seals. 3207 V540034 Feb 25 4062 Procedure regarding payment of fines and forfeitures. 4062 V540045 Feb 27 4063 British claims to the San Juan Islands against US encroachments. 4063 V540056 Feb 28 4064 Relations with Indians, problems with Panama mail route, and erection of naval storehouses. 4064 V540067 Feb 28 4065 Receipt of regulations respecting official correspondence. 4065 V540078 Mar 13 4928 Loss of the brig William. 4928 V540089 Mar 28 5325 John Work appointed member of Council. 532510 May 11 6341 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6341 V5401011 May 11 6342 Correction of error in despatch number 5. 6342 V5401112 May 11 6343 Acknowledging Newcastle's accession to office. 6343 V5401213 May 11 6344 Complaint of Cooper relative to a resolution of governor and Council. 6344 V5401314 May 11 6345 Appointment of Sangster as collector of customs and discovery of coal. 6345 V5401415 May 11 6346 Ships of war expected to visit colony. 6346 V5401516 May 11 6347 Apprehension of murderers of Peter Brown. 6347 V5401617 May 11 6348 Permission to admit certain foreign goods. 6348 V5401718 May 11 6349 Receipt of notice of Paris Exhibition. 6349 V5401819 May 11 6350 Receipt of approval of gold proclamation. 6350 V5401920 May 12 6351 Receipt of legal works. 6351 V5402021 May 13 6352 Receipt of colonial instructions. 6352 V5402122 May 13 6353 Regulations regarding ships in distress. 6353 V5402223 May 15 6354 Registration of merchant seamen. 6354 V5402324 May 16 6355 Receipt of commission of the peace. 6355 V5402425 May 16 6356 Receipt of proclamation respecting passengers act. 6356 V5402526 May 16 6357 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6357 V5402627 May 16 6358 Protection to French subjects and commerce. 6358 V5402728 May 17 6359 Activities of US collector of customs on San Juan Island. 6359 V5402828a May 17 6360 Acknowledging receipt of duplicate despatches. 6360 V54028A29 July 20 8948 Receipt of instructions respecting suspended civil servants. 8948 V5402930 July 20 8949 Announcement of declaration of war with Russia. 8949 V5403031 July 20 8950 Embargo on Russian shipping. 8950 V5403132 July 20 8951 Declaration of war with Russia. 8951 V5403233 July 20 8952 Exportation of arms and ammunition. 8952 V5403334 July 21 8953 Regulations regarding neutral vessels. 8953 V5403434a July 20 8955 Duplicate despatches acknowledged. 895535 Aug 17 9424 Forwarding minutes of Council. 9424 V5403535a Sep 29 10695 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10695 V54035A35b Sep 29 10696 Acknowledging receipt of duplicate despatches. 10696 V54035B36 Sep 29 10697 Order in Council respecting exportation of arms. 10697 V5403637 Sep 29 10698 Non-recognition of Russian consular authorities. 10698 V5403738 Sep 29 10699 Receipt of regulations for Paris Exhibition. 10699 V5403839 Oct 3 10700 Regretting Admiralty decision regarding storehouses. 10700 V5403940 Oct 3 10701 Acknowledging Sir George Grey's accession to office. 10701 V5404041 Oct 26 1917 Disposition of the Vice Admiralty Court. 1917 V5404142 Dec 11 1918 Problems with grievance procedure in the colony. 1918 V54042
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1854
14 Jan 13 Acknowledging report on state of colony. 1415 May 19 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 15 V5400216 Jun 8 Store houses in Esquimalt Harbour. 161 Jun 19 Authority of governor in Admiralty matters. 1 V540012 Aug 1 Dispute between Cooper and Douglas. 23 Aug 20 Memorial complaining about composition of supreme court. 34 Sep 21 Sovereignty of San Juan Islands. 45 Oct 24 Manner of acknowledging despatches. 5 V540016 Dec 18 Complaint of Swanston about clearance of William Allen. 6 V545LW017 Dec 18 Charter of HBC vessel to protect VI not authorized. 78 Dec 18 Exclusion of VI from reciprocity treaty. 8
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1855
Admiralty 819 Jan. 27 Esquimalt over Victoria as ideal town site.  2794 Mar. 22 Appointments to Vice Admiralty Court at VI. 10202 Oct. 31 Esquimalt over Victoria as ideal town site. 10202 V555AD0311518 Dec. 15 Shipment and storage of provisions for VI. 11518 V555AD04
Foreign Office 4460 May 8 Boundary between US and VI.  5433 June 13 Exclusion of VI from reciprocity treaty with US.  7772 Aug. 16 American aggression at San Juan Island. 
Miscellaneous 3578 Apr. 16 Goveror's power of legislation and surrender of HBC land to crown.  5305 June 4 Expenses from wreck of Lord Western.  5599 June 9 Second biennial report on HBC progress in settling VI.  7023 July 24 Expense of chartering guard ship Otter. 11300 Dec. 6 Expense of chartering guard ship Otter. 11300 V555MI0511301 Dec. 6 Formation of naval base in Esquimalt Harbour. 11301 V555MI0611392 Dec. 8 Receipt of bill of exchange for 11392 V555MI07
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1855
43 Jan 29 3930 Acknowledging appointment of fourth secretary of state. 3930 V5504344 Jan 29 3931 Forms required for Blue Book for colony. 3931 V5504445 Jan 29 3932 Reduction of gratuities paid for conveyance of ship letters. 3932 V5504546 Jan 30 3933 Acknowledging receipt of Merchant's Shipping Act, 1854. 3933 V5504647 Jan 30 3934 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 3934 V5504748 Jan 30 3935 US claims to San Juan Islands. 3935 V5504849 Feb 1 3936 Force needed for defense of the colony. 3936 V5504950 Feb 8 3937 Acknowledging receipt of code of private signals. 3937 V5505051 Feb 12 3938 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3938 V550511 Mar 1 5019 Quarantine laws, defense, and reciprocity with US. 5019 V551012 Mar 6 5020 Swanston's complaint against collector of customs. 5020 V551023 May 16 6875 Receipt of commission establishing patriotic fund. 6875 V551034 May 13 6876 Mills's complaint about treatment of the Colinda. 6876 V551045 May 18 6877 US attempt to tax British property on San Juan Island. 6877 V551056 June 12 7546 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7546 V551067 June 12 7547 US attempt to tax British property on San Juan Island. 7547 V551078 June 13 7548 Preparations for arrival of Pacific Squadron. 7548 V551089 July 25 8989 Lack of postal services in the colony. 8989 V5510910 July 25 8990 Appointments to Vice Admiralty Court and Court of Prize. 8990 V5511011 July 25 8991 Establishment of Supreme Court and Assembly. 8991 V5511112 Aug 6 8992 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8992 V5511213 Aug 6 8993 Relief costs of Lord Western to be borne from trust fund. 8993 V5511314 Aug 15 10046 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10046 V5511415 Aug 16 10047 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10047 V5511516 Aug 21 10048 State of affairs and census of the colony. 10048 V5511617 Sep 13 10886 Arrival of Pacific Squadron and its needs. 10886 V5511718 Sep 13 10887 Contribution of 10887 V55118
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1855
276 Jan. 9 Mills, J.P., complaining of treatment by VI and HBC authorities toward foreign traders. 7488 Aug. 6 -----, complaining of ill treatment by government of VI. 7488 V556M029759 Oct. 20 Sinclair, W., requesting information on the company given a grant at VI. 9759 V556S019007 Sep. 22 Weekes, H., urging British authorities to declare VI an official British colony. 9007 V556W01
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1855
9 Jan 16 Complaint tendered by Mills. 91 Apr 3 Necessity for judge, registrar, advocate, and marshall. 1 V55043Apr 5 Powers of the governor. (Confidential) 2 Jun 20 Protection of VI. 2 V550441 Aug 3 Expenses of guardship Otter. 1 V550432 Aug 13 Occupation of San Juan Islands. 2 V550443 Sep 5 Complaint tendered by Swanston. 3 V550454 Sep 6 Supplies and hospital accommodation for naval fleet. 4 V550465 Nov 12 Formation of police force and trade in VI. 5 V550471 Dec 17 Stores required for Her Majesty's ships. 1 V550432 Dec 24 Receipt from patriotic fund. 2 V55044
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1856
1 Jan. 31 3370 Acknowledging receipt of despatches and reporting on postal rates. 3370 V560012 Feb. 29 3968 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3968 V560023 Mar. 1 3969 Indian situation in VI and Washington Territory. 3969 V560034 Mar. 7 3970 Petition asking for naval protection. 3970 V560045 Mar. 8 3971 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3971 V560056 Apr. 3 5811 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5811 V560067 Apr. 5 5812 Items prohibited from import into the colony. 5812 V560078 Apr. 8 5813 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5813 V560089 Apr. 10 5814 Indian war in Washington Territory and funds advanced from Douglas. 5814 V5600910 Apr. 16 5815 Gold discovered in upper Columbia River district. 5815 V5601011 May 19 7189 Indian war in Washington Territory and second advance of funds from Douglas. 7189 V5601112 May 22 7190 Establishment of House of Assembly and arrival of northern Indians. 7190 V5601213 May 22 7191 Arrangements to repurchase colony from HBC. 7191 V56013May 22 7238 Receipt of information regarding elections. (Private) 7238 V56013PR14 June 7 7192 Establishment of House of Assembly. 7192 V5601415 July 22 9300 Elections to Assembly and discovery of gold in Fraser river. 9300 V5601516 Aug. 4 8817 Arrangement of affairs of colonial church. 8817 V5601617 Aug. 14 9706 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9706 V5601718 Aug. 14 9707 Acknowledging receipt of despatches, with comment. 9707 V5601819 Aug. 20 9708 Problems with the northern Indians at Victoria. 9708 V5601920 Aug. 22 9709 Wounding by Indian of Thomas Williams, a squatter in the Cowichan district. 9709 V5602021 Sep. 6 10152 Expedition to capture the Indian accused of wounding Williams. 10152 V5602122 Sep. 12 10153 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10153 V5602223 Sep. 15 10154 Acknowledging receipt of despatches, with comment. 10154 V5602324 Oct. 20 11582 Current status of the Indian population. 11582 V5602425 Oct. 20 11583 Request from Americans for aid in capture of Indian murderers. 11583 V5602526 Oct. 24 11584 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11584 V5602627 Oct. 29 346 Receipt of colonial regulations regarding official correspondence. 2728 Oct. 29 347 Further report on discovery of gold in BC. 2829 Oct. 31 348 Sums advanced to governor of Washington Territory during Indian war. 2930 Oct. 31 349 Proceedings in House of Assembly. 3031 Nov. 26 2422 American attempt to land Indian renegades on VI. 2422 V5603132 Dec. 5 2423 US deserters taking refuge on VI. 2423 V56032
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1856
3 Jan 26 Aid to Americans for Indian war in Washington. 34 Feb 22 Aid to Americans for Indian war in Washington. 4 V560025 Feb 28 Formation of House of Assembly. 5 V560036 Feb 28 State of affairs between HBC and British government. 6 V565FO05Feb 28 Hostilities between American settlers and Indians in Washington. (Confidential) 7 Apr 26 Transmission of mail between VI and Colonial Office. 7 V560018 Apr 26 Establishing Supreme Court of Civil Justice. 89 May 5 Appointment of Cameron as chief justice. 910 May 14 President frigate despatched to VI. 1011 May 15 Measures taken for protection of settlement. 1112 Jul 8 Complaint by Swanston against appointment of Cameron. 1213 Jul 18 Rules for conducting correspondence. 13 V5600414 Aug 4 Preserving order in upper Columbia River district. 1415 Aug 23 Aid to Governor Stevens for Indian war in Washington. 1516 Aug 23 Formation of House of Assembly. 1617 Aug 23 Financial condition of colony. 1718 Oct 21 General state of colony. 18 V56005Sep Nov 6 forwarding documents relating to county courts. 6 V565FO0519 Nov 10 Indians, speech to legislature, and disputed elections. 19 V5600620 Nov 13 Expedition against Indian murderers. 20 V5600721 Dec 13 Transmitting seals for supreme court and customs. 21
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1856
3900 May 2 Banister, T., forwarding letter concerning appointment of David Cameron as chief justice. 3900 V566B015911 July 2 -----, regarding dissatisfaction of colony with courts of justice on VI. 5911 V566B021777 Jan. 4 Swanston, R., appealing for improvements in colonial government on behalf of colonists. 1777 V566S01
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1856
Admiralty 1862 Feb. 25 Despatch of ships for defense of VI.  4583 May 21 Despatch of HMS President for VI.  5837 June 30 Despatch of HMS Alarm for VI.  5858 June 30 Admiral Bruce's report on steps taken for defense of VI.  9579 Oct. 20 Progress of HMS Satellite towards VI. 10166 Nov. 8 Bruce's report of confrontation with Indians. 10166 V565AD06
Council (Privy Council) 3120 Apr. 5 Council order for Supreme Court of Civil Justice. 
Foreign Office 1008 Feb. 1 American interests in VI.  2015 Mar. 3 Extension of terms of reciprocity treaty of 1854.  2435 Mar. 15 Extension of terms of reciprocity treaty.  2623 Mar. 19 Occupation of San Juan Island by HBC.  7399 Aug. 16 Douglas's assistance in Indian war in Washington. 
Land (Emigration Office) 2642 Mar. 20 Modification of land regulations on VI.  4240 May 13 Sale of tract of land on governor's reserve. 
Law 1652 Feb. 19 Proposed establishment of Supreme Court. 
Miscellaneous 1227 Feb. 7 HBC acknowledgement of report on US Indian war.  1679 Feb. 19 Douglas's report on Indian war in Oregon  1765 Feb. 22 Forwarding of mail through US.  1775 Feb. 22 Letter from deputy governor of HBC to Clarendon.  1852 Feb. 25 Formation of General Assembly on VI.  1962 Feb. 29 HBC settlement on San Juan Island.  2092 Mar. 5 Chart of Strait of Juan de Fuca by Ball.  2399 Mar. 12 Report on HBC land transactions on VI.  2400 Mar. 13 Report on HMS President in defense of VI.  2646 Mar. 20 HBC acceptance of reciprocity treaty extension.  3010 Mar. 31 HBC occupation of San Juan Island.  3481 Apr. 15 HBC rights to west coast and river fishery.  4154 May 8 HBC request to limit treaty extension to VI.  4155 May 8 HBC hopes HMS President has arrived at VI.  4164 May 9 HBC approval of sale of land in governor's reserve.  4325 May 16 Packet forwarded to Douglas.  4591 May 20 Douglas's formation of local force to protect VI.  4645 May 22 HBC approval of sale of land in governor's reserve.  5017 June 5 Mactavish's report of Indian war in Oregon.  5393 June 16 Packet forwarded to Douglas.  6281 July 14 HBC reaction to defraying of current expenses in VI.  7901 Aug. 29 HBC assistance in defraying costs of VI government.  8707 Sep. 16 Statement of sums expended on account of VI.  9178 Oct. 9 Despatches forwarded to Douglas.  9179 Oct. 9 Despatches forwarded from Douglas.  9185 Oct. 10 Boundary line between US and VI.  9680 Oct. 24 Receipt of copy of governor's despatch.  9784 Oct. 30 Despatches and letters forwarded to Douglas. 10191 Nov. 8 Douglas's report of Indian attack on Williams. 10191 V565MI2910270 Nov. 13 Douglas's report on successful capture of attacker. 10270 V565MI3010962 Dec. 3 HBC request to sell land to non-British subjects. 10962 V565MI31
War Office 327 Jan. 1 Expense of chartering Otter as guard ship on VI. 
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1857
Jan 2 Instructions to Captains Prevost and Richards. (Confidential) 1 Jan 2 Appointment of Prevost and Richards to survey party. 1 V577001A2 Jan 7 Request for aid in capturing US Indian murderers. 2 V570013 Jan 15 Indian population of VI. 34 Jan 24 Proceedings of House of Assembly. 45 Jan 24 Discovery of gold in upper Columbia River district. 5 V570026 Mar 24 Proceedings of House of Assembly. 67 Mar 24 Welfare of colony. 78 Apr 8 Landing of Indian prisoners by Americans. 8 V570069 Apr 9 Desertion of American soldiers. 910 May 6 Armed force sent against Cowichan Indians. 1011 Jul 1 Payment for handpress and seals. 1112 Jul 16 Repayment of loan to American authorities. 1213 Sep 2 Disturbances among Indians in VI. 1314 Nov 6 Salary of Chief Justice Cameron. 14Nov 19 Use of public seal. (Confidential) 
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1857
454 Jan. 16 Banister, T., complaint regarding appointment of David Cameron as chief justice. 9323 Oct. 9 Barwise, J., regarding mining of gold at Queen Charlotte Island. 9323 V576B0211619 Dec. 22 Dawson, G., requesting judicial or ministerial appointment in VI. 11619 V576D0111197 Dec. 3 Gordon, A., requesting information on land acquisition in VI. 11197 V576G018768 Sep. 9 Lawford, T.W., requesting information on transportation to VI. 8768 V576L0110092 Nov. 4 Rayne, M., requesting information on land acquisition in VI. 10092 V576R015178 Apr. 23 Williams, A., requesting information on land grants in VI. 5178 V576W01
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1857
Admiralty 6382 July 14 Despatch of ships for defense against Indians. 
Foreign Office 3002 Apr. 2 Douglas's refusal to permit arrest of American soldiers on British territory.  3003 Apr. 2 Douglas's refusal to permit landing of 87 Indian prisoners from US.  6275 July 8 Repayment of sum advanced to governor of Washington. 
Law Office 9208 Oct. 3 Rules of court framed by chief justice of VI. 
Miscellaneous 5671 June 19 Despatches forwarded to Douglas.  6083 July 2 Sale of land for agricultural purposes.  6450 July 16 Despatch forwarded from Douglas.  6891 July 29 Acknowledgement of report on defense vessels.  7366 Aug. 10 Despatches forwarded to Douglas.  7502 Aug. 13 Money received from sale of land near Victoria.  9835 Oct. 28 Salary for Chief Justice Cameron.  9836 Oct. 28 Indian murder of Ebey on Whidbey Island. 10179 Nov. 9 Despatch forwarded to Douglas. 10179 V575MI0911424 Dec. 16 Request from Adam Gordon for land prices on VI. 11424 V575MI1011656 Dec. 24 Changes in terms of payment for land on VI. 11656 V575MI1111679 Dec. 28 Indian murder of Ebey on Whidbey Island. 11679 V575MI12
Parliamentary 5808 Aug. 3 Establishment of Hous of Assembly on VI. 
War Office11734 Dec. 30 Royal Engineers to lay out international boundary. 11734 V575WA01
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1857
1 Jan. 9 2424 Governor's report on condition of the colony. 2424 V570012 Jan. 9 2425 Proceedings of House of Assembly. 2425 V570023 Feb. 23 3886 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3886 V570034 Feb. 24 3887 Further explanation of Cowichan expedition to apprehend Indian criminal. 3887 V570045 Feb. 24 3888 Proceedings of House of Assembly. 3888 V570056 Apr. 8 5812 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5812 V570067 Apr. 8 5813 Forwarding payment for official seals. 5813 V570078 Apr. 16 5814 Appointment of Captains Prevost and Richards as boundary commissioners. 5814 V570089 Apr. 16 5815 Acknowledge approval for action taken in attempt by Americans to land Indian criminals in VI. 5815 V5700910 Apr. 16 5816 Receipt of instructions for boundary commissioners. 5816 V5701011 Apr. 20 5817 Response to reports that northern Indians were preparing to attack Washington Territory. 5817 V5701112 May 5 6331 Correspondence with governor of Washington Territory regarding the supposed Indian attack. 6331 V5701213 June 12 7947 Procedures regarding aliens arriving in VI. 7947 V5701314 June 12 7948 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7948 V5701415 June 13 7949 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7949 V5701516 June 13 7950 Indian outrages in the colony. 7950 V5701617 June 17 7951 Arrival of Captain Prevost in the Satellite. 7951 V5701718 June 26 8653 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8653 V5701819 June 29 8654 Arrival of US boundary commissioner. 8654 V5701920 June 30 8665 Governor's correspondence with House of Assembly. 866521 July 14 8656 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8656 V5702122 July 15 8657 Observations on gold producing districts in BC. 8657 V5702223 July 20 8658 Use of public seals of the colony. 8658 V5702324 July 20 8659 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8659 V5702425 July 28 8557 Rules of practice for supreme and inferior courts. 8557 V5702526 Aug. 10 9640 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9640 V5702627 Aug. 13 9641 Cancellation of Douglas's trip to Washington Territory. 9641 V5702728 Sep. 17 11371 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11371 V5702829 Sep. - - "Not received." 29 V5700530 Oct. 13 11372 Outrages committed by Indians on US citizens. 11372 V5703031 Nov. 10 11698 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11698 V5703132 Nov. 10 11699 Reporting no banks had been established in VI. 11699 V5703233 Dec. 7 1621 Disposition of money advanced by Douglas during Indian war in Washington Territory. 1621 V5703334 Dec. 18 2038 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2038 V5703435 Dec. 29 2084 Recent developments regarding gold fields in BC. 2084 V57035
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1858
1 Jan. 22 2459 Fee increase for gold licences in BC.   2459 2 Jan. 23 2460 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   2460 3 Jan. 22 2461 Salary of Chief Justice David Cameron.   2461 4 Feb. 27 4564 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   4564 5 Mar. 3 4565 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   4565 6 Mar. 4 4566 Proper usage of public seal of the colony.   4566 7 Mar. 5 4567 Survey of the American boundary.   4567 Mar. 8 - Explaining failure to forward ordinances. (Private)   8 Mar. 10 4568 Forwarding ten ordinances and other documents.   4568 9 Mar. 23 5174 Forwarding report on state of public schools.   5174 10 Apr. 3 5175 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   5175 11 Apr. 5 5176 Rules of practice for Supreme Court.   5176 12 Apr. 5 5177 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   5177 13 Apr. 5 5178 Captain Hawkins appointed to boundary commission.   5178 14 Apr. 6 5179 Instructions respecting possible immigration of Mormons.   5179 15 Apr. 6 5180 Update on proceedings in BC gold fields.   5180 16 Apr. 19 5676 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   5676 17 Apr. 19 5677 Forwarding maps and plans of the colony.   5677 18 Apr. 24 5678 Rendition of fugitives from US.   5678 19 May 8 6113 Update on proceedings in BC gold fields.   8 20 May 15 6664 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   6664 21 May 15 6665 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   6665 22 May 17 6666 Repayment of money loaned to governor of Washington Territory.   6666 23 May 19 6667 Update on proceedings in BC gold fields.   6667 24 June 10 7828 Governor's expedition to Fraser River gold fields.   7828 25 June 15 7829 Address to Douglas requesting free trade with miners in Fraser River.   7829 26 June 15 7830 Disturbance between miners and Indians at Hill's Bar.   7830 27 June 19 7831 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   7831 28 June 19 2832 Update on proceedings at BC gold fields.   2832 29 July 1 7833 Update on proceedings at BC gold fields.   7833 30 July 9 8658 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   8658 31 July 26 9253 Police measures adopted for government of gold mining districts.   9253 32 July 25 9254 Double pay allowed to ships' companies of Satellite and Plumper.   9254 33 Aug. 13 9853 Governor's correspondence with House of Assembly.   9853 34 Aug. 19 10342 Problems with foreigners flooding to gold fields and update on construction of roads.   10342 35 Aug. 27 10343 Indian unrest at Fraser River.   10343 36 Aug. 27 10341 Cost of accommodation for Major Hawkins and boundary party.   10341 37 Aug. 30 10344 Instructions to assistant gold commissioners.   10344 38 Aug. 30 * Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   38 39 Sep. 9 12177 Update on proceedings at BC gold fields.   12177 40 Sep. 29 12178 Maintaining order over adventurers arriving at gold fields.   12178 41 Sep. 30 12175 Rendition of fugitives from the US.   12175 42 Sep. 30 12179 Establishment of regular government in the gold country.   12179 Oct. 4 12643 Accepting appointment as governor of BC. (Private)   12643 43 Oct. 11 12180 Establishment of regular government in BC.   12180 44 Oct. 13 12718 Petition from Nias regarding land sales.   12718 45 Oct. 29 551 Arrival of Royal Engineers under Captain Parsons.   45 Nov. 17 516 Forwarding correspondence with John Nugent. (Private)   516 46 Nov. 12 552 Arrival of Nugent, US special agent.   46 47 Nov. 12 1068 Promising report on disputed water boundary between VI and Washington Territory.   1068 48 Dec. 7 1069 Stamp's application to convey mail between San Francisco and VI.   1069 49 Dec. 11 1070 Announcing various appointments in the colony.   1070 50 Dec. 11 1071 Custom house returns and statement of land sales.   1071 54 Dec. 27 2133 Nonpayment of loan by governor of Washington Territory.   2133 V58054
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1858
9906 Sep. 28 Baird, F.C., requesting financial appointment in VI government.   9906 8343 Aug. 13 Barwise, J., suggesting feasibility of new postal route.   8343 8592 Aug. 23 Blake, A., requesting information on land sales in VI.   8592 6551 July 7 Canterbury, Archbishop of, regarding introduction of land reserves for clergy on VI.   6551 328 Jan. 8 Dawson, G., requesting ministerial or judicial appointment in VI government.   2168 Jan. 15 Easterby, A., proclaiming rights to gold mine on Queen Charlotte Island.   2168 6127 May 18 -----, requesting compensation for expenses incurred in gold mine operation.   6127 7922 Aug. 7 Elliot, W., furnishing information on agricultural progress in VI.   7922 9088 Aug. 31 -----, furnishing information on agricultural progress in VI.   9088 6181 June 9 Evans, J., requesting grant of land on VI.   6181 10134 Sep. 16 Forbes, R., regarding free grants of land on VI.   10134 7769 Aug. 5 Goring, W.H., requesting information on purchase of land from HBC.   7769 9731 Sep. 15 Higginson, H., requesting employment in colonial bank on VI.   9731 5347 May 31 Howe, A.B., regarding employment for his son as naval chaplain.   5347 8001 Aug. 10 Irving, J., requesting information on land purchase in VI.   8001 9642 Sep. 20 Itter, W., requesting appointment to colonial bank on VI.   9642 7940 Aug. 9 Kernaghan, W., regarding HBC land sales.   7940 6501 July 6 King, E.H., requesting appointment as superintendant of police on VI.   6501 7288 July 24 -----, regarding appointment to VI.   7288 7540 July 30 -----, regarding appointment to VI.   7540 8137 Aug. 16 -----, regarding appointment to VI.   8137 8819 Aug. 30 -----, regarding appointment to VI.   8819 11103 Oct. 12 Leach, S., requesting information on purchase or grant of land in VI.   11103 1657 Feb. 15 Leonard, H.B., requesting information on land grants in VI to naval and military officers.   1657 4061 Apr. 12 Litchfield, J.P., requesting magisterial appointment at VI.   4061 8855 Aug. 31 Macdonald, D.G., regarding system of free emigration.   8855 608 Dec. 27 Morton, T.A., requesting information on climate and land grants in VI.   6529 July 5 Pearson, C.S., requesting employment in VI.   6529 2377 Mar. 10 Read, W., requesting employment regarding proposed ethnological survey in VI.   2377 6177 June 9 Riddel, A.A., regarding government assistance for British settlers in VI.   6177 5409 May 8 Williams, A., regarding emigration to VI.   5409 8034 July 27 -----, regarding emigration to VI.   8034
British Columbia Correspondence 1858 46
9923 Aug. 18 Aldrich, Stephen J. (p. 432), requesting appointment.   9923 10476 Oct. 11 Arbuckle, E. Vaughan (p. 434), requesting appointment.   10476 11088 Oct. 29 ----- (p. 438), requesting appointment should a vacancy occur in future.   11088 11901 Nov. 12 Austin, William F. (p. 440), requesting appointment.   11901 12198 Nov. 26 ----- (p. 450), again requesting appointment.   12198 10825 Oct. 18 Bandon, Lord (p. 561), recommending John Sargeant for police force in BC.   10825 11377 Nov. 3 Barker, Francis (p. 564), requesting appointment.   11377 9358 Aug. 28 Barwise, Jackson (p. 452), requesting introduction letter to governor for appointment in constabulary or other service.   9358 9429 Sep. 10 Batchelor, Reverend J.W. (p. 457), requesting appointment as colonial chaplain.   9429 10233 n.d. - Bedford, C.J.R. (p. 545), requesting letter of introduction to governor for appointment in constabulary or other service.   10233 * 1072 Dec. 1 Begbie, Matthew B. (p. 576), reporting his arrival in BC and questioning his commission.   12894 Nov. 4 Bennett, Thomas (p. 571), requesting appointment as colonial surgeon.   12894 9825 Sep. 24 Blythe, Green, et al (p. 468), testimonial for Charles Enderby.   9825 9974 Sep. 29 Bond, Frederick W. (p. 273), requesting appointment.   9974 10796 Oct. 19 ----- (p. 560), requesting appointment should a vacancy occur in future.   10796 9593 Sep. 18 Bradford, John (p. 464), suggesting land grants be made available for militia service in BC.   9593 * 10594 Sep. 27 Brew, Chartres (p. 554), reporting loss of the Austria and his rescue and arrival in Halifax.   10130 Oct. 2 Broun, Sir Richard (p. 476), proposing scheme for Atlantic to Pacific railway and requesting interview with Lytton.   10130 10221 Oct. 6 ----- (p. 512), enclosing pamphlet on same.   10221 9966 Sep. 28 Brown, Alex (p 470), inquiring about price of land in VI and BC.   9966 11488 Nov. 5 Brown, Thomas (p. 568), requesting appointment in BC or elsewhere.   11488 10213 Oct. 4 Bull, Andrew Marsal (p. 509), requesting appointment as surveyor.   10213 2766 Dec. 14 Burke, Ethelbert (p. 583), testimonial for P. Cadell.   2766 * 11874 Nov. 17 Burdett Coutts, A. (p. 673), requesting a military chaplain for the colony and inviting Lytton to call.   9921 Aug. 23 Cadell, P. (p. 614), requesting employment in connection with expedition of Royal Engineers to BC.   9921 9444 Aug. 30 ----- (p. 593), requesting appointment with Captain Parsons.   9444 9526 Sep. 17 ----- (p. 595), enclosing report and requesting free passage to BC.   9526 9907 Sep. 28 ----- (p. 613), repeating request for passage.   9907 10336 Oct. 9 ----- (p. 644), requesting letter of introduction to the governor.   10336 10578 Oct. 15 ----- (p. 648), wishes to view operations of the mint.   10578 12145 Nov. 24 ----- (p. 683), acknowledging letter of introduction.   12145 13267 Dec. 15 Caithness, Lord (p. 691), recommending an introduction to the governor for Mr. Cochrane, a civil engineer just gone out to VI.   13267 9793 Sep. 23 Campbell, Lt. Col. Douglas H. (p. 603), requesting appointment in constabulary force in BC or Cape Colony.   9793 9880 Sep. 27 *Canterbury, Archbishop of (p. 606), reporting Miss Burdett Coutts has endowed the See of British Columbia.   9880 11385 Nov. 4 *----- (p. 660), recommending George Hills as Bishop of Columbia.   11385 11855 Nov. 9 Casey, Captain R.M. (p. 666), requesting appointment.   11855 13195 Dec. 23 Cavan, B.M. & Co. (p 686), concerning contract for conveyance of mail.   13195 11020 Oct. 27 Charlesworth, J.C.D. (p. 651), requesting introduction to governor for William Brooke Naylor.   11020 11536 Nov. 6 ----- (p. 663), again requesting introduction for Naylor.   11536 9952 Sep. 29 Colborne, Thomas (p. 616), requesting appointment in BC, Australia, or New Zealand.   9952 9344 Sep. 9 *Cooper, James (p. 586), forwarding letter accepting appointment.   9344 9359 Sep. 9 *----- (p. 588), requesting original testimonials be sent to Lytton for inspection.   9359 9377 Sep. 9 *----- (p. 591), accepting appointment as harbour master at Esquimalt.   9377 9882 Sep. 25 *----- (p.611), will depart for colony on the Africa 3 October.   9882 11002 Oct. 25 Cooper, Edward (p. 619), enclosing application for police force and testimonials for Henry Williams.   11002 10227 Oct. -- Cotton, Samuel (p. 640), testimonial for J.W. Keating.   10227 11258 Nov. 2 Cox, Lt. Col. John (p. 655), requesting appointment.   11258 12895 Nov. 5 Cromartey, W.A. (p. 665), acknowledging letter of introduction to governor.   12895 9301 Sep. 22 Davies, D. (p. 8), requesting appointment as clerk for proposed bank in British Columbia.   9301 10482 Oct. 6 de Courcy, Major John, (p 13), requesting appointment as constable or magistrate.   10482 9999 Oct. 1 Denham, Harrison (p. 10), requesting appointment as surveyor.   9999 10556 Oct. 14 Dobson, J. Metcalfe (p. 15), requesting appointment.   10556 9528 Sep. 16 Doyle, Joseph A. (p. 3), proposing "Mexican Interoceanic" route to transport mail to BC via Mexico.   9528 10920 Oct. 22 Duffy, John (p. 21), requesting appointment in police force.   10920 10928 Oct. 24 Dunne, John J. (p. 18), requesting appointment in police force or other position.   10928 12694 Dec. 11 ----- (p. 27), requesting that his name be kept on file.   12694 13161 Dec. 21 [Disoyhman?] (p. 30), testimonial for Colonel Fitzgerald.   13161 13158 Dec. 23 Edelman & Co. (p. 42), requesting information about regulations governing grants of land.   13158 9824 Sep. 24 Enderby, Charles (p. 33), requesting appointment as magistrate in BC.   9824 10368 Oct. 8 Evans, Reverend R.M. (p. 39), testimonial for William Baker.   10368 11245 Oct. 28 Falk, Robert (p. 72), forwarding prospectus for trading society.   11245 13163 Nov. 26 Fitzgerald, Lt. Col. L.C.K. (p. 78), requesting appointment.   13163 13239 Dec. 26 Fitzgerald, Nugent (p. 82), requesting appointment in police force.   13239 9803 Sep. 20 Forster, Captain Archibald Cochrane (p. 50), requesting appointment to military or police force.   9803 11895 Nov. 18 Forster, Sir George (p. 75), requesting information about the colony.   11895 9804 n.d. - Fresson, Mitchell (p. 65), requesting appointment as clerk in Bank of BC.   9804 9497 Sep. 15 Fryer, William J. (p. 47), requesting appointment.   9497 9624 Sep. 18 Gahan, Alfred (p. 85), requesting appointment as engineer.   9624 10355 Oct. 8 ----- (p. 88), asking if he should apply directly to governor for appointment.   10355 10974 Oct. 26 ----- (p. 125), acknowledging letter of introduction to governor.   10974 10475 Oct. 13 Gilborne, Charles (p. 108), requesting appointment.   10475 11108 Oct. 28 ----- (p. 129), offering to go to BC at own expense if appointed to police force.   11108 9971 Sep. 3 Goddard, Edward (p. 67), requesting letter to governor for C. Buckner.   9971 10840 Oct. 21 ----- (p. 111), acknowledging receipt of letter for Buckner to Douglas.   10840 10405 n.d. - *Gosset, W. Driscoll (p. 91), memo requisitioning stores to be sent out for the treasury of BC.   10405 10459 Oct. 12 *----- (p. 99), accepting appointment as treasurer but expressing concern about his salary.   10459 10452 Oct. 13 *----- (p. 96), requesting Moody to ship his baggage.   10452 10964 Oct. 25 *----- (p. 112), requesting definition of his salary and future role in the government of BC.   10964 10965 Oct. 26 *----- (p. 120), ordering a water wheel and lithographic press.   10965 11093 Oct. 28 *----- (p. 128), ordering stationery and stamps.   11093 11893 Oct. 15 *Grant, Captain F. (p. 133), reporting arrival of his detachment of Royal Engineers at Panama.   11893 11995 Oct. 15 *----- (p. 137), concerning inadequate funds for his wife's passage.   11995 11263 Oct. 13 Grinley, Henry (p. 131), requesting appointment.   11263 11905 Nov. 17 Grogan, Edward (p. 135), forwarding application from Newton Williams, C.E.   11905 10582 Oct. 14 Hamber, Fred M. (p. 176), concerning scheme to provide steamship service between Victoria and the Fraser River.   10582 10999 Oct. 27 *----- (p. 182), requesting an answer to previous letter.   10999 9345 Sep. 10 *Hamley, Wymond (p. 143), stating if appointment is offered in BC, he would accept.   9345 9488 Sep. 16 *----- (p. 153), accepting appointment as collector of customs.   9488 2764 Dec. 8 Hardinck, G.M. (p. 202), testimonial for P. Cadell.   2764 9498 Sep. 15 Hartley, W.G. (p. 154), enclosing pamphlet on drill for recruits and asking for employment.   9498 9758 Sep. 22 Heinke, W. (p. 162), enclosing prospectus of diving apparatus, with testimonials.   9758 9795 Sep. 23 Hewett, J.F. Napier (p. 172), requesting appointment and forwarding testimonials.   9795 13337 Dec. 29 Hewett, W., Major (p. 183) suggesting revenue measures including a royalty on gold be established in BC.   13337 11896 Nov. 19 *Hills, George (p. 678), requesting a military chaplain for BC be appointed.   11896 9641 Sep. 20 Hunter, S.A. (p. 159), requesting appointment with police force.   9641 9422 Sep. 2 Imrie & Tomlinson (p. 186), protesting competition from American vessels on Fraser River.   9422 10229 Oct. 5 Irwin, William (p. 188), requesting appointment.   10229 10364 Oct. 9 Irwin, Reverend Henry (p. 191), requesting church preferment in BC.   10364 10067 Sep. 30 Jacobs, Henry (p. 198), requesting appointment.   10067 11055 Oct. 28 James, Henry (p. 200), requesting letter of introduction to governor for William Moore.   11055 9883 Sep. 2 Joyce, M. (p. 195), requesting free passage for his son to BC.   9883 9837 Sep. 13 Kealy, Thomas (p. 124), forwarding testimonials.   9837 10585 Oct. 15 Kerr, Thomas (p. 231), requesting appointment.   10585 9802 Sep. 13 Kinahan, M.R. (p. 219), requesting letter of introduction to governor and free passage to BC.   9802 10337 Oct. 9 ----- (p. 227), requesting letter of introduction to the governor.   10337 11028 Oct. 27 ----- (p. 236), expressing thanks for letter of introduction.   11028 9508 Sep. 15 *King, E. Hammond (p. 204), asking if land was available by remission to retired military officers.   9508 9643 Sep. 20 *----- (p. 210), requesting appointment.   9643 9527 Sep. 17 King, William Denman (p. 208), requesting appointment.   9527 9772 Sep. 22 Kingscote, Henry (p. 211), proposing to send boatmen to BC.   9772 9916 Sep. 27 Kittow, Richard (p. 226), testimonial for W.D. King.   9916 10627 Oct. 18 Knipe, J. Leigh (p. 233), requesting appointment.   10627 11104 Oct. 30 ----- (p. 237), acknowledging reply.   11104 11779 Nov. 11 Landor, Henry (p. 249), requesting appointment and interview.   11779 9732 Sep. 17 Lansing, Starr & Co. (p. 240), enclosing prospectus for transit routes.   9732 9973 Sep. 29 Locke, J.W.T. (p. 245), proposing to raise a corps of emigrants for BC.   9973 10139 Oct. 12 MacCarthy (p. 311), requesting appointment.   10139 12416 Dec. 2 McDermott, Edmund (p. 441), requesting appointment as police constable.   12416 11876 Oct. 15 McIntosh, John (p. 330), requesting appointment.   11876 13263 Mar. 6 *Maclachlan, A. (p. 256), testimonial for Peter O'Reilly.   13263 9461 Sep. 13 Malcolmson, F.P.H. (p. 263), requesting appointment.   9461 14 Dec. 31 Manseigh, Henry Charles (p. 452), requesting appointment to police force.   10222 Oct. 5 Manseogh, E.R.F. (p. 314), requesting appointment.   10222 9647 Sep. 17 Mathews, G.S. (p. 279), requesting appointment.   9647 10407 Oct. 11 Miller, Steane B., M.P. (p. 327), testimonial for Joseph Fleming.   10407 11505 Nov. 6 ----- (p. 435), concerning letter of introduction for Fleming.   11505 12098 Nov. 23 ----- (p. 386), concerning previous correspondence.   12098 12099 Nov. 23 ----- (p. 438), reminder of Fleming's application.   12099 9423 Sep. 13 *Moody, Colonel R.C. (p. 259), difficulties in dividing the Royal Engineers into two parties.   9423 9465 Sep. 15 *----- (p. 266), requesting advance for Grant's party.   9465 9466 Sep. 15 *----- (p. 268), requesting stores for immediate use upon landing.   9466 9485 Sep. 15 *----- (p. 270), reporting expenses of second vessel.   9485 9486 Sep. 15 *----- (p. 275), requesting pay advance for Royal Engineers.   9486 9708 Sep. 20 *----- (p. 284), requesting advance of £3000 for stores.   9708 9725 Sep. 21 *----- (p. 286), requesting pay advance for assistant surgeon.   9725 9808 Sep. 24 *----- (p. 289), requesting revisions to contract for Thames City and Briseis.   9808 9809 Sep. 24 *----- (p. 291), extra pay for Royal Engineers.   9809 9821 Sep. 24 *----- (p. 295), accommodation of officers on Briseis.   9821 9822 Sep. 24 *----- (p. 298), requesting a volunteer hospital orderly.   9822 9888 Sep. 27 *----- (p. 304), requesting instructions for   9888 9887 Sep. 28 *----- (p. 301), requesting an additional twelve months of rations. Briseis.   9887 9909 Sep. 29 *----- (p. 306), concerning extra pay for Royal Engineers.   9909 10315 Oct. 9 *----- (p. 317), quantity of stores on Euphrates and Briseis.   10315 10319 Oct. 9 *----- (p. 325), requesting loan of traction engine for trial in BC.   10319 10409 Oct. 11 *----- (p. 333), requesting supplies to be sent on Euphrates.   10409 10914 Oct. 23 *----- (p. 336), requesting authority to board stores on the Euphrates.   10914 10943 Oct. 25 *----- (p. 338), requesting extra pay for detachment from date of embarkation.   10943 10944 Oct. 25 *----- (p. 341), requesting advance for Mrs. Moody's passage.   10944 10945 Oct. 25 *----- (p. 343), requesting his salary be paid quarterly to his agents.   10945 10946 Oct. 25 *----- (p. 345), requesting advance for passage of himself and two servants.   10946 10960 Oct. 25 *----- (p. 349), requesting £3400 for stores.   10960 11035 Oct. 25 *----- (p. 361), requesting £58.5.4 for expenses.   11035 10962 Oct. 26 *----- (p. 354), concerning stores on the Euphrates.   10962 10963 Oct. 26 *----- (p. 358), baggage for Begbie and Gosset to be sent on the Euphrates.   10963 11072 Oct. 28 *----- (p. 368), requesting Parliamentary Blue Books for use in colony.   11072 11237 Oct. 30 *----- (p. 426), concerning purchase of forage.   11237 11238 Oct. 30 *----- (p. 428), requesting decision regarding his passage allowance.   11238 11239 Oct. 30 *----- (p. 429), requesting Corporal Spackman be authorized to go to BC.   11239 11773 Oct. 30 *----- (p. 432), concerning stores.   11773 12419 Nov. 18 *----- (p. 383), explaining why three vessels were employed to convey REs to BC.   12419 1682 Dec. 27 *----- (p. 447), announcing his arrival in Victoria.   1682 1918 Dec. 27 *----- (p. 448), describing his relations with Governor Douglas.   1918 9384 Sep. 7 Morgan, Capt. (p. 253), submitting application for T. Kealy.   9384 13339 Dec. 24 Morgan, Thomas (p. 444), requesting appointment as police constable.   13339 11421 Oct. 25 Munro, Alexander Fraser (p. 363), requesting information about land prices.   11421 9920 Sep. 6 Murray, Samuel (p. 308), requesting appointment to police force.   9920 9797 Sep. 23 Nisbett, George B. (p. 457), requesting appointment with police force and including testimonials.   9797 11508 Nov. 4 Oakes, Walter (p. 477), requesting appointment.   11508 10628 Oct. 13 O'Brien, James A.B. (p. 473), forwarding memorial.   10628 9446 Sep. 11 O'Neill, G.S. John, p. (471), requesting appointment.   9446 9421 Sep. 13 ----- (p. 469), requesting appointment with police force.   9421 11075 Oct. 27 Page, Edward Legh (p. 505), requesting appointment.   11075 9727 Sep. 21 Palmer, Joseph (p. 481), requesting Mr. Brew's address.   9727 9978 Sep. 30 ----- (p. 487), explaining his request for Brew's address so as to secure employment.   9978 11483 Oct. 28 Parkin, William (p. 524), concerning a system of registering land titles and requesting appointment.   11483 11022 Sep. 27 *Parsons, Captain R.M. (p. 496), reporting the arrival of Royal Engineers at Panama.   11022 652 Nov. 9 *----- (p. 530), reporting arrival with Royal Engineers at VI.   1038 Nov. 9 *----- (p. 535), concerning pay for the troops.   1038 651 Nov. 12 *----- (p. 528), forwarding statement of expenses incurred.   11231 Oct. 26 Peebles, A.M. (p. 519), recommending P. Cadell.   11231 11214 Oct. 28 Plinden, J. (p. 517), requesting appointment.   11214 9876 Sep. 25 Plowden, Colonel J.C. (p. 483), requesting appointment.   9876 10309 Oct. 6 Power, Lieut. Thomas G. (p. 494), requesting appointment.   10309 10247 Oct. 7 Raynes, F.M. (p. 557), requesting appointment as superintendent of police force.   10247 9884 Sep. 27 Rogerson, Joseph (p. 555), requesting free passage to BC.   9884 10333 Sep. 6 Rowlandson, Thomas (p. 560), offering information on mining and agriculture, and seeking employment.   10333 11053 Sep. 21 ----- (p. 579), furnishing references and expressing desire to work again in BC.   11053 9762 Sep. 22 Rust, William Taylor (p. 552), requesting appointment with police force.   9762 9334 Sep. 8 Sandell, Lieut. J.C. (p. 539), suggesting the formation of a corps of mounted riflemen in BC.   9334 9438 Sep. 14 ----- (p. 546), duplicate of previous letter.   9438 10085 Oct. 2 *Sanders, Edward H. (p. 598), submitting testimonials and requesting appointment.   10085 11018 Oct. 26 *----- (p. 618), requesting letter of introduction to the governor.   11018 9998 Oct. 1 *Sanders, Capt. G.O. (p. 595), recommending his nephew, Edward Howard Sanders, for mounted police in BC.   9998 9950 Sep. 29 Scott, Andrew Jr. (p. 592), requesting appointment.   9950 11115 Sep. 23 Scott, Edward (p. 621), testimonial for Bowers Doggett.   11115 11394 Nov. 5 *Scott, W.C. (p. 636), enclosing application from H.P.P. Crease for stipendiary magistrate.   11394 9506 Sep. 16 Sharland, G. (p. 550), requesting appointment with police force.   9506 11213 Sep. 27 Shepherd, Capt. John (p. 624), testimonial for Colonel Plowden.   11213 11378 Nov. 4 Shield, Mrs. (p. 630), requesting appointment as clerk.   11378 10086 Oct. 2 Smith, Henry J. (p. 604), requesting appointment as surgeon to the constabulary force.   10086 2726 Dec. 20 Snyder, H.M. (p. 648), forwarding memorial of residents of Yale congratulating Douglas on being appointed governor.   2726 41 Dec. 11 St. Aubyn, William (p. 645), requesting appointment.   11423 Nov. 7 Stephens, Mrs. Mary (p. 643), inquiring if John Dunn had been appointed to constabulary force.   11423 9445 Sep. 14 Steventon, Dr. William, M.D. (p. 547), requesting appointment as a medical officer.   9445 9902 Sep. 27 Stewart, J.R. (p. 588), requesting information about BC.   9902 10402 Oct. 8 ----- (p. 607), requesting further information.   10402 10583 Oct. 13 Strickland, Capt. Thomas (p. 610), requesting appointment.   10583 10984 Oct. 23 Sutton, James (p. 615), requesting appointment with police force.   10984 9374 Sep. 10 Swift, Capt. W. Alfred (p. 541), requesting appointment.   9374 9792 Sep. 23 Tilby, James F. (p. 584), requesting opinion on prospects of immigrating to BC.   9792 9591 Sep. 17 Tobin, W.T. (p. 651), requesting appointment.   9591 10354 Oct. 8 *Trutch, Joseph W. (p. 653), offering his services to survey the colony.   10354 B586T01 11530 Nov. 10 Tully, Joseph (p. 664), requesting interview to discuss a submarine telegraph between BC and San Francisco.   11530 9496 Sep. 15 Veale, Charles H.S. (p. 669), requesting appointment.   9496 9509 Sep. 16 Wallace, A.S. (p. 677), requesting appointment.   9509 10419 Oct. 11 ----- (p. 689), again requesting appointment.   10419 9757 Sep. 21 Ward, Lieut. Col. James (p. 684), requesting appointment as stipendiary magistrate.   9757 12887 Dec. 15 Watkins, Rev. Charles F. (p. 707), requesting an appointment for his son.   12887 9409 Sep. 11 Wellingsley, de Broke (p. 675), expressing willingness to be of service.   9409 9729 Sep. 17 Whiteford, Lieut. (p. 682), requesting appointment for his son, Edward Whiteford.   9729 12918 Dec. 14 *Whitman, Henry (p. 7l6), requesting a testimonial for John Gaggin.   12918 10149 Oct. 1 Williams, Charles (p. 686), requesting appointment.   10149 11899 Nov. 16 Williams, Newton (p. 691), requesting appointment as civil engineer.   11899 12803 Dec. 15 Wolfe, Lieutenant John (p. 695), requesting appointment with the constabulary force.   12803 9400 Sep. 10 Wolseley, W. Augustus (p. 673), requesting appointment as colonial surgeon.   9400 9705 Sep. 14 Wright, George Taylor (p. 680), requesting appointment.   9705
British Columbia Despatches to London 1858
7 Mar 5 4567 Survey of the American boundary.   4567 15 Apr. 6 5180 Report on conditions in gold fields.   5180 23 May 19 6667 Report on conditions in gold fields.   6667 24 June 10 7828 Governor's expedition to Fraser River gold fields.   7828 25 June 15 7829 Address to Douglas requesting free trade with mining district.   7829 26 June 15 7830 Disturbance between miners and Indians at Hill's Bar.   7830 28 June 19 2832 Report on conditions in gold fields.   7832 29 July 1 7833 Report on conditions in gold fields.   7833 31 July 26 9253 Police measures adopted for gold mining districts.   9253 34 Aug. 19 10342 Numbers of foreigners at mines; construction of Lillooet-Harison road.   10342 35 Aug. 27 10343 Indian unrest at Fraser River.   10343 37 Aug. 30 10344 Instructions to assistant gold commissioners.   10344 39 Sep 9 12177 Report on conditions in gold fields.   12177 40 Sep 29 12178 Maintaining order over adventurers arriving at gold fields.   12178 42 Sep 30 12179 Establishment of regular government in the gold country.   12179 Oct 4 12643 Accepting appointment as governor of BC. (Private)   12643 43 Oct 11 12180 Establishment of regular government in BC.   12643 1 Oct 12 12719 Regulating supply of alcohol to Indians.   12719 2 Oct 12 12720 Arrangements for reception of Royal Engineers.   12720 3 Oct 12 12721 Report on conditions of the gold fields.   12721 4 Oct 21 12722 Receipt of act providing for government of BC.   12722 5 Oct 23 12723 Sale of town lots at Fort Langley.   12723 6 Oct 26 12724 Report on the harbours of Vancouver Island and BC.   12724 7 Oct 27 12725 Pemberton's report on sale of lands.   12725 8 Oct 27 12726 Requisitions for law courts and public offices.   12726 Oct 28 586 Governor's observations on affairs of the colony. (Private)   586 9 Nov 3 528 Recommendation for a seaport on Fraser River.   528 10 Nov 3 529 Naval assistance from China Station.   529 11 Nov 3 530 Brew appointed chief inspector of police.   530 12 Nov 3 531 Douglas' policy respecting further naval assistance.   531 13 Nov 3 532 Allegations relative to proceedings of the HBC.   532 14 Nov 4 533 Maintenance costs of Royal Engineers.   533 15 Nov 4 534 Col. Moody to command detachment of Royal Engineers.   534 16 Nov 5 535 Postal arrangements via Panama and San Francisco.   535 17 Nov 5 536 Views of Aborigines Protection Society.   536 18 Nov 5 537 Douglas's commission as governor.   537 19 Nov 5 538 Receipt of seal.   538 20 Nov 5 539 J. Cooper appointed harbour master at Esquimalt.   539 21 Nov 6 540 Inquiries about Pacific Mail Steam Packet Co.   540 22 Nov 6 541 Sending of missionary chaplains to VI.   541 23 Nov 6 542 Revocation of exclusive license to HBC in BC.   542 24 Nov 8 543 Matthew Begbie appointed chief justice.   543 25 Nov 8 544 Rebates and grants of land to armed forces personnel.   544 26 Nov 8 545 Arrival of Captain Parsons' detachment of Royal Engineers.   545 27 Nov 8 546 Proclamation of act for government of BC.   546 28 Nov 9 547 Arrival of Brew, Begbie and Captain Grant, RE.   547 29 Nov 9 548 Appointment of gold commissioners and police.   548 30 Nov 9 549 Commissioner Hinks' report on Fort Yale district.   549 31a Nov 13 550 W.A.G. Young recommended as colonial secretary.   550 31b Nov 26 1047 R. Sinclair's memo on affairs of the colony.   1047 32 Nov 26 1048 P. Rousset, French consular agent at Victoria.   1048 33 Nov 27 1049 Draft of £500 for passage of Royal Engineers.   1049 34 Nov 27 1050 Proclamation of act providing for BC government.   1050 35 Nov 27 1051 Grant and engineers depart for Fort Langley.   1051 36 Nov 27 1052 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   1052 37 Nov 27 1053 Governor's suggestions for a military force.   1053 38 Nov 29 1054 First sale of town lands in BC at Fort Langley.   1054 39 Nov 30 1055 Murderers among miners.   1055 40 Nov 30 1056 State of affairs in mining districts.   1056 41 Dec 2 1057 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   1057 42 Dec 4 1058 Conveyance of crown lands and duties on imports.   1058 43 Dec 9 1059 Hamley appointed collector of customs.   1059 44 Dec 9 1060 Moody appointed chief commissioner of lands & works.   1060 45 Dec 9 1061 Reverend J. Gammage to officiate among miners.   1061 46 Dec 9 1062 Payment for services of Satellite and Plumper.   1062 47 Dec 9 1063 Moody appointed lieutenant governor.   1063 48 Dec 9 1064 Information for immigrants.   1064 49 Dec 9 1065 Arrival of Cooper, harbour master.   1065 50 Dec 7 1066 Possessory rights of HBC to land.   1066 51 Dec 14 1067 State of affairs.   1067 52 Dec 24 1527 State of affairs.   1527 53 Dec 27 1528 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   1528 54 Dec 27 1529 Americans fail to pay for Oregon supplies of 1856.   1529 55 Dec 27 2134 Salary of Chief Justice Begbie.   2134 56 Dec 27 2135 State of naval and military forces.   2135 57 Dec 28 2136 Captain Gosset appointed treasurer.   2136 58 Dec 28 2137 Endowment of bishopric by Burdett Coutts.   2137 59 Dec 28 2138 Application of Miles for a mineral claim.   2138 60 Dec 28 2139 Pension to Michael Kelsher.   2139 61 Dec 28 2140 Receipt of instructions for Moody.   2140 62 Dec 29 2141 Employment of Royal Engineers as surveyors.   2141 63 Dec 30 2142 Revision of regulations for gold fields.   2142
British Columbia Despatches from London 1858
Sep. 1 Forwarding memo regarding mining rights. (Private)   Sep Sep. 1 Introducing Parsons of Royal Engineers.   1 1 Sep. 2 Warrant appointing Douglas governor of BC.   1 2 Sep. 2 Order in Council empowering governor to make laws.   2 3 Sep. 2 Revocation of HBC's license in BC.   3 4 Sep. 2 Enclosing commission for Begbie.   4 Sep. 2 Forwarding small temporary seal. (Private)   5 Sep. 2 Naval assistance to BC.   5 6 Sep. 2 Tribune and Pylades dispatched to BC with Supernumary Marines.   6 7 Sep. 2 Detachment of Royal Engineers sent to BC.   7 8 Sep. 2 BC to defray all expenses of Royal Engineers in BC.   8 9 Sep. 2 Postal arrangements between England and BC.   9 10 Sep. 2 Allegations relative to activities of the HBC.   10 11 Sep. 2 Brew appointed chief inspector of police.   11 12 Sep. 2 Forwarding letter from Aborigines Protection Society.   12 13 Sep. 2 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel sending missionaries.   13 14 Sep. 2 Land grants for Royal Engineers in BC.   14 15 Sep. 2 Appointment of Cooper as harbour master.   15 16 Sep. 2 Douglas's duties as governor of BC.   16 17 Sep. 2 Correspondence regarding the Pacific Mail Steam Packet Company.   17 Sep. 2 Introducing Nugent, special agent of the US. (Confidential)   Sep. 2 Begbie's departure delayed two weeks because of illness. (Private)   Sep Sep. 2 Appointment of gold commissioners to police gold fields.   2 18 Sep. 4 Appointment of Rousset as French consular agent.   18 19 Sep. 9 Issue of £500 to Parsons for travel expenses.   19 Sep. 11 Letter of introduction to D'Ewes. (Private)   20 Sep. 16 Further instructions to the governor.   20 Sep. 16 Letter of introduction for Trutch. (Private)   21 Sep. 23 Appointment of Hamley as collector of customs.   21 22 Sep. 23 Authorization to appoint Moody chief commissioner of lands and works.   22 23 Sep. 17 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to send Reverend Gammage to BC.   23 24 Sep. 24 Colonial pay to men of Satellite and Plumper.   24 25 Sep. 24 Appointment of Moody as lieutenant governor.   25 Sep Sep. 29 Appointment of Cooper as harbour master [VI despatch].   29 26 Oct. 1 Forwarding copies of colonization circular.   26 27 Oct. 5 State of prisons in Vancouver Island [VI despatch].   27 28 Oct. 9 Money advanced by Douglas to Washington Territory in 1856 [VI despatch].   28 29 Oct. 11 Begbie's salary set at £800, payable by BC.   29 Oct. 14 Reactions to regulations to manage the gold fields. (Confidential)   30 Oct. 16 Measures for the military protection of BC.   30 Oct. 16 Only Royal Engineers to make surveys in BC. (Private)   Oct. 29 Recommending Trutch for employment in BC. (Private)   31 Oct. 29 Appointment of Gosset as treasurer.   31 32 Oct. 19 Endowment of ecclesiastical see by Miss Burdett Coutts.   32 33 Oct. 25 Application of Miles to work a quartz vein.   33 34 Oct. 30 Payment of pension to Kelcher.   34 Sep Oct. 30 Letter of introduction to Plowden.   30 35 Nov. 1 Instructions addressed to Moody.   35 36 Nov. 9 Approval of harbour regulations.   36 37 Nov. 10 Replying to requests from Gosset.   37 38 Nov. 11 Grant of £100 to cover losses by Brew en route to BC.   38 39 Nov. 12 Persons crimping sailors are proceeding to BC.   39 40 Nov. 15 Parsons' bills of £600 for passage of men to San Francisco.   40 41 Nov. 16 Gosset bonded for performance of duties as treasurer.   41 42 Nov. 16 Request for information about lands claimed by HBC.   42 43 Nov. 16 Information about mining laws in California.   43 44 Nov. 17 Appointment of Gosset as treasurer of BC.   44 45 Nov. 19 Life certificate for Moody required for issuance of pay.   45 46 Nov. 20 £250 passage money for Moody and two servants.   46 47 Nov. 21 Issuance of stationery supplies for treasurer's office.   47 48 Nov. 23 Disposal of buildings erected for boundary survey [VI despatch].   48 Nov. 29 Qualification to introduction granted D'Ewes. (Confidential)   49 Dec. 1 Travel expenses incurred by Parsons.   49 Dec. 7 Douglas awarded Companion of the Order of the Bath. (Private)   50 Dec. 9 Moody's request for Spackman to come to BC.   50 51 Dec. 10 Establishment of branch of Bank of British North America in Victoria.   51 52 Dec. 10 Instructions for keeping colonial accounts.   52 53 Dec. 11 Moody's request for copies of Parliamentary Papers.   53 54 Dec. 15 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   54 55 Dec. 16 Tribune dispatched from Calcutta with 150 Royal Marines.   55 56 Dec. 16 Expenses incurred by Parsons.   56 Dec. 16 Douglas's salary as governor. (Private)   57 Dec. 17 Additional passage money for Grant's family.   57 58 Dec. 24 Instructions for keeping colonial accounts.   58 59 Dec. 29 Money advanced by Douglas to Washington Territory in 1856.   59 60 Dec. 30 Acknowledging receipt of despatches.   60 61 Dec. 30 Administration of justice and need for economy.   61 62 Dec. 30 Policy towards Indians.   62 63 Dec. 31 Sanctioning amended list of stores requested by Moody.   63
British Columbia Public Offices 1858
Admiralty 9424 Sep. 13 Passage to Colon for Captain Grant's detachment.   9467 Sep. 15 Passage to Vancouver Island for Hamley.   9494 Sep. 16 Shipment of supplies and equipment for Royal Engineers.   9862 Sep. 22 Establishment of Vice Admiralty Court in BC.   9879 Sep. 27 Increase of pay to men on H.M. ships.   9929 Sep. 29 Passage for Hamley & Gammage on Thames City.   10073 Oct. 2 Accommodations for men aboard Briseis.   10073 10074 Oct. 2 Stationing of man of war at Vancouver Island.   10074 10075 Oct. 2 Sailing orders for Briseis.   10075 10133 Oct. 4 Departure of Thames City for Gravesend.   10133 10184 Oct. 5 Better terms for landing vessels at Fraser's River.   10184 10358 Oct. 11 Conveyance of Royal Engineers from Esquimalt to the Fraser region.   10358 10430 Oct. 13 Transfer of Royal Engineers from Briseis to Euphrates.   10430 10567 Oct. 15 Report from Captain Prevost of conditions in BC gold fields.   10567 10586 Oct. 16 Accommodations for men aboard Euphrates.   10586 10949 Oct. 25 Departure of Briseis for Vancouver Island.   10949 11058 Oct. 28 Provisions to be shipped on Euphrates.   11058 12071 Nov. 24 Shipment of Begbie's baggage aboard Euphrates.   12071 12329 Dec. 2 State of affairs in BC and VI.   12329 12503 Dec. 6 Shipment of Crickmer's baggage aboard Euphrates.   12503 12787 Dec. 15 Dispatch of Royal Marines from China to BC.   12787 13024 Dec. 18 Cost of letters patent for Vice Admiralty Court.   13024 13031 Dec. 18 Commissions and regulations of Vice Admiralty Court.   13031 13320 Dec. 20 Embarkation of Euphrates for BC.   13320 2 Dec. 31 Letters Patent appointing Douglas as Vice Admiral.   3 Dec. 31 Letters Patent appointing Begbie a judge of Vice Admiralty Court.  
Agent (Crown Agents)13182 Dec 23 Equipment ordered by Captain Gosset.   13182
Foreign Office 9628 Sep. 20 Mining licences in BC.   10636 Oct. 18 Navigation rights of HBC on Fraser River.   10636 10768 Oct. 19 Numbers of miners leaving San Francisco for Victoria.   10768 11266 Nov. 2 Crimping of sailors may spread to BC.   11266 11498 Nov. 9 Arrival of Royal Engineers detachment at Panama.   11498 11499 Nov. 9 Transmission of BC despatches from Panama.   11499 11700 Nov. 13 Consuls to assist passage of Royal Engineers to BC.   11700 11989 Nov. 20 Laws governing American coastal trade.   11989 12081 Nov. 24 Departure of Grant's detachment from Panama.   12081 12285 Dec. 1 Arrival of Parsons's detachment at San Francisco.   12285 12286 Dec. 1 Return of gold miners to San Francisco.   12286 12289 Dec. 1 BC despatches entrusted to Parsons.   12289 12881 Dec. 16 Departure of Grant's detachment from San Francisco.   12881
Home Office10983 Oct. 26 Tradesmen from Glasgow wish to emigrate.   10983
Law Office12681 Dec. 10 Establishment of Bishop's See in BC.   12681
Miscellaneous 9463 Sep. 15 Revocation of exclusive trading rights of HBC.   9499 Sep. 16 Instructions for Grant's detachment.   9634 Sep. 19 Letter of introduction for Reverend Gammage.   9790 Sep. 23 HBC's navigation rights on the Columbia River.   9830 Sep. 25 Free passage for clergyman requested.   9832 n.d. - Draft resolution of Colonial Church Committee.   9904 Sep. 28 Free passage for clergyman requested.   10207 Oct. 4 Extra pay for crews of Plumper and Satellite.   10207 10424 Oct. 12 Title to lands around HBC forts in BC.   10424 10427 Oct. 8 Appointment of Reverend Crickmer.   10427 10896 Oct. 18 Pay for Royal Engineers.   10896 10972 Oct. 26 Stationery requirements for BC.   10972 11054 Oct. 29 Conveyance of Parsons's detachment to BC.   11054 11227 Nov. 1 Departure of Parsons's detachment from Panama.   11227 12037 Nov. 22 HBC's navigation rights on the Columbia River.   12037 12090 Nov. 23 Shipment of baggage for Reverend Crickmer.   12090 12266 Nov. 30 Interview with directors, Bank of British North America.   12266 12294 Dec. 1 State of affairs in BC.   12294 12882 Dec. 16 Extension of charter, Bank of British North America.   12882 12943 Dec. 17 Relinquishment of HBC connections by Douglas.   12943
Trade (Board of Trade) 9582 Sep. 18 American entry to coastal trade of BC.   11118 Oct. 30 Harbour regulations for Victoria and Esquimalt.   11118 12900 Dec. 17 Exclusion of American shipping from BC coastal trade.   12900
Treasury 9493 Sep. 16 Expenses of Royal Engineers.   9723 Sep. 21 Expenses of Royal Engineers.   9752 Sep. 22 Appointment of customs officers for BC.   9836 Sep. 25 Expenses of Royal Engineers.   9892 Sep. 28 Expenses of Royal Engineers.   9932 Sep. 29 Passage for James Cooper to Esquimalt.   10236 Oct. 7 Extra pay for Royal Engineers in BC.   10236 10988 Oct. 27 Expenses of Royal Engineers.   10988 11279 Nov. 2 Stamp duties on documents for BC.   11279 11300 Nov. 4 Expense of Mrs. Moody's passage.   11300 11407 Nov. 6 Salary for Colonel Moody to be issued quarterly.   11407 11523 Nov. 10 Bond & sureties executed by Gosset.   11523 11566 Nov. 12 Passage for Moody and two servants.   11566 11765 Nov. 16 Stationery and supplies for BC treasury.   11765 11799 Nov. 17 Water wheel, mill, and lithographic press for BC.   11799 11841 Nov. 18 Expense of stores for Royal Engineers.   11841 11842 Nov. 18 Expenses incurred by Moody.   11842 12043 Nov. 23 Stationery supplies ordered by Moody.   12043 12050 Nov. 23 Charter for Bank of British Columbia and Vancouver Island.   12050 12078 Nov. 24 Stationery and supplies for BC treasury.   12078 12111 Nov. 25 Expenses of Parsons's detachment.   12111 12159 Nov. 27 Charter for Bank of British North America.   12159 12378 Dec. 3 Postal service for BC.   12378 12504 Dec. 6 Rates of pay for Royal Engineers.   12504 12508 Dec. 6 Supply of Parliamentary Papers for BC.   12508 12632 Dec. 9 Expenses of Parsons's detachment.   12632 12648 Dec. 10 Expenses of Grant's detachment.   12648 13034 Dec. 20 Forms for use by treasury in BC.   13034 13189 Dec. 24 Expenses of Parsons's detachment.   13189 13275 Dec. 29 Forms for use by treasury in BC.   13275
War Office 9363 Sep. 10 Transport of Royal Engineers and supplies.   9516 Sep. 16 Transport of Royal Engineers and supplies.   9977 Oct. 1 Engagement of Thames City and Briseis.   10081 Oct. 2 Vessels transporting Royal Engineers chartered to VI only.   10081 10182 Oct. 5 Provisions to be shipped aboard Briseis.   10182 10183 Oct. 4 Hospital orderly to accompany Royal Engineers.   10183 10915 Oct. 23 Coloured maps of BC.   10915 12057 Nov. 23 Provisions to be shipped aboard Euphrates.   12057 12115 Nov. 25 Shipment of Begbie's baggage aboard Euphrates.   12115 12274 Dec. 1 One month's delay in departure of Euphrates.   12274 12379 Dec. 3 Ill health of Corporal Spackman, Royal Engineer.   12379 12529 Dec. 7 Payment of Royal Engineers.   12529 12941 Dec. 18 Military chaplain not authorized for BC.   12941 13025 Dec. 20 Expedition of Lt. Colonel Hawkins of boundary commission to BC.   13025 13097 Dec. 22 Alterations to supplies for Royal Engineers.   13097 13098 Dec. 22 Extra pay and allowances for Royal Engineers.   13098
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1858
1 Jan 6 Rules of practice for supreme and inferior courts of VI.   1 2 Jan 8 Outrages committed by Indians in US.   2 3 Jan 23 Appointment of chief commissioner of boundary survey.   3 4 Feb 1 Possible immigration of Mormons from Utah.   4 5 Mar 15 Repayment of loan by Washington authorities.   5 1 Mar 28 Sale of Thetis Island in Esquimalt Harbour.   1 2 Apr 30 Salary of Chief Justice Cameron.   2 1 Jun 10 Enlargement of boundary survey party.   1 2 Jul 1 Regulations regarding gold discoveries on the Fraser River.   2 Jul 1 Maintenance of order in Fraser River gold fields. (Confidential)   3 Jul 16 Douglas's refusal to deliver American soldiers to authorities.   3 4 n.d. - Maintenance of order in Couteau gold diggings.   4 Jul 16 Establishment of colony of British Columbia. (Confidential)   5 Jul 30 Company of Royal Engineers despatched to BC.   5 Jul 31 Douglas's interest in Puget Sound Agricultural Company. (Confidential)   6 Jul 31 Lytton's views as to government of BC.   6 7 Aug 14 Transmitting an act to provide for the government of BC.   7 8 Aug 14 Instructions for the government of BC.   8 9 Aug 14 Disposal of land in BC.   9 10 Aug 16 Sales of town land in BC.   10 Aug 21 Failure of marine boundary survey party to agree. (Confidential)   6 Sep 2 Tribune, Pylades, and Amethyst despatched to VI.   6 10 Sep 2 Compulsory purchase of tools from HBC.   10 15 Sep 2 Appointing Cooper to be harbour master of BC.   15 Sep 2 Favourable view of special agent of US. (Confidential)   16 Sep 2 Legal position and duties of governor.   16 17 Sep 2 Queries to Her Majesty's minister at Washington.   17 18 Sep 4 Appointing French consular agent.   18 24 Sep 24 Pay to crews of Plumper and Satellite.   24 Sep Sep 29 Letter of introduction for Cooper.   29 27 Oct 5 State of prison in VI.   27 28 Oct 9 Repayment of loan by Washington authorities.   28 34 Oct 29 Payment of Kelcher's pension.   34 36 Nov 9 Harbour regulations.   36 48 Nov 23 Disposal of buildings used by Royal Engineers.   48 Sep Dec 7 Conferring Companion of the Order of the Bath on Douglas.   7 51 Dec 10 Establishment of banks in BC and VI.   51 55 Dec 16 Tribune despatched to VI.   55 Dec 16 Douglas's acceptance of governorship of BC. (Private)   59 Dec 29 Repayment of loan by Washington authorities.   59
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1858
Admiralty 2878 Mar. 22 Sale of Thetis Island in Esquimalt harbour.   6214 June 28 Despatch of ships for protection of VI.   7714 Aug. 4 Despatch of ships for protection of VI.   8226 Aug. 16 Despatch of ships with provisions for VI.   8227 Aug. 16 Request for naval force and marines at Fraser River.  
Agent (Crown Agents)10465 Oct. 14 Payment of pension for Michael Kelcher.   10465
Foreign Office 98 Jan. 2 Indian attacks on US settlers.   507 Jan. 12 Emigration of Mormons from Utah.   882 Jan. 27 Emigration of Mormons from Utah.   1788 Feb. 19 Captain Prevost's report on boundary line.   2364 Mar. 10 Repayment of sums advanced to Washington Territory.   5315 May 29 Barwise report on discovery of gold on VI.   6609 July 9 Desertion of soldiers from US army.   7094 July 19 Ban on Fraser River of vessels not licensed with HBC.   8408 Aug. 18 US refusal to acknowledge stores loaned from VI.   8694 Aug. 26 Recognition of French consular agent at Victoria.   9988 Sep. 30 Repayment of sums advanced to Washington Territory.   12907 Dec. 17 Merchant interest in Victoria as free port.   12907 12929 Dec. 12 Repayment of sums advanced to Washington Territory.   12929
Land (Emigration Office) 3854 Apr. 19 HBC accounts of sums expended on VI.   8830 Aug. 31 Colonization of VI.   8831 Aug. 31 HBC claims against crown on resumption of VI.   12126 Nov. 26 HBC claims against crown on resumption of VI.   12126
Law Office 6012 June 7 HBC claims against crown on resumption of VI.  
Miscellaneous 750 Jan. 21 Payment of sums to HBC for resumption of VI.   751 Jan. 21 Information about VI supplied to Dawson.   873 Jan. 23 Douglas's account of colonial progress of VI.   1655 Feb. 16 Emigration of Mormons from Utah.   1987 Feb. 24 HBC claims against Crown on resumption of VI.   2057 Feb. 27 Leonard's application for free land grant.   * Mar. 3 Leonard's application for free land grant.   2396 Mar. 11 Discovery of gold at Thompson River.   2717 Mar. 18 Indian murder of Ebey at Whidbey Island.   3505 Apr. 10 Sale of government land to private individual.   3663 Apr. 17 Payment of salary to Chief Justice Cameron.   4723 May 12 Despatches forwarded to Douglas.   5419 June 3 Douglas's report on west coast gold discoveries.   5420 June 3 Emigration of Mormons from Utah.   5576 June 8 Emigration of Mormons from Utah.   5875 June 17 Douglas's report on Fraser River gold discoveries.   6213 June 28 Douglas's report on Fraser River gold discoveries.   6854 July 15 Report of individual and company land ownership.   7920 Aug. 4 Dispensation of VI land to settlers.   7962 Aug. 9 HBC claims for resumption of land to Crown.   8635 Aug. 25 Future government of colony.   8789 Aug. 28 Dispatch of steamer Labouchere to VI.   9141 Sep. 7 HBC claims for compensation of expenses.   11257 Nov. 2 HBC claims for compensation of expenses.   11257 12291 Dec. 1 HBC land possessions on VI and in BC.   12291
Parliamentary 6160 June 24 Return of individual and company land ownership.  
Trade (Board of Trade)13147 Dec. 23 Merchant interest in Victoria as free port.   13147
War Office10993 Oct. 27 Erection of buildings for boundary surveyors.   10993 11728 Nov. 15 Expense of buildings for boundary surveyors.   11728
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1859
480 Jan. 10 Allen, B.G., requesting government appointment on behalf of W. Burlington. 8241 June 20 Anonymous, extracts regarding life in VI. 8241 V596A024173 Apr. 4 Barnston, G., regarding exclusion of son from superior courts of VI and BC. 4173 V596B012680 Mar. 11 Brook, Thornton and Brook, regarding cargo to be shipped on Athelstan. 2680 V596B023797 Apr. 9 Bullock, A., requesting appointment as land surveyor at VI. 3797 V596B0310023 Aug. 25 Easterby, A., regarding claim to gold mine on Queen Charlotte Island. 10023 V596E0111336 Oct. 28 Forbes, R., regarding free grant of land on VI. 11336 V596F014275 Mar. 13 Grant, W.C., regarding town site at Victoria. 4275 V596G01 661 Jan. 19 Hicks, H., memorial in favour of appointing W. Smith as customs collector. 11931 Nov. 28 Higgins, J., requesting information on emigration to VI. 11931 V596H0210609 Oct. 25 Holloway, T., requesting name of British consul at VI. 10609 V596H031507 Feb. 10 Houseman, F., requesting legal appointment in VI. 1507 V596H041600 Feb. 11 Isbister, A.K., requesting appointment on behalf of Dr. F. Kennedy. 1600 V596I015043 May 17 Itter, W., requesting appointment in VI treasury. 5043 V596I021227 Jan. 26 Josling, L.E., promoting consideration of E. Langford for appointment at VI. 1227 V596J011530 Dec. 21 Moody, R.C., forwarding correspondence relating to military command in VI and BC. 1530 V596M011088 Jan. 29 Pattenson, J., requesting appointment as clerk at VI bank. 1088 V596P011163 Feb. 2 Stamp, E., regarding contract for conveyance of mails from San Francisco to VI and BC. 1163 V596S011963 Feb. 18 -----, regarding mail conveyance to VI and BC. 196311073 Nov. 5 Waddell, J., occupation of San Juan Island. 11073 V596W01
1505 Feb. 10 Willmett and Sons, requesting information on land acquisition in VI. 1505 V596W024686 May 3 Wood, K., requesting appointment for husband at VI. 4686 V596W03
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1859
Admiralty 562 Jan. 15 Plans for naval hospital at Esquimalt.  592 Jan. 17 Conveyance of Thetis Island to naval department.  2062 Feb. 21 Transmission of mails between Panama and Vancouver.  2427 Mar. 3 Coast survey report of HMS Plumper.  3328 Mar. 28 Report on need for lighthouses in VI.  4250 Apr. 20 Need for lighthouses at Race Rocks and Esquimalt harbour.  6827 July 6 Transfer of survey buildings to naval department.  7943 Aug. 6 Captain DeCourcy's report on state of affairs.  9686 Sep. 27 US occupation of San Juan Island.  9776 Oct. 1 Settling of water boundary between US and Britain. 10470 Oct. 18 Repayment to naval department for stores supplied. 10470 V595AD1110914 Nov. 2 Erection of powder magazine at VI. 10914 V595AD12
Council (Privy Council) 7592 Aug. 1 Licensing of pubs and beer houses at VI.  9553 Sep. 24 Approval of act no. 7, passed April 1859. 
Foreign Office 3166 Mar. 26 French ambassador's search for French settler.  3320 Mar. 30 Settlement of Douglas's claim against Washington.  4083 Apr. 13 Settlement of Douglas's claim against Washington.  4373 Apr. 27 Encroachment of US citizens on San Juan Island.  4867 May 11 Douglas's claim against Washington authorities.  5743 June 2 Encroachment of US citizens on San Juan Island.  6288 June 15 Transfer of survey buildings to colony.  8118 Aug. 11 Port bonding system.  9112 Sep. 14 US occupation of San Juan Island.  9477 Sep. 19 US occupation of San Juan Island.  9538 Sep. 23 US occupation of San Juan Island.  9598 Sep. 24 Memorandum respecting San Juan Island.  9754 Sep. 30 US occupation of San Juan Island.  9774 Sep. 30 General Scott's appointment as commander US troops.  9775 Oct. 1 General Scott's appointment as commander US troops.  9924 Oct. 3 Increase of naval forces on NW coast. 10014 Oct. 5 US occupation of San Juan Island. 10014 V595FO1710071 Oct. 6 General Scott's mission to San Juan Island. 10071 V595FO1810106 Oct. 8 Despatch regarding Scott's mission to San Juan Island. 10106 V595FO1910174 Oct. 14 US newspaper articles regarding San Juan Island. 10174 V595FO2010175 Oct. 14 Reinforcements sent to Pacific Station. 10175 V595FO2110508 Oct. 6 Despatches regarding Scott's San Juan Island mission. 10508 V595FO2210921 Nov. 1 US occupation of San Juan Island. 10921 V595FO2310995 Nov. 4 Promotion of British emigration to VI. 10995 V595FO2410996* Nov. 4 Promotion of emigration. [Missing] 10996*
11112 Nov. 8 Payment for stores supplied to Col. Hawkins. 11112 V595FO2511291 Nov. 10 US occupation of San Juan Island. 11291 V595FO2611475 Nov. 18 US occupation of San Juan Island. 11475 V595FO2712300 Dec. 13 Promotion of British emigration to VI. 12300 V595FO2812449 Dec. 15 Promotion of joint occupation of San Juan Island. 12449 V595FO2912817 Dec. 28 Promotion of joint occupation of San Juan Island. 12817 V595FO30 4 Dec. 31 Joint occupation of San Juan Island. 
Hudson's Bay Company 481 Jan. 13 Sale of town lands at Victoria.  1468 Feb. 9 Sale of Thetis Island.  1540 Feb. 10 Sale of Thetis Island.  2059 Feb. 21 Sale of lands on VI.  2249 Feb. 28 Government reimbursements to HBC.  2452 Mar. 4 Sale of Thetis Island.  4294 Apr. 21 HBC search for coal at Fort Rupert.  5176 May 20 Renewal of Reverend Cridge's appointment.  7160 July 16 HBC claims against crown for expenditures.  7249 July 19 Erection of public buildings at Victoria.  8096 Aug. 10 Douglas's request for HBC advances.  8803 Sep. 2 Douglas's request for HBC advances. 10324 Oct. 10 Douglas's request for HBC advances. 10324 V595HB1310380 Oct. 15 HBC rights under grant of VI. 10380 V595HB1410998 Nov. 4 Douglas's request for HBC advances. 10998 V595HB1512465 Dec. 16 HBC advance to Douglas. 12465 V595HB16
Land (Emigration Office) 994 Jan. 27 Private sale of town lots in Victoria.  3169 Mar. 26 HBC claim against crown for coal search expenses.  4162 Apr. 18 Reservation of coal and timber for government purposes.  4720 May 7 HBC claim against crown for coal search expenses.  6604 June 29 Reservation of crown lands by government.  9965 Oct. 6 Sale of inferior lands, and settlement near Nanaimo.  9966 Oct. 6 Sale of crown lands on VI. 10941 Nov. 3 Printing of survey report on Nanaimo and Cowichan. 10941 V595LN0811630 Nov. 24 Promotion of British emigration to VI. 11630 V595LN09
Miscellaneous 4292 Apr. 21 Despatches forwarded to Douglas. 
Trade (Board of Trade) 6086 June 11 Advance of £7000 for construction of lighthouses.  7034 July 12 Proposal to declare Victoria a free port.  8594 Aug. 25 Import bonding system. 10097 Oct. 12 Conveyance of lighting supplies by HBC ship. 10097 V595TA04
Treasury 2884 Mar. 19 Mail communication between San Francisco and BC.  4647 May 4 Lighthouses in Fuca Strait and Esquimalt harbour.  7664 Aug. 4 Lighthouses in Fuca Strait and Esquimalt harbour. 10160 Oct. 13 Printing of surveyor general's public lands report. 10160 V595TE0410675 Oct. 27 Expenses of San Juan Island occupation. 10675 V595TE0511060 Nov. 7 Bill drawn by Gosset. 11060 V595TE06
War Office 3164 Mar. 26 Expense of buildings for boundary surveyors.  5473 May 28 Payment of commissioned officer's pension.  6152 June 13 Expense of buildings for boundary surveyors.  6694 June 30 Erection of powder magazine at VI. 10534 Oct. 21 Expense of buildings for boundary surveyors. 10534 V595WA0510552 Oct. 22 Erection of powder magazine at VI. 10552 V595WA0610724 Oct. 28 Lithographing of map tracings of VI. 10724 V595WA0712091 Dec. 7 Expense in provision of barrack accommodation. 12091 V595WA0812809 Dec. 27 Expense in provision of barrack accomomdation. 12809 V595WA09
British Columbia Despatches from London 1859
1 Jan 3 Payment of bill on account of Royal Engineers. 1 B5970012 Jan 6 Forwarding commissions for vice admiral and judge. 2 B59063PR3 Jan 6 Documents for guidance of treasurer of BC. 3 B590644 Jan 7 English merchants wish to make Victoria a free port. 4 B590695 Jan 15 Captain Gosset's requisition for stores. 5 B595AD046 Jan 20 Approval of proclamation regarding disposal of land. 6 B595LW017 Jan 22 Construction of roads in BC. 7 B595MI018 Jan 27 Reservation of land at Esquimalt for naval purposes. 89 Jan 28 Money advanced to chief inspector of police. 9 B5919710 Jan 29 Payment of bill on account of Royal Engineers. 10 B5906511 Jan 29 HMS Tribune sails from Hong Kong to VI. 11 V5903012 Jan 31 Establishment of bishoprick of BC. 12 B5919813 Feb 2 Method of addressing secretary of state. 13 B5919914 Feb 4 Approval of proceedings regarding Royal Engineers. 14 V5900315 Feb 7 Source of salaries of VI officers. 15 B5920016 Feb 7 Disposal of public land. 16 B5920117 Feb 8 HBC claims to land in BC. 1718 Feb 9 Sale of town lots in Victoria. 18 V5905619 Feb 9 Pay of officers and men in BC. 19 B595MI0520 Feb 11 Sale of land and rights of aliens in BC. 2021 Feb 11 Governmental proceedings in the colony. 21 B595MI0622 Feb 12 Financial state of the colony. 22 B595MI0723 Feb 12 Reporting loss of Briseis. 23Feb 14 Introducing Robert Falk. (Confidential) 24 Feb 14 Suggestions and complaints of Begbie. 2425 Feb 21 Rights of foreign miners in BC and VI. 25 B5906626 Feb 23 Transmitting seals for BC. 26 V595AD0627 Feb 26 Forms needed for meteorological observations. 27 B5906728 Mar 3 Appointment of colonial secretary. 28 V595TE0629 Mar 10 Appointment of Cary as attorney general. 29 B595MI0930 Mar 10 Two gun boats to be fitted for service in BC. 30 B5906931 Mar 14 Exchange rate for US dollar. 31 V595WA0132 Mar 15 Lack of English lawyers in the colony. 3233 Mar 19 Approval of two proclamations. 3334 Mar 19 Regulations regarding officers settling in colony. 3435 Mar 21 Incorrect to call Moody the lieutenant governor. 35 V595AD0736 Mar 22 Approval of marine engineers going to Hope. 3637 Mar 23 Letter from Snyder received. 3738 Mar 24 Crickmer had received no appointment as chaplain. 38 V595WA0239 Mar 24 State of colony and acknowledging despatch. 39 B59203Sep. Mar 24 Warrant appointing Cary as attorney general. 2440 Apr 1 Whereabouts of Jean Baptiste Massenot. 40 B5920441 Apr 2 Requesting vouchers for boundary survey buildings. 41 B595MI1042 Apr 2 Payment of loan to Stevens should be imminent. 42 B5906843 Apr 2 Captain Gosset to pay £67 due to Admiralty. 43 B5920544 Apr 6 Imperial funds unavailable for fixing prison conditions. 44 B5920645 Apr 9 Admission of Scottish barristers to practice in VI. 45 B595MI1346 Apr 11 To appoint an executive council when necessary. 46 B595MI1447 Apr 11 Approval of Brew's appointment as gold commissioner. 47 B595MI1548 Apr 11 Requesting further information regarding proposal to send Irish Constabulary to the colony. 4849 Apr 11 Urging a liberal and just Indian policy in BC. 4950 Apr 12 State of colony and acknowledging despatch. 50 V595WA0551 Apr 12 No increase of expenditure in Moody's department. 51 B595MI1652 Apr 15 Law books shipped in Gomelza. 5253 Apr 16 Law bench shipped in Gomelza. 53 V595WA0654 Apr 20 Transmitting New Zealand gold fields act. 54 V5900655 Apr 25 Loan to Stevens to be repaid with interest. 55 B59069SP56 Apr 28 Regular postal service. 56 B59069SQ57 Apr 29 Barnston's application to be admitted to practice law in VI. 57 B5907158 Apr 30 Restoration of British rights on San Juan Island. 58 B5907259 Apr 30 Reservation of coal and timber for government. 59 B5907360 Apr 30 Transmitting public seal. 60 B595WA0961 May 5 Capital of BC to be called New Westminster. 61 B5907562 May 7 Regulating disposal of crown land. 62 B5907663 May 11 Erection of lighthouses in Straits of Juan de Fuca. 63 V595HB0164 May 14 Report on state of colony received. 64 B595MI20May 14 Admission of British shipping to US coastal trade. (Confidential) 65 May 16 Bills for £2520 to be paid. 65 B595MI2166 May 19 Rules for vice admiralty court. 6667 May 20 Treatment of Indians. 6768 May 21 Position of Reverend Crickmer. 68 V5903369 May 22 Correspondence regarding loan to Stevens. 69 B595MI2270 May 23 Salary of governor increased to £1200. 70 B5907771 May 24 Site of capital of BC. 71 B5920772 June 1 More evidence required to act on petition of House of Assembly regarding HBC. 7273 June 2 Cridge's proposal for new agreement as chaplain of VI. 73 B595TA0174 June 2 Pension payment for Serjeant Calder. 7475 June 3 Despatch with specimens of gold received. 75 V595AD1276 June 4 Expenses for Harrison trail to come from colonial reserve. 7677 June 10 Occupation of San Juan by Americans. 77 B5907878 June 16 Erection of lighthouses in Straits of Juan de Fuca. 78 B595TA0279 June 16 Arrival of Royal Engineers and acknowledging despatch. 79 B590791 June 23 Moody's application for passage money not entertained. 1 B5971012 June 25 Royal Engineer expenses show discrepancy in bills. 2 B59063PR3 June 30 Opinion of Law Office on US vessels in Fraser River. 3 B590644 July 1 Stores lost on Briseis to be replaced. 4 B591735 July 4 Report on colony received. 5 B59195SP6 July 26 Resignation of colonial secretary accepted. 6 B596B017 July 26 No increase of salary to Hamley and Gosset. 7 B595MI018 July 28 Land sales, mining licenses, and acknowledging despatch. 89 July 28 Land sales. 9 B59197July 29 Discussing various issues relative to the governor's salary. (Confidential) 10 Aug 5 Disposal of convicts. 10 B5906511 Aug 6 Moody's salary paid to 31 March. 11 V5903012 Aug 16 Postage stamps ordered. 12 B5919813 Aug 29 Postal communication. 13 B5919914 Sep 5 Discussing act dealing with Indian trade and the administration of justice. 14 V59003Sep 5 BC officials residing in Victoria must move to mainland. (Confidential) 15 Sep 5 Return of civil establishment regulations, and changes in appointments. 15 B5920016 Sep 5 Thanks to Begbie for general report. 16 B5920117 Sep 6 O'Reilly appointed JP in Langley and acknowledging despatch. 1718 Sep 6 Postal communications between BC and San Francisco. 18 V5905619 Sep 7 Bills for £3200 and £1200 military service accepted. 19 B595MI0520 Sep 7 Requesting statement of military pay drawn. 2021 Sep 8 Payment of Moody's salary. 21 B595MI0622 Sep 19 Assay office establishment. 22 B595MI0732 Sep 22 Transmitting colonial estimates. 3224 Sep 23 Regimental pay of engineers to be drawn from imperial funds. 2425 Sep 25 Bills drawn on paymaster general. 25 B5906626 Sep 28 Bills to be paid by Treasury. 26 V595AD0627 Sep 29 Correspondence relative to assay office. 27 B5906728 Sep 30 £47.13.9 paid from stores supplied to Captain Grant. 28 V595TE0629 Oct 20 Report on Harrison Lillooet route received. 29 B595MI0930 Oct 20 Report of survey of Thompson, Fraser, and Harrison districts received. 30 B5906931 Oct 21 Gun boats despatched on 28 August. 31 V595WA0132 Oct 21 Appointments to assay office. 3233 Oct 28 No loan to be raised. 3334 Nov 2 Bills for £200 on military account to be paid. 3435 Nov 9 Payment of Moody's salary. 35 V595AD0736 Nov 23 Bills for £2000 by treasurer to be paid. 3637 Dec 23 Introducing Colonel O'Connor. 37
British Columbia Despatches to London 1859
Jan 1 2165 Receipt of information on Trutch. (Private) 2165 B59063PR64 Jan 5 2143 Activities of US agent Nugent. 2143 B5906465 Jan 5 2144 Admission of American lawyers. 2144 B5906566 Jan 6 2145 Young appointed colonial secretary. 2145 B5906667 Jan 5 2146 Arrival of Moody, Gosset and Cooper. 2146 B5906768 Jan 8 2147 Trouble with gamblers at Yale. 2147 B5906869 Jan 7 2730 Proposing Crickmer as chaplain at Langley. 2730 B59069Sep Jan - 2148 Letter of introduction from Spalding. 2148 B59069SPSep Jan - 2149 Letter of introduction from Trutch. 2149 B59069SQ70 Jan 10 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 70 B5907771 Jan 12 2732 Concessions to Brew as result of shipwreck. 2732 B5907172 Jan 12 2733 Warned of men engaged in crimping sailors. 2733 B5907273 Jan 12 2734 Receipt of past history on Gosset. 2734 B5907374 Jan 13 2735 Approval of prodeedings of Captain Parsons, RE. 2735 B5907475 Jan 13 2736 Bonds for Gosset. 2736 B5907576 Jan 15 2737 Lighthouses needed at Race Rocks and Fisgard. 2737 B5907677 Jan 20 2738 Arrest of Whannell by Justice Perrier. 2738 B5907778 Jan 20 2739 Free postage for military communications. 2739 B5907879 Jan 21 2740 State of affairs in colony. 2740 B5907980 Jan 22 2741 Troubles at Yale quelled, marines proceed to Hope. 2741 B5908081a Jan 13 2742 Harbour and coast regulations. 2742 V5900181b Jan 22 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 81b82 Jan 24 3257 California mining laws. 3257 B5908283 Jan 24 3258 Official warrant for appointment of Gosset. 3258 B5908384 Jan 24 3259 Payment of Moody's salary through his London agent. 3259 B5908485 Jan 24 3260 Allowance to Moody for passage money. 3260 B5908586 Jan 24 3261 Stationery supply. 3261 B5908687 Jan 25 3262 Disposal of military buildings. 3262 B5908788 Jan 25 3263 Conveyance of Captain Parsons's company. 3263 B5908889 Feb 4 3264 Moody's actions at Yale. 3264 B5908990 Feb 4 3270 Captain Richards's report on lighthouse sites. 3270 B5909091 Feb 4 3265 Advising appointments of public officers. 3265 B5909192 Feb 4 3266 Moody recommends New Westminster as townsite. 3266 B5909293 Feb 5 3267 Request Queen to name the future capital of BC. 3267 B5909394 Feb 5 3268 Executive Council for BC. 3268 B5909495 Feb 7 3293 State of affairs, need for better steamboat service. 3293 B5909596 Feb 9 3269 Engineers too few for detailed survey. 3269 B59096Feb 10 4102 Thanks for act providing for government. (Private) 4102 B59096PR97 Feb 9 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 97 B5908598 Feb 10 3820 Correspondence on Spackman forwarded to Moody. 3820 B5909899 Feb 11 3821 Proposal for a Bank of BNA branch in BC. 3821 B59099100 Feb 11 3822 Receipt of accounting instructions from Treasury. 3822 B59100101 Feb 11 3823 Parliamentary papers for Moody. 3823 B59101102 Feb 11 3824 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 54. 3824 B59102103 Feb 11 3825 Intention of dispatching Tribune to VI. 3825 B59103104 Feb 19 3826 Proclamation regarding ownership of public lands. 3826 B59104Mar 5 4777 Douglas created Commander of the Bath. (Private) 4777105 Feb 24 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 105 B595TE03106 Mar 9 4470 Payment of bill on account of Royal Engineers. 4470 B59106107 Mar 9 4471 Grant given additional travelling allowance. 4471 B59107108 Mar 9 4472 Instructions regarding accounting procedures. 4472 B59108109 Mar 9 4473 Douglas's loan to governor of Washington. 4473 B59109110 Mar 9 4474 Sanction of stores requisitioned by Moody. 4474 B59110111 Mar 10 4475 State of affairs in colony. 4475 B59111112 Mar 11 4476 Draft of £1250 on military account. 4476 B59112113 Mar 15 4799 Draft of £400 on military account. 4799 B59113114 Mar 14 4800 Feasibility of settling Indians permanently in villages. 4800 B59114115 Mar 10 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 115 B59091116 Mar 18 4802 Opposed to high tariffs as incentive to smuggling and fraud. 4802 B59116117 Mar 19 4803 Begbie in charge of judiciary. 4803 B59117118 Mar 21 4804 Acknowledging circular despatch. 4804 B59118119 Mar 21 4805 Agreement that water wheel not necessary. 4805 B59119120 Mar 21 4806 Payment of bill on account of Royal Engineers. 4806 B59120121 Mar 21 4807 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 7. 4807 B59121122 Mar 21 4808 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 2. 4808 B59122123 Mar 25 4809 State of affairs in colony. 4809 B59123124 Mar 26 4810 Draft of £600 on military account. 4810 B59124125 Mar 28 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 125126 Apr 6 5438 Draft of £1500 on military account. 5438 B59126127 Apr 8 5439 Forwarding financial returns to 23 February 1859. 5439 B59127128 Apr 11 5440 Prohibition of liquor sales to Indians. 5440 B59128129 Apr 11 5441 Harrison road paid from local revenue. 5441 B59129130 Apr 11 5442 Esquimalt land reservation for navy. 5442 B59130131 Apr 11 5443 Assistance for Captain Brew after shipwreck. 5443 B59131132 Apr 11 5444 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 10. 5444 B59132133 Apr 11 5445 Arrival of Royal Marines from China, ship despatched to Queensborough. 5445 B59133134 Apr 11 5446 Reverend G. Hills appointed bishop of BC. 5446 B59134135 Apr 11 5447 Assay office proposals. 5447 B59135Apr 12 5548 Acknowledging confidential despatch of 6 January. (Private) 5548136 Apr 12 5451 State of affairs in colony. 5451 B59136137 Apr 12 5449 Exorbitant prices on Fraser River steamboats. 5449 B59137138 Apr 13 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 138139 Apr 16 5888 Draft of £3000 on military account. 5888 B59139140 Apr 19 5889 Request that bills on military account be payable at seven days sight. 5889 B59140141 Apr 25 5890 Douglas commended for avoiding the need to draw on Imperial Treasury. 5890 B59141142 Apr 25 5891 Main body of sappers and miners arrive. 5891 B59142143 Apr 25 5892 State of affairs in colony. 5892 B59143Sep Apr 25 5893 Moody's passage money. 5893 B59143SP144 Apr 26 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 144 B595TE14145 May 2 6501 Captain Parsons admonished for corresponding directly with Imperial Government. 6501 B59145146 May 2 6502 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 17. 6502 B59146147 May 3 6503 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 19. 6503 B59147148 May 3 6504 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 21. 6504 B59148May 4 6987 Douglas's disposal of connection with HBC. (Confidential) 6987 B59148CO149 May 4 6505 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 141. 6505 B59149150 May 8 6506 State of affairs in colony. 6506 B59150151 May 9 6507 Losses on Briseis to be made up. 6507 B59151152 May 10 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 152153 May 12 6951 Legislation for aliens and sale of lots in Langley townsite. 6951 B59153154 May 14 6508 Copper and gold from Bridge River. 6508 B59154155 May 20 6952 Regularity in Begbie's correspondence. 6952 B59155156 May 23 6953 Land settlement laws. 6953 B59156157 May 23 6954 Gosset and Hamley complain of salaries. 6954 B59157158 May 25 6955 Proposal for BC mint. 6955 B59158159 May 26 6956 Young declines salary of £500. 6956 B59159160 May 27 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 160 B595LN02161 May 31 7332 HBC's claim to mineral lands and others. 7332 B59161Jun 2 - Cooper's position and salary as harbourmaster. (Confidential) 
162 Jun 4 7333 Two gunboats for service in BC. 7333 B59162163 Jun 4 7334 Cary appointed attorney general. 7334 B59163164 Jun 4 7335 Receipt of instruments for meteorological observations. 7335 B59164165 Jun 6 7336 Sale of lots at Queensborough. 7336 B59165166 Jun 6 7337 Draft of £6700 on military account for marines and engineers. 7337 B59166167 Jun 8 7338 State of affairs in colony. 7338 B59167168 Jun 8 7339 Sappers and miners land at Queensborough. 7339 B59168169 Jun 26 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 169 B59102170 Jun 30 8564 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 33. 8564 B59170171 Jun 30 8565 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 34. 8565 B59171172 Jun 30 8566 Suspension of Perrier, inaccuracy in appointing Lieutenant Governor. 8566 B59172173 Jul 1 8567 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 25. 8567 B59173174 Jul 1 8568 Exchange rate of 4&S's to US dollar. 8568 B59174175 Jul 1 8569 Priviledges of US lawyers expire. 8569 B59175176 Jul 2 8570 Memorial regarding Douglas's appointment as governor. 8570 B59176177 Jul 2 8571 Matters awaiting arrival of the Bishop. 8571 B59177178 Jul 4 8572 Whereabouts of J.B. Massenot. 8572 B59178179 Jul 4 8573 Official warrant for Cary's appointment. 8573 B59179180 Jul 4 8574 Schedule of despatches received for half year. 8574 B59180181 Jul 4 8575 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 51. 8575 B59181182 Jul 2 8576 Provisions for police and military forces. 8576 B59182183 Jul 2 8577 Abandoning of plans for government-owned steamboat. 8577 B59183184 Jul 4 8578 New Zealand act for gold fields. 8578 B59184185 Jul 4 8579 Sanders's Fort Yale district mining report. 8579 B59185186 Jul 6 8580 Postal services with San Francisco. 8580 B59186187 Jul 6 8581 Procuring of Canadian-educated lawyers. 8581 B59187188 Jul 6 8582 Draft of £5174 on military account. 8582 B59188189 Jul 6 8583 Return of provisional appointments for half year. 8583 B59189190 Jul 6 8584 Resignations by Brew and Bedford. 8584 B59190191 Jul 11 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 191 B595TE23192 Jul 11 8938 Acknowledging receipt of despatches No. 52 and 53. 8938 B59192193 Jul 22 8939 Gosset remits passage fare from Ceylon to England. 8939 B59193194 Jul 23 8949 Imperial government advance £7000 for lighthouses. 8949 B59194195 Jul 25 8941 Draft of £3500 on military account. 8941 B59195Sep n.d. 9576 Moody's observations on military defence. 9576 B59195SP196 Jul 26 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 196 B595TE27197 Aug 15 10039 Plan for government coal and timber reserves. 10039 B59197198 Aug 15 10040 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 66. 10040 B59198199 Aug 15 10041 Approval of Indian policy by home government. 10041 B59199200 Aug 15 - Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 68. 200 B59225CO201 Aug 16 10043 Mayne's exploration of Thompson, Harrison, and Fraser River districts. 10043 B59201202 Aug 8 10044 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10044203 Aug 17 10045 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10045 B59203204 Aug 17 10046 Queen choses "New Westminster" as name of capital. 10046 B59204205 Aug 17 10047 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 76. 10047 B59205206 Aug 18 10048 Palmer's reconnaissance of Harrison-Lillooet route. 10048 B59206207 Aug 23 10049 State of affairs in colony. 10049 B59207208 Aug 23 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 208 V59021209 Aug 27 10051 Acknowledging circular despatch of 18 June. 10051 B59209210 Aug 27 10052 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 71. 10052 B59210211 Aug 27 10053 Draft of £3000 for military pay due to Royal Engineers. 10053 B59211212 Sep 8 10776 Commissariat Officer wanted. 10776 B59212213 Sep 10 10777 Moody's passage money refused. 10777 B59213214 Sep 10 10778 Replacement of stores destroyed on Briseis. 10778 B59214215 Sep 10 10779 Draft of £2500 on military account. 10779 B59215216 Sep 10 10780 Coins wanted and decimal currency proposed. 10780 B59216217 Sep 13 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 217 B597017218 Sep 13 10782 Proclamations lately issued for the colony. 10782 B59218219 Sep 13 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 219 B597018220 Sep 14 12493 Increase of pay for Cooper. 12493 B59220221 Sep 19 12496 Building expenses for RE. 12496 B59221222 Oct 12 12497 Financial discrepancies explained. 12497 B59222223 Oct 19 12498 Captain Lempriere's application for pay increase. 12498 B59223224 Oct 18 12499 State of affairs in colony. 12499 B59224225 Oct 24 12500 Inability to meet Moody's salary from colonial revenue. 12500 B59225Oct 24 12573 Status of governor's salary. (Confidential) 12573 B59225CO226 Oct 25 12501 Governor's allowance during official tours. 12501 B59226227 Oct 25 12502 Losses incurred as a result of fire on Briseis. 12502 B59227228 Oct 25 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 228229 Oct 26 12708 Salaries of public officers. 12708 B59229230 Nov 7 12709 Young persuaded to stay as colonial secretary. 12709 B59230231 Nov 10 870 Reservation of lots in New Westminster. 231 B59118232 Nov 11 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 232 B59119233 Nov 14 878 Begbie's expedition into the interior. 233 B597023234 Nov 16 879 Postal service between San Francisco and BC. 234 B59120235 Nov 21 880 W. Downie's journey up the Skeena River. 235 B59121236 Nov 24 881 Moody's pay as commissioner of lands. 236 B59122237 Nov 26 882 Draft of £3000 on military account. 237 B595TE38237a Dec 10 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 237a238 Dec 12 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 238 B59123239 Dec 22 1559 Establishment of small debt courts. 1559 B59239240 Dec 22 1560 Transportation tax for goods leaving New Westminster. 1560 B59240241 Dec 23 1561 Naval land reserves at Burrard Inlet. 1561 B59241242 Dec 24 - Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 242 B597027
British Columbia Correspondence 185964
2028 Feb. 21 Archibald, Wm. (p. 338), requesting information on papers presented to the House of Commons on BC. 20287550 July 26 *Barr, Robert (p. 353), requesting appointment. 7550 B596B011259 Feb. 3 *Begbie, Tho. Sterling (p. 345), transmission of law books to colony. 12594413 Apr. 11 Bell, Edward (p. 350), government inducements to Church of England clergymen. 4413 146 Jan. 5 Blundell, Joseph Argent (p. 342), government inducements to emigrants. 4151 Apr. 11 Brown, Alan (p. 347), requesting introduction to company contracted to convey mail to BC. 41511360 Feb. 4 Cadell, P. (p. 366), asking that his testimonials be forwarded to the governor 13602085 Feb. 17 *Cairns, H.M. (p. 379), proposing G.H. Cary as attorney general of BC. 2085 B596C012763 Mar. 14 *Cary, George H. (p. 390), accepting appointment as attorney general. 2763 B596C0210396 Oct. 18 *Clarke, Captain (p. 422), report on disposal of crown lands in the colony. 10396 B596C032515 Mar. 7 Cocker, Frederick (p. 387), requesting appointment in police force of BC 25152777 Mar. 12 ----- (p. 392), requesting appointment in any colony. 27774876 Apr. 15 *Columbia, Bishop of (p. 401), dispute over position of Reverend Crickmer. 4876 B596C049938 Oct. 4 *----- (p. 419), passage arrangements to BC. 9938 B596C051341 Feb. 1 Cotton, Samuel (p. 362), testimonial for J.W. Keating. 13413705 Apr. 2 *Coutts, A.B. (p. 393), emigration proposals for the colony. 3705 B596C064415 Apr. 18 *----- (p. 398), warning about the intentions of an American named Walker against BC. 4415 B596C076587 June 28 Cox and Co. (p. 403), payment of Moody's salary. 658710952 Nov. 3 ----- (p. 475), payment of Moody's salary. 1095212800 Dec. 27 ----- (p. 487), payment of Moody's salary. 128006777 July 4 Crawford, John (p. 413), requesting emigration assistance for body of workingmen. 67779509 Sep. 23 ----- (p. 416), asking if a body of emigrants could join the sappers and miners enroute to the colony. 95091020 Jan. 28 Croskey, J. Rodney (p. 359), requesting an interview with the secretary of state. 10201359 Feb. 3 ----- (p. 364), advising a statement of his views would be forthcoming. 13591866 Feb. 14 ----- (p. 370), proposal to build a shipping canal across Nicaragua. 18662162 Feb. 26 ----- (p. 386), pressing for an answer to his proposed canal project. 2162 141 Jan. 3 Edwards, Elizabeth C. (p. 490), requesting appointment on behalf of her son in police force.  451 Jan. 10 *Falk, Robert (p. 494), requesting letter of introduction to Douglas. 1264 Feb. 2 *----- (p. 498), furnishing pre-requisites for letter of introduction. 1264 B596F023999 Apr. 12 Fisher, William (p. 516), seeking an interview to discuss opening trade links to the colony. 39994708 May 2 ----- (p. 520), asking to be granted an interview when convenient. 47082727 Jan. 21 *Fraser, D. (p. 502), forwarding memorials in favour of Douglas. 2727 B596F032872 n.d. - Gillvine, Charles (p. 523), requesting appointment 65 as inspector of police. 2872
7482 May 25 *Gosset, W. Driscoll (p. 528), requesting appointment as colonial secretary and promoting union of the colonies. 7482 B596G01 806 Jan. 20 Haines, Major H. (p. 533), emigration inducements to pensioned soldiers. 4963 May 16 Henderson, E. (p. 535), application to purchase land in the colony. 49636193 June 13 Hossack, A.G. (p. 538), requesting information on Douglas. 61933631 Apr. 2 Johnston, Major J.G.J. (p. 541), emigration programs for military settlers. 36317423 July 27 Johnston, Robert G. (p. 545), requesting appointment. 74237782 Aug. 3 Johnston, Reverend Thomas (p. 550), requesting information on emigration to BC. 77821142 Feb. 1 Keating, J.W. (p. 556), requesting appointment. 11422086 Feb. 18 Kelly, Fitz Roy (p. 561), recommending a suitable candidate for post of attorney general. 2086 988 Jan. 22 Kennedy, Alexander Deaves (p. 554), requesting legal appointment. 2057 Feb. 11 ----- (p. 560), acknowledging reply. 20573704 Apr. 2 Kernaghan, Wm. (p. 563), proposal to establish an overland postal communication through Canada. 37045731 May 30 ----- (p. 566), reducing estimated time for conveyance of mail to BC, and enclosing letter explaining the route. 57316701 June 30 Kinahan, M.R. Cornwallis (p. 571), requesting appointment. 67012084 Feb. 22 Langford, Wm. (p. 577), requesting legal appointment. 20842336 Mar. 3 ----- (p. 580), declining to pursue his application at present. 23362809 Mar. 16 Lindsay and Co., W.S. (p. 581), proposal for conveyance of mail to the colony. 28093310 Mar. 29 *London, Bishop of (p. 585), dispute over position of Reverend Crickmer. 3310 B596L015775 June 3 *Macfie, Matthew (p. 597), requesting statistical information regarding emigrants. 5775 B596M015435 Apr. 9 *Moody, Col. R.C. (p. 593), requesting increased passage allowance for family. 5435 B596M02 925 Nov. 16 *----- (p. 600), forwarding correspondence relating to the disposition of the Royal Engineers. 1419 Feb. 8 *Nicholls, J.W. (p. 609), testimonial in favour of H.M. Ball. 1419 B596N0112188 Dec. 7 O'Connor, William (p. 616), requesting letter of introduction to Douglas in furtherance of emigration proposal. 121883488 Mar. 23 Overend, J. (p. 613), requesting appointment. 34883176 Mar. 22 Plowden, J.C. (p. 625), requesting appointment. 3176 615 Jan. 18 Prendergast, James (p. 623), asking if previous application for post of attorney general would be favourably considered. 1606 Feb. 8 Ravensworth (p. 629), testimonial in favour of George Paul. 16061356 Feb. 7 Sabin, Chaplain J.E. (p. 637), testimonial in favour of C.A. Watson. 1356 614 Jan. 3 Scoble, Andrew Richard (p. 631), requesting appointment as attorney general. 2577 Feb. 19 ----- (p. 647), further application for legal appointment in the colony. 25777029 Aug. 2 Sedgwick, W. (p. 662), requesting appointment. 7029 268 Dec. 29 Shrapnel, Henry (p. 667), requesting appointment. 1273 Feb. 3 Shaw, Savill and Co. (p. 634), reporting loss of the Briseis. 1273 B596S012102 Feb. 24 Sirr, Henry C. (p. 640), requesting appointment as attorney general. 21022714 Mar. 15 ----- (p. 655), expressing thanks that he would be considered for future employment. 27142339 Feb. 11 St. Aubyn, William (p. 644), requesting appointment. 23392693 Mar. 11 *Stamp, Edward (p. 650), supply of spars to navy. 2693 B596S024298 Apr. 20 *----- (p. 656), postal contract between BC and San Francisco. 4298 B596S035837 June 3 *----- (p. 658), postal contract between BC and San Francisco. 5837 B596S0411936 Nov. 30 Stephens, Geo. (p. 664), requesting information on disposition of land in BC. 119362623 Mar. 9 Todman, William (p. 674), requesting appointment. 26232558 Mar. 7 *Trutch, William (p. 670), requesting payment for maps supplied to the Colonial Office. 2558 B596T013130 Mar. 22 *----- (p. 677), acknowledging payment. 3130 B596T0211073 Nov. 5 Waddell, James (p. 684), offering to supply information on the colony and the San Juan Island dispute. 11073 V596W014239 Apr. 4 White, William (p. 679), requesting appointment. 42395367 May 24 Williams, J. (p. 682), requesting appointment in police force. 5367 141 Dec. 31 Wither, Arthur J. (p. 686), free grant of land to retired military officers. 2624 Mar. 9 Young, Reverend R.O. (p. 691), seeking clergy appointment as a representative of the Church of Scotland. 26243306 Mar. 24 ----- (p. 697), requesting various concessions attendent on his proposal to proceed to BC as a missionary. 33064244 Apr. 16 ----- (p. 701), further elaborating his mission scheme and requesting comments and observations. 42444276 Apr. 18 ----- (p. 706), requesting information and a map of the colony. 4276
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1859
4 Jan 7 Desire of English merchant to make VI a free port. 4 B590698 Jan 27 Reserving land for naval purposes. 811 Jan 29 Tribune sailing from Hong Kong for VI. 11 V5903015 Feb 7 Appointment of public officers in VI. 15 B5920018 Feb 9 Sale of town lots at Victoria. 18 V5905625 Feb 21 Rights of foreign miners in BC and VI. 25 B5906637 Mar 23 Reaction of BC residents to Douglas's appointment. 3740 Apr 1 Fate of French subject, Jean Baptiste Massenot. 40 B59204Mar 24 James Cooper's duties in VI for BC. (Confidential) 41 Apr 2 Expenditure on buildings for boundary survey. 41 B595MI1042 Apr 2 Repayment of loan by Washington authorities. 42 B5906844 Apr 6 Refusal of imperial government to pay for prison reform. 44 B5920645 Apr 9 Admission of Scottish lawyers to practice in VI. 45 B595MI1349 Apr 11 Relations with Indians. 4955 Apr 25 Repayment of loan by Washington authorities. 55 B59069SP57 Apr 29 Admission of Barnston to practice law in VI. 57 B5907158 Apr 30 American settlers on San Juan Island. 58 B5907259 Apr 30 Reservation of coal and timber for crown use. 59 B5907363 May 11 Construction of lighthouses at Race Rocks and Fisgard Island. 63 V595HB01May 14 Admission of British shipping to US coasting trade. (Confidential) 67 May 20 Formation of Indian reserves. 6769 May 22 Repayment of loan by Washington authorities. 69 B595MI2272 Jun 1 Assembly's request for investigation of HBC affairs. 7273 Jun 2 Employment of Reverend Cridge. 73 B595TA0174 Jun 2 Payment of Calder's pension. 7477 Jun 10 American settlers on San Juan Island. 77 B5907878 Jun 16 Construction of lighthouses. 78 B595TA021 Jul 12 Expenses incurred for construction of public buildings. 1 V5971012 Jul 22 Use of military force against Indians. 2 B59063PR3 Jul 22 Future use of buildings used by boundary survey. 3 B590644 Jul 22 Proclamation declaring Victoria a free port. 4 B591935 Jul 24 Crown land reserves in VI. 5 B59195SPJul 29 Salary of governor. (Confidential) 6 Aug 1 HBC reaction to letter concerning construction of public buildings. 6 B595LW017 Aug 5 Transmitting order approving three acts. 7 B595MI018 Aug 11 Payments for construction of lighthouses. 89 Sep 3 Bonding system in Californian ports. 9 B5919710 Sep 3 Refusal of HBC to accede to Douglas's application for advances. 10 B5906511 Sep 17 Irregularities and mismanagement of customs office. 11 V5903012 Sep 28 Transmitting order approving one act. 12 B59198Sep 29 Reaction to American occupation of San Juan Island. (Confidential) 13 Oct 8 General Scott embarks at New York. 13 B5919914 Oct 20 Use of BC civil servants for VI purposes. 14 V5900315 Oct 20 Sale of inferior land. 15 B5920016 Oct 20 General Harney's occupation of San Juan Island. 16 B5920117 Oct 21 Despatch of lighting apparatus to VI. 1718 Oct 21 Occupation of San Juan Island by American troops. 18 V5905619 Oct 21 Memorial from VI inhabitants concerned about San Juan Island. 19 B595MI0520 Nov 2 Site of naval powder magazine on VI. 2021 Nov 2 Vouchers for expenditure for buildings for survey party. 21 B595MI06Nov 16 Joint occupation of San Juan Island. (Confidential) 22 Nov 30 Memorial from inhabitants of VI concerning San Juan Island. 22 B595MI0723 Dec 1 Difficulties incurred by resumption of VI by British government. 2324 Dec 1 Payment for public buildings. 2425 Dec 28 American attempt to levy customs dues on baggage of San Juan's resident magistrate. 25 B59066
British Columbia Public Offices 1859
Admiralty 109 Jan. 3 Arrival of Royal Engineers at Esquimalt.  130 Jan. 3 Arrival of Rear Admiral Baynes at Esquimalt.  131 Jan. 4 Extract from Baynes on affairs of BC.  590 Jan. 15 Despatch of HMS Tribune to Esquimalt.  591 Jan. 15 State of affairs in BC and VI.  1103 Jan. 31 Entertainment on board on HMS Satellite.  1799 Feb. 15 State of affairs in the colony.  1919 Feb. 18 Young appointed colonial secretary.  2010 Feb. 21 Supply of meteorological forms.  2154 Feb. 25 Supply of meteorological forms.  2425 Mar. 4 Expenses of transporting Royal Engineers.  2501 Mar. 7 Gun boats to be fitted for Fraser River.  3057 Mar. 21 Disturbances on Fraser River.  3122 Mar. 24 Conveyance of Bishop from Panama to Esquimalt.  3695 Apr. 5 Progress of the Thames City.  3711 Apr. 6 Difficulties at Fort Yale.  4105 Apr. 15 State of affairs in colony.  4158 Apr. 18 Gun boats delayed and civil use of navy crews.  4666 May 4 State of affairs in colony.  4773 May 7 Entertainment on board HMS Plumper.  4832 May 10 State of affairs in colony.  4842 May 10 Site of seaport town for BC.  4992 May 16 Rules and regulations of Vice Admiralty Court.  6147 June 10 State of affairs of Fraser River.  6716 June 30 State of affairs in colony.  6717 July 1 Cost of provisions sent to BC.  7241 July 20 State of affairs in colony.  7763 Aug. 20 Cost of passengers conveyed to BC.  8652 Aug. 30 Cost of party embarked on Thames City.  8786 Aug. 31 Extra pay and land grants for Royal Marines. 10511 Oct. 20 Passage to Colon for Bishop of Columbia. 10511 B595AD3110915 Nov. 1 Coal deposits on Burrard Inlet. 10915 B595AD3211656 Nov. 26 Gold expedition to Queen Charlotte Islands. 11656 B595AD3311814 Nov. 28 Supplies shipped on board Thames City. 11814 B595AD34
Agent (Crown Agents) 3978 Apr. 12 Articles shipped for government of BC.  3979 Apr. 12 Shipment of law books. 11057 Nov. 7 Payment of Evans and Stevens. 11057 B595AG03
Foreign Office 734 Jan. 19 Conduct of Nugent before departing colony.  828 Jan. 19 Relaxation of US coastal trade laws.  1026 Jan. 28 Departure of Moody from Panama.  1116 Jan. 31 Navigation rights on Columbia River.  1117 Jan. 31 US laws regulating coastal passenger traffic.  1502 Feb. 9 Conduct of Nugent.  1923 Feb. 18 Appointment of Young as colonial secretary. 
Land (Emigration Office) 159 Jan. 5 Forms for grants of lands and town lots.  160 Jan. 5 Disposal of crown lands in colonies.  1344 Feb. 7 Land sales at Langley and rights of aliens.  2013 Feb. 21 Conditions on board Sea Nymph.  2015 Feb. 21 Land grants to officers of army and navy.  2019 Feb. 21 Prerogative of crown in land grants.  3087 Mar. 23 Admission of Scottish solicitors to colonial courts.  4406 Apr. 28 Disposal of crown lands in BC.  5429 May 27 Disposal of crown lands by private agents.  8113 Aug. 11 Disposal of crown lands by installment.  8634 Aug. 29 Land claims by HBC in BC.  9516 Sep. 23 Pre-emption of crown land. 11468 Nov. 17 Proclamations issued by governor. 11468 B595LN13
Law Office 6408 June 18 Navigation rights to Americans on Fraser River. 
Miscellaneous 448 Jan. 12 Separation of Douglas from affairs of HBC.  740 Jan. 19 Arrival of Begbie and state of colonial affairs.  1389 Feb. 7 Tradesmen from Glasgow wish to emigrate.  1413 Feb. 8 Exclusion of Scottish solicitors and attornies.  1465 Feb. 7 Pamphlet to assist in recovery from drowning.  2072 Feb. 22 Revocation of HBC's exclusive license to trade.  2334 Mar. 2 Admission of Scottish solicitors and attornies.  2491 n.d. - Emigration scheme for tradesmen from Glasgow.  3011 Mar. 21 Report on Irish constabulary force for BC.  3572 Apr. 2 Specimens of gold from BC to museum.  3630 Apr. 5 BC documents sent with Cary on Europa.  3782 Apr. 8 BC despatches entrusted to De Courcy.  3798 Apr. 9 Meteorological information for Royal Geog. Soc.  4121 Apr. 14 Receipt of letter, Solicitor's Hall, Edinburgh.  4705 May 6 Steamship connections via Panama.  4997 May 16 Proposal by Canada Agency Company for land sales.  7063 July 13 Purchase of Douglas's retirement interest by HBC.  8787 Sep. 1 Report of expedition to interior forwarded to Royal Geographical Society.  9018 Sep. 8 Assistance sought for Presbyterian clergyman.  9600 Sep. 24 HBC land claims in BC. 10076 Oct. 6 HBC land claims in BC. 10076 B595MI2110805 Oct. 31 Reconnaisance reports by Mayne and Palmer. 10805 B595MI22
Trade (Board of Trade) 2588 Mar. 9 Light houses for colonies.  3721 Apr. 7 Erection of light houses in Fuca's Straits.  6319 June 17 Monopoly of navigation on Fraser River. 12173 Dec. 10 Ordinances, customs duties, harbour dues. 12173 B595TA04
Treasury 472 Jan. 13 Charter for Bank of BC.  473 Jan. 13 Conveyance of mails to BC.  801 Jan. 21 Expenses of Captain Parson's detachment.  1136 Feb. 1 Advances made to persons on account of BC.  1403 Feb. 8 Charges for erecting Bishop's See in BC.  1898 Feb. 17 Expenses of Royal Engineers.  2155 Feb. 26 Proposed charter for Bank of BC.  2297 Mar. 2 Proclamation imposing import duties.  2612 Mar. 10 Rates to apply to US coins.  3103 Mar. 24 Payment of £150 for passage of Cary.  4310 Apr. 23 Charter for Bank of British Columbia.  4312 Apr. 23 Postal service between San Francisco and BC.  4823 May 10 Replacement of stores lost on Briseis.  4845 May 11 Expenses of Royal Engineers.  4894 May 14 Payment of bills for £1270.  5331 May 27 Cost of mint and assay office for BC.  5383 May 21 Entertainment expenses for Moody on Plumper.  5533 May 31 Fortnightly mail service, San Francisco to BC.  6322 June 17 Expenses of Royal Engineers.  6323 June 17 Discrepancy between bills.  6790 July 5 Establishment of mint and assay office in BC.  7003 July 11 Inclusion of £42,998 in estimates for BC.  7113 July 16 Bill for £500 for supplies lost on Briseis.  7389 July 22 Cost of medical instruments supplied to BC.  7616 Aug. 2 Expenses of Royal Engineers.  8187 Aug. 15 Design of postage stamp for BC.  8427 Aug. 19 Subsidy for postal services to BC declined.  8483 Aug. 22 Cost of stores supplied for Royal Engineers.  8556 Aug. 25 Colonial pay for Royal Engineers.  8750 Sep. 1 Colonial pay for Moody.  8794 Sep. 2 Sanctioning assay office for BC.  8918 Sep. 5 Bills drawn for military purposes.  8952 Sep. 7 Military expenditures and amount authorized.  9057 Sep. 12 Expenses of Royal Engineers.  9454 Sep. 19 Report on establishment of assay office. 10088 Oct. 11 Arrangements for establishment of assay office. 10088 B595TE3610531 Oct. 21 Expenses of Royal Engineers. 10531 B595TE3711474 Nov. 18 Bills drawn for treasury of BC. 11474 B595TE3811519 Nov. 21 Quarterly payment of Moody's salary. 11519 B595TE3912167 Dec. 10 Silver and copper coins for BC. 12167 B595TE4012296 Dec. 14 Ordinances, import duties, sale of spirits. 12296 B595TE41
War Office 1495 Feb. 10 Briseis destroyed by fire at sea.  2096 Feb. 23 Replacement of supplies lost on Briseis.  2301 Mar. 2 Statement of stores supplied for Royal Engineers.  2454 Mar. 4 Advance for officers of BC expedition.  2619 Mar. 9 Stores lost in Briseis not insured.  2654 Mar. 11 Offer to recruit 100 Canadians for service in BC.  3913 Apr. 11 Replacement of stores lost on Briseis.  4081 Apr. 14 Private property lost on Briseis.  4447 Apr. 30 Site selected for seat of government in BC.  5846 June 7 Cost of stores supplied for Royal Engineers.  6306 June 16 Supernumerary marines not needed in BC.  6448 June 24 Conveyance of barrack furniture to BC.  6601 June 19 Conveyance and insurance of stores for BC.  6768 July 4 Cost of medical instruments supplied.  6781 July 4 Insurance of stores for conveyance to BC.  6816 July 6 Commencement of colonial pay for Royal Engineers.  7599 July 30 Commencement of colonial pay for Royal Engineers.  8132 Aug. 12 Cost of stores supplied for Royal Engineers.  8404 Aug. 19 Extra pay for Royal Marines.  8511 Aug. 23 Payment for medical stores for BC.  9450 Sep. 19 Cost of military force stationed in BC.  9985 Oct. 7 Extra pay for Royal Marines questioned. 10685 Oct. 27 Payment of medical stores supplied to BC. 10685 B595WA2311357 Nov. 15 Map and report supplied by Lieutenant Mayne. 11357 B595WA2412302 Dec. 14 Payment of stores lost on Briseis. 12302 B595WA2512692 Dec. 24 Commissariat office not needed for BC. 12692 B595WA26
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1859
1 Jan. 13 2742 Receipt of approval for harbour and coast regulations. 2742 V590012 Jan. 17 2729 Report on disputed water boundary between US and VI. 2729 V590023 Feb. 8 3271 Heaton appointed sheriff for VI. 3271 V590034 Feb. 9 3272 Forwarding correspondence with Assembly from 23 August. 3272 V590045 Feb. 9 3273 Improper condition of gaol of VI. 3273 V590056 Feb. 19 3827 Sovereignty of islands in Canal de Arro. 3827 V590067 Feb. 19 3828 Arrival of Tribune and Pylades in VI. 3828 V590078 Mar. 23 4812 Plunder of US brig Swiss Boy off coast of VI. 4812 V590089 Mar. 23 4813 Supporting measure to declare Victoria a free port. 4813 V5900910 Mar. 30 5452 Transmitting custom house returns. 5452 V5901011 Apr. 8 5453 Transmitting address from Assembly requesting investigation into affairs of colony. 5453 V5901112 Apr. 15 5894 Appointment of public officers. 5894 V5901213 Apr. 25 5895 Transmitting correspondence with House of Assembly. 5895 V5901314 Apr. 25 5896 Transmitting minutes of Council. 5896 V5901415 May 3 6509 Transmitting minutes of Council to 16 April 1859. 3 B5906416 Apr. 25 6510 Sale of town lots in Victoria. 6510 V5901617 May 16 6511 Correspondence with Assembly regarding erection of public buildings. 6511 V5901718 May 25 6949 Report on Indians in vicinity of Victoria. 6949 V5901819 June 6 7342 Irregularities in custom house and suspension of Anderson. 7342 V5901920 June 8 7343 Postal arrangements in the colony. 7343June 2 7377 Report on employment for James Cooper. (Confidential) 7377 V59020CO21 June 30 8585 Arrangement for repayment of loan to governor of Washington Territory. 8585 V5902122 July 4 8586 Receipt of approval for actions to improve Indian conditions. 8586 V5902223 July 5 8587 Admission of solicitors of Supreme Court of Scotland to practice in VI. 8587 V5902324 July 5 8588 Transmitting schedule of despatches for half year ending 3 June 1859. 8588 V5902425 July 15 8942 Sale of inferior land at upset price. 8942 V5902526 July 20 8943 Transmitting correspondence with Assembly to 18 July 1866. 8943 V5902627 July 20 8944 Petition in reference to price of land. 8944 V5902728 July 22 8945 Frauds in custom house and dismissal of Anderson. 8945 V5902829 July 25 8946 Reports and maps relative to survey of Nanaimo and Cowichan districts. 8946 V5902930 Aug. 1 9569 US occupation of San Juan Island. 9569 V5903031 Aug. 8 9570 US occupation of San Juan Island. 9570 V5903132 Aug. 8 9571 Lighthouses for Straits of Juan de Fuca. 9571 V5903233 Aug. 12 9709 US occupation of San Juan Island. 9709 V5903334 Aug. 12 9710 US occupation of San Juan Island. 9710 V5903435 Aug. 15 10028 Repayment of loan made to governor of Washington Territory. 10028 V5903536 Aug. 16 10029 Employment of Reverend Cridge as chaplain in VI. 10029 V5903637 Aug. 17 10030 US occupation of San Juan Island. 10030 V5903738 Aug. 17 10031 Request for clarification regarding proposed commission to inspect affairs of the colony. 10031 V5903839 Aug. 17 10032 Pension for Sargeant Calder. 10032 V5903940 Aug. 22 10033 US occupation of San Juan Island. 10033 V5904041 Aug. 22 10034 US occupation of San Juan Island. 10034 V5904142 Aug. 27 10035 Preparations and expense of protecting VI in view of recent US occupation of San Juan Island. 10035 V5904243 Aug. 27 10036 Appointment of treasurer and attorney general to acting positions in VI. 10036 V5904344 Aug. 27 10037 Petition regarding US occupation of San Juan Island. 10037 V5904445 Sep. 9 10757 US occupation of San Juan Island. 10757 V5904546 Sep. 12 10758 Financial condition of colony relative to repurchase from HBC. 10758 V5904647 Sep. 12 10759 Erection of government buildings in VI. 10759 V5904748 Sep. 14 10760 Memorial regarding US occupation of San Juan Island. 10760 V5904849 Oct. 22 12503 Postage stamp for BC and VI. 12503 V5904950 Oct. 22 12504 Address from House of Assembly on land question. 12504 V5905051 Oct. 26 12505 US occupation of San Juan Island. 12505 V5905152 Nov. 5 12730 Disposal of facilities used by surveying party under Col. Hawkins. 12730 V5905253 Nov. 5 12731 Height of lighthouse towers. 12731 V5905354 Nov. 7 12732 Reservation of crown lands. 12732 V5905455 Nov. 9 12699 US occupation of San Juan Island. 12699 V5905556 Nov. 11 18 US occupation of San Juan Island. 56 B59069SQ57 Nov. 10 870 £1500 required to complete lighthouses. 57 B5907158 Nov. 24 871 Stoppage of advances from HBC. 58 B5907259 Nov. 24 872 Bonding system in California ports and European imports to San Francisco. 59 B5907360 Nov. 26 873 Forwarding eight acts passed by legislature. 60 B5923761 Nov. 26 874 Opinion of Justice Begbie on "Usury Act 1859." 61 B5907562 Dec. 3 875 Bill of £2000 drawn for military expenditure. 62 B59076Dec. 15 1543 US occupation of San Juan Island. (Confidential) 1543 V59062CO63 Dec. 17 1544 Transmitting correspondence with House of Assembly. 1544 V5906364 Dec. 17 1545 Proposal for throwing open lands for public occupation. 1545 V59064
British Columbia Correspondence 1860
583 Jan. 16 Blake, James, inquiring into the existence of a police force in Vancouver Island or British Columbia.  926 Jan. 27 Begbie, Thomas Stirling, seeking contract to build road from Port Douglas to Cayoosh. 6708 May 2 Cadell, P., requesting position as superintendent of mining districts. 6708 B606C011901 Feb. 24 Cox and Company, payment of Moody's salary. 1901 B606C025140 May 22 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 5140 B606C038373 Aug. 23 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 8373 B606C0411732 Dec. 19 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 11732 B606C057299 July 21 Elmsley, W., relaying memorial from Reverend Pringle expressing grievances. 7299 B606E0111327 Dec. 4 Good, Reverend John B., applying for passage to BC. 11327* May 25 Gosset, Captain, application for colonial secretaryship. 4611 May 5 Magee, J.M., property of Bernard Rice, murdered at Fort Yale. 4611 B606M015416 Apr. 9 Moody, Colonel, seeking passages for families of non-commissioned officers. 5416 B606M029922 Aug. 25 -----, enclosing protest of his exclusion from selection of town sites. 9922 B606M03* Apr. 4 Shepherd, H., seeking appointment as solicitor. * Apr. 5 -----, seeking appointment as solicitor. 3586 Apr. 4 Shrapnel, H.N.S., seeking employment in Canada or BC. 3586 B606S013872 Apr. 5 -----, presenting claims for reward of his father's invention, the shrapnel shell. 3872 B606S02
British Columbia Despatches from London 1860
1 Jan 2 No increase of salary to harbour master. 1 B6070012 Jan 2 Not necessary to send out commissariat officer. 2 B600013 Jan 7 Requesting opinion of Clarke's land system. 3 B605AD014 Jan 20 Payment of Moody's salary. 45 Jan 21 Rules for payment of governor's travelling allowance. 5 V600026 Jan 22 No compensation to officers for loss of property on Briseis. 67 Feb 3 Recall of Captain Lempriere. 7 B600168 Feb 7 Requesting report on Begbie's road proposal. 8 B60070Feb 13 Douglas's salary of £3000 cannot be made permanent. (Confidential) 9 Feb 18 Clarke's land system. 9 B605AD01Feb 19 Replacement of Cambell on land boundary commission. (Confidential) 10 Feb 20 Civil salaries bills to be drawn by governor only. 10 B605AD0311 Feb 26 Exploration maps of Palmer and Mayne. 11 B6007112 Feb 28 Burrard Inlet reserves. 12 B605AD0413 Mar 12 Instructions to Hawkins regarding boundary commission. 13 B6007214 Mar 20 Moody's salary paid to 31 December 1859. 14 V6000115 Apr 5 Repayment of Captain Grant's travelling expenses. 15 V606M0216 Apr 6 HBC's claim to land in BC not settled. 16 V6000517 Apr 16 Submission and form of proclamations. 17 B605AD0618 Apr 16 Calling attention to defects in alien act. 1819 Apr 20 Copy of extradition treaty. 19 B605AD0720 Apr 24 Military road from New Westminster to Burrard Inlet. 2021 May 4 Sanction of proclamations. 21 B605AD0822 May 5 Repayment of advances to BC, and need for better accounting. 2223 May 7 Emigration Commissioners on pre-emption proclamation. 2324 May 8 Approval of proclamation on auction of land at upset price. 2425 May 18 Property of Bernard Rice. 2526 May 19 Grants of land to religious denominations. 2627 May 25 Settlement of Christian Indians near Fort Simpson. 27 B6007328 May 31 Payment of bill for £250 drawn by Gosset. 28 B605AD0929 June 3 Relative to map of NW Territories of BN America. 29 B6007430 June 13 Moody's salary paid to 31 March. 3031 June 13 Payment of bill for £500 drawn by Gosset. 31 V605AD0632 June 14 Payment of two bills drawn by Gosset. 3233 June 15 Complaints by HBC of customs laws. 3334 June 19 Statement of revenue received. 34 B6007535 June 20 Specimens of gold received. 35 B605CO0136 June 26 General report received. 36 B6007637 July 2 Extra pay to marines. 3738 July 3 Despatches to be written on proper sized paper. 3839 July 6 Harbour master to proceed to New Westminster. 39 B605CO0240 July 10 No appointment for Cadell. 40 V60006CO41 July 16 Public lands to be sold at 4/2 per acre. 4142 July 19 Land report received, approval of municipal institution. 4243 July 21 Passage of wives of Royal Engineers. 43 B6000244 July 30 Payment of bill for £650 drawn by Gosset. 44 V6000745 Aug 10 General report received. 4546 Aug 11 Assistance given for passage of wives of Royal Engineers. 4647 Aug 18 Payment of bills for regimental pay. 47 B6000348 Aug 24 Land claims of HBC submitted to privy council. 4849 Sep 19 Payment of bills and governor's salary. 49 V605AD0750 Oct 3 Shipment of stores by Thames City. 5051 Oct 4 W. Allison's report on gold at Similkameen. 5152 Oct 19 Silver coin in demand. 52 B6000453 Oct 20 Gosset's application for colonial secretaryship. 5354 Oct 23 Gold discoveries. 54 V6000955 Oct 25 Advances to BC and instructions to auditor. 55 B6000556 Oct 26 Assistance to religious bodies. 5657 Oct 27 Remarks on employment of Moody as chief commissioner of lands and works. 5758 Oct 30 £6900 in coin shipped in the Tartar. 58 59 Nov 2 Payment of Admiralty claim for £42.2. 59 V605AD0860 Nov 12 Extra pay to marines. 60 B6000161 Nov 16 Military wives sailed on 12 November 1860 in Marcella. 6162 Nov 20 Defalcations in surveyor general's office in Ceylon while under Gosset's supervision. 6263 Dec 4 Charge for entertainment of bishop on Forward paid. 63 B6000664 Dec 6 Reply to report on Clarke's land scheme. 6465 Dec 12 Receipt of address from municipal council to Prince of Wales. 65 B60007
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1860
1 Jan 2 Payment of expenses for public office buildings. 1 B6070012 Jan 5 Expenditure for construction of barracks. 2 B600013 Jan 7 Petitions begging for reform of land system in VI. 3 B605AD014 Jan 10 Joint occupation of San Juan Island. 4Jan 10 Transmitting correspondence regarding occupation of San Juan Island. (Confidential) 5 Feb 2 Transfer of buildings to Admiralty for naval purposes. 5 V600026 Feb 3 Apparatus, stores, and keepers for lighthouses. 67 Feb 4 Bill for construction of barracks on San Juan Island. 7 B600018 Feb 6 Lieutenant Colonel Hawkins despatched to Washington. 8 B600709 Feb 7 Expenditure for construction of lighthouses. 9 B605LN01Feb 13 Occupation of San Juan Island. (Confidential) Feb 15 Occupation of San Juan Island. (Confidential) 10 Feb 21 Disposal of land in VI. 10 B605AD03Feb 21 Proceeds of the sale of public land. (Confidential) 11 Feb 22 Authentication of certain acts of the legislature. 11 B6007112 Feb 25 Dissolution of the assembly of VI. 12 B605AD0413 Mar 7 Transfer of buildings and land to naval department. 13 B60072Mar 14 Protection of colony in case of hostilities. (Confidential) 14 Mar 15 Payment of passage for wife and children of lighthouse keeper. 14 V6000115 Mar 17 Leave of absence for Pemberton. 15 V605LN0316 Mar 27 Report of Reverend Cridge on state of school in VI. 16 V6000517 Mar 30 Report and maps of the Nanaimo and Cowichan districts. 17 B605AD0618 Apr 6 Grant of land to Stamp. 1819 Apr 12 Failure of Douglas to communicate orders to the Admiral. 19 B605AD0720 May 4 Douglas's speech to open legislature. 2021 May 26 Acknowledging despatches concerning San Juan Island. 21 B605AD0822 Jun 8 Douglas's communications with the House of Assembly. 2223 Jun 9 Withdrawal of troops from VI to San Juan Island. 2324 Jun 11 Letter to Colonel Moody concerning San Juan Island. 2425 Jun 13 Payment of Kelcher's pension. 2526 Jun 28 Payment to HBC for resumption of VI. 2627 Jul 16 Disposal of land in VI. 27 B6007328 Jul 26 Complaint by Langford against governor and surveyor general. 28 B605AD0929 July 31 Withdrawal of troops from San Juan Island. 29 B6007430 Aug 16 Approval of acts. 3031 Aug 28 Expenses for construction of lighthouses. 31 V605AD0632 Aug 24 HBC title to certain land in VI. 32Sep Aug 11 Commission of Pemberton as surveyor general of VI. 11 B6007133 Sep 8 Disturbances among natives. 3334 Sep 15 Survey of occupational site on San Juan Island. 34 B6007535 Sep 16 Despatch from Her Majesty's chargé d'affairs at Washington regarding occupation of San Juan Island. 35 B605CO0136 Sep 25 Official position of Pemberton. 36 B6007637 Oct 2 Schedule of bills. 3738 Oct 3 Appointment of Gordon as treasurer 3839 Oct 4 Magistrate needed on Admiral [Saltspring] Island. 39 B605CO0240 Oct 17 Relations with natives in Victoria. 40 V60006COSep Nov 10 Warrant for appointment of treasurer. 10 B605AD0341 Nov 16 Approval of act No. 16. 4142 Nov 23 Effects of Heseltine. 4243 Dec 22 Removal of General Harney from command of US forces in Oregon. 43 B6000244 Dec 28 Appointment of Rhodes as Hawaiian consul at VI. 44 V60007
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1860
1 Jan. 12 2317 Leave of absence granted to Pemberton. 2317 V600012 Jan. 18 2758 Erection of naval powder magazine. 2758 V600023 Jan. 18 2759 Proclamation declaring Victoria a free port. 2759 V600034 Jan. 25 2760 Returns of election to House of Assembly. 2760 V600045 Jan. 26 2761 Civil list for Vancouver Island. 2761 V600056 Jan. 26 2762 Correspondence with Captain Stamp regarding his proposed commercial activities in Barclay Sound. 2762 V60006Jan. 27 2830 US occupation of San Juan Island. (Confidential) 2830 V60006CO7 Jan. 27 2763 Cridge's report on the colonial school. 2763 V600078 Feb. 9 3202 Financial state of VI. 32029 Feb. 13 3601 Report by Torrens of expedition to Queen Charlotte Islands. 3601 V6000910 Feb. 15 3602 New government buildings in VI. 3602 V6001011 Feb. 16 3603 Sale of inferior lands near Victoria. 3603 V6001112 Feb. 17 3604 Forwarding information on postal system in VI. 3604 V6001213 Mar. 10 4092 Opening of new session of legislature. 4092 V6001314 Mar. 23 4817 Complaints of Langford against the colonial surveyor. 4817 V6001415 Mar. 27 4818 Landing of Royal Marines on San Juan Island. 4818 V6001516 Mar. 28 4819 Petition from Assembly regarding price of land. 4819 V6001617 Mar. 28 4820 Correspondence relative to dispute with HBC over land reserved for government buildings. 4820 V6001718 Apr. 7 5373 Disposition of boundary commission barracks. 5373 V6001819 Apr. 7 5374 Lighthouses in Straits of Juan de Fuca. 5374 V6001920 Apr. 7 5375 Transmitting correspondence with House of Assembly to 7 April 1860. 5375 V6002021 Apr. 20 5819 Correspondence with Council to 10 April 1860. 5819 V6002122 Apr. 23 5820 £250 bill drawn by Young for half salary. 5820 V6002223 May 8 6346 Disposition of crown land in VI. 8 B605AD0224 May 7 6347 Change in US command on San Juan Island. 7 B6004425 May 8 6348 Receipt of despatch on San Juan Island. 8 B605AD0226 May 8 6349 Forwarding eight acts for confirmation. 8 B605AD0227 May 10 6350 Powder magazine at Esquimalt. 6350 V6002728 May 10 6351 HBC land claims prior to charter of grant. 6351 V6002829 May 15 7736 Expense of passage from England of lighthouse keeper. 7736 V6002930 May 16 7737 Location of military post on San Juan Island. 7737 V6003031 June 18 7738 Report on construction of lighthouses. 7738 V6003132 June 21 7739 Proposal of Captain Stamp. 7739 V6003233 June 23 7740 Non-communication of despatch to Admiral Baynes. 7740 V6003334 July 7 8319 Indian disturbances in Victoria. 8319 V6003435 July 16 8787 Transmitting half yearly return of despatches. 8787 V6003536 Aug. 4 9340 Administration of oaths in House of Assembly. 9340 V6003637 Aug. 6 9341 Proceedings of House of Assembly. 9341 V6003738 Aug. 7 9342 Appointment of Gordon as acting treasurer. 9342 V6003839 Aug. 8 9267 Disposition of Indians at Victoria. 9267 V6003940 Aug. 25 9593 Joint occupation of San Juan Island. 9593 V6004041 Aug. 25 9594 Correspondence in reference to northern Indians. 9594 V6004142 Oct. 7 11194 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11194 V6004243 Oct. 8 11195 Requisition for £1000 for barrack accommodation at San Juan Island. 11195 V6004344 Oct. 27 11680 Details of expenditure relating to the occupation of San Juan Island. 11680 V6004445 Nov. 8 82 Civil jurisdiction on San Juan Island. 4546 Nov. 8 83 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4647 Nov. 9 84 Acknowleding circular despatch in reference to Bavarian subjects. 47 B6000348 Nov. 14 941 Draft of £1000 to meet extra pay of marines serving on San Juan Island. 4849 Nov. 14 942 Disturbances between Indian tribes at Victoria. 49 V605AD0750 Dec. 5 943 Lighthouse expenditures. 5051 Dec. 7 944 Claims of HBC to proceeds of sale of government land at Victoria. 5152 Dec. 8 1545 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1545 V60052
British Columbia Despatches to London 1860
1 Jan 9 2312 Palmer's expedition from Fort Hope to Fort Colvile. 2312 B600012 Jan 12 2313 Comparative statement of customs revenue. 2313 B600023 Jan 12 2314 Grant's expenses in England on colonial service. 2314 B600034 Jan 14 2315 Draft of £3500 on military account. 2315 B600045 Jan 14 2316 Regulating pre-emption of agricultural land. 2316 B600056 Jan 16 2747 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2747 B600067 Jan 17 2748 Boundary commission barracks at Esquimalt 2748 B600078 Jan 16 2749 Ball's report on Upper Fraser gold fields. 2749 B600089 Jan 24 2750 Establishment of assay office. 2750 B6000910 Jan 24 2751 Establishment of assay office. 2751 B6001011 Jan 25 2752 Establishment of assay office. 2752 B6001112 Jan 26 2753 Salary of commissioner of lands and works. 2753 B6001213 Jan 26 2754 Admiralty claim of £49.13.9 on account of stores. 2754 B6001314 Jan 26 2755 Parliamentary vote on estimates for 1860. 2755 B60014Jan 26 2831 Non-residence of government officers. (Confidential) 2831 B60014CO15 Jan 27 2756 Sale of crown lands unsold at public auction. 2756 B6001516 Feb 3 3210 Draft of £2395 for governor's salary. 3210 B6001617 Feb 6 3211 Draft of £1400 on military account. 3211 B6001718 Feb 7 3283 Claims of HBC to land in BC. 3283 B6001819 Feb 8 3284 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3284 B6001920 Feb 15 3617 Requesting copy of Extradition Treaty with US, 1843. 3617 B6002021 Feb 15 3618 Receipt of Mercantile Navy List for 1859. 3618 B6002122 Feb 15 3619 Extension of extradition of criminals convention. 3619 B6002223 Feb 15 3620 Diagram and register of meterological observation. 3620 B6002324 Feb 17 3621 Free grants of land to ordained clergy. 3621 B6002425 Feb 18 3622 Duncan's proposed reserve for Christian Tsimshian Indians. 3622 B6002526 Feb 23 3623 Draft of £2300 on military account. 3623 B6002627 Feb 25 3624 Financial condition of colony. 3624 B6002728 Feb 27 3625 New Westminster to Burrard Inlet military road. 3625 B6002829 Mar 2 4093 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4093 B6002930 Mar 6 4094 Emigration of Colonel O'Connor to BC. 4094 B6003031 Mar 13 4095 Draft of £2500 on military account. 4095 B6003132 Mar 14 4814 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4814 B6003233 Mar 22 4815 Trade and policing of North Western Territories. 4815 B6003334 Apr 3 5371 Moody's request for a commissariat officer. 5371 B6003435 Apr 6 5372 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5372 B6003536 Apr 20 5821 Replacement of personal property of Royal Engineers lost on the Briseis. 5821 B6003637 Apr 20 5822 Captain Lempriere's application for pay increase. 5822 B6003738 Apr 21 5823 Specimen of gold from Quesnel River. 5823 B6003839 Apr 21 5824 Comparative statement of customs revenue. 5824 B6003940 Apr 21 5825 Governor's allowance when on official tours. 5825 B6004041 Apr 22 5826 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5826 B6004142 Apr 22 5827 State of affairs in the colony. 5827 B6004243 Apr 23 5828 Begbie's proposal for road from Douglas to Cayoosh. 5828 B6004344 May 4 6338 Permitting Cooper to remain at Esquimalt. 6338 B60044May 4 6385 Reasons for permitting Cooper to remain. (Confidential) 6385 B60044CO45 May 5 6339 Draft of £1500 on military account. 6339 B6004546 May 7 6340 Paucity of small coins in circulation. 6340 B6004647 May 7 6341 Palmer's and Mayne's maps and plans. 6341 B6004748 May 8 6342 Clarke's land scheme. 6342 B6004849 May 8 6343 Clarke's report on land system. 6343 B6004950 May 8 5344 Replacement of Campbell as boundary commissioner. 534451 May 9 6345 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6345 B6005152 May 12 7719 Passages for wives of Royal Engineers. 7719 B6005253 May 19 7720 Instructions for boundary commissioners. 7720 B60053Sep May 24 7130 Visit to BC and report on state of affairs. 7130 B60053SPSep May 31 7721 State of affairs in colony continued. 7721 B60053SQSep Jun 5 7722 State of affairs in colony continued. 7722 B60053SR54 Jun 18 7723 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7723 B6005455 Jun 18 7724 Draft of £1000 on regimental pay account. 7724 B6005556 Jun 21 7725 HBC claims to land in BC. 7725 B6005657 Jun 22 7726 Receipt of copy of extradition treaty. 7726 B6005758 Jun 22 7727 Memorial calling for representative institutions. 7727 B6005859 Jun 22 8320 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8320 B6005960 Jul 7 8321 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8321 B60060Sep Jul 6 8322 State of affairs in colony continued. 8322 B60060SPSep Jul 7 8323 Returning "Code of Private Signals." 8323 B60060SQ61 Jul 12 8788 Draft of £3000 for military pay. 8788 B6006162 Jul 16 8789 Return of despatches for half year ending 30 June. 8789 B6006263 Jul 19 8790 Defects in act for naturalization of aliens. 8790 B6006364 Jul 21 8791 Approval of three proclamations. 8791 B6006465 Jul 21 8792 Sale of auctioned but unsold land. 8792 B6006566 Jul 21 8793 Draft of £860.2.6 for governor's salary. 8793 B6006667 Jul 21 8794 Comparative statement of customs revenue. 8794 B6006768 Jul 23 8795 Advances made from imperial treasury. 8795 B6006869 Jul 23 8796 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8796 B6006970 Aug 3 9346 Similkameen country gold mining report. 9346 B6007071 Aug 3 9347 Fort Simpson settlement for Indian Christians. 9347 B6007172 Aug 4 9348 Grants of land to clergy. 9348 B6007273 Aug 6 9349 Arrival of equipment for lighthouses. 9349 B6007374 Aug 4 9350 Providing municipal council for New Westminster. 9350 B6007475 Aug 7 9595 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9595 B6007576 Aug 16 9596 Gold discoveries in Similikameen country. 9596 B6007677 Aug 23 9597 Gosset's application as colonial secretary. 9597 B6007778 Aug 24 9598 Report on Clarke's land disposal scheme. 9598 B6007879 Aug 25 9599 Moody's salary as commissioner of lands and works. 9599 B6007980 Aug 24 9600 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9600 B6008081 Aug 24 9601 Begbie's report on Clarke's land scheme. 9601 B6008182 Aug 24 9602 Gosset's application for colonial secretaryship. 9602 B6008283 Aug 25 9603 Management of Northwest British North America. 9603 B60083Sep Aug 27 9923 Enclosing omitted document in despatch No. 77. 9923 B60083SP
84 Aug 28 9924 Proposing negotiation of a loan of £50,000. 9924 B6008485 Oct 7 11189 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11189 B6008586 Oct 8 11190 Governor's return to Victoria from BC. 11190 B6008687 Oct 8 11191 Extra pay to Royal Engineers. 11191 B6008788 Oct 8 11192 Size of dispatch stationery. 11192 B60088Sep Oct 9 11678 Visit to BC and report on state of affairs. 11678 B60088SPSep Oct 25 85 State of affairs in colony continued. 85 B6001489 Oct 26 11679 HBC complaint about customs laws. 11679 B6008990 Nov 8 86 Position and residence of J. Cooper. 90 B6001591 Nov 8 87 Application for appointment by Cadell. 91 B6009592 Nov 8 88 Receipt of Blue Books. 9293 Nov 8 89 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9394 Nov 9 90 Withdrawal of property of Bavarian subjects. 94 B6001695 Nov 9 91 Forbes's exploration of Harrison River area. 95 B6007996 Nov 15 912 Abstinence from dealing with HBC land claim. 96 B6001797 Nov 28 911 Comparative statement of customs revenue. 9798 Nov 29 913 Request for assay office articles. 98 B6008199 Nov 30 914 Draft of £6000 on military account. 99 B60018100 Nov 28 915 State of affairs in the colony continued. 915 B60100101 Dec 3 916 Disposal of effects of Bernard Rice. 916 B60101102 Dec 1 917 Affairs and position of HBC in BC. 917 B60102103 Dec 8 1546 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1546 B60103104 Dec 12 1547 Road toll, customs, and new road bond acts. 1547 B60104105 Dec 12 1548 Draft of £1200 on military account. 1548 B60105106 Dec 15 1549 Draft of £550 for regimental pay of Royal Engineers. 1549 B60106
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1860
Admiralty 109 Jan. 2 Report from Rear Admiral Baynes on San Juan Island.  698 Jan. 20 Transfer of survey buildings to naval department.  1132 Feb. 1 Defense of Esquimalt Harbour.  1431 Feb. 8 Transfer of survey buildings to naval department.  3072 Mar. 19 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  5065 May 17 Military guard of Royal Marines.  5407 May 20 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  8509 Aug. 28 Maintenance of order on VI by naval forces.  9006 Sep. 14 Disturbances at Admiral Island.  9430 Sep. 28 Relocation of Indians near Victoria. 10098 Oct. 22 End of service for Royal Marines. 10098 V605AD1110335 Oct. 29 Ship movements and state of affairs at VI. 10335 V605AD1210336 Oct. 29 Indian disturbances at VI. 10336 V605AD13
Agent (Crown Agents) 361 Jan. 12 Insurance of articles to be shipped to VI. 
Council (Privy Council) 7665 Aug. 2 Operation of acts Nos. 8-15. 10433 Nov. 5 Operation of act No. 16. 10433 V605CO02
Foreign Office 856 Jan. 25 Insuring stores for Oregon boundary commission.  1010 Jan. 30 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  1176 Feb. 3 Occupation of San Juan Island.  1273 Feb. 4 Occupation of San Juan Island.  2242 Feb. 29 Transfer of survey buildings to naval department.  2282 Mar. 2 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  2535 Mar. 8 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  2818 Mar. 13 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  3166 Mar. 23 US Senate's views on San Juan Island.  4004 Apr. 19 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  4069 Apr. 20 Douglas's delay in despatching troops to San Juan Island.  5134 May 21 Dispute of title to San Juan Island.  5412 May 29 Increase in trade at Victoria as free port.  5699 June 4 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  5992 June 11 Pony express from Missouri to San Francisco.  6262 June 19 Removal of General Harney as US commander.  6264 June 19 Possessory rights of HBC in Oregon.  6398 June 25 Joint occupation of San Juan Island.  6479 June 27 Possessory rights of HBC in Oregon.  6626 June 30 Proceedings of General Harney at San Juan Island.  7352 July 23 Withdrawal of civil magistracy at San Juan Island.  8438 Aug. 27 Site on San Juan Island for British camp.  8829 Sep. 8 Civil jurisdiction on San Juan Island.  8929 Sep. 12 US jurisdiction over San Juan Island. 10510 Nov. 8 Replacement of Royal Marines at San Juan Island. 10510 V605FO2511373 Dec. 5 Removal of Harney as US commander. 11373 V605FO2611503 Dec. 12 Commission of Rhodes as Hawaiian consul at VI. 11503 V605FO2711897 Dec. 21 Appointment of Rhodes as Hawaiian consul. 11897 V605FO28
Land (Emigration Office) 205 Jan. 6 Promote emigration of British subjects to VI.  1326 Feb. 7 HBC claims against crown for resumption of VI.  2978 Mar. 17 Payment of HBC claims for resumption of VI.  3260 Mar. 29 Establishment of saw mill and other works on VI.  3485 Apr. 4 Disposal of revenue from sale of crown lands.  5693 June 4 Complaint of Langford against surveyor general.  5785 June 9 House of Assembly report on price of crown land.  7233 July 19 Surveyor General Pemberton's reply to Langford. 
Law Office 824 Jan. 24 Disposal of revenue from sale of crown lands. 
Miscellaneous 143 Jan. 4 Disposal of public lands.  265 Jan. 9 Conveyance of despatches via Panama.  533 Jan. 16 HBC claims against crown for resumption of VI.  773 Jan. 23 HBC reconveyance of VI to crown.  1579 Feb. 14 HBC reconveyance of VI to crown.  2290 Mar. 2 HBC claims against crown for resumption of VI.  2877 Mar. 15 HBC claims over certain lands on VI.  4060 Apr. 20 HBC claims over certain lands on VI.  4873 May 11 Payment of HBC claims for resumption of VI.  4963 May 14 HBC complaint against Douglas's import duties.  6405 June 26 HBC claims over certain lands on VI.  6480 June 27 Payment of HBC claims for resumption of VI. 11771 Dec. 18 HBC establishment on San Juan Island. 11771 V605MI13
Trade (Board of Trade) 834 Jan. 25 Despatch of supplies for lighthouse construction.  1110 Feb. 1 Payment of £1500 for lighthouse construction.  1888 Feb. 24 Port bonding system.  2521 Mar. 8 Expense of passage of lightkeeper's family. 
Treasury 946 Jan. 28 Bill drawn by Douglas for service of VI.  4143 Apr. 25 Payment of HBC claims for resumption of VI.  5099 May 19 Payment of HBC claims for resumption of VI.  5357 May 28 Payment of HBC claims for resumption of VI.  6146 June 16 Payment of HBC claims for resumption of VI.  7069 July 12 Conveyance of folio paper supplies to Douglas.  8306 Aug. 21 Expenses for construction of lighthouses. 
War Office 2972 Mar. 16 Printing of plans of districts on VI.  5725 June 6 Payment of pension to Kelcher.  7161 July 13 Erection of powder magazine at Esquimalt. 
British Columbia Public Offices 1860
Admiralty 2571 Mar. 10 Extra pay for Royal Marines.  5113 May 21 Shortage of provisions on Thames City.  5761 June 8 Expense of transfer of Royal Marines.  5782 June 9 Shipment of cargo on Thames City.  5986 June 11 Withdrawal of claim for travel expenses of Royal Engineers.  9195 Sep. 15 Shipment and delivery of stores on Thames City.  9487 Oct. 1 Young to remain in colony as colonial secretary. 10354 Oct. 30 Extra pay for Royal Marines. 10354 B605AD0810799 Nov. 16 Payment of entertainment expenses on Forward. 10799 B605AD09
Council (Privy Council) 6448 June 27 Hudson's Bay Company claims to land.  6822 July 9 Hudson's Bay Company claims to land. 
Land (Emigration Office) 1299 Feb. 7 Objection to system of land preemption.  2301 Mar. 3 Report on Clarke's land scheme.  3402 Mar. 31 Report on preemption proclamation.  3403 Mar. 31 Approval of crown lands proclamation.  4725 May 8 Free land grants to clergy.  4752 May 9 Land reservations for Christianized Indians.  8130 Aug. 13 Hudson's Bay Company claims to land.  8564 Aug. 31 Passage for wives of Royal Engineers. 10092 Oct. 20 Passage for wives of Royal Engineers. 10092 B605LN0910674 Nov. 14 Passage for wives of Royal Engineers. 10674 B605LN1010940 Nov. 20 Reports on Clarke's land scheme. 10940 B605LN11
Law Office 3091 Mar. 19 Hudson's Bay Company claims to land. 
Miscellaneous 240 Jan. 5 Hudson's Bay Company claims to land.  532 Jan. 16 Hudson's Bay Company claims to land.  6239 June 15 Hudson's Bay Company claims to land. 11001 Aug. 25 Welcoming address to the Prince of Wales. 11001 B605MI04
Treasury 262 Jan. 9 Moody's salary as land commissioner.  480 Jan. 13 Moody's salary as land commissioner.  526 Jan. 16 Travelling allowance to the governor.  1173 Feb. 3 Inadequacy of governor's salary.  1566 Feb. 15 Bill drawn by Young.  1776 Feb. 20 Bill drawn by Young.  2532 Mar. 8 Moody's salary as land commissioner.  2909 Mar. 16 Approval of tonnage duties proclamation.  2910 Mar. 16 Advances and payments on the colony.  3191 Mar. 26 Stores supplied to Royal Engineers.  3192 Mar. 26 Stores supplied to Royal Engineers.  3193 Mar. 26 Medicines supplied to Royal Engineers.  3277 Mar. 30 Grant's travelling expenses.  3326 Mar. 31 Admiralty claim for passages of Royal Engineers.  3493 Apr. 4 Payment of governor's salary.  3520 Apr. 5 Advances from Treasury.  3980 Apr. 18 Establishment of assay office.  4190 Apr. 26 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  4602 May 7 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  5231 May 25 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  5424 May 30 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  5510 June 2 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  5511 June 2 Payment of passage expenses.  5721 June 6 Payment of Moody's salary.  7392 July 26 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  7840 Aug. 9 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  8536 Aug. 29 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  8566 Aug. 31 Payment of Moody's salary.  8866 Sep. 11 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  9010 Sep. 15 Governor's salary and treasurer's bill.  9017 Sep. 15 Bill drawn for treasury of BC.  9623 Oct. 9 Payment of passage for wives of Royal Engineers.  9987 Oct. 20 Advances from Treasury regarding Royal Engineers. 10154 Oct. 25 Requisition of small coins. 10154 B605TE3410172 Oct. 26 Shipment of coins to colony. 10172 B605TE3511517 Dec. 13 Payment of entertainment expenses on Forward. 11517 B605TE36
War Office 603 Jan. 18 Personal belongings of Engineers lost on the Briseis.  822 Jan. 24 Promotion and removal of Lempriere.  1122 Feb. 1 Plans relative to Palmer's exploration of BC.  1790 Feb. 21 Mayne's sketch map of BC.  1791 Feb. 21 Palmer's sketch map of BC.  3273 Mar. 29 King's application for remission and purchase of land.  3411 Apr. 2 Claim for medical stores supplied to the colony.  7179 July 14 Cargo shipped with Thames City.  9021 Sep. 15 Passage for wives of Royal Engineers. 
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1860
1150 Feb. 2 Cotteris and Sons, sale and mortgage of lands in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 1150 V606C014114 Apr. 23 Dunn, J., complaining of unfair treatment of British colonists at VI. 4114 V606D01Pri. Aug. 10 Foster, G., Private, recounting events in the colony. 2986 Mar. 18 Hammersley, F., delay in conveyance of mails. 2986 V606H0110934 Aug. 25 Heseltine, S.R., money owed him by registrar of VI. 10934 V606H022825 Mar. 13 Mitchell, H., requesting information on land acquisition in VI. 2825 V606M013537 Apr. 5 -----, acknowledging receipt of information. 3537 V606M025477 Mar. 14 Moody, R.C., joint occupation of San Juan Island. 5477 V606M035417 Apr. 17 -----, joint occupation of San Juan Island. 5417 V606M04
2520 Mar. 7 Pemberton, J.D., expense of surveying and mapping VI. 2520 V606P016407 June 25 -----, responding to complaints made by Langford. 6407 V606P026776 July 6 -----, regarding commission as surveyor general. 6776 V606P038026 Aug. 11 -----, regarding commission as surveyor general. 8026 V606P0410793 Nov. 16 Wylde and Co., requesting address of George Tomlin Gordon, Treasurer for VI. 10793 V606W01
British Columbia Public Offices 1861
Admiralty 124 Jan. 4 Passage to colony of Reverend J.B. Good.  1747 Feb. 23 Repayment of expenses incurred by naval department.  2499 Mar. 18 Extra pay for Royal Marines.  2513 Mar. 18 Repayment for freight of stores on Thames City.  2517 Mar. 19 Entertainment of bishop on Grappler.  8415 Sep. 18 Brandy deficiency on Thames City. 
Agent (Crown Agents) 1481 Feb. 16 Stores for assay department.  4094 May 23 Stores for assay department. 
Council (Privy Council) 2141 Mar. 9 HBC land title petition to Judicial Committee.  5917 June 28 HBC land title petition to Judicial Committee. 
Land (Emigration Office) 973 Jan. 31 HBC complaint about government sale of land.  2699 Mar. 22 Settlement of HBC land claims.  2760 Mar. 25 Complaint of A.G. Dallas for HBC.  6848 July 29 HBC land claims.  7375 Aug. 15 Preemption of unsurveyed land.  9218 Oct. 14 Settlement of HBC land claims. 11123 Dec. 13 Proclamations on disposal of land. 11123 B615LN07
Miscellaneous 177 Jan. 4 HBC complaint about Douglas's proceedings.  460 Jan. 17 Requesting information on gold yields 1858 to 1860.  861 Jan. 29 Requesting information on gold yield for 1860.  863 Jan. 29 HBC complaints about collection of import duty.  1917 Mar. 1 Complaint of Dallas regarding HBC land claims.  2881 Mar. 30 Assessed taxes due from Cary.  3014 Apr. 2 Douglas's encroachment on HBC property.  4653 Mar. 6 Memorial to Newcastle from New Westminster.  7852 Aug. 27 Settlement of HBC land claims.  9934 Nov. 7 Settlement of HBC land claims. 11138 Oct. 14 Memorial promoting mail steam communication with Britain. 11138 B615MI1111147 Nov. 29 Mail steam communication with Britain and problems associated with absentee governor. 11147
Trade (Board of Trade) 2727 Mar. 23 Approval of customs amendment proclamation. 11009 Dec. 11 Approval of southern boundary proclamation. 11009 B615TA02
Treasury 75 Jan. 6 Payment of Moody's salary.  153 Jan. 7 Loan of £50,000 for road construction.  977 Jan. 31 Bills for general service of colony.  1282 Feb. 12 Payment for governor's entertainment on Satellite.  1675 Feb. 20 Compensation with respect to HBC land claims.  2308 Mar. 15 Stores for BC assay office.  2336 Mar. 16 Payment for stores supplied to Royal Engineers.  2732 Mar. 23 Payment of Moody's salary.  2797 Mar. 27 Approval of two road bond acts and customs act.  3196 Apr. 10 Payment for bishop's entertainment on Grappler.  4046 May 20 Approval of expenditure and revenue estimates.  4725 May 24 HBC land title claims to Privy Council.  4748 May 25 Payment of Douglas's salary.  5509 June 18 Payment of Douglas's salary.  5705 June 24 Payment of Moody's salary.  6950 Aug. 1 Payment for freight of stores on Thames City.  8570 Sep. 16 Payment of Moody's salary.  8864 Oct. 1 Payment to naval services for passenger expenses.  9832 Nov. 4 Payment for freight of stores on Thames City. 10216 Nov. 16 Mode of keeping colonial accounts. 10216 B615TE2010231 Nov. 18 Passage for wives and families of Royal Engineers. 10231 B615TE2110725 Nov. 29 Payment of bill drawn by Gosset. 10725 B615TE2211312 Dec. 19 Payment of Moody's salary. 11312 B615TE23
War Office 8305 Sep. 14 Charts of the world and stars. 
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1861
45 Jan 26 Expenses for construction of barracks at San Juan Island. 4546 Feb 19 Salary of Pemberton while on leave. 4647 Mar 1 Completion of lighthouses. 47 B615CO0248 Mar 23 Whereabouts of Adolphe Sokeren. 48 V615AD0749 Mar 31 Entertainment afforded to Captain Stamp aboard Grappler. 4950 Mar 31 Petition asking that John Copland be allowed to practice law in VI. 5051 Apr 5 Appointment of G.H. Cary as attorney general of VI. 5152 Apr 7 Taxes due from Cary. 5253 Apr 9 Approval of withdrawal of magistrate from San Juan Island. 5354 Apr 15 Disposal of land in VI. 54 B615LN01Sep Apr 19 Warrant appointing treasurer of VI. 19 B615AD0555 May 1 Money due to Samuel Heseltine at the time of his death. 5556 May 5 Appointment of Fraser, Cameron, and Langley to legislature. 5657 May 11 Approval of Victoria Harbour Act. 5758 May 30 Shipment of stores for lighthouses. 58 B615LN02Sep June 3 Finances of VI in hands of agents general. 3 B615AD0159 June 12 Payment of detachment of royal marines at San Juan Island. 59 V6101060 June 14 Issue of five hundred Brunswick rifles to VI. 60 B606G0161 June 15 Sale of waterfront land in Victoria. 61 B615LN0362 June 25 Site of barracks in VI. 62 V6101163 June 26 Payment of expenses for stationery. 63Sep July 6 Payment of expenses for supplies for Tribune. 6 B61708964 July 15 Proclamations allowing occupation of unsurveyed land. 64 B6101165 July 26 Land sold to L. Lowenburg. 6566 Aug 15 Additional expense for lighthouses. 66 V6101367 Aug 23 Church reserves and employment of Reverend E. Cridge. 6768 Aug 24 Retention of British detachment at San Juan Island. 6869 Sep 3 Withdrawal of American troops from San Juan Island. 69 V615AD1170 Sep 6 Douglas's speech opening the session of the legislature. 70 B6105871 Sep 9 Method of identifying bills for paymaster general. 7172 Oct 9 Non-refundability of land in VI. 72 B6105973 Oct 19 Native title to public land in VI. 7374 Nov 9 Request for field batteries and additional rifles. 7475 Nov 14 Salary withheld from Samuel Heseltine. 75 B615TE0176 Nov 23 Rifles shipped to VI. 76 B615LN0577 Nov 26 Cost of Captain Stamp's entertainment. 77 B6106078 Nov 30 Admission of John Copland to practice law in VI. 7879 Dec 4 Disposal of land by HBC. 79 V6101580 Dec 5 Approval of act number 17. 8081 Dec 30 Appointment of Allen Francis as US consul at VI. 8182 Dec 31 Application for colonial pay to Grappler and Forward. 82 B615LN0683 Dec 31 Method of appointing officers of VI volunteer corps. 83 B61061
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1861
8609 Sep. 24 Begbie, Thomas S., communication north from San Francisco. 8609 V616B015469 June 14 Blake, Captain, allowance for Royal Marines. 5469 V616B022742 Mar. 21 Duncan, J., appointment of John Copland as attorney at Vancouver Island. 2742 V616D012965 Mar. 13 Forbes, R., regarding land grants. 2965 V616F014012 Apr. 15 -----, asking that his previous letter be answered. 4012 V616F0210440 Nov. 22 Foster, G.L., requesting supply of arms for volunteer force. 10440 V616F035087 June 3 Henry, R.P., enquiring into pay of Royal Marines stationed at San Juan Island. 5087 V616H013718 Apr. 22 Heseltine, S.R., personal effects of his late son. 3718 V616H02 * July 9 Hoskin, R.F., government aid to persons seeking employment. 8628 Sep. 23 Irving, J., depreciation of the value of his land. 8628 V616I015078 June 18 Langford, E., complaining about certain officials at VI. 5078 V616L019549 Oct. 22 Moncrieff, J., appointment of John Copland as attorney at VI. 9549 V616M018650 Sep. 27 Norman, R., enquiring about George Cook. 8650 V616N01Oct. 16 19285 -----, enquiring about George Cook. 19285 657 Jan. 19 Pemberton, J.D., regarding departure for VI.  764 Jan. 24 -----, departure for VI. 1313 Feb. 13 -----, map of Victoria town and district. 1313 V616P031782 Feb. 25 -----, departure for VI. 1782 V616P04
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1861
Admiralty2493 Mar. 18 Captain Stamp's entertainment. 2493 V615AD015483 June 17 Freight costs for 500 rifles. 5483 V615AD036401 July 15 Ship proceedings under Admiral Maitland. 6401 V615AD046402 July 15 Depredations of Indians. 6402 V615AD056867 July 29 Necessity for increased forces in Pacific. 6867 V615AD067861 Aug. 29 Withdrawal of US troops from San Juan Island. 7861 V615AD078299 Sep. 13 Withdrawal of US troops from San Juan Island. 8299 V615AD088886 Oct. 2 Replacement of US troops on San Juan Island. 8886 V615AD0910414 Nov. 22 Captain Stamp's entertainment. 10414 V615AD1011587 Dec. 27 Pay for lieutenants on Grappler and Forward. 11587 V615AD11
Agent (Crown Agents)5619 June 20 Receipt of bill for stationery supplies. 5619 V615AG0110290 Nov. 19 Shipment of rifles. 10290 V615AG02
Council (Privy Council) * May 13 Legislative Council appointments. 10804 Dec. 2 Approval of Victoria Harbour Act. 10804 V615CO01
Foreign Office 671 Jan. 21 Troops for San Juan Island.  673 Jan. 21 HBC establishment on San Juan Island. 2311 Mar. 15 Enquiry regarding Adolphe Sokeren. 2311 V615FO032962 Mar. 30 Military government on San Juan Island. 2962 V615FO045530 June 19 Expediency of sending troops to San Juan Island. 5530 V615FO056679 July 24 Expediency of sending troops to San Juan Island. 6679 V615FO067616 Aug. 21 Withdrawal of US troops from San Juan Island. 7616 V615FO078175 Sep. 10 Withdrawal of US troops from San Juan Island. 8175 V615FO088397 Sep. 17 Withdrawal of US troops from San Juan Island. 8397 V615FO0911285 Dec. 16 Allen Francis as US Consul. 11285 V615FO10
Land (Emigration Office)2297 Mar. 14 HBC claim to government land and buildings. 2297 V615LN012496 Mar. 19 Delay in completion of land grants. 2496 V615LN022955 Mar. 30 Expenditures of HBC. 2955 V615LN034017 Apr. 30 HBC water frontage claims. 4017 V615LN044745 May 25 HBC accounts. 4745 V615LN055177 June 8 HBC sale of water frontage. 5177 V615LN065329 June 12 Extinction of Indian title. 5329 V615LN076097 July 6 Proclamations of land occupation. 6097 V615LN086482 July 20 HBC accounts. 6482 V615LN097152 Aug. 10 Appropriation of lands. 7152 V615LN108297 Sep. 13 Audit of HBC accounts by Mr. Andoe. 8297 V615LN118927 Oct. 3 Mr. I. Frey's land claim. 8927 V615LN128941 Oct. 4 Advance of £3000 for Indian title to lands. 8941 V615LN139296 Oct. 18 HBC injunction regarding sale of land. 9296 V615LN1411603 Dec. 28 HBC land claims. 11603 V615LN15
Miscellaneous2718 Mar. 22 Further accounts of HBC advances. 2718 V615MI014752 May 24 Sale of water frontage at Victoria. 4752 V615MI025821 June 26 Advances to colonial government. 5821 V615MI036418 July 15 Mr. Lowenberg's land claim. 6418 V615MI046654 July 22 Title deeds of church reserve. 6654 V615MI056681 July 24 Title deeds of church reserve. 6681 V615MI067677 Aug. 22 Title deeds of church reserve. 7677 V615MI079032 Oct. 9 Enquiry regarding George Cook. 9032 V615MI089935 Nov. 8 HBC injunction regarding sale of land. 9935 V615MI0911218 Dec. 13 Steam ship Labouchere for sale or hire. 11218 V615MI1011302 Dec. 18 HBC land claims. 11302 V615MI11
Trade (Board of Trade)1826 Feb. 28 Lighthouses at Fisgard Island and Race Rocks. 1826 V615TA013041 Apr. 5 Approval of Victoria Harbour Act. 3041 V615TA02 * Apr. 27 Governor's power to contract debts. 4093 May 23 Lighthouse stores. 4093 V615TA03 * July 14 Lighthouse stores. 
Treasury1731 Feb. 22 Expenses of lighthouse construction. 1731 V615TE012972 Apr. 2 Extra pay for marines at San Juan Island. 2972 V615TE023827 Apr. 27 Approval of Victoria Harbour Act. 3827 V615TE03 * May 17 Extra pay of marines at San Juan Island. 4822 May 28 Extra pay of marines at San Juan Island. 4822 V615TE047230 Aug. 12 Bill of £430 on account of lighthouses. 7230 V615TE057359 Aug. 15 Governor's bills of £600 and £400. 7359 V615TE067614 Aug. 21 Audit of HBC accounts. 7614 V615TE078010 Sep. 3 Payment for governor's bills authorized. 8010 V615TE088150 Sep. 10 Audit of HBC accounts. 8150 V615TE098612 Sep. 25 Extinction of Indian land title. 8612 V615TE10
War Office 201 Jan. 7 Supply of military relief.  737 Jan. 23 Erection of barracks at San Juan Island. 1081 Feb. 6 Supply of military relief. 1081 V615WA035112 June 5 Supply of arms for volunteers. 5112 V615WA045501 June 17 Land for barracks. 5501 V615WA056258 July 13 Supply of troops. 6258 V615WA067619 Aug. 21 Transport of rifles and ammunition. 7619 V615WA079812 Nov. 2 Requisition of rifles and field batteries. 9812 V615WA0811489 Dec. 23 Appointment of officers for volunteers. 11489 V615WA09
British Columbia Despatches to London 1861
1 Jan 8 2039 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2039 B610012 Jan 8 2040 Travelling allowance to officers of Royal Engineers. 2040 B610023 Jan 11 2041 Land claim arrangement with HBC. 2041 B610034 Jan 17 2749 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2749 B610045 Jan 23 2750 Abstract of customs revenue 1860. 2750 B610056 Jan 23 2751 Draft of £2000 on military account. 2751 B610067 Jan 26 2752 Revenue and expenditure for 1860. 2752 B610078 Jan 25 2753 Resignation of Cary as attorney general. 2753 B610089 Jan 26 3006 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3006 B6100910 Jan 28 3007 Townsite on Similkameen River and expenses of Royal Engineers, 1860-61. 3007 B6101011 Feb 6 3008 Forwarding four acts for confirmation. 3008 B6101112 Feb 7 3009 Estimates for 1861 and return of appointments 1860. 3009 B6101213 Feb 8 3010 Shipment of supply of coins. 3010 B6101314 Feb 8 3011 Temporary pecuniary assistance to clergy. 3011 B6101415 Feb 10 3640 Return of despatches for half year ending 31 December 1860. 3640 B6101516 Feb 15 3641 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3641 B6101617 Feb 18 3642 Draft of £300 on military account. 3642 B6101718 Feb 19 3643 Estimates for Royal Engineers for 1861. 3643 B6101819 Feb 19 4317 Draft of £866.50 for governor's salary. 4317 B61019Sep Feb 28 4318 State of colonial affairs. 4318 B61019SP20 Mar 7 4515 Accounts for stores sent on Thames City. 4515 B6102021 Mar 16 4769 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4769 B6102122 Mar 23 4770 Receipt of Blue Books. 4770 B6102223 Mar 26 4771 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4771 B61023Sec Mar 26 5507 Treatment of confederate vessels. 5507 B61023SP24 Apr 14 5161 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5161 B6102425 Apr 15 5162 Comparative statement of customs revenue. 5162 B6102526 Apr 17 5163 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 5163 B61026Sep Apr 22 5166 Petition for representative institutions. 5166 B61026SP27 Apr 23 5164 Forwarding four acts for confirmation. 5164 B6102728 Apr 23 5165 Preparations for 1862 London exhibition. 5165 B6102829 Apr 24 5474 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5474 B6102930 Apr 26 5475 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5475 B6103031 Apr 26 5476 Clearing of British ships from South Carolina. 5476 B6103132 Apr 30 5477 Crease applies for appointment as attorney general. 5477 B6103233 May 2 5478 Cariboo report by Nind and Okanagan report by Cox. 5478 B6103334 May 2 6113 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6113 B6103435 May 6 6114 Claims of HBC to land in BC. 6114 B61035Sep Jun 4 6744 Visit to BC and report on state of affairs. 6744 B61035SP36 Jun 4 6743 Conveyance of crown land. 6743 B6103637 Jun 24 7765 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7765 B6103738 Jun 24 7915 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7915 B6103839 Jul 9 7916 Expenses of conveying Royal Engineers to BC in 1858. 7916 B6103940 Jul 14 8717 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8717 B61040Sep Jul 16 8719 Visit to BC and report on state of affairs. 8719 B61041SP
41 Jul 14 8719 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 8719 B61041SP42 Aug 2 8720 Policy with regard to American belligerents 8720 B6104243 Aug 3 8721 Draft of £1500 on regimental pay account. 8721 B6104344 Aug 3 8722 Draft of £3000 for colonial pay of Royal Engineers. 8722 B6104445 Aug 7 8723 Loan of £50,000. 8723 B6104546 Aug 7 9043 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9043 B6104647 Aug 20 9044 Proclamation of neutrality in US Civil War. 9044 B6104748 Aug 21 9045 Preparations for neutrality in Civil War. 9045 B6104849 Aug 22 9046 Review of four proclamations. 9046 B6104950 Aug 22 9047 Non-transmission of colonial returns and accounts. 9047 B6105051 Aug 26 9048 Revenue for half years ending June 1860 and 1861. 9048 B6105152 Aug 26 9796 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9796 B6105253 Aug 26 9797 Ffennell memo on salmon fisheries protection. 9797 B6105354 Sep 4 9798 Pilotage, fireman's protection, land acts. 9798 B6105455 Sep 11 9799 Forwarding financial returns for 1860. 9799 B6105556 Sep 16 9800 Return of bills drawn 1859 and 1860. 9800 B61056Sep Sep 16 9801 Report on mining activity in the colony. 9801 B61056SP57 Sep 15 10505 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10505 B61057Sep Oct 8 10955 Petition for representative institutions. 10955 B61057SP58 Oct 14 10956 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10956 B6105859 Oct 14 10957 Receipts and disbursements for Royal Engineers. 10957 B6105960 Oct 15 10958 Pre-emption Consolidation Act, 1861. 10958 B6106061 Oct 21 10959 British Columbia Land Registry Act, 1861. 10959 B6106162 Oct 22 10962 Distillers Excise Act, 1861. 10962 B61062Sep Oct 24 10961 State of affairs and gold discoveries. 10961 B61062SP63 Oct 25 10962 Bushby appointed registrar general. 10962 B6106364 Oct 25 10963 Draft of £3000 on military account. 10963 B6106465 Oct 25 401 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6566 Nov 2 402 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 66 V6101367 Nov 16 403 Want of a circulating medium. 6768 Nov 16 404 Assistance in educating children of Royal Engineers. 6869 Nov 16 405 Appointment of commissioners for 1862 exhibition. 69 V615AD1170 Nov 16 406 Loan of £100,000. 70 B6105871 Nov 15 407 Extension of New Westminster municipal council and Harrison road bond acts. 7172 Nov 23 1161 Draft of £3000 on military account. 1161 B6107273 nov 24 1162 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 1162 B6107374 Nov 30 1163 Estimates for 1862. 1163 B6107475 Nov 30 1164 Estimates for Royal Engineers for 1862. 1164 B6107576 Nov 30 1165 Memorial for direct steam communication. 1165 B6107677 Dec 7 1166 Resolution of New Westminster municipal council. 1166 B6107778 Dec 7 2187 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2187 B6107879 Dec 9 2188 Crease appointed attorney general. 2188 B6107980 Dec 29 2189 Leave of absence for P. Nind, stipendiary magistrate. 2189 B6108081 Dec 31 2618 Forwarding Blue Book for 1860. 2618 B6108182 Dec 31 2619 Forwarding certification for leave of absence granted to Nind. 2619 B6108283 Dec 31 3910 Forwarding return of changes in public service. 3910 B61083
British Columbia Correspondence 1861
8694 Sep. 28 Aiken, James, enquiring into death of Seney. 8694 B616A018375 Sep. 16 Bousfield, Edward P., enquiring about free grants of land. 8375 B616B019099 Aug. 1 Cadell, P., seeking employment in the colony. 9099 B616C011918 Mar. 2 Collins, Reverend W.C., enquiring into shooting of man in California. 1918 B616C022079 Mar. 8 Cox and Company, payment of Moody's salary. 2079 B616C035428 June 13 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 5428 B616C048020 Sep. 2 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 8020 B616C0510995 Dec. 9 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 10995 B616C064830 May 28 Davidson, James, complaining about governorship of Douglas. 4830 B616D01* July 17 Day, Thomas, complaint about Commander Lascelles, HMS Forward. * July 20 Deasy, F., passage for self and family. 2031 Mar. 7 Ffennell, W.J., memo regarding conservation of BC salmon fisheries. 2031 B616F013716 Apr. 19 -----, suggesting documents for use by governor of BC to regulate fisheries. 3716 B616F02 224 Jan. 9 Good, J.B., expressing thanks for arrangement of a contract passage to the colony. 1190 Nov. 30 Holloway, Robert, complaining about forfeiture of lots in New Westminster. 1190 B616H01
British Columbia Despatches from London 1861
- - - Missing Sep Feb 16 Reverend Garrett offers to be commissioner at exhibit. 1666 Feb 1 General report received. 66 V6101367 Feb 24 Calling for returns and accounts due. 6768 Mar 1 Information necessary before granting £50,000 loan. 6869 Mar 2 Stores for assay office will be sent. 69 V615AD1170 Mar 6 General report received. 70 B6105871 Mar 19 Travelling allowances to officers of royal engineers. 7172 Mar 26 Payment for bishop's entertainment on HMS Grappler. 72 B6105973 Apr 11 Acknowledging despatch on claims of HBC. 7374 Apr 13 Receipt of revenue and expenditure returns. 7475 Apr 17 Dallas's charges against the government not sustained. 75 B615TE0176 Apr 30 Moody's explanation of Similkameen town satisfactory. 76 B615LN0577 May 9 Protection of salmon fisheries. 77 B6106078 May 9 Provision of £12200 in imperial estimates. 7879 May 15 Allowing three acts, disallowing speedy trial act. 79 V61015May 11 Attitude of Great Britain in American question. (Confidential) 80 May 29 Assay office stores shipped in Prince of the Seas. 8081 June 7 Approval 1861 estimates, disallowing auditor's salary. 8182 June 13 Question as to appointment of Crease as attorney general. 82 B615LN0683 June 27 Canadian acts respecting salmon fisheries. 83 B61061Sep June 20 Gosset to repay stamp duty on warrant. 20Sep July 14 Parliamentary estimates, £17,800. 14 B6100584 July 19 Appointment of Crease as attorney general. 8485 July 20 Confirming six acts. 85 V615FO01Sep July 29 Royal warrant for appointment of Crease. 2986 Aug 21 Continuous settlement on pre-empted land. 8687 Sep 17 Settlement terms for members of boundary survey party to mirror those offered to Royal Engineers. 87 B6101288 Sep 23 Charts of world and stars for surveyor general. 8889 Oct 22 Remit £67 to agents general for Gosset's passage. 8990 Nov 15 Settlement of HBC's claims. 90 B6106291 Nov 18 Report on state of colony received. 91 V615FO0292 Dec 3 1860 accounts received, report of commissioners of audit. 92 V6101793 Dec 3 Bill for £250 to be paid. 93 V615FO0394 Dec 7 Attorney general's report on certain proclamations needed. 94 B61062SP95 Dec 23 Letter in reply to memorial. 9596 Dec 30 Approval of acts 29 to 36 inclusive. 96 V61018
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1861
1 Jan. 5 2033 Transmitting Harbour Act 1860 for confirmation. 2033 V610012 Jan. 7 2034 Civil jurisdiction on San Juan Island. 2034 V610023 Jan. 7 2035 Extension of leave for J.D. Pemberton. 2035 V610034 Jan. 8 2036 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 20365 Jan. 8 2037 Magistrate on Saltspring Island. 2037 V610056 Jan. 10 2038 Reconveyance of colony from HBC. 2038 V610067 Jan. 21 2747 Requisition of stores for lighthouses. 2747 V610078 Jan. 17 2748 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2748 V610089 Feb. 7 3004 Site for harbour master's office. 3004 V6100910 Feb. 8 3005 Expenditure relative to occupation of San Juan Island. 3005 V6101011 Feb. 5 3644 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3644 V6101112 Feb. 11 3645 Return of despatches for half year ending 31 December 1860. 3645 V6101213 Feb. 8 3646 Forwarding seven acts for confirmation. 3646 V6101314 Feb. 12 3647 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3647 V6101415 Feb. 15 3648 Reporting appointment of members of Council. 3648 V6101516 Feb. 18 3649 Proceedings of the House of Assembly. 3649 V6101617 Feb. 19 3650 Advising draft of £3000 for colonial allowances to Royal Marines on San Juan Island. 3650 V6101718 Mar. 4 4322 Attorney general's report on various acts passed in House of Assembly. 4322 V6101819 Feb. 19 4319 Establishment of a volunteer corps. 4319 V6101920 Feb. 19 4320 Receipt of confirmation of Act 16. 4320 V6102021 Feb. 19 4321 Receipt of warrant confirming Gordon as treasurer. 4321 V6102122 Mar. 16 4777 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4777 V6102223 Mar. 25 4778 Acknowledging receipt of Blue Books. 4778 V6102324 Mar. 25 4779 Petition from Assembly regarding extinction of Indian title. 4779 V6102425 Mar. 26 4780 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4780 V61025Sec Mar. 26 5506 Instructions regarding persons or shipping belonging to US confederate states. 5506 V61025SC26 Apr. 4 4781 Postal communication between San Francisco and VI. 4781 V6102627 Apr. 14 5160 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5160 V6102728 Apr. 23 5159 International exhibition of 1862. 5159 V6102829 Apr. 24 5470 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5470 V6102930 Apr. 26 5471 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5471 V6103031 Apr. 25 5472 Forwarding two proclamations regarding pre-emption of land. 5472 V6103132 Apr. 26 5473 Ships clearing from Charleston for British ports. 5473 V6103233 May 2 6108 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2 B6100134 May 7 6109 Petition from Rev. Cridge for confirmation of his position and of church reserve. 7 B615AD0235 May 2 6110 Draft of £430 for completion of lighthouses. 2 B6100136 May 9 6111 Completion of the lighthouses. 9 B606G0137 May 10 6112 Accounts relating to occupation of San Juan Island. 6112 V6103738 June 24 7741 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7741 V6103839 June 25 7742 Draft of £1000 on military account. 7742 V6103940 June 25 7743 Withdrawal of US troops from San Juan Island. 7743 V6104041 June 24 7940 Report on effects of the late Samuel Heseltine. 7940 V6104142 June 26 7941 Forwarding information on Adolphe Von Lokeren. 7941 V6104243 June 24 7942 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7942 V61043Sep June 25 7744 Memorial of inhabitants regarding steam postal communications. 7744 V61043SP44 July 12 7943 Forwarding journal of Assembly for session,1 March 18 60 to 6 February 1861. 7943 V6104445 July 12 7944 Forwarding minutes of Council from 1 May 1860 to 6 February 1861. 7944 V6104546 July 12 7945 Opening new session of the legislature. 7945 V6104647 July 14 7946 Direct mail service from England to VI. 7946 V6104748 July 14 8769 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8769 V6104849 Aug. 2 8770 Receipt of instructions for maintenance of neutrality in war between US states. 8770 V6104950 Aug. 8 8771 Injunction against sale of certain lands by HBC. 8771 V6105051 Aug. 8 8772 Applying for rifles for use by volunteer corps. 8772 V6105152 Aug. 7 9049 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9049 V6105253 Aug. 20 9050 Receipt of proclamation regarding neutrality. 9050 V6105354 Aug. 21 9051 Forwarding copy of Harbour Act for confirmation. 9051 V6105455 Aug. 21 9052 Receipt of confidential despatch in reference to war between the states. 9052 V6105556 Aug. 22 9053 Royal warrants for members of Council. 9053 V6105657 Aug. 26 3054 Applying for two field batteries for defence of VI and BC. 305458 Aug. 26 9780 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9780 V6105859 Sep. 10 9781 Claim made by Heseltine relative to estate of his late son. 9781 V6105960 Sep. 11 9782 Entertainment of Capt. Stamp on Grappler. 9782 V6106061 Sep. 16 9783 Statement of bills drawn upon paymaster general. 9783 V6106162 Sep. 15 10474 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10474 V6106263 Sep. 17 10475 Application for colonial pay for Forward and Grappler. 10475 V6106364 Oct. 14 10951 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10951 V6106465 Oct. 14 10952 Report on admiralty claim for stores supplied Tribune. 10952 V6106566 Oct. 24 10953 Land sold by HBC to Mr. Lowenberg. 10953 V6106667 Oct. 25 10954 Dismissal of Nagle and absconding of D'Ewes. 10954 V6106768 Oct. 25 408 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6869 Nov. 2 409 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 69 V615AD1170 Nov. 9 410 Draft of £1000 on military account. 70 B6105871 Nov. 11 411 Procedures for submitting bills. 7172 Nov. 14 412 Appointment of commissioners to international exhibition 1862. 72 B6105973 Nov. 25 1167 Forwarding four acts for confirmation. 1167 V6107374 Dec. 7 1168 Application of Copland to practice as solicitor in Supreme Court. 1168 V6107475 Dec. 7 2190 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2190 V6107576 Dec. 9 2191 Cary appointed attorney general of VI. 2191 V6107677 Dec. 28 2192 Suspension of Gordon as treasurer. 2192 V6107778 Dec. 28 2193 Alexander Watson appointed treasurer. 2193 V61078Sep Dec. 28 2297 Probability of war between England and US. 2297 V61078CO
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1862
84 Jan 24 Settlement of HBC's claims to land in VI. 84 B62714085 Feb 7 Application of John Copland to practice law in VI. 85 B6200886 Feb 18 Proper paper to be used for despatches. 86 B625MI0287 Feb 20 Additional rifles sent to VI. 87 B6200988 Feb 23 Suicide of John D'Ewes, acting postmaster of Victoria. 88 B62714389 Feb 24 Failure of Douglas to dismiss John D'Ewes. 89 B62714490 Mar 10 Extension of leave for B.W. Pearse. 90 B62009SPMar 10 Protection of colony in case of hostilities with US. (Confidential) 91 Mar 15 Douglas's improper distribution of patronage. 91 B627146Sep Mar 15 Tabular statement of duties levied in VI. 15 B62709892 Mar 21 Arrangements for landing of two guns at Victoria. 92 B625MI0493 Apr 2 Approval of five acts. 9394 Apr 16 Supply of Douglas Fir seeds to commissioner of H.M's woods and forests. 94 B62715095 Apr 30 Reservation of land for barracks. 9596 Apr 30 Address of condolence to the Queen. 96 B62010Sep May 8 Warrant appointing Alexander Watson treasurer of VI 8 B625AD0297 n.d. - Missing. 97 B625MI0598 May 8 Disposal of land in Victoria. 98 V62016A99 May 9 Notice issued upon death of prince consort. 99 V62016B100 May 31 Money appropriated for establishing communications with San Francisco. 100Sep May 31 Introducing James D. Walken. 31 B627108101 June 2 E.E. Langford's allegations against certain public officers. 101 B625MI06102 June 6 Address of condolence from Wesleyan Methodist church to the Queen. 102103 June 6 Address of condolence from United Church of England to the Queen. 103104 June 12 Appropriation of church reserve. 104105 June 16 Approval of twelve acts. 105106 June 19 Letter from Langford. 106 V62016SP107 June 19 Report on John Irving's application. 107 B62011108 June 30 Exequator appointing US consul at Victoria. 108109 July 3 Douglas's speech opening the session of the legislature. 109 B625MI07110 July 4 Explanation of appointment of D'Ewes. 110111 July 12 Address of condolence from Legislative Assembly to the Queen. 111 B62012112 July 24 Cost of supplies for lighthouses in VI. 112 V62016SQ113 July 29 Approval of governor's proceedings in matter of John Irving. 113 B62013114 Aug 16 Schedule of sums voted by the legislature. 114 B625MI09115 Aug 18 An act to authorise the government of VI to borrow money. 115116 Aug 30 Overdraft of the Vancouver Island account. 116Sep Sep 24 Rules concerning transmission of laws to home office. 24 B625AD05117 Sep 25 Further application of John Copland. 117 B625MI10118 Sep 28 Problems with an act to provide for deserted wives. 118119 Oct 1 Compromise offered to HBC. 119Sep Oct 1 Transmitting unsigned but approved despatch. 1 V627116A120 Nov 13 Approval of seven acts. 120 B625TA01121 Nov 15 Lands to be surrendered to the crown by HBC. 121 B62014Sep Dec 8 Confidential report on character and qualifications of candidates for employment. 8 B625AD02122 Dec 18 Approval of two acts for the borrowing of money. 122 V62018123 Dec 19 Plans of land to be surrendered to crown by HBC. 123 B62014SP124 Dec 24 Percentage of gross land sales prior to 1849 to be given to HBC. 124
British Columbia Public Offices 1862
Admiralty 2798 Mar. 19 Freight of hay and oats on Thames City.  3606 Apr. 12 Freight of hay and oats on Thames City.  6332 June 26 Freight of hay and oats on Thames City.  7649 Aug. 1 Claim for conveyance of extra baggage to colony. 10042 Oct. 13 Claim for conveyance of extra baggage to colony. 10042 B625AD0510690 Oct. 30 Need for naval and military force in colony. 10690 B625AD0611296 Nov. 20 Claim for conveyance of extra baggage to colony. 11296 B625AD07
Agent (Crown Agents) 2930 Mar. 21 Gosset's passage from Ceylon.  5086 May. 19 Shipment of cash books and coke. 12290 Dec. 20 £50,000 debentures to Bank of British Columbia. 12290 B625AG03
Council (Privy Council) * July 22 Order in Council for Stickine Territory [in CO 381/18, pp. 81-92]. 
Foreign Office 5606 June 6 Navigation rights to rivers in Russian territory. 
Land (Emigration Office) 194 Jan. 3 Report on land registry proclamations.  3235 Mar. 31 Report on Lindsay's letter promoting emigration.  5116 May 20 Report on Overland Transit Company.  6878 July 14 Report on Ward's enquiry at Emigration Board. 
Law Office * July 5 Order in Council for government of Stikine Territory. 
Miscellaneous 2944 Mar. 20 Enquiry into Port Phillip Gold Company leases.  4567 May 6 Postal subsidy requested by Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.  5148 May 21 Safety of passengers of Overland Transit Company.  5765 May 14 Proposal of Overland Transit Company for trans-Canada mail service.  6890 July 12 Report on operations of Overland Transit Company.  9555 Aug. 5 Municipal Council request for representative government. 10443 Oct. 23 Bank of British Columbia loan of £50,000. 10443 B625MI0710907 Nov. 10 Bank of British Columbia loan of £50,000. 10907 B625MI0811111 Nov. 18 New Westminster memorial to Prince of Wales. 1111111545 Nov. 26 Bank of British Columbia loan of £50,000. 11545 B625MI10 586 Nov. 18 Address to Prince of Wales from Municipal Council of New Westminster. 
Trade (Board of Trade) 5138 May 21 Enquiry regarding rail communication to Canada. 
Treasury 955 Jan. 28 Proclamation of distillers excise act.  976 Jan. 29 Appointment of a registry of titles to land.  1137 Feb. 1 Fabrication of dollar pieces approved.  1703 Feb. 18 £6900 coin to be repaid by Parliament.  1948 Feb. 20 Payment of Gosset's passage from Ceylon.  1950 Feb. 20 Postal subsidy to the colony.  2116 Feb. 27 Estimates for 1862.  2118 Feb. 27 Report on proposed loan of £100,000.  2377 Mar. 8 Registrar of supreme court and land titles.  3058 Mar. 27 Repayment of coin supplied to the colony.  3285 Apr. 2 Expenses of mint and assay department.  3469 Apr. 9 Payment of Moody's salary.  4808 May 13 Pay of Royal Engineers.  5310 May 29 Contract for conveyance of mail from San Francisco.  5437 June 3 Payment of Moody's salary.  5534 June 3 Status of hay and oats disembarked from Thames City.  6095 June 16 Adjustment of financial difficulties.  6511 July 1 Payment of Moody's salary.  6569 July 3 Payment of accounts of 1859.  7316 July 24 Specimens of coins approved.  * Aug. 6 Audit Office's report on advance to Colonel Hawkins.  8402 Aug. 23 Admiralty claim for freight of stores.  8433 Aug. 26 Adjustment of financial difficulties.  8874 Sep. 8 Appointment of registrar general.  9538 Sep. 26 Road Loan Act proclamation. 10430 Oct. 23 Application for increased pay in assay department. 10430 B625TE2510905 Nov. 8 Approving act for £50,000 loan. 10905 B625TE2611059 Nov. 12 Payment of Moody's salary. 11059 B625TE2711787 Dec. 4 Conveyance of extra baggage of Royal Engineers. 11787 B625TE28
War Office 2061 Feb. 24 Grant for school for children of Royal Engineers.  2982 Mar. 24 Land grants to military officers.  3608 Apr. 12 Freight of hay and oats on Thames City. 
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1862
1 Jan. 13 2616 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2616 V620012 Jan. 13 2617 Erection of barracks in Vancouver Island. 2617 V62002Jan. 27 3881 Receipt of despatch on neutrality. (Confidential) 3881 V62002CO3 Jan. 27 3882 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3882 V620034 Feb. 6 3883 Direct mail service between San Francisco and VI. 3883 V620045 Feb. 6 3884 Forwarding specimens of postage stamps used in VI. 3884 V620056 Feb. 7 3885 Claim against Cary for assessed taxes. 3885 V620067 Feb. 8 3886 Copland's petition to be admitted as solicitor. 3886 V620078 Feb. 10 3887 Lighthouses in Straits of Juan de Fuca. 3887 V620089 Feb. 11 3888 Reporting close of legislative session with brief summary of bills passed. 3888 V62009Sep Feb. 18 4048 Death of the Prince Consort. 4048 V62009SPSep Feb. 25 4049 Address of condolence to the Queen from inhabitants of VI. 4049 V62009SQ10 Feb. 27 4050 HBC claim to land at Victoria. 4050 V6201011 Mar. 3 5472 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5472 V6201112 Mar. 13 5473 Mode of appointing officers to volunteer corps. 5473 V6201213 Mar. 13 5474 Appointment of US consul for VI. 5474 V6201314 Mar. 14 6709 Irving's claim for a refund on his land purchase. 6709 V6201415 Mar. 20 6710 Transmitting minutes of Council from 26 June 1861 to 3 February 1862. 6710 V6201516 Mar. 21 6711 Forwarding Bankruptcy Act for confirmation. 6711 V62016ASep Mar. 27 5475 Address of condolence from Council to the Queen. 5475 V62016SPSep Mar. 29 5476 Address of condolence to the Queen from bishop and clergy of VI. 5476 V62016SQ17 Mar. 30 5572 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5572 V6201718 Mar. 30 5328 Statement of receipts and disbursements of imperial funds between 1 April and 31 December 1861. 5328 V6201819 Apr. 2 5574 Draft of £1100 on military account. 5574 V6201920 Apr. 4 5575 Address of condolence to the Queen from House of Assembly. 5575 V6202021 Apr. 16 5576 Church reserve at Victoria. 5576 V6202122 Apr. 24 6194 Opening new session of legislature. 6194 V6202223 May 5 6195 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 524 May 13 6353 Appointment of D'Ewes as postmaster. 6353 V6202425 May 17 7703 Defalcations of Gordon, treasurer. 7703 V6202526 May 28 7704 Return of customs duties. 7704 V6202627 May 28 7705 Proper size of official stationery. 7705 V6202728 May 31 7224 Supply of rifles for Victoria volunteers. 7224 V6202829 May 31 7225 Additional leave of absence to Pearse. 7225 V6202930 May 31 7226 Two 68 pounder guns to be landed in VI. 7226 V6203031 May 31 7227 Creation of Executive Council. 7227 V6203132 June 2 7228 Forwarding essay on VI. 7228 V6203233 June 3 7706 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7706 V6203334 June 10 7707 Forwarding Temporary Loan Act for confirmation. 7707 V6203435 June 10 7708 Schedule of supplies voted by House of Assembly for 1862. 7708 V6203536 June 27 8174 Collection of seeds of Douglas Fir. 8174 V6203637 July 8 8829 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8829 V6203738 July 24 8830 Forwarding six acts for confirmation. 8830 V6203839 July 30 9580 Settlement of a site for barracks. 9580 V6203940 Aug. 1 9581 Requisition for lighthouse stores. 9581 V6204041 Aug. 1 9582 Forwarding return of volunteer corps. 9582 V6204142 Aug. 12 9583 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9583 V6204243 Aug. 14 9896 Forwarding journal of Assembly from 26 June 1861 to 3 February 1862. 9896 V6204344 Aug. 23 9897 Charges preferred by Langford against various officers of the government. 9897 V6204445 Sep. 2 10612 Irving's claim for a refund on his land purchase. 10612 V6204546 Sep. 2 10613 Forwarding comparative statement of imports for six months ending 30 June 1861 and 1862. 10613 V6204647 Sep. 8 10614 Forwarding two acts for confirmation. 10614 V6204748 Sep. 8 10615 Forwarding two acts for confirmation. 10615 V6204849 Sep. 8 10616 Draft of £1000 on account of Royal Marines on San Juan Island. 10616 V6204950 Oct. 20 12260 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 12260 V6205051 Nov. 4 12261 £100 remitted to Agents General. 12261 V6205152 Nov. 4 440 Forwarding statement of receipts and disbursements of imperial funds between 1 April and 31 December 1861. 5253 Nov. 17 441 Allen Francis appointed US consul in VI. 53 B6200754 Nov. 28 1008 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1008 V6205455 Dec. 3 1009 Forwarding request of Assembly for correspondence regarding town site at Victoria. 1009 V6205556 Dec. 3 1010 Procedures regarding marginal abstracts on acts of legislature. 1010 V6205657 Dec. 3 1011 Sum paid to HBC on resumption of grant and unsettled land claims in Victoria. 1011 V6205758 Dec. 5 1012 Further report on HBC land claims in Victoria. 1012 V6205859 Dec. 12 1596 Advising seeds and cones of Douglas Fir sent overland. 1596 V6205960 Dec. 30 2590 Prorogation of House of Assembly. 2590 V62060
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1862
3840 Apr. 14 Chadwick, J., requesting information on land mining at Vancouver Island. 3840 V626C014330 Apr. 25 -----, acknowledging receipt of information. 4330 V626C021913 Feb. 18 Duncan, J., regarding appointment of John Copland as attorney at VI. 1913 V626D018849 Sep. 5 -----, appointment of Copland. 8849 V626D029372 Sep. 5 Gibson, J.O., regarding land on San Juan Island. 9372 V626G016849 July 9 Hosken, R.F., requesting information on government aid and emigration to VI. 6849 V626H016100 June 16 Irving, J., depreciation of land values in VI. 6100 V626I0111526 Nov. 24 -----, land depreciation. 11526 V626I027796 Aug. 5 Laird, J., conveyance of mails between San Francisco and VI. 7796 V626L015117 May 21 Langford, E.E., conduct of Chief Justice Cameron. 5117 V626L025614 June 5 -----, conduct of Cameron. 5614 V626L032276 Mar. 4 Pearse, B.W., soliciting for extension of leave. 2276 V626P014457 May 2 Whittle, W., requesting information on emigration to VI. 4457 V626W01
British Columbia Despatches to London 1862
1 Jan 13 2620 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2620 B620012 Jan 21 2621 Requisition for cash books. 2621 B620023 Jan 21 2622 Requisition for coke for assay office. 2622 B62003Sep Jan 21 2623 Discovery of gold on Stikine River. 2623 B62003SP4 Jan 27 3920 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3920 B62004CO Jan 27 3911 Privateers carrying confederate flag. 3911 B62004CO5 Jan 27 3912 Draft of £1000 on regimental pay account. 3912 B620056 Feb 4 3913 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 3913 B620067 Feb 5 3914 Report from Begbie on BC. 3914 B620078 Feb 6 3915 Postage stamps used in colony. 3915 B620089 Feb 7 3916 Draft of £2000 for colonial pay to Royal Engineers. 3916 B62009Sep Feb 7 3917 State of affairs and severity of weather. 3917 B62009SP10 Feb 11 3918 Financial returns for second quarter, 1861. 3918 B6201011 Feb 17 3919 Revenue and expenditures for Royal Engineers. 3919 B6201112 Mar 3 5409 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5409 B6201213 Mar 11 5410 Financial returns for third quarter, 1861. 5410 B6201314 Mar 4 5411 Approval of eight proclamations. 5411 B62014Sep Mar 4 5414 Announcement of Prince Consort's death. 5414 B62014SP15 Mar 5 5412 Attorney General's report omitted from despatch No. 27. 5412 B6201516 Mar 5 5413 Draft of £1500 on regimental pay account. 5413 B62016Sep Mar 13 5415 Address of condolence to queen. 5415 B62016SP17 Mar 19 6704 US proposal to fortify Washington Territory. 6704 B6201718 Mar 31 5568 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5568 B6201819 Apr 2 5569 Draft of £4000 on military account. 5569 B6201920 Apr 8 5570 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 5570 B62020Sep Apr 15 5571 State of colonial affairs and report on roads. 5571 B62020SP21 Apr 28 6213 Revenue and expenditures of Royal Engineers. 6213 B6202122 May 5 6216 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6216 B6202223 May 10 6355 Return of import duties for 1861-62. 6355 B6202324 May 10 6356 Issuing of gold coinage. 6356 B6202425 May 10 6357 Estimates for 1862. 6357 B6202526 May 13 6358 Imperial funding for Royal Engineers in BC. 6358 B6202627 May 15 7708 Passage money due from Gosset. 7708 B62027Sep May 29 7709 State of colonial affairs. 7709 B62027SP28 Jun 3 7710 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7710 B62028Sep Jun 10 7711 Stikine River gold diggings. 7711 B62028SP29 Jun 16 8173 Bushby recommended for registrar general. 8173 B6202930 Jul 8 8831 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8831 B62030Sep Jul 9 8832 Gold discoveries in Stikine River. 8832 B62030SPSep Jul 16 8653 State of colonial affairs. 8653 B62030SQ31 Jul 21 8833 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 8833 B6203132 Jul 28 8834 Labour problems at assay department. 8834 B6203233 Jul 28 8835 Grievances presented to home government. 8835 B6203334 Jul 28 8836 Financial condition of colony. 8836 B6203435 Jul 28 8837 British Columbia road loans act for 1862. 8837 B6203536 Aug 1 9576 Overland transporting of emigrants. 9576 B6203637 Aug 1 9577 Absence of militia. 9577 B6203738 Aug 2 9578 Financial condition of colony. 9578 B6203839 Aug 12 9579 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9579 B62039Sep Aug 13 9898 State of colonial affairs. 9898 B62039SP40 Aug 14 9904 Financial returns for fourth quarter, 1861. 9904 B62040Sep Aug 23 9899 Gold discoveries on Stikine River. 9899 B62040SP41 Aug 29 10371 Leave of absence for Gosset. 10371 B6204142 Sep 1 10580 Queries regarding Ceylon defalcations. 10580 B6204243 Sep 3 10581 British Columbia Loan Act, 1862. 10581 B62043Sep Oct 27 12259 State of colonial affairs. 12259 B62043SP44 Oct 28 12256 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 12256 B6204445 Nov 4 12257 Mining speculations of government officers. 12257 B6204546 Nov 4 12258 Forwarding six acts for confirmation. 12258 B6204647 Nov 7 430 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 430 B6204748 Nov 17 431 Land left by Sapper Duffy. 431 B6204849 Nov 17 432 Extension of leave for Nind. 432 B6204950 Nov 17 433 Issuing of promissory notes. 433 B6205051 Nov 17 434 Office of registrar general of titles to land. 434 B6205152 Nov 17 435 Congratulatory addresses to Prince of Wales. 435 B6205253a Nov 18 436 Requisition for assay department. 436 B6205353b Nov 17 437 Extension of government to Stikine territories. 437 B62052B53c Nov 18 438 Gold mining and naval visit to Sitka. 438 B62052C54 Nov 28 1013 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1013 B6205455 Dec 1 1014 Holding mining claims by government officers. 1014 B6205556 Dec 2 1015 Defalcations under Gosset while in Ceylon. 1015 B62056Sep Dec 4 1016 State of colonial affairs. 1016 B62056SP57 Dec 15 1622 Financial returns for first quarter, 1862. 1622 B6205758 Dec 15 1623 State of roads to the mines. 1623 B6205859 Dec 31 2589 Return of changes in public service. 2589 B6205960 Dec 31 3139 Forwarding Blue Book for 1861. 3139 B62060
British Columbia Despatches from London 1862
97 Jan 7 America proposes fortifying Columbia River and Puget Sound. 97 B625MI0598 Jan 28 Municipal extension and Harrison Portage acts approved. 98 V62016A99 Feb 4 Distillers excise act confirmed, revenue report. 99 V62016B100 Feb 9 W. Holloway's complaint of forfeiture of lots in New Westminster. 100101 Feb 14 Postal memorial, explanation of delay satisfactory. 101 B625MI06102 Feb 17 Confirming coining arrangements. 102103 Feb 22 Coin sent out to be paid by colony. 103Sep Feb 22 Summaries of estimates to be on proper size paper. 22 B627102A104 Feb 17 Colony to defray moiety of expenses of royal engineers. 104Feb 27 Governor's salary to be paid from colonial funds. (Confidential) 105 Feb 27 Estimates of works required, calling attention to discrepancy. 105106 Mar 1 £18 per annum allowed for REs school. 106 V62016SP107 Mar 1 To defer raising loan till further instructions. 107 B62011108 Mar 1 No subsidy for mails. 108109 Mar 10 Approval of leave of absence to P.H. Nind. 109 B625MI07110 Mar 13 Repayment of £67 on account of Gosset. 110Mar 14 Hostilities between America and England. (Confidential) 111 Mar 17 Land registry and pre-emption acts approved. 111 B62012Sep Mar 13 Custom's tariff required. 13 B62042112 Mar 17 Salary of registrar general. 112 V62016SQ113 Mar 19 Blue book for 1860 received. 113 B62013114 Mar 19 Nind's certificate of leave received. 114 B625MI09115 Apr 16 Half salary authorized to Nind. 115116 Apr 21 Certificate of existence needed for issue of Moody's pay. 116117 Apr 23 Request for information regarding grain shipped on Thames City. 117 B625MI10118 Apr 26 Report on state of colony received. 118119 Apr 28 Begbie's report on communication through colony received. 119120 May 9 Estimates for 1862-3, last year of governor's salary. 120 B625TA01121 May 13 Repayment of £132.3.8 for assay office expenses. 121 B62014122 May 13 Repayment of £6900 for coin supplied. 122 V62018123 May 13 Sketch for relieving financial difficulties. 123 B62014SP124 May 19 Two bills for £1000 each accepted. 124125 May 29 Adjustment of differences on 49th parallel boundary line. 125 B62015126 May 29 Watch proceedings of BC Overland Transit Company. 126127 May 31 Stores for colony shipped in East Lothian. 127 V62019128 June 7 £2500 mail subsidy paid from revenue. 128129 June 12 Oats unstripped by Moody. 129 B62016130 June 15 Hawkins' boundary report to Dec 1861. 130 B625TE02131 June 16 At liberty to negotiate loan for £30,000. 131132 June 17 Landed property left by Sapper Duffy, RE, deceased. 132 B62016SP133 June 19 Address of condolence from municipal council to Queen. 133July 1 Rights of Great Britain in Russian territory. (Confidential) 134 July 26 Constitution of Stekin Territories. 134135 Aug 1 Extension of leave to Nind. 135 B625TE03136 Aug 1 Gold coins too thick, device approved. 136 V62021137 Aug 16 Policy of issuing treasury notes questionable. 137138 Aug 16 Administration of justice in Stekin Territory. 138Aug 21 Introducing Thomas L. Wood. (Private) 139 Sep 16 Gold commissioner's reports of Cariboo and Lytton districts. 139140 Sep 16 Financial liabilities and position of colony. 140 B62017141 Sep 16 Appointment of registrar general of deeds approved. 141 V62022142 Sep 16 Approval of proceedings in Stekin Territory. 142 B62018143 Sep 17 Defalcations in Ceylon, requesting Gosset's explanation. 143144 Oct 2 Furnish agent's general with local rates of exchange. 144 B62019145 Oct 3 Municipal council memorial for a resident governor. 145146 Oct 28 Approval of leave to Gosset, appointment of Brew. 146147 Oct 28 Assay officers case relative to increase of salary. 147 B62020148 Nov 3 Repeal of certain sections of customs consolidation act. 148149 Nov 12 Loan act 1862 confirmed and allowed. 149 B62020SP150 Nov 12 Remarks on private negotiation of loan. 150 B625TE06151 Nov 28 W. Cox to provide for maintenance of his wife. 151 V62023
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1862
Admiralty 187 Jan. 2 US troops in Oregon relieved by volunteers. 2584 Mar. 14 Shipment of guns for defense of Victoria. 2584 V625AD023065 Mar. 28 Shipment of guns for defense of Victoria. 3065 V625AD039713 Sep. 30 Appointment of Young as colonial secretary. 9713 V625AD049714 Sep. 30 Defenses at Esquimalt. 9714 V625AD05
Agent (Crown Agents)3443 Apr. 8 Mr. Pemberton's half salary. 3443 V625AG018465 Aug. 27 Payment of lighthouse stores. 8465 V625AG02
Council (Privy Council)3076 Mar. 27 Approval of acts numbered 38-41. 3076 V625CO015953 June 13 Approval of acts numbered 42-53. 5953 V625CO02 * Sep. 4 Draft of supplementary instructions to governor. 11029 Nov. 11 Approval of acts numbered 54-60. 11029 V625CO03
Foreign Office4073 Apr. 22 HBC claims to land on San Juan Island. 4073 V625FO016253 June 25 Mr. Francis as US consul at Victoria. 6253
Land (Emigration Office) 681 Jan. 20 Land claims of HBC.  842 Jan. 23 Land claims of HBC. 1300 Feb. 8 Settlement of HBC land claims. 1300 V625LN031702 Feb. 17 Settlement of HBC land claims. 1702 V625LN042726 Mar. 18 HBC accounts. 2726 V625LN053100 Mar. 29 Site for military barracks. 3100 V625LN064383 Apr. 30 HBC sale of land. 4383 V625LN076486 June 30 Land claims of HBC. 6486 V625LN086845 July 12 Land claims of HBC. 6845 V625LN097057 July 16 Mr. Irving's land claim. 7057 V625LN108039 Aug. 13 Land claims of HBC. 8039 V625LN119885 Oct. 9 HBC surrender of lands to Crown. 9885 V625LN1211061 Nov. 13 Land claims of HBC. 11061 V625LN1311258 Nov. 18 HBC percentage on sale of lands. 11258 V625LN1412055 Dec. 13 HBC surrender of lands to Crown. 12055 V625LN1512138 Dec. 15 HBC percentage on sale of lands. 12138 V625LN16
Miscellaneous 575 Jan. 13 Settlement of HBC land claims. 1585 Feb. 13 Observations on Mr. Andoe's audit report. 1585 V625MI023865 Apr. 15 Settlement of HBC accounts. 3865 V625MI034058 Apr. 12 Seeds of Douglas fir tree. 4058 V625MI045967 June 9 Settlement of HBC land claims. 5967 V625MI056347 June 26 Settlement of HBC land claims. 6347 V625MI066657 July 4 Settlement of HBC land claims. 6657 V625MI077344 July 25 Direct communication with Panama. 7344 V625MI088053 Aug. 11 Land claims of HBC. 8053 V625MI098769 Sep. 2 Seeds of Douglas fir tree. 8769 V625MI108823 Sep. 5 Land claims of HBC. 8823 V625MI119392 Sep. 18 Land claims of HBC. 9392 V625MI129795 Oct. 3 Land claims of HBC. 9795 V625MI1310823 Nov. 3 HBC claims to site for harbour master's office. 10823 V625MI1411767 Dec. 2 HBC percentage on sale of lands. 11767 V625MI1511769 Dec. 2 HBC claims to site for harbour master's office. 11769 V625MI16
Trade (Board of Trade)6879 July 14 Expense of lighthouse stores. 6879 V625TA01
Treasury 276 Jan. 8 Examination of HBC accounts. 1266 Feb. 6 Shipment of paper for government stationary office. 1266 V625TE025579 June 5 Expenses regarding occupation of San Juan Island. 5579 V625TE036157 June 20 Land claims of HBC. 6157 V625TE047752 Aug. 5 Land claims of HBC. 7752 V625TE057765 Aug. 6 Money advanced to Col. Hawkins. 7765 V625TE068760 Sep. 2 Land claims of HBC. 8760 V625TE079699 Sep. 30 Payment of £32,500 to HBC for land claims. 9699 V625TE0811488 Nov. 14 Expenses regarding occupation of San Juan Island. 11488 V625TE0911789 Dec. 4 Report on operation of VI Acts. 11789 V625TE10
War Office 254 Jan. 6 Supply of 1000 rifles for volunteers. 2133 Feb. 28 Conveyance of rifles to the colony. 2133 V625WA02
British Columbia Correspondence 1862
2285 Mar. 4 Bacher & Co., enquiry into murder of Dr. MacPfeiffer. 2285 B626B011917 Feb. 19 Bell, James C., free passage to approved emigrants. 1917 B626B024601 May 6 Brand & Co., verification of governors signature. 4601 B626B038205 Aug. 18 Collingwood, R., emigrants stranded by Overland Transit Co. 8205 B626C012738 Mar. 18 Cox & Co., payment of Moody's salary. 2738 B626C024075 Apr. 23 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 4075 B626C035210 May 26 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 5210 B626C046135 June 18 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 6135 B626C0510791 Oct. 30 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 10791 B626C0611675 Nov. 28 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 11675 B626C0711983 Dec. 10 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 11983 B626C0811575 Nov. 22 Cox, Sophia, claim against her husband, W.G. Cox, for support. 11575 B626C092136 Feb. 28 Ffarmer, R.G., requesting information about the colony. 2136 B626F018373 Aug. 22 Finnis, Thomas, inquiring into the relief of passengers stranded by the Overland Transit Company. 8373 B626F022576 Mar. 12 Fisher, William, seeking mail subsidy. 2576 B626F0311057 Nov. 10 Gosset, W.D., observations about assay branch of mint. 11057 B626G013060 Mar. 27 Harris, I. enquiry regarding enforcement of English laws in the colony. 3060 B626H016502 June 31 (???) Haslewood, C., requesting information on the colony. 6502 B626H0210744 Oct. 30 Hawkins, J.S., requesting public appointment. 10744 B626H032390 Mar. 1 Kelly, William, Douglas's preference for Vancouver Island. 2390 B626K015327 May 29 Laird, J., irregularity of postal service. 5327 B626L016480 June 28 Lightfoot, C., seeking information about the colony. 6480 B626L024821 May 13 Lindsay and Company, departure of screw steamship Tynemouth. 4821 B626L03 613 Jan. 14 MacDonald, D.G., enquiry as to publication of parlimentary papers. 10758 Oct. 31 Maitland, Lady, investment in British Columbia government stock. 10758 B626M029875 Oct. 4 Mayne, Commander, publication of journal detailing four years on the Pacific station. 9875 B626M035324 May 28 McMaster, I., formation of temperance settlement. 5324 B626M046171 June 17 -----, enquiry as to recent explorations in the interior of the colony. 617110272 Aug. 2 Moody, Colonel, appointment of treasurer. 10272 B626M0611426 Sep. 30 -----, maps of gold region. 11426 B626M072447 Mar. 10 Morris, C., appointment requested. 2447 B626M083041 Mar. 24 Nind, W., request for half pay during leave. 3041 B626N016245 June 24 -----, requesting extension of leave of absence. 6245 B626N026281 June 25 -----, forwarding medical certificate. 62817253 July 20 -----, disputing amount of half salary. 7253 B626N04* July 11 Rusdell, G.D., postal service. 5964 June 12 Scott, A. disposition of the late James Duffy's property. 5964 B626S0111696 Nov. 29 -----, asking whether report had been received from the colony. 11696 B626S024329 Apr. 25 Taylor, W., requesting inforamtion on gold fields. 4329 B626T014165 Apr. 25 Tindall, R., route to BC overland from Canada. 4165 B626T021446 Feb. 12 Townsend, H., intention to publish information concerning the colony. 1446 B626T032964 Feb. 24 -----, requesting information regarding disposal of crown land. 2964 B626T042283 Mar. 3 -----, returning information with thanks. 2283 B626T052391 Mar. 7 -----, seeking information of agricultural capabilities. 2391 B626T066828 July 8 Ward, W., seeking passages for self and daughter. 68288272 May 15 Weatherly, W., requesting free grant of land. 8272 B626W027727 Aug. 2 White, T., seeking passage for son. 7727 B626W03
British Columbia Despatches from London 1863
1 Jan 1 Approval of mining prohibition circular. 1 V6370012 Jan 2 Report on official tour approved. 2 B6370023 Jan 5 Information required as to sale of loan £50,000. 3 B635AD014 Jan 16 11 months extension of leave to Gosset. 4 V63001CO5 Jan 17 Approval of certain proclamations, remarks on others. 56 Jan 22 Ditch rules approved. 67 Jan 23 Address to Prince of Wales received. 78 Jan 24 Report on Stikine received. 89 Feb 4 Report on mining district received. 910 Feb 10 Admission of Walkem and Canadian lawyers. 1011 Feb 10 Sale of spirits to Indians on coast. 11 B6303712 Feb 18 Begbie's denial of interest in gold claim. 1213 Feb 18 Parliamentary vote for 1863-4 £22,121. 1314 Mar 12 Sanction of further loan of £50,000. 14 V635AD0215 Mar 14 Assay office articles ordered, payment to agents general. 15 B6300116 Mar 21 Salary to Gosset while on leave. 16 B6300217 Mar 31 Manner of raising £50,000 loan, non-repayment of£6900. 17 B636M0118 Apr 10 Maintenance of Mrs. Cox. 18 B6300319 Apr 14 Blue book for 1861 received. 1920 Apr 18 Thanks for Begbie's report. 20 V6300121 Apr 18 Periodical report of judge received. 21 V635FO0222 Apr 18 Mining report from Elwyn received. 2223 May 1 Telegraphic communication to BC. 2324 May 1 Treasury report on assay offices and minister(?). 24Sep May 26 Changes in form of government. 26 25 June 11 Attention to BC loan act. 25 B6300526 June 12 To pay pension of Joseph Cue. 26Sep June 15 Alterations in form of government. 15 B6300127 June 27 Admission of Walkem and Canadian barristers. 2728 July 1 Julyan and Gairdner trustees for loan. 28 B6300629 July 4 Investment of sinking fund 1862 loan. 29 V635AD0330 July 7 Arrangements for maintenance of Mrs. Cox. 30 B635AD0331 July 7 Conveyance of church reserve at Victoria. 31 V635AG0132 July 8 Proclamation No. 7 allowed and confirmed. 3233 July 8 Proclamations Nos. 3 and 4 (gold field rules) sanction delayed. 33 B635AD0434 July 10 Royal engineers to be withdrawn at end of year. 3435 July 14 Heads of departments appointed to legislative council. 3536 July 22 Approval of BC loan act 1863. 3637 July 24 Progress of Duncan at Metlakhatla. 37 B6303938 July 24 Supply of spirits to Indians by trading vessels. 38 B636G01Sep July 30 Requesting payment for stamps on warrants. 30 B635AD0339 July 30 Hale to inscribe granite obelisk for boundary terminus. 39 V635AG0340 July 31 Requesting steps Begbie took to admit Walkem to practice. 4041 July 31 Assay office to continue but with reduced staff. 41 V635AG0442 July 31 Approving legislation. 42Sep Aug 1 Appointing officials to legislative council. 1 V63703643 Aug 3 Receipt of Palmer's report 21 May 1863. 4344 Aug 9 £60 disallowed by auditors for 1861. 44 B6300745 Aug 12 Resignation of Gosset. 4546 Aug 28 General report 2 July received. 4647 Aug 27 Enclosing acts to define boundaries and continue government of BC. 4748 Sep 2 Approving formation of gold escort. 48 V635AG0549 Sep 3 Requesting payment of £500 as share of coastal survey. 4950 Sep 4 To reconsider Sunday observance act 1863. 5051 Sep 9 Approving estimates for 1863 except one item. 5152 Sep 10 Confirming legal profession act of 1863. 52 V635AG0653 Sep 18 Further to item of estimates 1863. 53 B6304054 Sep 24 Investment of BC loan fund. 5455 Oct 2 Negotiation of BC loan act 1863 (£50,000). 55 V635AG0756 Oct 2 Payment for bishop's passage and royal engineers. 56 V635AG0857 Oct 9 Land grants for RE's with boundary commission. 57 B6304158 Oct 19 Requesting further information on road contracts. 58 B6300859 Nov 18 General report of 14 September received. 5960 Nov 27 Reported death of Munro. 60 B6300161 Dec 19 Birch appointed to replace Young as Colonial Secretary. 61
British Columbia Correspondence 1863
9951 Oct. 14 Alexander, Reverend H., inquiring about grants to chaplains in BC. 9951 B636A012946 Mar. 23 Barton, F.W., inquiring about funds left to one of her tenants. 2946 B636B017645 July 20 Cameron, Malcolm, protesting the denial of representative government for BC. 7645 B636C012319 Mar. 5 Cox and Company, payment of Moody's salary. 2319 B636C025463 June 3 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 5463 B636C035930 June 15 -----, requesting usual certificate required for payment of Moody's salary. 5930 B636C046498 July 3 -----, difficulty in collecting Moody's salary. 6498 B636C057833 Aug. 15 -----, still unable to obtain warrant for Moody's salary. 7833 B636C0611715 Dec. 4 -----, payment of Moody's salary. 11715 B636C073394 Apr. 3 Cox, Sophia, requesting part of her husband's salary be ordered to be paid to her. 3394 B636C086467 June 30 -----, acknowledging a payment but uncertain of its source. 6467 B636C097006 July 17 Day, Thomas, regarding the conduct of Lieutenant Lascelles of HMS Forward. 7006 B636D01 38 Jan. 1 Gosset, W. Driscoll, requesting extension of leave of absence. 2579 Mar. 16 -----, requesting payment of salary while on leave. 2579 B636G026641 July 8 -----, requesting further extension of leave. 6641 B636G037365 July 27 -----, tendering resignation as treasurer of BC. 7365 B636G049742 Oct. 8 Henry, Captain W., seeking particulars about grants of land to military settlers. 9742 B636H0110840 Sep. 16 Holbrook, Henry (and W.E. Cormack), protesting changes made to prize essay. 10840 B636H02- Mar. 18 Lindley, John, forwarding unsigned letter from BC supporting existing government. 11129 Nov. - Lord, W. Smith, seeking exclusive fishing rights to coastal waters. 11129 B636L025243 Mar. 31 Moody, Colonel R.C., forwarding reports of explorations by Captains Parsons and Palmer. 5243 B636M0112465 Dec. 19 -----, forwarding correspondence with the governor regarding his replacement. 12465 B636M0211444 Nov. 17 Munro, Donald, identifying his deceased son. 11444 B636M036722 July 11 Rusdell, George Davison, offering information on ineffectiveness of postal service in BC. 6722 B636R0110080 Sep. 14 Seymour, Frederick, accepting appointment as governor of BC. 10080 B636S012306 Mar. 4 Vernon, Forbes G., seeking information about the colony. 2306 B636V017419 July 16 Walkem, Charles, protesting his son is still barred from practising law in BC. 7419 B636W01
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1863
6268 June 26 Columbia, G., conveyance of church land by HBC. 6268 V636C0112431 Dec. 28 -----, conveyance of church land by HBC. 12431 V636C02 155 Jan. 5 Duncan and Dewar, admission of John Copland to supreme court at VI. 9588 Oct. 2 Hyde, C., requesting employment as colonial secretary. 9588 V636H018392 Aug, 26 Kennedy, A.E., suggesting Henry Wakeford be made colonial secretary. 8392 V636K018393 Aug. 27 -----, regarding passage allowance. 8393 V636K028394 Aug. 27 -----, regarding construction of government house. 8394 V636K038395 Aug. 27 -----, regarding a private secretary. 8395 V636K049247 Sep. 19 -----, regarding engagement of engineers for Victoria harbour. 9247 V636K059316 Sep. 21 -----, acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9316 V636K0612004 Dec. 14 -----, submitting plans for government house. 12004 V636K0712455 Dec. 23 -----, passage allowance for private secretary. 12455 V636K0812463 Dec. 30 -----, acknowledging receipt of commission and instructions. 12463 V636K0912373 Dec. 21 Kinlock, A., requesting employment as commissioner of crown lands. 12373 V636K101959 Feb. 20 Langford, E., charges against public officers. 1959 V636L011205 Feb. 2 Lindley, J., regarding conveyance of packages. 1205 V636L031490 Feb. 11 McClure, L., regarding changes to the form of colonial government. 1490 V636M017324 July 25 Pemberton, J., requesting extension of leave. 7324 V636P017683 Aug. 6 -----, engagement of mechanics. 7683 V636P028501 Aug. 28 -----, suggesting Kennedy's participation in engagement of mechanics. 8501 V636P0310388 Oct. 26 -----, requesting further extension of leave. 10388 V636P0412338 Dec. 22 -----, requesting further expension of leave. 12338 V636P0512410 Dec. 24 -----, requesting withdrawal of most recent extension. 12410 V636P069642 Oct. 5 Wayman, E., claim against G. Cary. 9642 V636W01
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1863
1 Jan. 9 2129 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2129 V63001Jan. 15 2060 Iron clad ships on Pacific coast. (Confidential) 2060 V63001CO2 Jan. 20 3140 Opening new session of legislature. 3140 V630023 Feb. 14 3699 Cary's reply to allegations of Langford. 3699 V630034 Feb. 14 3700 Replies of various officials to Langford's allegations. 3700 V630045 Feb. 14 3701 Chief Justice Cameron's reply to Langford's allegations. 3701 V630056 Feb. 6 3702 Acknowledging receipt of Parliamentary Papers. 3702 V630067 Mar. 4 4166 Dissolution of House of Assembly. 4166 V630078 Mar. 16 4700 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4700 V630089 Apr. 3 5132 Pemberton's departure for England on special services. 5132 V6300910 Apr. 8 5388 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5388 V6301011 Apr. 20 5737 Claim of HBC to land in VI. 5737 V6301112 May 8 6304 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 813 May 15 6919 Charges preferred by Langford. 6919 V6301314 May 20 6920 Forwarding almanac published in VI. 6920 V6301415 May 21 6921 Forwarding lighthouse accounts. 6921 V6301516 May 21 6922 Reporting on Indian affairs in the colony. 6922 V6301617 May 22 6923 Three month medical leave for Cary. 6923 V6301718 May 30 7004 Execution of three Indians for murder of William Brady. 7004 V6301819 June 1 7005 Forwarding six acts for confirmation. 7005 V6301920 June 11 7754 Forwarding journals of Assembly to 27 February 1863. 7754 V6302021 June 13 7755 Discrepancy in San Juan Island accounts. 7755 V6302122 June 13 7756 Statement of receipts and expenditure for San Juan Island for quarter ending 31 December 1862. 7756 V63022June 18 7753 Report on principal officers of the government. (Confidential) 7753 V63022CO23 June 22 7757 Forwarding minutes of Council from 19 March 1862 to 28 February 1863. 7757 V6302324 June 24 8069 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8069 V6302425 July 4 8070 Action against various Indians accused of murdering settlers. 8070 V6302526 July 4 8071 Execution of four Indians for the crime of murder. 8071 V6302627 July 14 8485 Emigration to Vancouver Island. 8485 V6302728 July 20 8614 Financial status of the colony. 8614 V6302829 July 21 8615 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8615 V6302930 July 21 8616 Civil servants engaging in commercial activity. 8616 V6303031 July 22 8617 Fitting out Confederate privateers in Victoria. 8617 V63031Sep July 23 9248 Formation of Executive and Legislative Councils. 9248 V63031SP32 Aug. 3 9249 Financial returns for year ending 31 December 1862 and quarter ending 31 March 1863. 9249 V6303233 Aug. 10 9505 Claim of HBC to land in VI. 9505 V6303334 Aug. 15 9888 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9888 V6303435 Aug. 27 10019 Returns for quarter ending 30 June 1863. 10019 V6303536 Aug. 29 10020 Result of election to House of Assembly. 10020 V6303637 Sep. 1 10021 Report on form of government for VI and BC. 10021 V6303738 Sep. 3 10022 Status of account with Agents General. 10022 V6303839 Sep. 16 10905 Opening new session of legislature. 10905 V6303940 Sep. 18 10906 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10906 V63040Sep Sep. 21 10907 Memorial from inhabitants of VI in regard to relief of Douglas. 10907 V63040SPSep Sep. 21 11405 Forwarding draft conveyance of church reserve. 11405 V63040SQ41 Sep. 24 11406 Resolution of thanks by Assembly to Capt. Richards and surveying party. 11406 V6304142 Oct. 20 12572 Address from Legislative Council to Prince of Wales upon his marriage. 12572 V6304243 Oct. 20 12573 Address from House of Assembly to Prince of Wales upon his marriage. 12573 V6304344 Oct. 21 12575 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 12575 V6304545 Nov. 3 12575 Seeds and cones of Douglas Fir sent overland. 12575 V6304546 Nov. 3 12576 Extension of leave to J.D. Pemberton. 12576 V6304647 Nov. 3 12577 Thomas Burke improperly sent home at public expense. 12577 V63047Sep Nov. 3 12578 Unpaid account for stamps on warrants of public servants. 12578 V63047SP48 Dec. 4 875 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 48 V635AG0549 Dec. 8 876 Resolution with regard to overland telegraph project. 4950 Dec. 28 2551 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2551 V63050
British Columbia Despatches from London 1863
1 Jan 24 Approval of seven acts. 1 V6370012 Jan 26 Stores sent to VI for lighthouses and state of account with colony. 2 B63001[Sep] Feb 2 Introducing Captain Prevost's son. 3 Feb 5 Payment of expences incurred as a result of International Exhibition. 3 B635AD014 Feb 9 Unsettled state of final accounts for lighthouses. 4 V63001CO5 Feb 12 Mode of transmitting VI acts. 56 Feb 21 Communication of correspondence to the legislature. 67 Feb 24 Discrepancy in accounts concerning San Juan Island. 78 Mar 5 Douglas's reply to E.E. Langford's complaint. 89 Apr 6 Douglas's speech opening session of the legislature. 910 Apr 8 Payment of expences on account of lighthouses. 10Sep Apr. 14 Division of Council into Executive and Legislative Councils. 14 V635AD0211 Apr 20 Lack of remarks by attorney general on some acts. 11 B6303712 Apr 23 Duties of justice officers with respect to Langford's complaint. 1213 Apr 25 Letter from David Cameron with respect to Langford's complaint. 1314 May 6 Approval of two acts. 14 V635AD0215 May 8 Maintaining neutrality with respect to US Civil War. 15 B6302516 May 9 Informal manner of sending home acts. 16 B6300217 May 9 Financial state of colony. 17 B63038SP18 May 13 Manner of sending home bills. 18 B6300319 May 14 Dealings with HBC with repect to surrender of unsold land. 1920 May 19 Rumour of American aggression towards British possessions. 20 V6300121 May 28 Authorization of payment of bill. 21 B6300422 June 8 Leave of absence of Pemberton. 2223 June 11 Payments due for interest and sinking fund. 2324 June 11 State of VI accounts. 2425 June 24 Clerical omission in act to impose stamp duties. 25 B6300526 June 24 Approval of four acts. 2627 July 1 Appointment of trustees for the sinking fund. 2728 July 4 Sinking fund invested in 3% annuities. 28 B63006Sep July 7 Request for draft of a conveyance. 729 July 22 Medical leave granted to G.H. Cary. 29 V635AD0330 July 22 Execution of three Indians and imprisonment of Indian woman. 30 B635AD0331 July 27 Approval of measures adopted for murderers of William Brady. 31 V635AG0132 July 30 Expense of passage of British subjects from VI to England. 32Sep July 30 Unpaid stamp duty on Cary's warrant. 30 B635AD0333 Aug 2 Extended leave granted to Pemberton. 33 B635AD0434 Aug 20 Settlement of dispute over land to be surrendered by HBC to crown. 3435 Aug 27 Apprehension and execusion of native murderers. 3536 Sep 17 Manner of sending bills and their advices to home office. 36Sep Sep 25 Creation of Executive and Legislative Councils. 25 B6300537 Oct 1 Approval of seven acts. 37 B6303938 Oct 16 Letter relating to Cary's debt. 38 B636G0139 Oct 24 Lands to be conveyed to the crown by the HBC. 39 V635AG0340 Oct 24 Form of government to be established in BC and VI. 4041 Oct 24 Result of election of representatives for House of Assembly. 41 V635AG0442 Nov 2 Financial returns of VI for quarter ending June 30. 42Sep Nov 5 Douglas's knighthood. 543 Nov 17 Termination of Douglas's term as governor. 4344 Nov 25 Douglas's speech opening the session of the legislature. 44 B630071 Dec 18 Appointing Governor Kennedy. 1 V637101
British Columbia Public Offices 1863
Admiralty 1181 Feb. 3 Capture of Indians for murdering two whites.  5353 May 29 Illicit trade in spirits, patrol of Devastation.  5539 June 8 BC's contribution to cost of surveying coast.  6387 June 24 Policing of Indians and sale of spirits.  8496 Aug. 29 Colonial contribution to cost of coastal survey. 10420 Oct. 28 Entitlement of naval chaplains to land grants. 10420 B635AD06
Agent (Crown Agents) 1246 Feb. 4 Supplies for assay office in BC.  2390 Mar. 9 Overdraft of colonial account.  5424 June 1 Repayment of 1862 loan (£50,000).  5921 June 15 Remittance of interest on 1862 loan.  6440 July 1 Issue of debentures for 1863 loan (£50,000).  6631 July 8 Bills drawn against 1863 loan.  6703 July 10 Further bills drawn against 1863 loan.  7315 July 26 Statement of account with BC.  7398 July 29 Bill for £5000 in favour of HBC.  7539 July 31 Advice from governor about bill in favour of HBC.  7574 Aug. 1 Bill for £1000 in favour of Robert Ker.  7686 Aug. 6 Bill for £6000 in favour of HBC.  8704 Sep. 9 Payment of expenses incurred by Dr. Lindley.  8720 Sep. 10 Payment for silver coin supplied to BC.  9050 Sep. 16 Investment of funds credited to BC.  9051 Sep. 16 Debentures authorized under Loan Act of 1863. 10406 Oct. 27 Statement of account of BC. 10406 B635AG1710576 Oct. 31 Draft of £5000 against 1863 loan. 10576 B635AG1812151 Dec. 17 Further draft of £5000 against 1863 loan. 12151 B635AG19
Council (Privy Council) 5704 June 12 Constitution of Legislative Council of BC. 
Land (Emigration Office) 400 Jan. 14 Approval of regulations for management of water rights.  7267 July 22 Changes to land grants to naval and military officers.  9757 Oct. 10 Land grants to naval and military officers. 10593 Oct. 31 Settlement of HBC land claims. 10593 B635LN04
Miscellaneous 3333 May 22 Abstract of meteorological observations.  3924 Apr. 18 Half-yearly statement, Bank of BC.  5551 June 8 Superannuation allowance of Joseph Cue.  7509 Aug. 12 Telegraph line proposed from Canada to Victoria.  8731 Sep. 10 Half-yearly statement, Bank of BC. 10284 Oct. 20 Settlement of HBC land claims. 10284 B635MI0610785 Nov. 9 Settlement of HBC land claims. 10785 B635MI07
Treasury 178 Jan. 7 Payment of Moody's salary.  1311 Feb. 9 Estimate of aid required for BC.  1887 Feb. 17 Authorization for articles to assay and melting departments.  2218 Mar. 2 Consent to loan of £50,000 for BC.  3775 Apr. 15 Payment for freight shipped on Thames City.  5702 May 25 Payment of Moody's salary.  5941 June 16 Payment of Moody's salary.  6208 June 24 Investment in annuities of sinking fund sums.  7113 July 21 Consent to loan of £50,000.  7264 July 22 Statement of credited payments on BC account.  7318 July 25 Confirmation of BC Roads Bonds Act No. 1.  8318 Aug. 25 Sanction of estimates of revenue and expenditure.  8351 Aug. 26 Authorization of expenditure to establish gold escourt.  8591 Sep. 2 Payment of Moody's salary.  8824 Sep. 11 Review of financial condition of colony. 10679 Nov. 4 Cook's Ferry and Clinton road bond act 1863. 10679 B635TE1712141 Dec. 16 Payment of Moody's salary. 12141 B635TE18
War Office - Jan. 16 Terms of Royal Engineers to expire in October.  3913 Apr. 18 Moody's position as Commissioner of Lands and Works.  5193 May 28 Withdrawal of Royal Engineers from colony.  7351 Jul. 27 Request to complete inscription on boundary marker.  7818 Aug. 12 Remission of land grant purchases by officers.  8094 Aug. 17 Payment of expenses of Royal Engineers.  9345 Sep. 25 Applicability of land grants to officers of Indian Army.  9615 Oct. 3 Land grants to Royal Engineers. 12579 Dec. 31 Appointment of Captain Luard as commissioner of lands and works. 12579 B635WA09
British Columbia Despatches to London 1863
1 Jan 5 2130 Financial returns for second quarter, 1862. 2130 B630012 Jan 9 2131 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2131 B630023 Jan 10 2132 Draft of £431.5.0 for governor's salary. 2132 B630034 Jan 10 2133 Draft of £50,000 on military and civil accounts. 2133 B630045 Jan 10 2134 Draft of £1000 on regimental pay account. 2134 B630056 Jan 10 2135 Financial matters between BC and home government. 2135 B630067 Jan 30 3134 Financial returns for third quarter, 1862. 3134 B630078 Jan 30 3135 Payment of freight costs for hay and oats. 3135 B630089 Feb 2 3136 Begbie's road and mines report. 3136 B6300910 Feb 3 3137 Periodical report of Chief Justice Begbie. 3137 B6301011 Feb 3 3138 Gold commissioner's report. 3138 B6301112 Feb 16 3690 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 3690 B63012Feb 18 3746 Characters and qualifications of public officers. (Confidential) 3746 B63012CO13 Feb 14 4165 Maintenance of Sophia Cox by her husband. 4165 B6301314 Mar 7 4701 Estimates for 1863. 4701 B6301415 Mar 7 4702 Draft of £2000 on military account. 4702 B6301516 Mar 16 4703 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4703 B6301617 Mar 16 4704 Comparative statements of revenue for 1861 and 1862. 4704 B6301718 Apr 8 5385 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5385 B6301819 Apr 10 5386 Work performed in assay office. 5386 B6301920 Apr 10 5387 Four month extension of leave for Gosset. 5387 B6302021 Apr 21 5739 Eligibility of lawyers practising in BC courts. 5739 B6302122 Apr 22 5740 Financial statement of the Royal Engineers, 1862. 5740 B6302223 Apr 22 5741 Draft of £1000 on regimental pay account. 5741 B6302324 Apr 22 5956 Expenditures of RE. 5956 B6302425 May 8 6331 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6331 B6302526 May 9 6332 Approval of various acts. 6332 B6302627 May 13 6333 Forwarding four acts for confirmation. 6333 B6302728 May 13 6334 Disposal of loan of £50,000. 6334 B6302829 May 14 6335 Maintenance of credit balance with crown agents. 6335 B6302930 May 14 6336 Confirmation of loan act, 1863. 6336 B63030Sep May 18 6927 State of colonial affairs. 6927 B63030SP31 May 21 6928 Topographical report of Bentinck Arm and Cariboo Districts. 6928 B6303132 May 21 6929 Absence of locally published directory. 6929 B6303233 May 21 6330 Illicit sale of liquor to Indians. 633034 May 27 7000 Attorney general's report on loans act, 1863. 7000 B6303435 May 29 7001 Progress of Duncan's Indian mission work. 7001 B6303536 Jun 3 7002 Mode of raising new loan and repayment of £6,900 for silver coins. 7002 B6303637 Jun 15 7749 Application for 1862 loan of £50,000. 7749 B6303738 Jun 24 8064 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8064 B63038Sep Jul 2 8065 State of colonial affairs. 8065 B63038SP39 Jul 4 8066 Financial returns for fourth quarter, 1862. 8066 B6303940 Jul 7 8486 Forwarding Sunday observance act, 1863. 8486 B6304041 Jul 9 8487 Forwarding legal professions act, 1863. 8487 B6304142 Jul 14 8488 Schemes for assisting emigration of the distressed. 8488 B6304243 Jul 21 8611 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8611 B6304344 Jul 21 8621 Re-establishment of assay office in BC. 8621 B6304445 Jul 21 8613 Public servants involved in commercial enterprises. 8613 B63045Sep Jul 22 9244 Administration of justice and constitution of Legislative Council. 9244 B63045SP46 Aug 3 9245 Gosset's failure to return after leave of absence. 9245 B6304647 Aug 14 9504 Publishing of lost child notice. 9504 B6304748 aug 15 9889 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9889 B6304849 Aug 20 9890 Forwarding Cooks Ferry and Clinton road bonds. 9890 B6304950 Aug 21 9891 Pension of Joseph Cue. 9891 B6305051 Sep 2 10014 Young wishes to be Colonial Secretary of VI instead of BC. 10014 B6305152 Sep 2 10015 Recommending Brew as Colonial Secretary and Good as Treasurer. 10015 B6305253 Sep 2 10016 Reporting state of account with agents general. 10016 B6305354 Sep 10 10451 Transmission of copies of prize essay on resources. 10451 B6305455 Sep 12 10452 Authorization to establish Legislative Council. 10452 B6305556 Sep 14 10453 Appointment of chief commissioner of lands and works. 10453 B63056Sep Sep 14 10454 State of colonial affairs. 10454 B63056SP57 Sep 18 10940 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10940 B6305758 Sep 23 11401 Sinking fund for paying off BC Loan of 1862. 11401 B6305859 Sep 23 11402 Maintenance of Sophia Cox by her husband. 11402 B6305960 Sep 23 11403 Authority of newly formed Legislative Council. 11403 B6306061 Sep 24 11404 Financial returns for first quarter, 1863. 11404 B63061Sep Oct 12 11527 Complaint regarding publication of prize essay. 11527 B63061SP62 Oct 13 11526 Draft of £3000 on regimental pay account. 11526 B6306263 Oct 21 12527 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 12527 B63063Sep Oct 21 12526 Old warrant appointing certain members of Legislative Council. 12526 B63062SPSep Nov 3 12533 Outstanding sums due on warrant stamps. 12533 B63068SP64 Nov 3 12528 Remission of passage money to Sergeant McColl. 12528 B6306465 Nov 3 12529 Admission of Walkem to practice in BC courts. 12529 B6306566 Nov 3 12530 Gosset's resignation as treasurer. 12530 B6306667 Nov 3 12531 Receipt of an act to define boundaries. 12531 B6306768 Nov 3 12532 Staff reductions in the assay department. 12532 B6306869 Nov 13 12534 Return to England of RE. 12534 B6306970 Nov 13 12535 Appointment of Luard as chief commissioner of lands and works. 12535 B63070Sep Nov 13 12536 State of colonial affairs. 12536 B63070SP71 Nov 23 871 Forwarding three acts for confirmation. 871 B6307172 Dec 2 872 Admission of Walkem to practice in BC courts. 872 B6307273 Dec 4 873 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 873 B6307374 Dec 4 874 Steps taken by Cox for support of his wife. 874 B6307475 Dec 18 1276 Financial returns for second quarter, 1863. 1276 B6307576 Dec 19 1277 Sum of £10,704.10.7 due to home government on account of barracks of RE. 1277 B6307677 Dec 19 1941 Reporting payment of £500 towards expenses of Beaver. 1941 B6307778 Dec 28 2859 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2859 B63078
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1863
Admiralty6392 June 29 Proceedings against Indians. 6392 V635AD017496 July 30 Proceedings against Indians. 7496 V635AD029539 Sep. 29 Proceedings against Indians. 9539 V635AD03
Agent (Crown Agents) 29 Jan. 1 Approval of Road and Harbour Acts. 1925 Feb. 19 Proceedings for debenture investments. 1925 V635AG023949 Apr. 21 Status of VI accounts. 3949 V635AG034293 Apr. 30 Requesting authority to accept VI bills. 4293 V635AG044518 May 9 Requesting authority to accept VI bills. 4518 V635AG054914 May 18 Requesting authority to accept VI bills. 4914 V635AG064935 May 19 Advising the bills had been paid. 4935 V635AG075070 May 23 Abstract of accounts. 5070 V635AG085172 May 27 Report received regarding £10,000 bill. 5172 V635AG095425 June 1 Payment of interest and sinking funds. 5425 V635AG106060 June 17 Report on state of accounts. 6060 V635AG1110688 Nov. 4 Correspondence regarding Mr. Pemberton. 10688 V635AG12
Council (Privy Council) 802 Jan. 21 Approval of four acts passed in VI. 4363 May 1 Approval of two acts passed in VI. 4363 V635CO026006 June 18 Approval of four acts passed in VI. 60067308 July 25 Approval of one act passed in VI. 7308 V635CO049300 Sep. 22 Approval of seven acts passed in VI. 9300 V635CO05
Foreign Office2433 Mar. 12 US construction of steamer for California. 2433 V635FO013940 Apr. 18 San Juan boundary line. 3940 V635FO024315 May 1 Attempt to fit out confederate privateer. 4315 V635FO034627 May 12 Military preparations in California. 4627 V635FO045458 June 2 Attempt to fit out confederate privateer. 5458 V635FO055715 June 12 Attempt to fit out confederate privateer. 5715 V635FO066624 July 4 Attempt to fit out confederate privateer. 6624 V635FO0711169 Nov. 19 Verification of colonial secretary's signature. 11169 V635FO0811909 Dec. 10 HBC complaint of squatters at San Juan Island. 11909 V635FO09
Land (Emigration Office)1717 Feb. 16 Town site of Victoria. 1717 V635LN011909 Feb. 18 Town site of Victoria. 1909 V635LN023116 Mar. 30 Land claims of HBC. 3116 V635LN036612 July 6 Land claims of HBC. 6612 V635LN047829 Aug. 14 Land surrendered by HBC. 7829 V635LN059741 Oct. 9 Land surrendered by HBC. 9741 V635LN0611787 Dec. 8 Conveyance of church reserve. 11787 V635LN07
Miscellaneous 943 Jan. 27 Introductory letter for Robert Plummer. 2003 Feb. 23 Seeds and cones of Douglas pine. 2003 V635MI022732 Mar. 17 Land claims of HBC. 2732 V635MI037644 Aug. 1 Land surrendered to crown by HBC. 7644 V635MI04 * Sep. 25 Private claim for £16.13.5. 10403 Oct. 27 Order of Bath for Governor Douglas. 10403 V635MI05
Trade (Board of Trade) 791 Jan. 22 Expense of lighthouse stores. 1262 Feb. 6 Fuca Straits lighthouse accounts. 1262 V635TA023305 Apr. 2 Fuca Straits lighthouse accounts. 3305 V635TA034419 May 5 Act to amend scale of fees for vessels entering and leaving port. 4419 V635TA047794 Aug. 11 Harbour regulations acts. 7794 V635TA0512401 Dec. 24 Advances for lighthouse construction. 12401 V635TA06
Treasury1976 Feb. 21 Discrepancy of colonial accounts for 1861. 1976 V635TE012087 Feb. 28 Cost of procurring seed of Douglas pine. 2087 V635TE024950 May 20 Act for paying of stump duties. 4950 V635TE036206 June 24 Investment of sinking fund. 6206 V635TE047347 July 27 Account of British subject, Thomas Bourke. 7347 V635TE058273 Aug. 24 Account of civil lists. 8273 V635TE068499 Aug. 29 Cost of procurring seed of Douglas pine. 8499 V635TE079350 Sep. 25 Passage allowance for Douglas. 9350 V635TE08
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1864
45 Jan 2 Payment of expenses on account of lighthouses. 45 B64223Sep Jan 4 Repayment of G.H. Cary's stamp dues. 4 B64219SQ46 Jan 13 Whereabouts of G. Vignola, Italian citizen. 46 B645AG02Sep Jan 13 Appointment of Colonial Secretary W.A.G. Young. 13 V647268Sep Jan 14 Permission for Kennedy to visit BC. 14 V640032 Jan 20 Whereabouts of Mr. Noiset, a Belgian citizen. 2 B6471013 Jan 21 Congratulations from Assembly to Prince of Wales. 3 B645AD014 Feb 3 Shipment of Douglas Fir seeds to Britain. 4 B64219SQ5 Mar 16 L. Lowenburg's case. 5 B645AD02Sep Mar 28 Appointment of five unofficial members of the legislature. 28 V645AD056 Mar 28 Whereabouts of Mr. Hatcher. 6 B642201 Apr 15 Shipment of stores to VI lighthouses. 1 V6472012 Apt 30 Non-passage of Civil List Act. 2 B640013 Apr 30 Enforcement of neutrality between Americans and British. 3 B645AD01Sep May 12 Condition of hospitals and asylums in VI. 12 B64002SP4 May 12 Appointment of chief justice of VI. 4 B64219SQ5 May 27 Kennedy's assumption of government. 5 B645AD026 May 27 Kennedy's welcome to VI. 6 V645AD027 June 1 Payment of Kennedy's salary. 78 June 1 Problems with bill granting rights to telegraph company. 8 V640019 June 1 Similar laws being passed in BC and VI. 9 B6400210 June 2 Concession of water rights in VI. 1011 June 20 Congratulatory address from mayor. 1112 June 23 Deed endorsing Christ Church in Victoria. 12 B64002SP13 June 24 Congratulatory address from mayor. 13 V64726814 June 24 Congratulatory address from VI inhabitants. 14 V6400315 June 24 Congratulatory address from VI inhabitants. 15 B6400316 July 4 Uprising by Chilcotin Indians. 16 V645AD0417 July 5 Young's leave of absence. 17 V64189A18 July 11 Appointment of successor to chief justice. 18 B6400119 July 11 Fees charged by Attorney General Cary. 19 B6400420 July 11 Act to grant rights to telegraph company. 20 B645TE1421 July 18 Approval of three acts. 21 V6416722 July 23 Instructions for keeping colonial accounts. 22 B645AD0323 July 26 Communication from Mr. Nicholles. 23 B645FO0124 July 27 Government officers prohibited from commercial undertakings. 24 V645AD0125 July 19 British subjects detained at San Francisco. 2526 Aug 1 Colonial Secretary Watson's salary. 2627 Aug 1 Procedure for auditing public accounts. 27 B645AD0428 Aug 1 Temporary employment of Henry Wakeford. 28 V645AD0529 Aug 1 Massacre of road party at Butte Inlet. 29 B6400530 Aug 4 Employment of Robert Ker as auditor. 3031 May 10 Kennedy's welcome to VI. 31 B645AD0532 Aug 15 Salaries of officers in the civil list. 32 V6400433 Aug 24 Defalcations of treasurer G.T. Gordon. 3334 Aug 31 Massacre of road party at Bute Inlet. 3435 Sep 2 Act establishing pilots for port of Victoria. 3536 Sep 8 Irish policemen dispatched to VI. 36 B645AD0637 Sep 8 Kennedy's address proroguing the legislature. 37 B6422138 Sep 16 Payment of salaries to principle officers. 3839 Exclusive rights granted to telegraph company. 39 B6400640 Sep 29 Defalcations of Jeremiah Nagle. 4041 Oct 3 Volunteer force formed in VI. 41 B6400742 Oct 13 Sale and transfer of Fisgard Island. 4243 Apr 20 Kennedy's address opening the legislature. 43 B6400844 Apr 20 Appointment of Colonel Foster as magistrate. 44 B645AG0145 Oct 20 Kennedy's wish to convene legislature. 45 B6422346 Oct 20 Appointment of acting gold commissioner and stipendiary magistrate. 46 B645AG0247 Oct 20 Cary's resignation. 47 B6400948 Oct 24 State of Young's employment. 48 B6422449 Oct 26 BC diocese divided into 2, endowment of new bishoprick. 49 B645AG03Oct 27 Opinion of crown law officers on real estate tax act. (Confidential) 51 n.d. - Brown's report on his exploration of VI. 5152 Oct 28 Resignation of G.H. Cary. 52 B6422553 Oct 28 Appointment of Acting Attorney General Wood. 53 V6400654 Oct 29 Passage of act respecting lawyers in VI. 54 V645AG0255 Oct 29 Pardon granted to How-a-Matcha. 55 B645AG0556 Oct 29 D.B. Ring's letter concerning appointment of attorney general. 56 V6415357 Nov 1 Disposal of fees received by Cary. 57 B645AG0658 Nov 1 Financial state of VI. 5859 Nov 1 Steps taken for enclosure of park in Victoria. 59 V6415460 Nov 1 Complaints made against HBC regarding land sales. 60 B64265Sep. Nov 15 Approval of H. Rhodes' application. 15 B6400361 Nov 16 Explanation of engagement of John Stephenson . 410 V64726162 Nov 26 Management of Indian reserves. 62 V6400863 Nov 29 Taxation in Victoria. 63 B6422664 Dec. 1 Gold discovered in Sooke. 64 B645AG0865 Dec 5 Division of salaries to Pearse and Pemberton. 65 V6400966 Dec 17 Fees paid to attorney general. 66 B6401067 Dec 20 Report on Indian population and management. 67 V6415768 Dec 20 Massacre of Europeans at Bute Inlet and Bentinck Arm. 68 B645AG0969 Dec 22 Title given to L. Lowenburg. 6970 Dec 23 Fines levied on Alexandra in Port Angeles. 70 V645FO0271 Dec 29 Negotiations with California State Telegraph Company. 71 V6415872 Dec 30 Mining progress in Sooke. 7273 Dec 30 Bonds as security for Alexander Watson's services. 73 B645FO0174 Dec 31 Steps taken to punish murderers of Bamfield and crew of Kingfisher. 74 V645FO03
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1864
Admiralty4884 May 26 State of defenses at Vancouver Island. 4884 V645AD015006 May 27 Proposed construction of dock at Esquimalt. 5006 V645AD027902 Aug. 20 Ownership of Fisgard Island. 7902 V645AD0311063 Nov. 29 Search for captors of Kingfisher. 11063 V645AD0411533 Dec. 14 Search for captors of Kingfisher. 11533 V645AD0511534 Dec. 14 Naval proceedings at VI. 11534 V645AD06
Agent (Crown Agents)10123 Nov. 1 Current cash balance of VI. 10123 V645AG0110239 Nov. 8 Stores shipped by the John Stevenson. 10239 V645AG0211694 Dec. 21 Stores shipped by the John Stevenson. 11694 V645AG03
Council (Privy Council)6649 July 13 Approval of three acts passed in VI. 6649 V645CO018232 Aug. 30 Approval of an act passed in VI. 8232 V645CO02
Foreign Office 221 Jan. 11 Enquiry into whereabouts of G. Vignola.  461 Jan. 15 Enquiry into whereabouts of A. Noiset. 1112 Feb. 8 State of affairs at San Juan Island. 1112 V645FO033815 Apr. 23 Enforcement of neutrality. 3815 V645FO047004 July 22 Arrest of Panama steamer theft conspirator. 7004 V645FO059765 Oct. 20 Telegraph line from San Francisco and Olympia. 9765 V645FO0610317 Nov. 10 Prospects of VI and BC. 10317 V645FO0711250 Dec. 5 Fines levied on the Alexandra. 11250 V645FO08
Land (Emigration Office)2186 Mar. 8 Mr. Lowenberg's land claim. 2186 V645LN014042 Apr. 29 Deed and grant for Christ Church at Victoria. 4042 V645LN025627 June 14 Deed and grant for Christ Church at Victoria. 5627 V645LN038423 Sep. 8 Ownership of Fisgard Island. 8423 V645LN049235 Oct. 7 Ownership of Fisgard Island. 9235 V645LN05
Law Office9762 Oct. 21 Report on amendment to real estate tax act. 9762 V645LW019837 Oct. 24 Approval of act respecting barristers and attorneys at law. 9837 V645LW0210869 Nov. 25 Opposition to passage of an act to tax barristers. 10869 V645LW03
Miscellaneous 301 Jan. 12 Address of congratulation to Prince of Wales.  759 Jan. 23 Supply of Douglas pine seeds. 1822 Feb. 26 Lowenberg's land claim. 1822 V645MI034601 May 14 Exclusion privileges of American Telegraph Co. 4601 V645MI045628 June 14 Address of congratulation to Prince of Wales. 5628 V645MI054713 Apr. 4 Address of congratulation to Queen Victoria. 4713 V645MI069841 Oct. 24 Information on HBC agent. 9841 V645MI0710054 Oct. 29 HBC barriers against ship access at V.I. 10054 V645MI0811413 Dec. 12 Lowenberg's land claim. 11413 V645MI09
Trade (Board of Trade)3263 Apr. 7 Stores for lighthouses. 3263 V645TA016984 July 22 Operation of pilots for Port of Victoria Act. 6984 V645TA02
Treasury6901 July 19 Accounts of treasury revenue & expenditure. 6901 V645TE01
War Office6899 July 19 Requesting map of BC. 6899 V645WA017522 Aug. 9 Returning map of BC. 7522 V645WA027773 Aug. 17 Map of Esquimalt Harbour. 7773 V645WA038772 Sep. 19 Requesting reply to previous correspondence. 8772 V645WA049114 Sep. 29 Operation of Volunteer Act. 9114 V645WA05
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1864
Sep Jan. 15 2552 Reporting proceedings of House of Assembly. 2552 V64000SP1 Feb. 8 2903 Requisition for glass shades for lighthouses. 2903 V640012 Feb. 10 2904 Requisition for lighthouse stores. 2904 V640023 Feb. 12 2905 Resolution of Assembly regarding estimates for 1864. 2905 V640034 Mar. 3 4049 Resolution of Assembly regarding appointment of a lawyer as chief justice. 4049 V640045 Mar. 3 4050 Memorial of Assembly regarding defenceless state of the colony. 4050 V640056 Mar. 3 4051 Accounts of receipts and disbursements of imperial moneys. 4051 V640067 Mar. 12 4053 Claim of Wayman against Cary. 40538 Mar. 12 4054 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 40549 Mar. 12 "Not received." 9 B6400210 Mar. 14 6038 Forwarding five acts for confirmation. 6038 V64009Sep Mar. 14 5469 Leave of absence for W.A.G. Young. 5469 V64009SP10a Mar. 25 4366 Reporting Kennedy's arrival in colony. 4366 V6411011 Mar. 29 4760 Reporting Kennedy's assumption of office. 4760 V6411112 Mar. 30 4761 Forwarding newspaper reports of governor's reception. 4761 V64112Mar. 30 4762 Colonial estimates for 1864. (Confidential) 4762 V64112COSep Apr. 14 5470 Proceedings of Assembly regarding governor's residence and private secretary. 5470 V64112SP13 Apr. 14 5471 Governor obliged to take temporary residence. 5471 V6411314 Apr. 15 5472 Requesting copies of instructions and rules and regulations for the colonial service. 5472 V6411415 Apr. 16 5473 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5473 V6411516 Apr. 16 5474 Forwarding copies of weekly newspapers. 5474 V64116Sep Apr. 23 5475 British subjects complain of arrest and detainment in San Francisco. 5475 V64116SP17 Apr. 27 5476 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5476 V6411718 Apr. 25 5477 Enquiry into whereabouts of Italian citizen. 5477 V6411819 Apr. 25 5478 Enquiry into whereabouts of Belgian citizen. 5478 V6411920 Apr. 27 5479 Forwarding copies of weekly newspapers. 5479 V6412021 Apr. 27 5480 Forwarding copy of annual estimates for 1864, with comments on salaries voted. 5480 V6412122 May 4 5724 Addresses to Queen and Prince and Princess of Wales upon the birth of a son. 4 B64219SQSep May 5 5725 Resolutions of House of Assembly regarding the civil list. 5725 V64122SPSep May 13 6010 Bute Inlet massacre. 6010 V64122SQ23 May 15 6011 Leave of absence for colonial secretary. 6011 V6412324 May 12 6012 Appointment of a chief justice. 6012 V6412425 May 13 6013 Lawyers fees for crown prosecutions. 6013 V6412526 May 14 6014 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6014 V6412627 May 20 6966 Requesting authority for salary increase to treasurer. 6966 V6412728 June 4 6967 Henry Wakeford appointed acting colonial secretary. 6967 V6412829 June 4 6968 Correspondence regarding Wakeford's leave from Western Australia. 6968 V6412930 June 4 6969 Addresses to Kennedy on assumption of government. 6969 V6413031 June 4 6970 Disbursement of large sums of public money by surveyor general. 6970 V6413132 June 4 6971 Inquiry if public accounts should be sent to England for audit. 6971 V6413233 June 4 6972 Forwarding letter from John Nicholles complaining of conditions in VI. 6972 V6413334 June 14 7395 Requesting copy of Colonial Volunteer Act. 7395 V6413435 June 14 7396 Defalcations of Gordon written off public accounts. 7396 V6413536 June 14 7397 Resolution of Assembly on reciprocity with the US. 7397 V6413637 June 14 7398 Problem with conveyance of Fisgard Island. 7398 V6413738 June 21 7399 Deed executed by Young conveying Fisgard Island to government. 7399 V6413839 July 7 7928 Asking for six Irish constabulary to be sent to VI. 7928 V6413940 July 7 7929 Forwarding Blue Book for 1863. 7929 V6414041 July 7 7930 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7930 V6414142 July 7 7931 Forwarding requisition for books. 7931 V6414243 July 7 7932 Forwarding newspapers and government gazette. 7932 V6414344 July 13 8113 Dissolution of House of Assembly. 8113 V6414445 July 13 8114 Discussion of civil list question. 8114 V6414546 July 14 8115 Forwarding act relative to barristers and attorneys for opinion of law officers. 8115 V6414647 July 30 8755 Exploration of island and discovery of gold fields. 8755 V6414748 July 30 8756 Grant of exclusive privileges to California State Telegraph Company. 8756 V6414849 Aug. 1 8757 Defalcations of J. Nagle, late harbour master. 8757 V6414950 Aug. 1 8758 Uncollected arrears of taxes. 8758 V6415051 Aug. 4 8759 Discovery of gold fields on VI. 8759 V6415152 Aug. 5 8760 Information respecting Richard Hatcher. 8760 V6415253 Aug. 16 9424 Golledge appointed gold commissioner. 9424 V6415354 Aug. 16 9425 Notice of intent to have Assembly to discuss the civil list. 9425 V6415455 Aug. 20 9426 Major Foster appointed magistrate at Sooke. 9426 V6415556 Aug. 20 9427 Henry Rhodes appointed to Legislative Council. 9427 V6415657 Aug. 18 9428 Progress of gold mining in Sooke District. 9428 V6415758 Aug. 22 9429 Resignation of Cary as attorney general. 9429 V6415859 Aug. 22 9430 Opening new session of legislature. 9430 V64159Aug. 22 9483 Appointment of colonial secretary. (Confidential) 9483 V64159CO60 Aug. 23 9624 Pardon granted to How-a-matcha. 9624 V6416061 Aug. 24 9625 T.L. Wood appointed acting attorney general. 9625 V6416162 Aug. 31 9626 Report on resignation of Cary. 9626 V6416263 Aug. 31 9627 Irregular retention of fees by Cary as registrar of joint stock companies. 9627 V6416364 Aug. 31 9628 Fees charged by Cary as attorney general. 9628 V6416465 Aug. 31 9629 Construction of Victoria Incorporation Act. 9629 V6416566 Aug. 31 9630 Salaries of surveyor general and assistant surveyor. 9630 V6416667 Aug. 31 9631 Application for set of imperial statutes. 9631 V6416768 Aug. 31 9632 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9632 V6416869 Sep. 5 9633 Reporting visit to Sooke district. 9633 V6416970 Sep. 5 9634 Report of island exploring expedition. 9634 V6417071 Sep. 6 9635 Complaint of Ring regarding his non-appointment to office. 9635 V6417172 Sep. 7 9636 Requisition for account books for treasurer's department. 9636 V6417273 Sep. 14 9941 Advising the John Stephenson had not arrived in the colony. 9941 V6417374 Sep. 14 9942 Wood, acting attorney general, applying for position of attorney general or chief justice. 9942 V6417475 Sep. 14 9943 Bills for £4000 drawn on account of road and harbour loan. 9943 V6417576 Sep. 14 9944 Fines imposed on British steamer Alexandra in Washington Territory. 9944 V6417677 Sep. 21 10586 Fines imposed on British steamer Alexandra. 10586 V6417778 Sep. 30 10587 Requisition for standard weights and measures. 10587 V6417879 Sep. 30 10588 Forwarding minutes of Executive and Legislative Councils for perids ended 30 June and 8 July 1864 respectively. 10588 V6417980 Oct. 1 10589 Mode of dealing with the Indian population. 10589 V6418081 Oct. 8 10965 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10965 V6418182 Oct. 8 10962 Resignation of Pemberton as surveyor general and appointment of Pearse in acting capacity. 10962 V6418283 Oct. 8 10963 Exclusive privileges granted to California State Telegraph Company. 10963 V6418384 Oct. 8 10964 Massacres at Bute Inlet and Bentinck's Arm. 10964 V6418485 Oct. 14 11617 Capture of Indians accused of murder. 11617 V6418586 Oct. 19 11618 Resolution of Assembly relative to appointment of chief justice and question of civil list. 11618 V6418687 Oct. 19 11619 Extension and progress of gold discovery. 11619 V6418788 Oct. 19 11620 Bonds of Alexander Watson, Treasurer. 11620 V6418889 Oct. 22 11621 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11621 V6418989a Oct. 23 - 17 Bills received on account of purchase of dredging machinery. 89a90 Oct. 23 11920 Application of Wakeford for extension of leave from Western Australia. 11920 V6419091 Nov. 2 11921 Previous request for lighthouse stores. 11921 V6419192 Nov. 22 881 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 92 V645FO0793 Nov. 22 882 Forwarding two acts for confirmation. 93 B6422994 Nov. 22 883 Forwarding minutes of Assembly for half year ended 30 June 1864. 9495 Nov. 22 884 Forwarding copies of newspaper and government gazette. 95 B6423096 Nov. 22 885 Visit to New Westminster and northeast coast of VI. 9697 Nov. 22 886 Report respecting crown lands and civil list. 97 B645MI0198 Nov. 22 887 Progress of gold mining. 98 V6416199 Nov. 30 1332 Suspension of Golledge as acting gold commissioner. 1332 V64199100 Dec. 3 1333 Resignation of Smith as superintendent of police and reports of corruption in the police department. 1333 V64200101 Dec. 3 1334 Execution of two Indians for murder. 1334 V64201102 Dec. 5 1335 Refusal of Assembly to vote civil list for control of crown lands. 1335 V64202103 Dec. 6 1336 Bill approving salary for chief justice and request for instructions on same. 1336 V64203104 Dec. 6 1337 Application for rules of Metropolitan Police Force. 1337 V64204105 Dec. 7 1338 Requisition for lighthouse stores. 1338 V64205106 Dec. 8 1339 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1339 V64206107 Dec. 8 1340 Application for rules for prison discipline. 1340 V64207108 Dec. 22 1341 Bill for £1,000 drawn on account of road and harbour loan. 1341 V64208109 Dec. 22 1342 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1342 V64209110 Dec. 24 1977 Appointment of J.T. Tidwell as assistant surveyor. 1977 V64210111 Dec. 24 1978 Appointment of P.J. Hankin as superintendent of police. 1978 V64211112 Dec. 24 1979 Appointment of Colonel Foster as gold commissioner. 1979 V64212113 Dec. 31 1980 Explanation of free pardon given to Indian convicted of murder. 1980 V64213
British Columbia Public Offices 1864
Admiralty 4900 May 27 Expense of Frank's passage in the Sutlej.  6810 July 18 Massacre of white men with reference to naval support.  7226 July 30 Failure to find Indian murderers.  7665 Aug. 13 Further report on Indian massacres.  8259 Aug. 31 Conveyance of volunteer force to Bentinck's Arm.  8681 Sep. 14 Report on activities of volunteer force.  9129 Sep. 29 Expedition against Bute Inlet murderers.  9568 Oct. 15 Movements of Seymour with volunteer force. 
Agent (Crown Agents) 19 Jan. 1 Account with colony.  118 Jan. 8 Postage stamps for Exhibition of 1862.  636 Jan. 21 Requesting authority to accept bill for £2000.  2928 Mar. 28 Furniture for government house.  6360 July 7 Reporting status of account with colony.  7025 July 25 Cost of compliance with stationery requisition.  7078 July 27 Negotiation for loan of £100,000. 11036 Nov. 29 £20,000 to be borrowed on credit of the colony. 11036 B645AG0811695 Dec. 21 Non-arrival of remittances from colony. 11695 B645AG09
Foreign Office 473 Jan. 16 Confirmation of colonial secretary's signature. 
Land (Emigration Office) 1688 Feb. 23 Captain Houghton's land purchase remission.  8066 Aug. 26 Registration of real property.  8258 Aug. 31 Naval and military settlers ordinance. 11683 Dec. 20 Survey of land with respect to claims of HBC. 11683 B645LN04
Miscellaneous 1205 Feb. 11 Mining and agricultural speculations.  1206 Feb. 11 Establishment of a mint in BC.  4483 May 13 Bank of BC request supplemental charter.  4832 May 23 Bank of BC half-yearly statement.  5267 June 7 Dr. Rae's survey for telegraph route.  5676 June 17 Inland revenue enquiry regarding O'Reilly's salary.  9471 Oct. 14 Bank of BC half-yearly statement. 10616 Nov. 17 Ordinance on postal service regulations. 10616 B645MI0811412 Dec. 12 Public officers to assist Dr. Rae's survey. 11412 B645MI0911878 Dec. 22 HBC query delay in issue of land grants. 11878 B645MI10
Trade (Board of Trade) 8274 Sep. 1 Ordinance on protection of inventions.  8343 Sep. 20 Ordinance on mining joint stock company.  8417 Sep. 8 Ordinance on inland navigation. 11899 Dec. 24 Ordinance on customs duties. 11899 B645TA04
Treasury 73 Jan. 5 Expenses of Royal Engineer detachment.  828 Jan. 29 Payment of Seymour's passage allowance.  1683 Feb. 23 Questioning remission of passage money to Sergeant McColl.  2840 Mar. 24 Agreeing to remission of unpaid balance due from McColl.  2892 Mar. 28 Payment of Moody's salary to his London agents.  3217 Apr. 4 Approving Cook's Ferry and Clinton road bond act.  3569 Apr. 14 Allowance given for £60 stolen from a constable.  3812 Apr. 23 No objection to supplemental charter for Bank of BC.  4766 May 20 Regulations for keeping colonial accounts.  5280 June 8 Implications of 1864 loan for £100,000.  5282 June 8 Payment of Douglas's passage allowance.  5307 June 9 Execution of bonds for Franks, Treasurer.  5326 June 10 Requesting financial information from the colony.  6455 July 11 Report from Commissioners of Audit on road expenditures in BC. 11144 Dec. 3 Reporting on estimates for 1863. 11144 B645TE1511188 Dec. 5 Reporting on ordinance amending customs duties. 11188 B645TE1611237 Dec. 7 Forwarding bonds of security for Franks. 11237 B645TE17
War Office 222 Jan. 11 Termination of service of Royal Engineers.  251 Jan. 12 Proposed appointment of Luard as commissioner of lands.  776 Jan. 27 Remission of McColl's passage expenses.  4147 Apr. 30 Status of arms and ammunition left by Engineers.  8264 Aug. 27 Discrepancy in accounts of Royal Engineers. 
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1864
2856 Mar. 22 Bergue, J.B., enquiring into the whereabouts of Mr. Hatcher, a colonist. 2856 V646B01 655 Jan. 21 Columbia, Bishop of, provision for bishop's residence in the deed conveying land to the church. 4791 May 21 Cox and Co., regarding payment of Kennedy's salary. 4791 V646C026977 July 22 Douglas, J., regarding commission of vice admiral. 6977 V646D0111597 Dec. 15 Macfie, M., requesting information on publication of manuscript. 11597 V646M014033 Apr. 27 Pease, H., enquiring into death of John Curry. 4033 V646P019653 Sep. 9 Ring, D.B., regarding appointment as attorney general. 9653 V646R015017 Apr. 5 Wood, T., regarding appointment as judge at VI. 5017 V646W019779 Aug. 31 -----, regarding appointment as judge at VI. 9779 V646W027840 Aug. 19 Young, W.A.G., regarding payment of half salary. 7840 V646Y019773 Oct. 21 -----, advising he did not intent to resign his position as colonial secretary. 9773 V646Y029031 Sep. 23 -----, sale and transfer of Fisgard Island. 9031 V646Y03
British Columbia Correspondence 1864
9283 Oct. 7 Archbishop of Canterbury, transmitting application for division of diocese of British Columbia. 9283 B646C0110197 Nov. 4 Bishop of Columbia, division of diocese. 10197 B646C0210401 Nov. 12 -----, division of diocese. 10401 B646C036267 July 2 Douglas, Sir J., claim for loss of salary. 6267 B646D016976 July 22 -----, formally resigning vice admiral's commission. 6976 B646D0211595 Dec. 14 -----, claim for loss of salary. 11595 B646D031271 Feb. 12 Dowsett, C.T., land grant remission for Captain Houghton. 1271 B646D043294 Apr. 9 Franks, Charles W., appointment as treasurer. 3294 B646F014196 May 5 -----, security to be given. 4196 B646F024752 May 19 -----, passage to the colony. 4752 B646F038399 Sep. 7 Higgins, John, regarding murder of his son. 8399 B646H01 845 Jan. 29 Holmes, G.W., commissionership of lands and works. 2459 Mar. 15 Moody, Colonel, disposition of salary. 2459 B646M015787 June 21 Munro, D., effects of his late son. 5787 B646M027062 July 25 Pollock, J., massacre of Scots by the Indians. 7062 B646P014232 May 6 Ross, Mrs. E., effects of her late son. 4232 B646R01 239 Jan. 12 Seymour, Frederick, furniture for government house. 
British Columbia Despatches from London 1864
62 Jan 3 Complaint of editing of Brown's prize essay. 62 V6400863 Jan 5 Balance of BC funds held by crown agents. 63 B6422664 Jan 11 Despatch of 13 November received. 64 B645AG08Sep Jan 14 Leave to visit VI for up to 4 weeks in a year. 14 V64003Sep Jan 15 HBC land claim still outstanding. 15 B64003Sep Jan 16 Senior member of executive council. 16 V645AD041 Jan 20 Commission as governor of BC. 1 V647102Sep Jan 21 Appointing Birch colonial secretary of BC. 21 V6416765 Jan 29 Report on mineral resources received. 65 V6400966 Jan 29 Payment of Lewis. 66 B6401067 Feb 5 Payment to Cox's wife. 67 V64157- Feb 10 Conveying correspondence between CO and Collins as to telegraph. 68 Feb 16 Approving appointment of Trutch as surveyor general. 68 B645AG091 Feb 18 Approving legislation. 1 V6470452 Feb 22 Granting of concessions to mining companies. 2 B647302Sep Feb 26 Trutch may not make further contracts for public works. 263 Feb 29 Military settlers (Houghton) exempt from change in regulations. 3 B645AD01Sep Mar 12 Warrant appointing Trutch CCLW and surveyor general. 12 B64002SPSep Mar 28 Report of inauguration of government in BC received. 28 V645AD054 Mar 30 Cost of furniture for government house in New Westminster £1673.11.0. 4 B64219SQ5 Mar 30 Sergeant McColl's application for relief from payment of passage expenses. 5 B645AD026 Apr 4 BC must pay cost of buildings used by RE's, £10,704.16.7. 6 B642201 Apr 12 Vacancy for Holmes as colonial secretary in Honduras. 1 V6470452 Apr 12 Approving Cooks Ferry and Clinton Road Bond Act 1863. 2 B6474013 Apr 22 £60 stolen in 1861 will be credited to colony. 3 B645AD014 Apr 30 Requesting opinion on union of colonies. 4 B64219SQ5 May 11 Arms left by Moody for local use. 5 B645AD02Sep May 12 Requesting information on hospitals and asylums. 12 B64002SP6 June 1 Congratulations to Prince of Wales on birth of son received. 6 B642207 June 1 Exclusive rights to Collins Overland Telegraph. 78 June 6 Allowing legislation. 8 V640019 June 7 Allowing legislation. 9 B6400210 June 10 Appointing Franks treasurer in place of Gosset. 10Sep June 10 Warrant appointing Franks treasurer. 1011 June 11 Allowing loan of £100,000. 1112 June 11 Dr. Rae to find telegraph route from Red River to BC. 12 B64002SP13 June 11 General report received. 13 V64726814 June 15 Despatch and Blue Book for 1862 received. 14 V6400315 June 15 Despatch received. 15 B6400316 June 21 BC to pay governor's travel expenses. 16 V645AD0417 June 21 Further information needed regarding financial affairs. 17 V64189A18 June 21 Report wanted on suspension of Gaggin by Douglas. 18 B6400119 June 25 Further inquiry into death of Donald Munro Jr. 19 B6400420 June 28 Separate despatch received. 20 B645AD0121 July 16 Crown agents to raise £100,000 loan when possible. 21 V6416722 July 16 Despatch received. 22 B645AD0323 July 16 Advice regarding Chilcotin massacre. 23 B645FO0124 July 18 Payment for stores for assay office. 24 V645AD0125 July 19 Instructions regarding reporting of financial affairs. 2526 July 27 Government officials prohibited from commercial undertakings. 2627 July 28 Requesting up-to-date map of BC. 27 B645AD0428 Aug 1 Approving leave of absence for Trutch. 28 V645AD0529 Aug 1 Crown agents postponed raising capital for loan. 29 B6400530 Aug 1 Chilcoten massacre. 3031 Aug 16 Despatch received. 31 B645AD0532 Aug 31 Confirming act setting interest rate. 32 V6400433 Sep 2 Confirming legislation for registration of real estate. 3334 Sep 7 Confirming legislation. 3435 Sep 7 Report requested for payment of RE expenses. 3536 Sep 27 Act for regulating inland navigation returned for reconsideration. 36 B645AD0637 Oct 7 Action regarding customs duties delayed for VI observations. 37 B6422138 Oct 26 Wants views on division of diocese in two. 3839 Oct 29 Chilcoten massacre. 39 B6400640 Nov 1 Separation of offices of auditor and colonial secretary. 40Nov 16 Suspension of Holmes. (Confidential) 41 Nov 23 Approving reinstatement of Gaggin. 41 B64007Sep Nov 24 Governor also serves as Vice Admiral. 24 V645LN0442 Nov 25 Approving ordinance No. 14 regarding postal service. 4243 Nov 26 Acknowledging despatches regarding Rae's expedition. 43 B6400844 Nov 26 Despatch received. 44 B645AG0145 Nov 26 Despatch received. 45 B6422346 Nov 26 Despatch received. 46 B645AG0247 Nov 26 Despatch received. 47 B6400948 Nov 26 Despatch received. 48 B6422449 Dec 1 Arrival of Rae at New Westminster. 49 B645AG0350 Dec 1 Despatches regarding Kootenay gold fields received. 5051 Dec 1 Collins Overland Telegraph Company. 5152 Dec 1 Policy regarding Chilcoten Indians approved. 52 B6422553 Dec 1 Disapproval of governor's recommendation for white men to shoot Indians. 53 V6400654 Dec 5 Crown Agents to pay £20,000 bill. 54 V645AG0255 Dec 8 Proceedings against crew of Random approved. 55 B645AG0556 Dec 10 Seymour denied half salary while enroute to BC. 56 V64153Sep Dec 12 Governors relations with executive council. 12 B64002SP57 Dec 17 Necessary bonds executed by treasurer. 57 B645AG0658 Dec 19 Act applying £135,639 to service of 1864 approved. 5859 Dec 19 Despatch regarding BC estimates approved. 59 V6415460 Dec 29 Exclusive privileges to California State Telegraph Co. 60 B6400161 Dec 31 BC's account with crown agents. 61 B64225SP62 Dec 31 Despatch regarding map received. 62 V6400863 Dec 31 Customs duty allowed, no protest from VI. 63 B64226
British Columbia Despatches to London 1864
1 Jan. 9 2553 Construction of Cooks Ferry and Clinton road. 2553 B640012 Jan. 9 2554 Free grants of land to members of boundary commission. 2554 B64002Sep Jan. 9 2555 Receipt of Order of the Bath. 2555 B64002SP3 Jan. 12 2556 Financial returns for 1863. 2556 B640034 Jan. 30 2779 Disposition of £60 stolen from Nind. 2779 B640045 Feb. 2 2780 Opening of Legislative Council. 2780 B640056 Feb. 9 2920 Execution of William Armitage for murder. 2920 B640067 Feb. 9 2921 Execution of three Indians for murder. 2921 B640078 Feb. 10 2922 Opposition to payment of £10,704 on account of Royal Engineers camp. 2922 B640089 Feb. 29 4048 Forwarding five acts for confirmation. 4048 B6400910 Mar. 16 4382 Forwarding loan act 1864 for confirmation. 4382 B6401011 Mar. 21 4383 Crown Agents authorized to pay imperial government £10,704 for military buildings. 4383 B6401112 Mar. 31 5061 Acknowledging receipt of circular despatch. 5061 B6401213 Apr. 2 5062 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5062 B6401314 Apr. 4 5063 Forwarding three acts for confirmation. 5063 B64014Sep Apr. 5 5064 Application for passage allowance upon retirement. 5064 B64014SP15 Apr. 5 5495 Forwarding Blue Book for 1862. 5495 B6401516 Apr. 6 5065 Acknowledging receipt of despatch No. 62. 5065 B6401617 Apr. 6 5066 Financial returns for third quarter, 1863. 5066 B6401718 Apr. 8 5067 Gaggin complains of treatment at hands of governor. 5067 B6401819 Apr. 11 5069 Requisition for assay office. 5069 B64019Sep Apr. 11 5068 Comparative statement of customs revenue and general report on status of the colony. 5068 B64019SP20 Apr. 12 5070 Forwarding contratulatory address to Prince of Wales. 5070 B64020Sep Apr. 13 5071 Forwarding address to Newcastle commending the governorship of Douglas. 5071 B64020SPSep Apr. 22 5300 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5300 B64200SP1 Apr. 26 5301 Seymour's arrival in colony and assumption of office. 5301 B642012 Apr. 26 5302 Travelling expenses in HMS Forward. 5302 B642023 Apr. 26 5303 Questioning purchase of RE buildings. 5303 B642034 May 7 6036 Forwarding addresses of welcome. 75 May 7 6037 Forwarding act respecting naval and military settlers. 7Sep May 16 6951 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6951 B64205SP6 May 19 6958 Difficulty with appointment of Trutch as surveyor general. 6958 B642067 May 20 6959 Bute Inlet massacre. 6959 B642078 May 20 6960 Defenceless state of the colony. 6960 B642089 June 1 7592 Legislative Council prorogued, and reporting on events of past session. 7592 B6420910 June 2 7593 Forwarding act relating to registration of real property for confirmation. 7593 B6421011 June 3 7594 Forwarding act relating to interest rates. 7594 B6421112 June 3 7595 Forwarding act relating to patents. 7595 B6421213 June 4 7596 Forwarding act relating to mining joint stock companies. 7596 B64213Sep June 11 7597 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7597 B64213SP14 June 4 7938 Forwarding act relating to the postal service. 7938 B6421415 June 4 7939 Forwarding act relating to naval and military settlers. 7939 B6421516 June 6 7940 Forwarding act relating to amendment of customs duties. 7940 B6421617 June 6 7941 Forwarding act relating to regulation of inland navigation. 7941 B6421718 June 9 7942 Requisition for supplies. 7942 B6421819 June 10 7943 Information on death of Donald Munro. 7943 B64219Sep July 1 7944 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7944 B64219SPSep July 30 8763 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8763 B64219SQ20 Aug. 1 8764 Financial returns for fourth quarter, 1863, and first quarter, 1864. 8764 B6422021 Aug. 12 9448 Captain Holmes accepts colonial secretaryship of Honduras. 9448 B6422122 Aug. 30 9645 Absence from New Westminster has caused delay in reporting affairs of the colony. 9645 B6422223 Aug. 30 9646 Ker appointed acting auditor general. 9646 B6422324 Aug. 30 9647 Leave of absence granted to Trutch. 9647 B6422425 Aug. 30 9648 Steps taken for suppression of Indian insurrection. 9648 B64225Sep Aug. 31 9649 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9649 B64225SP26 June 7 10590 Forwarding local addresses of welcome. 10590 B6422627 June 8 10591 Forwarding address from inhabitants of Nanaimo. 10591 B6422728 Aug. 31 10592 Forwarding an act relating to the regulation of banks for confirmation. 10592 B6422829 Aug. 31 10593 Forwarding minutes of Legislative Council. 10593 B6422930 Aug. 31 10594 Forwarding address from the natives. 10594 B6423031 Sep. 5 10595 Prospective arrival of Dr. Rae acknowledged. 10595 B6423132 Sep. 5 10596 Explanations as to 1864 revenue. 10596 B6423233 Sep. 5 10597 Discussion of Gaggin's case. 10597 B6423334 Sep. 7 10598 Requisition for buoys and moorings. 10598 B6423435 Sep. 8 10599 Requisition for stores for lands and works. 10599 B6423536 Sep. 8 10600 Resignation of Admiralty appointments by colonial judicial officers. 10600 B6423637 Sep. 9 10601 Report on the Indian insurrection. 10601 B6423738 Sep. 9 10602 Forwarding local addresses of welcome. 10602 B6423839 Sep. 9 10603 Murder of Indian constable by men of sloop Random. 10603 B6423940 Sep. 19 10604 Draft of £20,000 on account of BC loan. 10604 B6424041 Sep. 10 10943 Discovery of gold in Kootenay region. 10943 B6424142 Sep. 10 10605 Correspondence with Admiral respecting naval requirements of the colony. 10605 B6424243 Sep. 12 10606 Instructions issued to treasurer for auditing of colonial accounts. 10606 B6424344 Sep. 13 10607 Arrival of Dr. Rae in the Cariboo. 10607 B64244Sep Sep. 16 10608 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10608 B64244SP45 Sep. 23 10944 Requisition for postage stamps. 10944 B6424546 Sep. 23 10945 Requisition for presents for native chiefs. 10945 B6424647 Sep. 23 10946 Status of land grants to HBC. 10946 B6424748 Sep. 24 10947 Arms left in colony by RE. 10947 B6424849 Sep. 24 10948 US proclamations against Indians. 10948 B6424950 Sep. 24 10949 Skinner and Company petition War Office for loss of contract. 10949 B6425051 Sep. 25 10950 Royal instructions governing executive council. 10950 B6425152 Sep. 26 10951 Claim against Moody. 10951 B6425253 Sep. 27 10952 Claim for half salary from date of embarcation. 10952 B6425354 Sep. 28 10953 Arrival of Dr. Rae in New Westminster. 10953 B6425455 Sep. 29 10954 Report on workings of assay department. 10954 B6425556 Oct. 4 10955 Relations with naval authorities. 10955 B6425657 Oct. 6 10956 Status of funds in colonial treasury. 10956 B6425758 Oct. 7 10957 Return of volunteers and end of native uprising. 10957 B6425859 Oct. 7 10558 Status of Kootenay gold fields. 1055860 Oct. 8 11639 Again questioning purchase of RE buildings. 11639 B6426061 Oct. 8 11640 Union of VI and BC. 11640 B6426162 Oct. 13 11641 Telegraphic communication to the colony. 11641 B6426263 Oct. 14 11642 Forwarding maps of the colony. 11642 B6426364 Oct. 15 11643 Explanation regarding excess of actual expenditure over estimates. 11643 B64264Sep Oct. 23 11644 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11644 B64264SPSep Oct. 15 11918 Begbie's response to charge of mining speculation. 11918 B64264SQSep Oct. 20 11919 Services rendered by Lieutenants Stewart and Cooper during Indian insurrection. 11919 B64264SR65 Nov. 1 1370 Statement of receipts and disbursements for RE. 1370 B6426566 Nov. 7 1371 Forwarding return of changes in public service. 1371 B6426667 Nov. 21 1372 Explaining discrepancy in accounts of RE. 1372 B6426768 Nov. 22 1373 Departure of Holmes for Honduras. 1373 B6426869 Nov. 23 1374 Execution of murderers involved in native insurrection. 1374 B6426970 Nov. 24 1375 Intended meeting of Legislative Council. 1375 B6427071 Nov. 25 1376 Report on Kootenay gold district. 1376 B6427172 Nov. 26 1377 Cox appointed police magistrate and assistant gold commissioner in Kootenay region. 1377 B6427273 Nov. 28 1378 Requisition for school books and maps. 1378 B6427374 Nov. 29 1379 Mathews requests employment in warmer climate. 1379 B6427475 Nov. 30 1380 Administration of government during absence of governor. 1380 B6427576 Dec. 1 1381 Financial returns for second quarter, 1864. 1381 B6427677 Dec. 2 1382 Report on Collins line of telegraph. 1382 B6427778 Dec. 3 1383 Conduct of executive council. 1383 B6427879 Dec. 20 1384 Meeting of executive council. 1384 B6427980 Dec. 30 2639 Leave of absence granted to Mathews, Registrar of Supreme Court. 2639 B64280
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1865
Admiralty 60 Jan. 2 Satisfactory state of affairs in Vancouver Island. 1689 Feb. 15 Colonel Foster's pier at Esquimalt. 1689 V655AD021691 Feb. 17 Conduct of Capt. Bazalgette at San Juan Island. 1691 V655AD033004 Mar. 29 Increase of forces for pacific squadron. 3004 V655AD045383 June 3 Approve Hankin retaining appointment as commissioner of police. 5383 V655AD058780 Sep. 8 Foster's pier at Esquimalt. 8780 V655AD069665 Oct. 5 Submission of Ahousett tribe of Indians. 9665 V655AD0711005 Nov. 11 Expense of bishop's entertainment on HMS Clio. 11005 V655AD0812391 Dec. 19 Governor's entertainment on HMS Devastation. 12391 V655AD09
Agent (Crown Agents)1629 Feb. 16 Bill for £1000 on account of £40,000 loan. 1629 V655AG01
Council (Privy Council)2355 Mar. 13 Approval of acts passed in June and July 1864. 2355 V655CO018094 Aug. 18 Approval of act no. 68. 8094 V655CO0212108 Dec. 12 Approval of acts numbered 109-107 and 120-124. 12108 V655CO03
Foreign Office10207 Oct. 19 Governor's proceedings regarding Shenandoah. 10207 V655FO0110208 Oct. 19 Law office report on case of Maria. 10208 V655FO02
Home Office5167 May 26 Regulations regarding convicts in England. 5167 V655HO01
Land (Emigration Office)2597 Mar. 16 Complaint of governor's public park inclosure. 2597 V655LN012626 Mar. 17 Information filed against HBC. 2626 V655LN022730 Mar. 20 HBC reconveyance of VI to crown. 2730 V655LN033034 Mar. 30 Lowenberg's land claim and title. 3034 V655LN043793 Apr. 20 Governor's public park inclosure. 3793 V655LN054406 May 10 Sale of lot Z to Lowenberg. 4406 V655LN066760 July 14 Land claims and sales. 6760 V655LN079734 Oct. 7 Approval of land proclamation act. 9734 V655LN0810410 Oct. 23 Land grant for Bishop of Columbia's residence. 10410 V655LN0910644 Oct. 31 G. Brown's application for lease of coal mine. 10644 V655LN1010645 Oct. 31 Sale of lot Z to Lowenberg. 10645 V655LN11
Law Office3287 Apr. 6 Governor's power to assent to legislative bills. 3287 V655LW017205 July 26 HBC land claims and sales. 7205 V655LW02
Miscellaneous1920 Feb. 23 Regulations of Metropolitan Police. 1920 V655MI012953 Mar. 25 Prevention of public park encroachment. 2953 V655MI023189 Apr. 1 Information on HBC land sales. 3189 V655MI033190 Apr. 1 Conduct of Finlayson and Dallas. 3190 V655MI044225 May 2 Sale of lot Z to Lowenberg. 4225 V655MI057445 Aug. 1 Account of HBC land sales. 7445 V655MI068644 Sep. 7 Wreck of postal conveyance ship. 8644 V655MI079648 Oct. 5 Absence of proper postal regulations. 9648 V655MI0810117 Oct. 16 Correspondence regarding sale of lot Z. 10117 V655MI09
Trade (Board of Trade) 156 Jan. 6 Lighthouse for Race Rocks and Fisgard Island. 4830 May 18 Supply of meteorological instruments. 4830 V655TA026296 July 5 Expenses of lighthouse construction. 6296 V655TA038257 Aug. 24 Supply of ruby shades for Fisgard lighthouse. 8257 V655TA048335 Aug. 28 Despatch of lighthouse stores on Severn. 8335 V655TA058977 Sep. 15 Bill of lading for stores shipped to VI. 8977 V655TA0611920 Dec. 8 Approval of harbour acts. 11920 V655TA07
Treasury11882 Dec. 6 Deficiency of proper postal regulations at VI. 11882 V655TE0112351 Dec. 18 Approval of harbour acts. 12351 V655TE02
War Office10655 Oct. 31 Oath of allegiance for volunteers. 10655 V655WA01
British Columbia Correspondence 1865
9137 Sep. 20 Churchill, J.D., representing Waddington in request for government assurance in completion of Bute Inlet road. 9137 B656C0112264 Dec. 15 -----, financing proposal to complete Bute Inlet road. 12264 B656C023468 Apr. 11 Cooper, John, requesting half salary during leave of absence. 3468 B656C034380 May 8 -----, requesting extension of leave. 4380 B656C045886 June 16 -----, claim against him as treasurer of BC hospital. 5886 B656C059761 Oct. 5 -----, requesting further extension of leave. 9761 B656C0610119 Oct. 16 Coppin, D., enquiry about death of brother-in-law. 10119 B656C0712360 Dec. 19 Edmiston & Son, claim against Franks. 12360 B656E017214 July 21 Holmes, Captain, seeking promotion and increased salary. 7214 B656H017619 Aug. 9 -----, accepting registrarship of supreme court. 7619 B656H028831 Sep. 11 -----, seeking compensation for expense of removal from Honduras. 8831 B656H0310121 Oct. 16 -----, announcing departure for BC. 10121 B656H047209 July 21 Mathew, G.B., acknowledgment of appointment as colonial secretary at Honduras. 7209 B656M01 129 Jan. 4 Moody, Colonel, claims against him as commissioner of lands and works. 1180 Feb. 6 Pollock, J., money due to late son. 1180 B656P0110653 Nov. 1 Seymour, Frederick, address from Municipal Council. 10653 B656S0110654 Nov. 1 -----, requesting half salary during leave of absence. 10654 B656S0210701 Nov. 2 -----, union with Vancouver Island. 10701 B656S0311415 Nov. 20 -----, apparent falling off in colonial revenue. 11415 B656S04 745 Jan. 24 Trutch, J., requesting extension of leave of absence. 1664 Feb. 17 -----, requesting reply to earlier application for extended leave. 16642270 Mar. 6 -----, books for lands and works department. 2270 B656T039118 Sep. 19 Wiber, J.O., six percent debentures. 9118 B656W01
British Columbia Public Offices 1865
Admiralty 1167 Feb. 7 Expense of Bishop's entertainment on Devastation.  1827 Feb. 21 Expense of Bishop's entertainment on Devastation.  7428 July 31 Despatch of Cameleon in pursuit of murderer.  7429 July 31 Defense of BC and VI.  7681 Aug. 10 Rules of practice in vice admiralty court.  8978 Sep. 14 Request for additional naval protection.  9601 Oct. 4 Stores supplied for Bentinck Arm expedition. 12310 Dec. 16 Death of Ogilvy's murderer. 12310 B655AD0812644 Dec. 29 Payment of stores for Bentinck Arm expedition. 12644 B655AD09
Agent (Crown Agents) 122 Jan. 4 Expense of canes and flags for Indian chiefs.  380 Jan. 13 Cost of supplying buoys, sinkers, and chains.  5046 May 24 Acceptance of bills for £29,000.  5048 May 24 Sale of loan debentures.  5305 May 31 Acceptance of bill for £1000.  7633 Aug. 11 Arrangements for deferring bills for £30,000.  9854 Oct. 10 Appointment of trustees for sinking fund. 11406 Nov. 20 Investment of sinking funds. 11406 B655AG0812089 Dec. 11 Investment of unrequired cash balance. 12089 B655AG09
Foreign Office 6239 July 1 Telegram authorizing governor's return to England.  7463 July 31 Telegram authorizing governor's return to England. 
Land (Emigration Office) 7589 Aug. 8 Consolidation of gold mining regulation ordinance.  9305 Sep. 23 Consolidation of land regulation ordinance. 
Law Office 6226 June 30 Boundaries of the colonies of VI and BC.  9598 Oct. 4 Consideration of BC marriage ordinance. 
Miscellaneous 3741 Apr. 19 Half-yearly statement of Bank of BC.  5465 June 6 Bank of BC charter and supplemental charter.  6022 June 13 Delay of governor's telegram as wires torn down by Indians.  7161 July 24 Payment of Joseph Cue's pension.  7177 July 25 Payment of Joseph Cue's pension.  8976 Sep. 15 Bank of BC charter and supplemental charter. 10471 Oct. 26 Half-yearly statement of Bank of BC. 10471 B655MI07
Trade (Board of Trade) 4233 May 2 Meteorological reports.  4831 May 18 Meteorological reports.  6280 July 3 Meteorological reports.  6765 July 14 Meteorological reports.  7453 Aug. 2 Amendment of ordinance of dues at New Westminster.  9111 Sep. 19 Meteorological reports.  9583 Oct. 3 Confirmation of ports of entry ordinance.  9893 Oct. 13 Confirmation of customs duties ordinance. 
Treasury 103 Jan. 3 Colonial accounts and custody of public monies.  382 Jan. 13 Confirmation of regulation of banks ordinance.  1474 Feb. 13 Claim for cost of constructing barracks for Royal Engineers.  3953 Apr. 25 Payment for subsistence of Royal Engineers.  5691 June 13 Ordinance granting supplement of £60,076 for BC.  6298 July 5 Proposed increase of assay department staff.  6917 July 18 Unauthorized expenditure in excess of estimates.  7240 July 28 Excess of advances paid to RE.  7386 July 29 Establishment of decimal system of accounts. 10202 Oct. 19 Confirmation of increase of governor's salary. 10202 B655TE0910443 Oct. 25 Claim for cost of constructing barracks for Royal Engineers. 10443 B655TE1010638 Oct. 31 Application of £225,946 for services of colony. 10638 B655TE1110639 Oct. 31 Confirmation of customs duties amendment ordinance. 10639 B655TE1210851 Nov. 8 Appointment of trustees to manage sinking funds. 10851 B655TE1310929 Nov. 11 Apparent falling off of BC revenue. 10929 B655TE1411866 Dec. 6 Investment of sinking fund for 1864 loan. 11866 B655TE1511923 Dec. 8 Liability of O'Reilly for stolen money. 11923 B655TE16
War Office 1697 Feb. 18 Request for reply to communication.  3953 Apr. 25 Colonial advances for Royal Engineers.  6758 July 14 Non-receipt of land grant by Sergeant McColl.  8497 Aug. 31 Payments for out-pensioners of Chelsea hospital. 
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1865
1 Jan. 2 1981 Dispute over illegal entrances to public park. 1981 V650012 Jan. 2 1982 Suit with HBC in respect of public lands. 1982 V650023 Jan. 2 1983 Division of diocese of BC into two parts. 1983 V650034 Jan. 5 1984 Application for supply of postage stamps. 1984 V650045 Jan. 23 2632 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2632 V650056 Jan. 23 2633 Explanation of drafts against road and harbour loan. 2633 V650067 Jan. 24 2634 Requisition for clothing and materials for police and gaol. 2634 V650078 Jan. 24 2635 Requisition for account books for treasury. 2635 V650089 Jan. 24 2636 Forwarding newspapers and Gazette for quarter ended 31 December 1864. 2636 V6500910 Feb. 2 2637 Sale of lot Z to L. Lowenberg. 2637 V6501011 Feb. 6 2638 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2638 V6501112 Mar. 7 4113 Sale of lot Z to Lowenberg. 4113 V6501213 Mar. 10 4114 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4114 V6501314 Mar. 21 4618 Resolutions of Assembly favouring union with BC. 4618 V6501415 Mar. 21 4619 Resolutions of Chamber of Commerce regarding union with BC. 4619 V6501516 Mar. 21 4620 Unification of VI and BC. 4620 V6501617 Mar. 21 4621 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4621 V6501718 Mar. 24 4622 Unification of VI and BC. 4622 V6501819 Mar. 24 5152 Salary of chief justice. 5152 V6501920 Apr. 4 5153 Correspondence with Seymour regarding Chamber of Commerce resolution. 5153 V6502021 Apr. 12 5154 Retention of Hankin as police superintendent. 5154 V6502122 Apr. 13 5155 Forwarding report of exploration during 1864. 5155 V6502223 Apr. 15 6183 Question of crown lands and civil list. 6183 V6502324 Apr. 25 6184 Death of President Lincoln. 6184 V6502425 Apr. 25 6185 Forwarding newspapers and Gazette for quarter ended 31 March 1865. 6185 V6502526 Apr. 26 6186 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6186 V6502627 May 4 6187 Resolutions of Assembly regarding civil list and crown lands. 4 V6504728 May 5 6389 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5 B6507329 May 13 6390 Bill for £3000 in favour of crown agents. 6390 V6502930 May 16 6391 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6391 V6503031 May 20 6392 Bills drawn on account of Royal Marines at San Juan Island. 6392 V6503132 May 25 6393 Requisition for ruby shades and other lighthouse stores. 6393 V6503233 May 25 6394 Fees for marriage licences. 6394 V6503334 June 3 7323 Returning completed interrogatories on prisons. 7323 V6503435 June 3 7324 Petition advocating opening of Bute Inlet route. 7324 V6503536 June 7 7325 Regulation of the postal service. 7325 V6503637 June 10 7326 Bills drawn on account of Royal Marines at San Juan Island. 7326 V6503738 June 15 7327 Irregularities in administration of estates and intestates. 7327 V6503839 June 15 7328 Absconding of W. Culverwell, official assignee. 7328 V6503940 June 24 8221 Colonel Foster's pier in Esquimalt harbour. 8221 V6504041 June 24 8222 Act repealing exclusive privilege to California State Telegraph Company. 8222 V6504142 June 24 8223 Forwarding maps of country around Esquimalt harbour. 8223 V6504243 June 26 8224 Supreme Court irregularities regarding probate and G. Williams, late registrar. 8224 V6504344 June 26 8225 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8225 V6504445 June 27 8401 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8401 V6504546 July 1 8402 W.A.G. Young resumes office of colonial secretary. 8402 V6504647 July 1 8403 Appointment of Wakeford as private secretary and auditor. 8403 V6504748 July 1 8404 Colonial vessel for defence against Indian or other aggressions. 8404 V6504849 July 4 8405 State of Indians on west coast of VI. 8405 V6504950 July 4 8406 Salaries of governor, colonial secretary, and Royal Marines liable to taxation. 8406 V6505051 July 4 8407 Forwarding act respecting chief justice's salary. 8407 V6505152 July 4 8408 Requisition for minute book for Supreme Court. 8408 V6505253 July 4 8409 Forwarding newspapers and Gazette for quarter ended 30 June 1865. 8409 V6505354 July 8 8703 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8703 V6505455 July 17 8704 Error in Cameron's commission as judge of vice admiralty court. 8704 V6505556 July 17 8705 Absconding of Maria to Washington Territory without papers. 8705 V6505657 July 18 9074 Estimates of revenue and expenditure for 1865. 9074 V6505758 July 18 9075 Dissolution of House of Assembly. 9075 V6505859 July 18 9076 Application of marriage licence fees. 9076 V6505960 July 18 9077 Salary of attorney general. 9077 V6506061 July 19 9078 Proclamation regulating the sale of crown lands. 9078 V6506162 Aug. 1 9615 Leave granted to Alston, registrar general. 9615 V6506263 Aug. 1 9616 George Pearkes appointed acting registrar. 9616 V6506364 Aug. 8 9617 Deed relative to bishop's residence. 9617 V6506465 Aug. 15 9618 Oath to be taken by volunteer force. 9618 V6506566 Aug. 16 9619 Depredations of war vessel Shenandoah. 9619 V6506667 Aug. 17 9620 Wreck of American steamer Brother Jonathan. 9620 V6506768 Aug. 17 9621 Discovery of gold on Bear River, Clayoquot Sound. 9621 V6506869 Aug. 19 9622 Mails lost in Brother Jonathan. 9622 V6506970 Aug. 20 9813 Receipt and expenditure of crown fund for past years, and estimates of same for 1865. 9813 V6507071 Aug. 23 9814 Repayment of BC's share of cost of maintaining lighthouses. 9814 V6507172 Aug. 23 9815 Reimbursement by BC for conveyance of mails between San Francisco and New Westminster. 9815 V6507273 Aug. 24 9816 Forwarding Blue Book for 1864. 9816 V6507374 Aug. 25 9817 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9817 V6507475 Aug. 26 10242 Disposal of crown lands and application by G.H. Wilson Brown to work coal seams in the colony. 10242 V6507576 Aug. 26 10243 Forwarding minutes of Executive Council and Legislative Council for six months ended 31 December 1864. 10243 V6507677 Sep. 3 10244 Map of country around Esquimalt harbour. 10244 V6507778 Sep. 5 10245 Postal communication between VI and Panama. 10245 V6507879 Sep. 7 10246 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10246 V65079Sep. 7 10250 Union of BC and VI. (Private) 10250 V65079PR80 Sep. 20 10734 Forwarding two acts passed in House of Assembly. 10734 V6508081 Sep. 22 10735 Rate of taxation in the colony. 10735 V6508182 Sep. 25 10736 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10736 V6508283 Oct. 9 11484 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11484 V6508384 Oct. 9 11485 Visit to northeast coast of VI and cost of entertainment on board Devastation. 11485 V6508485 Oct. 9 11486 Report of Capt. Torrens' exploration of Nootka Sound. 11486 V6508586 Oct. 18 11290 Resolution of Chamber of Commerce favouring reciprocity with US. 11290 V6508687 Oct. 19 12291 Information regarding whereabouts of C.O. Haining. 12291 V6508788 Oct. 24 12292 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 12292 V6508889 Oct. 25 105 Forwarding newspapers and Gazette for quarter ended 30 September 1865. 89 B6509290 Nov. 10 106 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 90 B6508391 Nov. 10 107 Bill on account of troops at San Juan Island. 91 B6511292 Dec. 1 854 Petition praying for continuance of free port policy. 92 B65013SP93 Dec. 5 855 Murder of crew of schooner Royal Charlie in Russian territory. 93 B65113SP94 Dec. 5 856 Opening new session of legislature. 94 B6501495 Dec. 5 857 Forwarding minutes of Executive Council, Legislative Council, and Assembly for six months ended 30 June 1865. 95 B6511596 Dec. 5 858 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 96 B6511697 Dec. 16 1450 Resolution of Assembly relative to union of VI and BC. 1450 V6509798 Dec. 16 1451 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1451 V65098Dec. 16 1629 Debate respecting Franchise Act. (Confidential) 1629 V65098CO99 Dec. 18 2169 Memorial promoting reciprocity with the US. 2169 V65099
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1865
1 Jan 2 Appointment of chief justice. 12 Jan 7 Appointment of attorney general. 2 V6570023 Jan 10 Stores for lighthouses forwarded to VI. 3 B655AD014 Jan 24 Henry Wakeford's leave of absence from Western Australia. 4 V650475 Feb 7 Maps and plans of Esquimalt Harbour area. 5 B650736 Feb 8 Kennedy's visit to BC. 6 B655AD027 Feb 17 Resignation of Horace Smith. 7 B65001SP8 Feb 23 Expenses on account of VI road and harbour loan. 89 Feb 24 Execution of Indian murderers. 9 B6500210 Feb 25 Extension of W.A.G. Young's leave. 1011 Feb 27 Pier built by Col. Foster in Esquimalt Harbour. 11 B6500312 Feb 27 Guidance of police force in VI. 12 B6507413 Mar 1 Personnel changes in the surveyor's office. 13Sep Feb 18 Vice-admiralty court in British Honduras and VI. 18 B655AD0514 Mar 6 Appointment of Philip Hankin as superintendent of police. 14 B6500415 Mar 6 Act to build railway from Nanaimo to Harewood coal fields. 1516 Mar 7 Suspension of gold commissioner and appointment of replacement. 16 V655AD0317 Mar 14 Pardon granted to How-a-Matcha. 1718 Mar 16 Approval of acts numbered 8, 9, 10, and 13. 18 B655AD0519 Mar. 21 Steps taken regarding park in Victoria. 19 B6500520 Apr 11 Employment of vessel for protection of BC and VI. 20 V6500221 Apr 17 Approval of act providing for salary of chief justice. 21 B6500122 Apr 17 Refusal of HBC to provide information to VI. 22 B6507223 Apr 22 Raise afforded to Young. 23 B655AD0124 Apr 26 Protection of park in Victoria. 24 V65700525 May 4 Construction of telegraph line from Europe to North America. 25 V65027n.d. - Copy of private letter to Governor Seymour. (Private) 26 May 23 Stores for lighthouses shipped to VI. 26 B6500627 May 29 Telegraphic communication between Newfoundland and BC. 27 V655AD0128 June 1 Prison discipline at VI. 28 B655AD0729 June 8 Permission for Hankin to stay on as superintendent of police. 29 B65006SP30 June 9 Permanent provision for successor to chief justice. 30 V657011June 9 Governor's assent to act providing chief justice's salary. (Confidential) 31 June 29 Joseph Needham appointed chief justice of VI. 31 B65006SQ32 July 8 Bill in favour of the crown agents. 32 V65701333 July 8 Expenses on account of lighthouses. 33 B655AD0934 July 22 Fees for marriage licenses. 3435 July 22 Salary advance made to chief justice. 35 V65701436 Aug 2 Salary of chief justice. 36 B69105T237 Aug 11 Petition for the completion of Bute Inlet route. 37 V6504938 Aug 11 Whereabouts of Mrs. Jarman's son. 38 B655AG0139 Aug 14 Recommendations regarding crown lands. 39 V65701940 Aug 18 Problems within the probate court. 40 B65077Aug 19 Misconduct of chief justice. (Confidential) 41 Aug 22 Misconduct of William Culverwell. 41 B6500742 Aug 23 Approval of act #68. 42 V65702243 Aug 28 Ruby shades dispatched to VI for lighthouses. 43 V65702344 Sep 5 Fees for marriage licenses. 44 V655AD0845 Sep 8 Resignation of Wakeford from Western Australia. 45 V65702546 Sep 9 Superintendent of police's visit to Indian tribes. 46 V65702647 Sep 14 Colonel Foster's pier in Esquimalt Harbour. 47 V65702848 Sep 19 Request from BC for naval protection. 48 B655AG0349 Sep 23 Taxation of salaries. 49 V655AD0950 Sep 25 Misconduct of Thomas G. Williams. 50 V65703151 Sep 25 Assembly declines attorney general's salary. 51 B6500852 Sep 25 Kennedy's speech proroguing the legislature. 52 V6505053 Sep 25 Fees for marriage licenses. 53 V6500354 Oct 7 Buttle's exploration of west coast of VI 54 V655AG0155 Oct 7 Appointment of acting registrar general. 55 B6507856 Oct 7 Loss of mails in Brother Jonathan. 56 B6500957 Oct 11 Postal regulations in VI. 57 V6505158 Oct 12 Wreck of the Brother Jonathan. 58 B655AG0659 Oct 12 Financial state of VI, especially regarding lighthouses. 59Sep Oct 12 Payment of salaries. 12 B65074Sep Oct 16 Warrant appointing Wakeford auditor of VI. 16 V655AD0360 Oct 17 1862 land proclamation and operation of BC Land Ordinance, 1865. 60 B6500161 Oct 19 Receipt of blue book. 61 V6505262 Oct. 25 Detention of Shenandoah. 62 V6500763 Oct. 26 Actions of the Maria. 63 V655CO0364 Nov. 1 Minutes of Executive Council, Legislative Council, and Assembly. 64 B65009SP65 Nov. 3 Brown's application for lease of coal mine. 65 B6507966 Nov. 7 Alteration of oath of allegiance. 66 V6500867 Nov. 14 Statement of taxes and dues levied in VI. 67 B6501068 Nov. 17 Bishop of BC's residence in VI. 68 V657041- Dec. 1 Manner of taking the verdict of a jury in civil cases. - Dec. 1 Amendments to income tax act. - Dec. 15 Approval of fourteen acts. - Dec. 29 Negotiations with California State Telegraph Company. - Dec. 22 Captain Torrens' expedition to Nootka Sound. - Dec. 23 Expenses incurred for governor's entertainment on Devastation. - Dec. 30 Establishment of postal system. 
British Columbia Despatches from London 1865
1 Jan 6 Management of financial affairs satisfactory. 12 Jan 10 Charges regarding Begbie and speculation. 2 B6570023 Jan 18 Reimburse Moody for Lempriere's wages. 3 B655AD014 Jan 18 Cost of buoys at entrance of the Fraser. 4 V650475 Feb 2 Alterations to act for regulating banks. 5 B650736 Feb 18 Trutch's leave extended, sale of suspension bridge. 6 B655AD027 Feb 24 Cost of buildings erected by RE's. 7 B65001SP8 Feb 24 Passage paid for Bishop of BC. 89 Feb 24 Despatch regarding overland telegraph received. 9 B6500210 Feb 24 Approving execution of two Chilcotin chiefs from Bute Inlet massacre. 1011 Feb 25 Approving appointment of Cox. 11 B65003Sep Feb 25 Will not change instructions allowing senior members of executive council to act in place of governor. 25 B655FO0112 Feb 27 Birch's report on Kootenay gold fields. 12 B6507413 Mar 3 Legislative Council cannot be dissolved. 1314 Mar 14 Inquiring into fate of Captain Venables of New Westminster. 14 B6500415 Mar 23 Approving six months leave for Cooper. 1516 Mar 27 Approving leave for Matthews. 16 V655AD0317 Apr 11 In VI book p. 40 1718 Apr 27 Election of Moberly to Legislative Council accepted but not confirmed. 18 B655AD0519 May 4 Copies from ambassador to Russia regarding telegraph line. 19 B6500520 May 11 Extending Cooper's leave another six months. 20 V6500221 May 12 Acknowledging receipt of first telegram. 21 B6504922 May 19 Despatch containing O'Reilly's report received. 22 B6507223 May 19 Despatch received. 23 B655AD0124 May 19 Despatch containing Ogilvy report received. 24 V65700525 May 23 Approving appointment of Ker as auditor general. 25 B655FO0126 May 23 Kootenay mining laws received. 26 B6500627 May 29 Musgrave says Halifax best Atlantic terminus for telegraph. 27 V655AD01Sep May 30 Explanation regarding Holmes' appointment not satisfactory. 30 V65701128 June 1 Financial affairs. 28 B655AD0729 June 1 Financial affairs. 29 B65006SP30 June 1 BC must pay for buildings used by RE's. 30 V65701131 June 12 Copies of charter of banks of BC. 31 B65006SQ32 June 12 Requesting views on division of diocese of BC. 32 V65701333 June 16 Regarding request for supplemental supply of £60,076. 33 B655AD0934 June 26 Agreeing to postpone appointment of Cox to Kootenay. 3435 July 1 Despatch regarding overland telegraph received. 35 V65701436 July 1 Leave of absence granted for six months. 36 B69105T2July 1 Leave of absence may be extended. (Private) 37 July 3 Standing orders of Legislative Council approved. 37 V65049Sep July 6 Warrant for appointment of Ker as auditor general. 6 B655AD0238 July 6 Requesting again report on arms left by RE's. 38 B655AG0139 July 8 Staff increase in assay department. 39 V65701940 July 13 Death of resident of Londerberg. 40 B6507741 July 13 Salary of Cooper stopped. 41 B6500742 July 19 Approving action regarding Indian constable murdered at Metlakhatla. 42 V65702243 July 19 Indian chief who had murdered his wife. 43 V65702344 July 20 Claim of Sergeant McColl for land grant. 44 V655AD0845 July 21 Despatch received. 45 V65702546 July 22 BC must pay costs of Chilcotin expedition. 46 V65702647 July 22 Improvement of hospitals and asylums. 47 V65702848 July 24 Explanation wanted for deficit of 1863. 48 B655AG0349 July 28 Approving legislation for telegraph line. 49 V655AD0950 July 28 All islands off west coast belong to VI. 50 V65703151 Aug 2 Approving legislation. 51 B6500852 Aug 2 Pay advanced of £2,937 for RE's repaid to crown agent. 52 V6505053 Aug 3 Advice regarding trustees relief act. 53 V6500354 Aug 4 Decimal system approved. 54 V655AG0155 Aug 11 Requesting report on desirability of road from Bute Inlet. 55 V657038Sep Aug 18 Offering Holmes registrar of supreme court vacated by Matthews. 18 B655AD0556 Aug 18 Approving legislation, suggestions regarding governor's powers. 56 B65009Sep Aug 19 Charges on Begbie's commission as judge of vice admiralty court. 19 B6500557 Aug 28 Rules of practice in vice admiralty court. 57 V6505158 Aug 29 Despatch regarding attack on Nanaimo Packet received. 58 B655AG0659 Aug 30 Approving dropping of inland navigation act. 5960 Sep 1 Chilcotin massacre. 60 B6500161 Sep 1 Despatch regarding Queen's birthday received. 61 V6505262 Sep 3 Despatch regarding St. Mary's Indian school received. 62 V6500763 Sep 3 Despatch regarding murder of Ogilvy received. 63 V655CO0364 Sep 9 Payment of pensions regarding despatch No. 32 of 23 March. 64 B65009SP65 Sep 9 Difficulty of financing BC loans. 65 B6507966 Sep 11 Despatch regarding governor's salary received. 66 V6500867 Sep 11 Despatch containing map of routes to Kootenay received. 67 B6501068 Sep 14 Despatch containing 1864 Blue Book received. 68 V65704169 Sep 16 Execution of Chilcotin murderers. 69 V6505470 Sep 20 Naval protection for the colony. 70 B655AG07Sep 20 Naval protection for the colony. (Confidential) 71 Sep 23 Waddington's petition for compensation for losses. 71 V6505572 Sep 27 Approving ordinances 66, 67, and 70. 72 B6501173 Sep 27 Approving ordinances 17, 18, and 22. 73 B6508074 Sep 29 Approving ordinance 28 regarding construction of overland telegraph. 74 B6501275 Sep 30 Financial affairs, procedures, and requesting more information. 75 V65704876 Oct 2 Legislation limiting foreign suits and actions disallowed. 76Sep Oct 7 Clarifying dissolution of Legislative Council. 7 B65001SP77 Oct 7 Payment of £39 owing Admiralty regarding Bentinck Arm expedition. 77 V6505678 Oct 7 Ordinance regulating acquisition of land approved. 78 B655AG0879 Oct 7 Ordinance 27 approved, in future limit leases to seven years. 79 V65705380 Oct 10 Ordinance creating ports of entry approved. 80 V65705481 Oct 12 Requesting further advice regarding marriage ordinance. 81 B655AG0982 Oct 19 Appointment of Holmes as registrar general of supreme court. 82 V655TA0583 Oct 19 Inquiry into death of man named Daniels. 83 B6508184 Oct 20 Ordinance increasing governor's salary by £1000 approved. 84 V655TA0785 Oct 31 Payment of £10,704 demanded for buildings erected for RE's. 85 B65013Oct 31 Correspondence from Kennedy regarding claims for lighthouses at Race Rocks and Fisgard Island. (Private) Nov 9 Address from New Westminster Municipal Council received. (Private) 86 Nov 10 Despatch regarding temporary replacement of Seymour received. 86 B655FO0287 Nov 10 Approving temporary appointment of Ball as acting colonial secretary. 8788 Nov 11 Refusal of Newton's claim for land included in Indian reserve. 88 B6508289 Nov 11 Ordinance amending customs duties returned for amendment. 89 B6509290 Nov 11 Cooper's claim for office equivalent to collector of customs. 90 B6508391 Nov 16 Clarification sought regarding sinking fund. 91 B6511292 Nov 17 Passage afforded to Archdeacon Gillis and Mrs. Hills. 92 B65013SP93 Nov 15 Explanation sought for low revenues. 93 B65113SPDec 12 Correspondence with Kennedy regarding mail service. (Private) 94 Dec 16 Reimbursement of O'Reilly of £586 that was stolen. 94 B65014Dec 22 Concessions and extension of terms for Waddington. (Private) 95 Dec 30 Claim of Edmiston and Son against Franks. 95 B65115
British Columbia Despatches to London 1865
1 Jan. 18 2640 Leave of absence granted to John Cooper. 2640 B65001
Sep Jan. 26 3691 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3691 B65001SP2 Jan. 27 2641 Commission of Douglas as vice admiral returned. 2641 B650023 Jan. 28 3692 W. Moberly appointed member of Legislative Council. 3692 B650034 Jan. 30 3693 Return of changes in public service. 3693 B650045 Jan. 31 3694 O'Reilly appointed gold commissioner at Kootenay. 3694 B650056 Feb. 1 3695 Return of meteorological observations. 3695 B65006Sep Feb. 1 2642 Copies of Government Gazette and local newspapers. 2642 B65006SPSep Feb. 2 2643 Alleged intemperate habits of Captain Holmes. 2643 B65006SQ7 Feb. 2 4581 Supplemental supply ordinance for 1864. 4581 B650078 Feb. 4 4582 Opening of legislative session. 4582 B650089 Feb. 4 4583 Boundaries of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. 4583 B65009Sep Feb. 15 4596 Requesting charter of Bank of BC. 4596 B65009SP10 Feb. 25 4584 Indian insurrection at North Bentinck Arm. 4584 B6501011 Feb. 27 4585 Minutes of Legislative Council. 4585 B6501112 Feb. 28 4586 Report of O'Reilly on conditions in Cariboo East. 4586 B6501213 Mar. 1 4587 Returns for assay department, 1864. 4587 B65013Sep Mar. 1 4597 Copies of Government Gazette and local newspapers. 4597 B65013SP14 Mar. 2 4588 Ker appointed auditor general. 4588 B6501415 Mar. 3 4589 Laws in force at Kootenay diggings. 4589 B6501516 Mar. 4 4590 Financial returns for fourth quarter, 1864. 4590 B6501617 Mar. 6 4591 Ordinances and proclamations for Inns of Court. 4591 B6501718 Mar. 6 4592 Explanation respecting estimates for 1864. 4592 B6501819 Mar. 7 4593 Return of meteorological observations. 4593 B6501920 Mar. 8 4594 Financial returns for third quarter, 1864. 4594 B6502021 Mar. 9 4595 Requisition for stores for assay department. 4595 B65021Sep Mar. 15 4598 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4598 B65021SP22 Mar. 16 5186 Withhold half salary of John Cooper, absent on leave. 5186 B65022
23 Mar. 11 5187 Resolution of Legislative Council respecting buildings erected for Royal Engineers. 5187 B6502324 Mar. 13 6169 Resolution of Legislative Council respecting naval protection. 6169 B65024Mar. 14 6170 Defenceless state of the colony. (Confidential) 6170 B65024CO25 Mar. 15 6171 Standing orders of Legislative Council. 6171 B6502526 Mar. 16 6172 Extension of Steam Traction Engine Ordinance. 6172 B6502627 Mar. 17 6173 Ordinance to amend the Law of Evidence. 6173 B6502728 Mar. 18 6174 Customs Ordinance amendment. 6174 B65028Sep Mar. 20 4672 Alleged intemperate habits of Captain Holmes. 4672 B65028SP29 Mar. 20 6175 Petition of BC miners requesting amendment of customs act. 617530 Mar. 21 6176 Commenting on resolutions of Victoria Chamber of Commerce on subject of union. 6176 B6503031 Mar. 22 6177 Blue Books for 1863. 6177 B6503132 Mar. 23 6178 Claim against imperial government for pensions. 6178 B6503233 Mar. 24 6179 Returns of hospitals and lunatic asylums. 6179 B65033Sep Mar. 29 5188 Agitation in VI to promote union. 5188 B65033SP34 Apr. 1 6180 Return of meteorological observations. 6180 B65034Tel Apr. 18 4263 Telegram reporting state of affairs. 4263 B65034T35 Apr. 25 6181 Telegraph communication to San Francisco complete. 6181 B65035Sep Apr. 25 6183 Copies of Government Gazette and local newspapers. 6183 B65035SP36 Apr. 29 6182 Question of union of BC and VI. 6182 B6503637 May 1 6395 Response to circular regarding prison discipline. 138 May 2 6396 Proposal to divide diocese of BC. 2 B65701939 May 3 6397 Imperial aid requested to defray costs of Chilcotin expedition. 3 B655AD0140 May 4 6398 Murder of Indian constable at Metlakahtla. 4 V6504741 May 5 6399 Rules of practice for Vice Admiralty Court. 5 B6507342 May 6 6400 Report of attorney general on customs ordinance. 6 B655AD0243 May 8 6401 Murder of Indian woman by her husband. 844 May 8 6402 Close of legislative session. 845 May 9 6403 Report of attorney general on law of evidence ordinance. 9 B6500246 May 9 6404 Trustees relief ordinance. 9 B6500247 May 10 6405 £30,000 drawn on account of 1864 loan. 6405 B6504748 May 11 6406 Return of meteorological observations. 6406 B6504849 May 12 6407 Telegraph construction ordinance. 6407 B6504950 May 13 6408 Lytton toll bridge ordinance. 6408 B6505051 May 13 6409 Telegraph amendment ordinance. 6409 B6505152 May 15 6410 Ordinance to amend port dues. 6410 B6505253 May 16 6411 Supply Ordinance for 1865. 6411 B6505354 May 15 6412 Ordinance to Establish a decimal system. 6412 B6505455 May 17 6413 Ordinance governing municipalities. 6413 B6505556 May 18 6414 Ordinance to amend excise laws. 6414 B65056Sep May 18 6415 Appointment of members to Legislative Council. 6415 B65056SP57 May 19 6416 Ordinance for imposing duty on gold. 6416 B6505758 May 20 6417 Ordinance to amend and consolidate gold mining laws. 6417 B6505859 May 20 6418 Ordinance for regulation of harbours. 6418 B6505960 May 20 6419 Ordinance prohibiting sale of liquor to Indians. 6419 B6506061 May 22 8226 Visit to native school at St. Mary's, Fraser River. 8226 B6506162 May 22 6420 Report on Kootenay district. 6420 B6506263 May 22 6421 Report on Cariboo district. 6421 B6506364 May 23 8227 Ordinance to prohibit unseasonal destruction of game. 8227 B6506465 May 24 8228 Ordinance exempting certain articles from road and ferry tolls. 8228 B6506566 May 25 8229 Ordinance to prevent violation of Indian graves. 8229 B6506667 May 26 8230 Ordinance to amend laws of bankruptcy. 8230 B6506768 May 27 8231 Ordinance respecting marriage. 8231 B6506869 May 29 8232 Ordinance to regulate fees taken in supreme court of civil justice. 8232 B6506970 May 30 8233 Ordinance respecting arrest and imprisonment for debt. 8233 B6507071 May 31 8234 Ordinance respecting salary of governor. 8234 B6507172 June 1 8235 Ordinance for creation of ports of entry. 8235 B6507273 June 1 8236 Ordinance limiting foreign suits and actions. 8236 B6507374 June 2 8617 Ordinance to regulate acquisition of land. 8617 B6507475 June 2 8237 Ordinance to aid overland telegraph. 8237 B6507576 June 2 8238 Financial returns for the fourth quarter, 1864. 8238 B6507677 June 3 8239 Murder of Ogilvy, Collector of Customs, Bella Coola. 8239 B6507778 June 5 8240 Plunder of schooner Nanaimo Packet. 8240 B6507879 June 6 8241 Need for gunboat employed on coastal service. 8241 B6507980 June 7 8242 Celebration of Queen's birthday. 8242 B6508081 June 8 8243 Capture of Chilcotin murderers. 8243 B6508182 June 9 8244 Withdrawal of ordinance for regulation of banks. 8244 B6508283 June 9 8245 Disappearance of Captain Venables. 8245 B6508384 June 10 8246 Withdrawal of ordinance regulating inland navigation. 8246 B6508485 June 12 8247 Return of meteorological observations. 8247 B65085June 12 8250 Dissolution of Legislative Council. (Confidential) 8250 B65085CO86 June 21 8618 Financial returns for first quarter, 1865. 8618 B6508687 June 24 8619 Blue Books for 1864. 8619 B6508788 June 26 8620 Payment for RE buildings at New Westminster. 8620 B6508889 June 30 8621 Appointment of Trutch as surveyor general. 8621 B6508990 July 5 8622 Return of meteorological observations. 8622 B6509091 July 7 8623 Memorial of Waddington requesting government assistance. 8623 B6509192 July 13 89 Minutes of Executive Council. 89 B6509293 July 19 8624 Execution of Ahan, Chilcotin Chief, for murder. 8624 B6509394 July 22 8625 Repayment of salary by governor. 8625 B6509495 July 22 8626 Map of country between New Westminster and Kootenay. 8626 B65095Sep July 22 8627 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8627 B65095SP96 Aug. 16 10456 Return of survey of colonial treasury. 10456 B6509697 Aug. 16 10457 Wreck of steam ship Brother Jonathan. 10457 B6509798 Aug. 17 10458 Transmission of patterns by post. 10458 B6509899 Aug. 18 10459 Regulations governing postage of books. 10459 B65099100 Aug. 23 10460 Petition of James Cooper, Harbour Master, for salary increase. 10460 B65100
101 Aug. 24 10461 Colonial Naval Defence Act. 10461 B65101102 Aug. 26 10462 Despatches lost in the Brother Jonathan. 10462 B65102Sep Aug. 26 10463 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10463 B65102SPSep Aug. 26 10464 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10464 B65102SQ103 Aug. 28 90 Return of vessels wrecked on the coast in 1864. 90 B65103104 Sep. 9 10726 Assumption of government by Birch. 10726 B65104105 Sep. 9 10727 Minutes of Executive Council. 10727 B65105106 Sep. 11 10728 Ball appointed acting colonial secretary. 10728 B65106107 Sep. 12 10729 Petition of Newton regarding land dispute. 10729 B65107108 Sep. 14 10730 Report of auditor general on accounts of 1864. 10730 B65108109 Sep. 15 10731 Information on Supplementary Supply Ordinance. 10731 B65109110 Sep. 15 10732 Certificate relating to Seymour's salary. 10732 B65110111 Sep. 16 10733 O'Reilly requests write-off of stolen money. 10733 B65111112 Sep. 25 91 Expenditure of assay department. 91 B65112113 Oct. 2 92 Grant of land to McColl. 92 B65113Sep Oct. 10 93 Application for authority to draw half salary. 93 B65113SP114 Oct. 10 94 Explanation of 1863 revenue and expenditure. 94 B65114115 Oct. 11 95 Petition for completion of Bute Inlet trail. 95 B65115116 Oct. 12 96 Oaths taken in the colony. 96 B65116117 Oct. 14 97 Financial returns for fourth quarter, 1865. 97 B65117118 Oct. 16 98 Requisition for colza oil for light ship. 98 B65118119 Oct. 30 99 Cue requests transfer of pension to Ireland. 99 B65119120 Oct. 31 100 Return of changes in public service. 100 B65120Sep Nov. 3 101 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 101 B65120SP121 Nov. 12 1192 Fate of Antoine, murderer of Ogilvy. 1192 B65121122 Nov. 18 1193 Disposal of arms left by RE. 1193 B65122123 Nov. 20 1194 Indian school at St. Mary's. 1194 B65123124 Nov. 27 1195 Final statement of military expenditures. 1195 B65124Sep Dec. 1 1196 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1196 B65124SP125 Dec. 16 2173 Enclosing omitted documents in despatch No. 53. 2173 B65125126 Dec. 18 2174 Return of meteorological observations. 2174 B65126127 Dec. 19 2175 Begbie's commission as judge of vice admiralty court. 2175 B65127128 Dec. 28 2176 Claim for compensation by Clarke and Skinner. 2176 B65128Sep Dec. 28 2177 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2177 B65128SP
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1865
10236 Oct. 20 Alston, E.G., reporting his arrival on leave. 10236 V656A0111421 Nov. 21 -----, requesting payment of half salary. 11421 V656A0211212 Nov. 15 Burder and Dinning, regarding Bishop of Columbia's deed to occupy church land as residence. 11212 V656B018499 Sep. 1 Butler, S., enquiring into means of remitting money safely to son. 8499 V656B0211915 Dec. 8 Clark, Son and Rawlins, requesting information on act amending Law of Partnership. 11915 V656C013907 Apr. 24 Goodlake, E.W., regarding appointment of chief justice. 3907 V656G017246 July 28 Jarman, H., enquiring into whereabouts of her son. 7246 V656J01 371 Jan. 12 Macfie, M., acknowledging receipt of information relating to VI.  371 Jan. 14 Moody, R.C., defences at Esquimalt harbour.  464 Jan. 13 -----, maps of Victoria and VI. 6960 July 17 Needham, J., requesting advance of salary to meet expenses of voyage. 6960 V656N015724 May 26 Roope, R., regarding vacant appointment of chief justice. 5724 V656R011099 Feb. 4 Young, W.A.G., requesting three month extension of leave. 1099 V656Y011681 Feb. 17 -----, requesting seven weeks extension of leave. 1681 V656Y021904 Feb. 23 -----, stating intention to report at colonial office. 1904 V656Y031963 Feb. 27 -----, expressing thanks for extension of leave. 1963 V656Y043629 Apr. 17 -----, requesting increase in payment of half salary. 3629 V656Y05
British Columbia Correspondence 1866
2951 Mar. 24 Baring, J.C., claim of Roberts against Crease. 2951 B666B01 157 Dec. 11 Bennison, R.S., railroad link to Canada. 7047 July 19 Butler, Thos., enquiry into whereabouts of George Stephen Bulter. 7047 B666B03 128 Jan. 5 Carr, E., requesting release of Gosset's bond. 1178 Feb. 1 -----, acknowledging receipt of bond. 1178 B666C02 185 Jan. 6 Churchill, J.D., Bute Inlet road.  788 Jan. 19 -----, acknowledging refusal of land grants. 5021 May 19 -----, proposal to construct heavy wagon road. 5021 B666C055111 May 22 -----, proposal to construct heavy wagon road. 5111 B666C065183 May 25 -----, road from Bute Inlet to interior. 5183 B666C079342 Sep. 26 Cooper, J., requesting reinstatement of half salary. 9342 B666C089450 Oct. 1 -----, forwarding letter to Seymour. 9450 B666C099693 Oct. 10 -----, forwarding letter to Seymour. 9693 B666C109832 Oct. 15 -----, forwarding letter to Seymour. 9832 B666C119896 Oct. 18 -----, requesting extended leave of absence. 9896 B666C1210600 Nov. 8 -----, requesting extended leave of absence. 10600 B666C1311359 Nov. 27 -----, forwarding pamphlet. 11359 B666C1411360 Nov. 30 -----, forwarding letter to Seymour. 11360 B666C1511889 Dec. 15 -----, forwarding packet to Seymour. 11889 B666C169357 n.d. - Daly, M., enquiry regarding James Daly. 9357 B666D019846 Oct. 16 -----, enquiry regarding James Daly. 9846 B666D026237 July 26 de Moleyne, M., whereabouts of Seymour. 6237 B666D031783 Dec. 29 Denman, J., testimony in favour of Philip Hankin. 1783 B666D048258 Aug. 25 Janion, R.C., asking when British Columbian Act to be in operation. 8258 B666J012945 Mar. 24 Johnstone, J.B., claim on Captain Ball. 2945 B666J02* Feb. 20 [illegible], E., application for employment. 9330 Sep. 26 Moody, R.C., testimony in favour of Cooper. 9330 B666M01* Dec. 5 -----, past and present condition of Colony. 11167 Nov. 15 Morgan, W., privileges to military settlers. 11167 B666M02* Feb. 1 Robertson, G.S., privileges to military settlers.  577 Jan. 13 Seymour, Frederick, Waddington's road scheme. 1914 Feb. 17 -----, Union of BC and VI. 1914 B666S022997 Mar. 17 -----, claim for payment of salary. 2997 B666S034018 Apr. 28 -----, claim for payment of salary. 40184118 Apr. 28 -----, claim of Clarke & Skinner for compensation. 4118 B666S054200 Apr. 28 -----, public works expenditures. 4200 B666S064201 Apr. 28 -----, agreeing to meeting with Edmund Head. 4201 B666S074439 May 8 -----, payment of half salary. 4439 B666S084440 May 8 -----, introduction of spirits amongst Indians. 4440 B666S095033 May 19 -----, extension of leave of absence for Commeline. 5033 B666S105184 May 29 -----, road from Bute Inlet to interior. 5184 B666S116127 June 25 -----, Ker not to be made a director in Colonial Securities Co. 6127 B666S128011 Aug. 16 -----, requesting passage allowance. 8011 B666S138012 Aug. 16 -----, Commenting on gold export duty ordinance. 8012 B666S148013 Aug. 17 -----, Withhold report on Williams Creek Bed Rock Flume Company. 8013 B666S158458 Aug. 28 -----, requesting supplies for government house. 8458 B666S168912 Sep. 14 -----, cost of passage to colony. 8912 B666S178933 Sep. 14 -----, Supporting county courts ordinance. 8933 B666S18
British Columbia Despatches to London 1866
1 Jan. 8 3015 Return of meteorological observations. 3015 B660012 Jan. 15 3016 Light ship at entrance to Fraser River. 3016 B660023 Jan. 16 3017 Pay of acting colonial secretary. 3017 B660034 Jan. 19 3018 Vacancy filled in Legislative Council. 3018 B660045 Jan. 24 3019 Speech opening session of Legislative Council. 3019 B660056 Jan. 25 3020 Appointment of members to Legislative Council. 3020 B660067 Jan. 26 3021 Ordinance to confirm certain ordinances. 3021 B660078 Feb. 1 3022 Ordinance in Aid of Trustees Relief Act. 3022 B660089 Feb. 1 3023 Ordinance relating to Western Union Telegraph Company. 3023 B6600910 Feb. 9 3024 Map showing routes to mining districts. 3024 B6601011 Feb. 12 3758 Survey of funds in treasury. 3758 B6601112 Feb. 12 3759 Return of changes in public service. 3759 B66012Sep Mar. 1 3760 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3760 B66012SP13 Mar. 1 4646 Division of diocese. 4646 B6601314 Mar. 2 4647 Explorations in the colony during 1865. 4647 B6601415 Mar. 3 4648 Waddington's application for assistance to complete Bute Inlet road. 4648 B6601516 Mar. 3 4649 Petition for union of colonies. 4649 B6601617 Mar. 3 4650 Delay in altering customs ordinance. 4650 B6601718 Mar. 12 4651 Leave of absence granted to H.T. Commeline, Deputy Postmaster. 4651 B6601819 Mar. 12 4652 Discovery of gold mines at Big Bend. 4652 B6601920 Mar. 13 4653 Explanation of decline in revenue of collectors. 4653 B6602021 Mar. 17 4654 Ordinance for investment of sinking fund. 4654 B6602122 Mar. 20 4655 Agreeing to temporary investment of colonial funds held by Crown Agents. 4655 B6602223 Mar. 16 4656 Ordinance relating to joint stock companies. 4656 B6602324 Mar. 21 4657 Balance in hand of revenue collector at end of year. 4657 B6602425 Mar. 22 4658 Financial returns for third quarter, 1865. 4658 B6602526 Apr. 7 5771 Permission for Ker to act as director of securities company. 5771 B6602627 Apr. 7 5772 Ordinance regulating real estate of intestates. 5772 B6602728 Apr. 3 5773 Ordinance for supply of year 1866. 5773 B6602829 Apr. 3 5774 Ordinance to consolidate licencing laws. 5774 B6602930 Apr. 2 5775 Ordinance relating to Williams Creek Bed Rock Flume Company. 5775 B6603031 Apr. 2 5776 Ordinance granting supplemental supply 1864-1865. 5776 B6603132 Apr. 17 5777 Ordinance for conversion to decimal currency. 5777 B6603233 Apr. 10 5778 Speech closing session of Legislative Council. 5778 B6603334 Apr. 3 5779 Ordinance regulating ferries and bridges. 5779 B6603435 Apr. 2 5780 Ordinance repealing gold export duty. 5780 B6603536 Apr. 21 6769 Ordinance relating to acquisition of land. 6769 B6603637 Apr. 25 5781 Continue insurance of stores sent by Crown Agents. 5781 B6603738 Apr. 2 5782 O'Reilly's report on Kootenay district in 1865. 5782 B6603839 Apr. 25 5783 Begbie's report on jurisdiction of supreme courts in BC and VI. 5783 B6603940 Apr. 25 5784 Loss of mail on board Labouchere. 5784 B6604041 Apr. 28 5785 Petition against union of the two colonies. 5785 B6604142 Apr. 28 6770 Minutes of Executive Council. 6770 B6604243 Apr. 28 6771 Further report on marriage ordinance 1865. 6771 B66043Sep June 1 6772 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6772 B66043SP44 June 1 7793 Ordinance for regulation of pilotage. 7793 B6604445 June 1 7794 Return of survey of colonial funds. 7794 B6604546 June 21 7795 Journals of Legislative Council. 7795 B6604647 June 21 7796 Ordinance for regulation of county courts. 7796 B6604748 June 21 7797 Ordinance defining jurisdiction of county courts. 7797 B6604849 June 25 7798 Postage rates on letters to England. 7798 B66049Sep June 25 7799 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7799 B66049SP50 July 9 8284 Reporting on financial condition of colony. 8284 B6605051 July 9 8285 Memorial requesting military protection. 8285 B6605152 July 10 8286 Report on Cariboo and Columbia districts. 8286 B6605253 July 12 8287 Cause of delay in forwarding Blue Book for 1865. 8287 B6605354 July 13 8288 Formation of volunteer artillery corps. 8288 B6605455 July 14 8289 Return of changes in public service. 8289 B6605556 July 14 8290 Reduction of civil list. 8290 B6605657 July 26 10624 Minutes of Executive Council. 10624 B6605758 July 26 10625 Report on colonial coal fields. 10625 B6605859 Sep. 27 10626 Reporting return from expedition to interior. 10626 B6605960 Sep. 27 10627 Financial returns for fourth quarter, 1865. 10627 B66060Sep Sep. 27 10629 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10629 B66060SP61 Sep. 29 10628 Dispute over Cooper's handling of hospital accounts. 10628 B6606162 Oct. 6 12129 Imperial military stores in colony. 12129 B6606263 Oct. 8 12130 Response to complaint of Hudson's Bay Company. 12130 B6606364 Oct. 10 12131 Explanation of difference in supply ordinances. 12131 B6606465 Oct. 12 12132 Claim of Clark and Skinner for compensation. 12132 B6606566 Oct. 15 12133 Return of changes in public service. 12133 B6606667 Oct. 25 12134 Address of library committee to the Queen. 12134 B6606768 Oct. 25 12135 Progress of St. Mary's Indian school. 12135 B6606869 Oct. 26 12136 Progress of telegraph construction in the colony. 12136 B6606970 Oct. 31 417 Elwyn's report relating to progress of telegraph construction. 417 B6607071 Oct. 31 418 Survey of funds in treasury. 418 B6607172 Oct. 31 1978 Blue Book for 1865. 1978 B660721 Nov. 20 419 Arrival of Seymour in the colony. 419 B662012 Nov. 21 420 Proclamation of union of the two colonies. 420 B662023 Dec. 20 1329 Claim of Needham, late Chief Justice, for fees. 1329 B66203Sep Dec. 21 1330 Hankin loses office due to unification. 1330 B66203SPTel Feb. 6 1386 Acknowledging receipt of correspondence. 1386Tel Feb. 12 1537 Acknowledging receipt of correspondence. 15374 Dec. 21 1929 Receipt of despatch on union of colonies. 1929 B662045 Dec. 21 1930 Communication from Victoria Chamber of Commerce. 1930 B662056 Dec. 21 1931 Contact name for enquiries regarding missing people. 1931 B662067 Dec. 21 1932 Application for patent publications. 1932 B662078 Dec. 21 1933 Application of marriage licence fees to charity. 1933 B662089 Dec. 21 1934 Return respecting diocese of BC. 1934 B6620910 Dec. 28 1935 Return of amount owing from imperial government on account of pensions. 1935 B6621011 Dec. 29 1936 Thanks for allowance of travelling expenses. 1936 B66211
Vancouver Island Public Offices 1866-67
Admiralty 774 Jan. 19 Naval protection for settlers on northern Pacific. 3199 Mar. 31 Proceedings of Capt. Turnover at Fort Rupert. 3199 V665AD023976 Apr. 23 Extension of leave granted for Hankin. 3976 V665AD034221 Apr. 30 Proceedings against Indians. 4221 V665AD046009 June 18 Governor's entertainment on Sparrowhawk. 6009 V665AD059848 Oct. 16 Defense and colonization of Vancouver Island. 9848 V665AD0610314 Oct. 29 Admiral Denman's visit to Nanaimo and Comox. 10314 V665AD0710500 Nov. 5 Entertainment of Kennedy and Hankin on Scout. 10500 V665AD0810903 Nov. 14 Entertainment of Kennedy and Hankin on Scout. 10903 V665AD0911967 Dec. 18 Colonization and defense of VI. 11967 V665AD10
Agent (Crown Agents)1278 Feb. 6 Investment of road and harbour sinking fund. 1278 V665AG01
Council (Privy Council) 124 Jan. 3 Operation of acts numbered 118 and 119. 9073 Sep. 21 Draft for annulling Kennedy's union commission. 9073 V665CO021550 Feb. 14 Order confirming acts 125-129 and 131-135. 1550 V665CO03
Foreign Office4949 May 19 Legalization of Pemberton's signature. 4949 V665FO019055 Sep. 20 Celebration of American independence. 9055 V665FO0212117 Dec. 21 Proceedings of US consul regarding independence. 12117
Land (Emigration Office)1167 Feb. 2 Amended draft for HBC reconveyance to Crown. 1167 V665LN013747 Apr. 14 Amended draft for HBC reconveyance to Crown. 3747 V665LN024004 Apr. 24 Copy of reconveyance forwarded to HBC. 4004 V665LN0311971 Dec. 18 Acknowledging receipt of report on draft conveyance.  11971 V665LN04 922 Jan. 27 HBC refund for parkland sold in error. 2039 Feb. 28 Draft reconveyance. 2039 V665LN062933 Mar. 22 Draft reconveyance. 2933 V665LN073926 Apr. 18 Draft reconveyance. 3926 V665LN084279 Apr. 27 Expense of engrossing deed of reconveyance. 4279 V665LN09
Law Office2296 Mar. 8 Draft reconveyance of VI from HBC to Crown. 2296 V665LW01
Miscellaneous2597 Mar. 16 Response to request for Patent Office publications. 2597 V665MI013910 Apr. 19 Execution of indenture of 1862. 3910 V665MI024434 Apr. 24 Telegram reporting loss of Labouchere. 4434 V665MI037160 July 26 Loss of mail on board the Labouchere. 7160 V665MI049493 Aug. 15 Forwarding resolutions of House of Assembly. 9493 V665MI0511115 Nov. 20 Returning enclosures on sale of liquor to Indians. 11115 V665MI06
Trade (Board of Trade)8445 Aug. 29 Moderator lamps for Fisgard Lighthouse. 8445 V665TA018593 Sep. 3 Enquiry into loss of Labouchere. 8593 V665TA02 710 Jan. 21 Approval of act no. 11 of 1866.  933 Jan. 29 Expense of lighthouse stores. 
Treasury 246 Jan. 9 Pay of Royal Marines at San Juan Island. 2132 Mar. 3 Investment of VI sinking fund. 2132 V665TE0211181 Nov. 23 Expense of annulling Kennedy's commission. 11181 V665TE0312066 Dec. 20 Payment of passage allowance to Kennedy. 12066 V665TE0412227 Dec. 27 Revenue from fines, fees, and forfeitures. 12227 V665TE05 137 Jan. 1 Bill for £1500 for troops at San Juan Island. 
War Office11134 Nov. 21 Defense of VI. 11134 V665WA01
British Columbia Public Offices 1866
Admiralty 1300 Feb. 7 Compensation for loss of Waddington's scow.  1715 Feb. 16 Claim for Volunteer Fire Department stores.  2664 Mar. 16 Claim for Bentinck Arm expedition. 12277 Dec. 18 Naval proceedings against coastal Indians. 12277 B665AD04
Agent (Crown Agents) 585 Jan. 15 Investment of two sinking fund loans.  3640 Apr. 12 Requesting authority to accept colonial bills.  4808 May 15 Payment of sinking fund interest and loans.  6240 June 27 Payment of sinking fund interest and loans.  9847 Oct. 16 Arrangments for meeting liabilities. 12205 Dec. 26 Upcoming liabilities on account of the colony. 12205 B665AG06
Land (Emigration Office) 7241 July 28 Acquisition of land ordinance.  7242 July 28 Petition of Royal Engineers respecting land grants. 
Law Office 7187 July 27 Marriage ordinance. 
Miscellaneous 3817 Apr. 17 HBC sale of liquor to Indians.  4449 May 8 Bank of British Columbia liabilities.  6900 July 17 Unequal exaction of duties. 10463 Nov. 3 Half yearly statement of the Bank of BC. 10463 B665MI0412157 Dec. 22 Unequal exaction of duties. 12157 B665MI05
Trade (Board of Trade) 2323 Mar. 10 Meteorological observations.  5353 June 1 Joint Stock Company ordinance. 10520 Nov. 6 Pilotage ordinance. 10520 B665TA03
Treasury 26 Jan. 1 Deposit of £15,000 in Joint Stock Bank.  911 Jan. 25 Release of bonds for Gosset.  979 Jan. 29 Control of assay department.  1890 Feb. 22 Control of assay department.  2987 Mar. 27 Control of assay department.  3899 Apr. 19 Financial condition, 1864.  4014 Apr. 25 Expenditure compared with revenue.  5308 May 31 Claim for expenses of Royal Engineers.  5434 June 4 Investment of sinking fund ordinance.  6015 June 20 Customs ordinance.  6449 July 6 Payment of sinking fund interest and loans.  6450 July 6 Approval of supplementary supply ordinance.  6564 July 10 Financial condition of the colony.  9703 Oct. 12 Passage allowance for Seymour. 10353 Oct. 30 Payment of sinking fund interest and loans. 10353 B665TE1412150 Dec. 22 Claims for expenses of RE. 12150 B665TE15
War Office 1679 Feb. 15 Disposal of arms left by RE.  1890 Feb. 22 Gratuities for twelve men.  4022 Apr. 25 Compensation for loss of supply contract.  6491 July 9 Petition of RE respecting land grants. 10419 Nov. 1 Guns required for local artillery. 10419 B665WA05
Vancouver Island Despatches to London 1866
1 Jan. 8 2170 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2170 V660012 Jan. 9 2171 Resolution favouring reciprocity with US. 2171 V660023 Jan. 9 2172 No action yet taken on crown lands question. 2172 V66003Jan. 13 3003 Newspaper clippings on debate over Franchise Act. (Confidential) 30034 Jan. 23 3025 Financial state of the colony. 3025 V660045 Jan. 23 3026 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3026 V66005Jan. 24 3034 Observations by Assembly on financial state of colony. (Confidential) 3034 V66005CO6 Jan. 25 3027 Sentencing of an Indian for murder. 3027 V660067 Jan. 30 3028 Financial state of the colony. 3028 V660078 Jan. 30 3029 Forwarding Government Gazette and newspapers for quarter ended 31 December 1865. 3029 V660089 Feb. 8 3030 Financial condition of the colony. 3030 V6600910 Feb. 13 3246 Financial condition of the colony. 3246 V6601011 Feb. 15 3762 Hankin's application for extension of leave from navy to retain position in colony. 3762 V6601112 Feb. 20 3763 Practice of insuring stores shipped for colonial governments. 3763 V6601213 Feb. 27 3764 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3764 V6601314 Mar. 1 3765 Financial condition of the colony. 3765 V6601415 Mar. 3 3766 Forwarding resolution relative to seat of government. 3766 V6601516 Mar. 4 4662 Forwarding petition of J. Dickson, M.D. 4662 V6601617 Mar. 6 4663 Resolution relative to removal of Dickson as coroner. 4663 V6601718 Mar. 6 4664 Directions relative to carrying fines, fees, and forfeitures to crown revenue account. 4664 V6601819 Mar. 7 4665 Forwarding minutes of Executive Council for half year ended 31 December 1865. 4665 V66019Mar. 7 4781 Suspension of Henry Wootton, postmaster. (Confidential) 4781 V66019CO20 Mar. 10 4666 Forwarding letter from Watson, treasurer, complaining of salary reduction. 4666 V6602021 Mar. 10 4667 Application of Pearse to be confirmed as surveyor general. 4667 V6602122 Mar. 10 4668 Refusal of Assembly to vote salaries for private secretary and auditor. 4668 V66022Mar. 23 4782 Debate over bill to incorporate city of Victoria. (Confidential) 4782 V66022CO23 Mar. 26 4669 No action yet taken on crown lands question. 4669 V6602324 Mar. 26 4670 Financial condition of the colony. 4670 V6602425 Mar. 26 4671 Requisition for lamps for lighthouse. 4671 V6602526 Apr. 2 5412 Forwarding Government Gazette and newspapers for quarter ended 31 March 1866. 5412 V6602627 Apr. 14 5413 Reporting visit to New Westminster. 5413 V6602728 Apr. 16 5414 Financial condition of the colony. 5414 V6602829 Apr. 17 5415 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5415 V6602930 Apr. 17 5416 Loss of mail steamer Labouchere. 5416 V6603031 May 2 5768 Laying of telegraph cable between Vancouver Island and Washington Territory. 2 B667023A32 May 12 6398 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6398 V6603233 May 12 6399 Refusal of Assembly to establish volunteer force. 6399 V6603334 May 17 6400 Inquiry into loss of mail steamer Labouchere. 6400 V6603435 June 1 6751 Proceedings of Capt. Turnour against Indians at Fort Rupert. 6751 V6603536 June 1 6752 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6752 V6603637 June 2 6753 Report on loss of the Labouchere. 6753 V6603738 June 2 6754 Information respecting effects of John Curry, a police officer, deceased. 6754 V6603839 June 2 6755 Return of E.G. Alston, registrar general. 6755 V6603940 June 4 7601 Regularity of inquiry into loss of the Labouchere. 7601 V6604041 June 4 7602 Reporting no Fenian disturbances. 7602 V6604142 June 13 7603 Defences of the colony in view of possible Fenian raid. 7603 V6604243 June 16 7604 Memorial from Assembly for disallowance of BC customs ordinance. 7604 V6604344 June 22 7605 Resolutions of legislature relative to union with BC. 7605 V66044Tel June 20 6614 Telegram of Assembly forwarding resolutions relative to terms of union. 6614 V66044TTel June 24 6612 Telegram advising report on Assembly's resolutions would be forwarded by next mail. 6612 V66044T245 June 26 7606 Financial condition of the colony. 7606 V6604546 June 26 7607 Memorial of Legilative Council for disallowance of BC customs ordinance. 7607 V6604647 June 26 7608 Reporting telegram forwarded. 7608 V6604748 June 26 7609 Memorial of Assembly on condition of the colony. 7609 V6604849 June 26 7610 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7610 V66049July 5 8277 Reporting unfavourable conduct of US consul on July 4. (Confidential) 8277 V66049CO50 July 12 8305 Financial condition of the colony. 8305 V6605051 July 13 8306 Return of oaths required to be taken. 8306 V6605152 July 14 8307 Financial condition of the colony. 8307 V6605253 July 14 8308 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8308 V6605354 Aug. 2 8972 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8972 V6605455 Aug. 3 8976 Forwarding Blue Book for 1865. 8976 V6605556 Aug. 3 8963 Property of the late John Curry. 8963 V6605657 Aug. 4 8964 Irregularities in the probate court. 8964 V6605758 Aug. 6 8965 Cost of improvement of Victoria harbour. 8965 V6605859 Aug. 6 8966 Accounts for marines on San Juan Island for 1865 and first six months of 1866. 8966 V6605960 Aug. 8 9582 Financial condition of the colony and Assembly's resolution expressing want of confidence in governor. 9582 V6606061 Aug. 8 9583 Financial condition of the colony and Aassembly's resolutions condemning proceedings of governor. 9583 V6606162 Aug. 17 9584 Financial condition of the colony. 9584 V6606263 Aug. 20 9585 Forwarding minutes of Executive Council for half year ended 30 June 1866. 9585 V6606364 Aug. 21 9586 Reporting tour around the island. 9586 V6606465 Aug. 27 9587 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9587 V66065Sep Aug. 8 10160 Forwarding copy of letter from a colonist on the union of the colonies. 10160 V66065SP66 Aug. 31 10224 Forwarding further resolutions from Assembly relative to union with BC. 10224 V6606667 Sep. 3 10225 Reporting on unsatisfactory laws and state of affairs with respect to selling liquor to Indians. 10225 V6606768 Sep. 3 10226 Rejection by Assembly of bill to admit Indian evidence. 10226 V6606869 Sep. 3 10227 Refusal of Assembly to pass supplemental votes for 1865. 10227 V6606970 Sep. 3 10228 Proclamations proroguing and dissolving Assembly. 10228 V6607071 Sep. 4 10229 Rejection of postal bill by Assembly. 10229 V6607172 Sep. 4 10230 Claim against BC on account of lighthouses and conveyance of mail. 10230 V6607273 Sep. 8 10231 Financial condition of the colony and failure to vote 1866 supply bill. 10231 V6607374 Sep. 11 10232 Probable state of finances at close of 1866. 10232 V6607475 Sep. 14 10176 Acknowledging announcement of appointment of Lord Carnarvon as Secretary of State. 10176 V6607576 Sep. 14 10177 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10177 V6607675a Sep. 28 10630 Explanation relative to payment of fines, fees, and forfeitures into crown revenue. 10630 V66076Y76a Sep. 28 10631 Forwarding acts 29 and 30 for consideration. 10631 V66076Z77 Oct. 1 10632 Acknowledging receipt of Act of Parliament for union of VI and BC. 10632 V6607778 Oct. 1 10633 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10633 V6607879 Oct. 1 10634 Forwarding Government Gazette and newspapers for six months ended 30 September 1866. 10634 V6607980 Oct. 3 10635 Enclosing complete set of VI acts since 1859. 10635 V6608081 Oct. 20 11379 Re-conveyance of VI to the crown by the Hudson's Bay Company. 11379 V6608182 Oct. 20 11380 Reporting relinquishment of government. 11380 V6608283 Oct. 20 11381 Verification of Pemberton's signature. 11381 V6608384 Oct. 20 11832 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1183285 Oct. 24 12125 Assumption of government by W.A.G. Young. 12125 V6608586 Nov. 6 12126 Bill drawn for £1,500 on account of Royal Marines on San Juan Island. 12126 V6608687 Nov. 7 12127 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 12127 V6608788 Nov. 10 12128 Forwarding vouchers of expenditure on account of marines at San Juan Island. 12128 V6608889 Nov. 19 415 Forwarding minutes of Executive Council from 1 July 1866 to 19 November 1866. 8990 Nov. 19 416 Advising British Columbia Act, 1866 had been published and proclaimed. 90 B665MI01
Vancouver Island Despatches from London 1866-67
1 Jan 11 Order in Council approving acts 118 and 119. 12 Jan 12 Receipt of three colonial newspapers. 2 B6670033 Jan 12 Payment of bill for Royal Marines at San Juan. 3 B665AD014 Jan 16 Instructions on L. Lowenburg's case. 4 V660025 Jan 31 Attack on schooner Royal Charlie by Russian Indians. 5 B660026 Feb 1 Petition from merchants, traders, and residents of VI. 6 V665AD027 Feb 16 Kennedy's opening address to the legislature. 78 Mar 14 Memorial from Chamber of Commerce regarding reciprocity. 8 V660509 Mar 16 Inclusion of VI in reciprocity treaty. 9 V6600310 Mar 16 Investment of VI sinking fund in securities. 10 V665AD03Mar 16 Receipt of newspapers containing articles on debates. (Confidential) 11 Mar 26 Fate of the works of the Mechanics Institute. 11 B665AD0212 Apr 6 Proceedings of HMS Clio against Fort Rupert Indians. 12 V665AD0413 Apr 6 Request for information on effects of the late John Currie. 1314 Apr 6 Communication of sentence of Indian "Dick." 14 B6600315 Apr 21 Future seat of government of BC and VI. 15 B6605116 Apr 26 Settlement of land question with the HBC. 1617 Apr 26 Settlement of land question with the HBC. 1718 Apr 27 Extension of leave for Philip J. Hankin. 18May 10 Changes in legislature brought about by union of BC and VI. (Confidential) 19 May 21 Inability to confirm B.W. Pearse's appointment. 19 B6600420 May 23 Reduction of Alexander Watson's salary. 20May 25 Suspension of Henry Wootton. (Confidential) 21 May 29 Signatures needed on document. 21 B6600522 June 1 Removal of Dr. Dickson from office of coroner. 2223 June 1 Consumption of alcohol by Indians. 2324 June 7 Loss of steamer Labouchere. 24 B6600125 June 20 Newspaper reports on House of Assembly. 25 B6605026 June 21 Successful completion of telegraph line. 26 B6600627 June 25 Use of payments on account of fines, fees, and forfeitures. 27 B666S0928 June 27 Entertainment of governor on board Sparrowhawk. 28 V660011 July 16 Telegram concerning union of BC and VI. 12 July 31 Proceedings of Clio against Indians. 2 B6671043 Aug 13 Changes to government caused by union of BC and VI. 3 B665AD014 Aug 18 Peace of colony. 4 V660025 Aug 18 Possibility of Fenian raid. 5 B660026 Aug 21 Financial position of VI. 6 V665AD027 Aug 22 Changes to BC customs ordinance. 78 Aug 22 Disallowance of BC customs ordinance. 8 V660509 Sep 3 Bill of lading for lighthouse supplies. 9 V6600310 Sep 12 Bill authorizing loan of $90,000. 10 V665AD0311 Sep 12 Inquiry into loss of mails on Labouchere. 11 V66711112 Sep 29 Returns of accounts of probate court. 12 V665AD0413 Sep 29 Improvement of Victoria Harbour. 1314 Oct 25 Resolutions of the House of Assembly. 14 B6600315 Oct 31 Constitution of VI with respect to union of BC and VI. 15 B6605116 Nov 3 Proclamations proroguing Legislature and dissolving Assembly. 1617 Nov 10 Adjustment of BC and VI's respective liabilities. 1718 Nov 14 Receipt of acts from VI. 1819 Nov 16 Expences of entertainment of governor on board Scout. 19 B6600420 Nov 16 Refusal of Assembly to cover expenditures of 1865. 2021 Nov 16 Disposal of crown revenue. 21 B6600522 Nov 16 Letter from Douglas respecting BC customs amendment ordinance. 2223 Nov 16 Amendment to Indian Evidence Act. 2324 Nov 16 Union with BC. 24 B6600125 Dec 14 Grant of mineral lands to Messrs. Stewart Mildrum and Co. 25 B660501 Jan 1 Estate of late John Curry. 1 B677117Jan 1 Conduct of United States consul on July 4. (Confidential) 2 Jan 2 Departure of Kennedy for England. 2 V6677023 Jan 3 Payment of bill for the service of the colony. 3 B670134 Jan 8 Revenue from fees, fines, and forfeitures. 4 B6771215 Jan 10 Letter from Douglas respecting free port system in Victoria. 5 B677117
British Columbia Despatches from London 1866
1 Jan 2 BC to pay Admiralty £69 for Bentinck Arm expedition 1864. 12 Jan 10 Investment of funds by crown agents. 2 B6670023 Jan 12 Despatch containing minutes of executive council received. 3 B665AD014 Jan 16 Birch to receive half governor's salary only. 4 V660025 Jan 16 Waddington's petition rejected, moderate extension offered. 5 B660026 Jan 31 Investment of sinking funds on two loans. 6 V665AD027 Feb 16 Assay office to be under superintendent, not treasurer. 78 Feb 20 Military stores left by royal engineers. 8 V660509 Feb 20 Bill for provisions supplied to volunteers by Forward. 9 V6600310 Feb 28 List of RE's entitled to gratuity. 10 V665AD0311 Mar 1 Compensation to Waddington up to local government. 11 B665AD0212 Mar 12 Claim of Clarke and Skinner following withdrawal of RE's. 12 V665AD0413 Mar 29 J.B. Johnstone's claim against Ball. 1314 Mar 29 Robert's claim again Crease. 14 B66003Sep Mar 31 Charges on Begbie's commission regarding vice admiralty court. 3115 Apr 6 Despatch received. 15 B6605116 Apr 10 Ordinance regarding trustees relief act approved. 1617 Apr 10 Ordinance incorporating western (union) telegraph company approved. 1718 Apr 12 Ball's request for half salary plus full salary as stipendiary magistrate. 1819 Apr 14 Ordinance confirming certain ordinances approved. 19 B6600420 Apr 18 Crown agents have paid £69 regarding Bentinck Arm. 2021 Apr 20 Approving appointments to legislative council. 21 B6600522 Apr 30 Approving ordinance regarding finances. 2223 Apr 30 Concern regarding financial policies and colonial debt. 23Sep May 1 Enclosing letter from Seymour on financial affairs of BC. 124 May 1 Claim of Clarke and Skinner for termination of contract to supply RE's. 24 B6600125 May 10 Deposit of Seymour's salary. 25 B6605026 May 16 Approving leave for Commeline. 26 B6600627 May 17 Crown agents authorised to accept 2 bills for £5,000 each. 27 B666S0928 May 19 Despatch regarding Okanagan exploration received. 28 V6600129 May 24 Despatch regarding Big Bend gold fields received. 29 V66049CO30 May 30 Commeline's leave extended six months. 30 V665AD0131 May 31 Treatment of Waddington judged satisfactory. 3132 June 7 BC's claim of £9,051 for payment of RE's. 3233 June 14 Approving ordinance regarding joint stock companies and investment of sinking funds. 33 B6600734 June 22 Copies made of mail lost on board Labouchere. 3435 June 23 Begbie on jurisdiction of supreme courts after union. 3536 June 28 Address closing session of legislature received. 36 B6605337 June 28 Approving ordinances 7, 8, and 9. 37 B665AG0138 June 28 Ker may not be director of colonial securities company. 38 B660081 July 16 Ordinance regarding customs duties rejected again. 12 July 28 Sending book of speeches and addresses by privy council. 2 B6671023 July 30 HBC complaint of discriminatory duties from VI. 3 B665AD014 July 31 Approving ordinances regarding finances. 4 V660025 Aug 15 Approving ordinance regarding marriage. 5 B660026 Aug 16 Approving ordinance regarding acquisition of land. 6 V665AD027 Aug 20 Despatch with journals of legislative council received. 78 Aug 30 Ordinance repealing duty on gold approved. 8 V660509 Aug 31 Approving stoppage of salary for treasury officials. 9 V6600310 Sep 4 Petition for imperial forces denied. 10 V665AD0311 Oct 1 Advice requested regarding Trutch's appointment as surveyor general. 11 B665AD0212 Oct 1 Information of people residing in BC. 12 V665AD0413 Oct 11 Ordinances regarding court procedure approved. 1314 Oct 16 Seymour allowed £400 for return passage to BC. 14 B6600315 Oct 26 Initial conditions of Birch's appointment. 15 B6605116 Oct 26 Cooper's request to be immigration agent denied. 16Sep Oct 30 Revoking Kennedy's commission as governor of VI. 30 V665CO0217 Oct 30 Extraordinary bank draft from Birch accepted. 1718 Nov 8 Approval of ordinance regulating pilotage. 1819 Nov 14 VI's claims regarding lighthouses must be settled. 19 B6600420 Nov 15 Despatch regarding Birch's visit to Caribou and Columbia received. 2021 Nov 15 Equipment and ammunition for BC volunteers. 21 B6600522 Nov 15 Letter from Douglas regarding customs duties ordinance. 2223 Nov 16 Sale of liquor to Indians in Peace River. 2324 Nov 16 HBC discourages sale of liquor to Indians. 24 B66001
Vancouver Island Correspondence 1866-67
1930 Feb. 24 Alston, E.G., requesting patent office publications for Victoria Mechanics Institute. 1930 B6620511660 Dec. 7 Barfield, Samuel, development of mineral rights on Koskemo Sound. 11660 V666B018600 Aug. 30 Cooper, M.A., requesting information on affairs of deceased person at Victoria. 8600 V666C013768 n.d. - Dickson, J., protesting removal from office of coroner. 3768 V666D014780 Mar. 26 -----, removal from office of coroner. 4780 V666D0210178 Sep. 14 Douglas, James, depressed state of trade and general distress in VI and BC. 10178 V666D0310623 Sep. 20 -----, depressed state of trade. 10623 V666D043345 Apr. 3 Fellows, Charles, statement of annual exports and imports at VI. 3345 V666F01 960 Jan. 26 Janion, R.C., expressing desirability of union between VI and BC. 11641 Dec. 3 Kennedy, A.E., reporting arrival in England. 11641 V666K0111640 Dec. 10 -----, discussing passage allowance for return journey from colony. 11640 V666K02 576 Jan. 15 Lowenberg, L., possession of his disputed land in VI. 3203 Mar. 30 Pease, J.H., enquiry into the death of John Curry on behalf of his mother. 3203 V666P0110116 Oct. 21 Sproat, G.M., questioning union of VI and BC with regard to shipment of goods to the colonies. 10116 V666S019678 Oct. 10 Westerveld, C., enquiring after James Daly. 9678 V666W014286 Apr. 29 Nesbett, Edwin J., reporting his removal from office in VI as a result of union, and requesting employment. 4286 V666N01
British Columbia Public Offices 1867
Admiralty 1813 Feb 18 Report on destitution of resources.  2947 Mar 23 Captain Bazalgette relieved of command.  4339 May 2 Acknowledging cheque for Kennedy's expenses.  4845 May 14 Letters concluding demand for deserter incident.  4930 May 20 Captain Denny's orders regarding Metlakahtla.  4981 May 21 Subsidized line of mail packets.  6097 June 24 Amicable settlement of deserter incident.  7088 July 25 Treasury refusal to subsidize mail.  7395 July 29 No officer available to deliver despatch to BC.  8673 Sept 3 Statement of expenses for men of Sparrowhawk.  9326 Sept 16 Report by Hastings on Cariboo incident. 10657 Oct 20 Dispute over use of troops in Cariboo. 10657 B675AD1210719 Oct 31 Officer now available to deliver despatch. 10719 B675AD1311041 Nov 12 Imperial government to pay expenses of coastal survey. 11041 B675AD1412037 Oct 6 Basis of Hastings's refusal to land troops. 12037 B675AD1512854 Dec 30 Sending of troops away from ship not sanctioned. 12854 B675AD16
Agent (Crown Agents) 497 Jan 17 Want of funds to meet interest and sinking fund.  2309 Mar 6 Investment in securities.  2381 Mar 8 Trustees of sinking fund to invest in securities.  2624 Mar 16 Statement of accounts.  2950 Mar 23 Request to pay estate of John Curry to heirs.  7858 Aug 14 Amalgamation of accounts of BC and VI.  8749 Sept 4 Request for remainder of stores.  8894 Sept 10 Publications sent to BC. 12516 Dec 19 Requisition for stationery. 12516 B675AG09
Foreign Office 2464 Mar 11 Question of settlement of San Juan Island.  3314 Apr 3 Receipt of letter regarding San Juan.  6280 June 21 Inquiry into property left by J.H. Baar.  9358 Sept 21 Conditions and prospects of BC. 10898 Nov 5 Departure of Ossifree for Sitka. 10898 B675FO0511564 Nov 28 Effect of cessation of Russian America to US. 11564 B675FO0612113 Dec 9 Transport of cattle through BC to Sitka. 12113 B675FO0712278 Dec 16 Resolutions in Washington regarding BC. 12278 B675FO0812847 Dec 30 Extent US bound by Britain-Russia treaty. 12847 B675FO0912848 Dec 30 Inquiry regarding Domenico Terro. 12848 B675FO10
Land (Emigration Office) 1468 Feb 11 Land erroneously cut off from Beacon Hill Park.  4105 Apr 26 Klauke scheme for promoting settlement in BC. 10805 Nov 2 Church of Scotland request for land grant. 10805 B675LN0311566 Nov 23 HBC and colony dispute land in Victoria. 11566 B675LN04
Law Office11034 Nov 11 Legal status of Supreme Court of VI. 11034 B675LW0112856 Dec 30 Registration of medical practitioners in colony. 12856 B675LW02 42 Dec 31 Ordinance respecting coastal trade. 
Miscellaneous 2938 Mar 22 Patent publications sent to BC.  3050 Mar 26 Sale of liquor to Indians.  4099 Apr 26 Sale of liquor to Indians.  4323 Apr 30 HBC favors Victoria as capital.  4337 May 3 Half yearly statement of Bank of BC.  4492 May 7 Bank of BC favors Victoria as capital.  4551 May 9 Bank of British North America favors Victoria.  5036 May 21 Vancouver Coal Mining Company favors Victoria.  6596 July 9 Chairman, Bank of BC, requests interview.  6951 - - Correspondence between bank and colony over debt.  7466 July 31 Bank of British North America regarding capital.  7467 July 30 Interview requested to discuss BC debt. 10229 Oct 7 Half yearly statement of Bank of BC. 10229 B675MI1310452 Oct 23 Inquiry as to telegraph to Victoria. 10452 B675MI1410489 Oct 24 Information on telegraph not yet available. 10489 B675MI1510495 Oct 25 Telegraph service to Victoria available. 10495 B675MI1610656 Oct 23 Memorial from Church of Scotland on land grant. 10656 B675MI1710882 Oct 31 Original copy of memorial sent. 10882 B675MI1811262 Nov 19 Ordinance regarding postal service not opposed. 11262 B675MI19
Trade (Board of Trade) 1501 Feb 11 Payment for lighthouse stores requested.  9875 Oct 8 Requisition for stores only partly filled. 11066 Nov 13 Desirability of opening coasting trade to foreigners. 11066 B675TA0311067 Nov 13 Questions regarding opening of coasting trade. 11067 B675TA0411092 Nov 14 Ordinance regarding pilotage. 11092 B675TA0511781 Dec 3 Ordinance regarding sale of liquor to Indians. 11781 B675TA0612857 Dec 28 Customs ordinance questioned. 12857 B675TA07
Treasury 2447 Mar 12 Request to repay advances made to BC in 1865.  2528 Mar 14 Payment made to Seymour for expenses.  3060 Mar 27 Payment to Clarke and Skinner not opposed.  4027 Apr 22 Payment for pensioners of Chelsea Hospital.  4239 Apr 29 Franks to be paid 3 month gratuity and passage.  4858 May 18 Bank bills should be purchased by BC.  5555 June 8 Payment to be paid to Nesbitt for loss of position.  5632 June 13 Grant of six months pay and passage to Watson.  6619 July 11 Pay for marines at San Juan Island.  6964 July 20 Fee to be paid to Reilly for services over union.  6984 July 22 Subsidized line of packets not desirable.  7023 July 23 Payment authorized for marines at San Juan.  8410 Aug 26 Separate accounts of BC and VI amalgamated.  8980 Sept 12 Payment to Clarke and Skinner, meat suppliers. 10895 Nov 5 Disposal of crown revenues in VI. 10895 B675TE1511242 Nov 18 Payment for pensions and gratuities for 1866. 11242 B675TE1611978 Dec 5 Claim of sum undrawn or due to Colony in 1862. 11978 B675TE1712394 Dec 18 Payment on account of marines at San Juan. 12394 B675TE1812663 Dec 26 Report on proposed amendment of customs ordinance. 12663 B675TE19
War Office 875 Jan 26 Claim for stores supplied to BC volunteers.  2050 Feb 27 Request for payment of pension to James Lindsay.  3111 Mar 29 Gratuity for William Bowden authorized.  4029 Apr 22 Statement of terms under which arms left in BC.  6086 June 22 Value of stores supplied to colony.  6654 July 12 Claim on colony for £141.1.3.  6794 July 15 Further statement regarding arms left by Moody. 11083 Nov 13 Request for payment for arms. 11083 B675WA0811113 Nov 14 Request for payment for stores. 11113 B675WA09
British Columbia Despatches from London 1867
1 Jan 1 Dissatisfaction at lack of funds available to crown agents. 1 B6771172 Jan 4 Despatch reporting progress of overland telegraph received. 2 B6770023 Jan 5 Despatch regarding St. Mary's mission school received. 3 B670134 Jan 5 Approve Birch's declaration that Cooper's office is vacant. 4 B6771215 Jan 10 Steam communication between San Francisco and Hong Kong. 5 B6771176 Jan 20 Letter from Cooper regarding termination of his office. 6 B670527 Jan 21 Minutes of Executive Council (VI) received. 7 B675AD028 Jan 22 Proclamation of union received. 8 B670539 Jan 23 VI despatch containing proclamation of union received. 9 B67712710 Jan 24 Despatch containing map of telegraph route received. 10 B67013CO11 Jan 25 Despatch reporting Seymour's arrival in Victoria received. 11 B6705412 Feb 7 Stores supplied by War Office to BC artillery volunteers. 12 B675AD0413 Feb 15 Approving VI legislation (liquor licences, homesteads). 13 B67713014 Feb 15 HBC to repay for parkland sold in error. 14 B675TA0415 Feb 16 Needham's claim to part of court fees denied. 15 B6705516 Feb 1 sale of liquor to Indians, VI and BC legislation. 16 B67713317 Mar 1 Despatches not prepared according to CO regulations. 17 B675AD0518 Mar 6 Approve appropriation of marriage licence fees to charity. 1819 Mar 6 Chamber of commerce complaint regarding despatch. 191 Mar 8 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 1 B6771172 Mar 8 Payment of pension for James Lindsay. 2 B6771013 Mar 8 Despatch regarding bishopricks received. 3 B670134 Mar 14 VI despatch regarding lighthouse stores received. 4 B6771215 Mar 14 Jurisdiction of Begbie and Needham. 5 B6771176 Mar 16 Despatch regarding advances for pensions received. 6 B670527 Mar 16 Approve extension of Birch's leave of absence till 1 August. 7 B675AD028 Mar 21 VI and BC accounts with crown agents. 8 B670539 Mar 21 Expenses of Royal Engineers. 9 B67712710 Mar 23 Despatch regarding opening of legislature received. 10 B67013CO11 Mar 23 Approve no duty on products from San Juan. 11 B6705412 Mar 28 Correspondence with Captain Oldfield regarding deserter at San Juan. 12 B675AD0413 Mar 30 Despatch containing constitution of legislative council received. 13 B67713014 Mar 30 Patent publications presented to New Westminster public library. 14 B675TA0415 Mar 30 Provisional arrangements regarding Trutch's appointment. 15 B6705516 Apr 1 Finlayson on sale of liquor to Indians. 16 B67713317 Apr 2 Advance of £20 gratuity to William Bowden. 17 B675AD0518 Apr 6 Clarke and Skinner's claim for termination of contract. 1819 Apr 27 Advances repaid BC for pensioners of Chelsea Hospital. 1920 Apr 29 Disposal of arms left by RE. 20 B6705621 May 2 Petition from Indian chiefs in BC. 21 B67713822 May 3 Misconduct of Franks and his subsequent claims. 22 B675AD0623 May 11 Deed for reconveyance of VI to crown by HBC. 23 B675AD0724 May 11 Expenditure of public funds without legislative sanction. 24 B6701425 May 15 Despatch regarding opening of legislature received. 25 B66203T126 May 17 Emigration of Lieutenant Morgan. 26 B675TA0627 May 23 Inquiry about Ernest de Veulle, reported drowned. 27 B6701228 May 24 Relative positions of Begbie and Needham. 28 B6705129 June 3 Needham not entitled to certain fees of the summary court. 29 B6701630 June 5 Asks more information regarding Watson's claims. 30 B675AD0131 June 11 Requests complete set of acts passed in VI prior to 1859. 31 B676B0332 June 12 Approval of ordinance regarding unseasonable destruction of game. 32 B67715033 June 13 Approving $500 payed to Nesbitt for loss of appointment. 33 B6701734 June 14 Needham's claims for inquiry into loss of Labouchere denied. 34 B67715235 June 14 Irregularities of remittances from BC to crown agents. 35 B675AD0836 June 15 Grant of mineral lands on north west coast of VI. 36 B6705937 June 18 Approving 6 months pay and free passage home for Watson. 37 B67715538 June 19 Approving ordinance for not enforcing certain VI taxes. 38 B675TE0139 June 20 Approving ordinance regarding Victoria taxation. 39 B6706040 June 21 Disallowing ordinance regarding customs duties. 40 B675AD10June 24 Opinion of US purchase of Alaska. (Confidential) 41 June 26 Confirming leave of absence of 6 months to Watson. 4142 June 27 Confirming ordinance relating to sheriffs. 42 B6701843 July 1 Confirming ordinance regarding violation of Indian graves. 43 B67715944 July 1 Suggesting alterations to ordinance regarding property of intestates. 44 B6706145 July 2 Approving ordinance regarding application of English law. 45 B67716246 July 2 Inquiry regarding property supposedly left by J.H.C. Baar, deceased. 46 B675AD1147 July 19 Requesting payment of £675 to War Office for stores. 47 B67061CO48 Aug 1 Conveyance of mails from Panama to BC. 48 B675AD1249 Aug 17 Awaiting Seymour's report regarding location of capital. 49 B675TE0550 Aug 24 Postal rates between the UK and British North America. 50 B6701951 Aug 31 Requesting payment of £141 for stores for artillery volunteers. 5152 Sep 5 Suggesting amendment to bill limiting causes of action and suits. 52 B67716853 Sep 6 Approving ordinance regulating ferries and bridges. 53 B675AD1354 Sep 7 Approving ordinance taking of oaths and admission of evidence. 54 B6706255 Sep 9 Approving ordinance regarding protection of inventions. 55 B67717056 Sep 10 Suggestions for ordinance establishing weights and measures. 56 B6710357 Sep 11 Approving ordinance regarding licences and direct taxes. 5758 Sep 12 Employment for Henry Fowler. 58 B6706359 Sep 12 Extra pay for men of Sparrowhawk. 59 B675TE0760 Sep 13 Confirming ordinance relating to interest. 60 B6711061 Sep 14 Despatch regarding farewell to Birch received. 61 B6706462 Sep 14 Patent publications for shifting two packages. 62 B6702163 Sep 17 Cooper's request for transfer to another colony denied. 63 B675TE0964 Sep 18 payment of £568 authorized as compensation to Clarke and Skinner. 64 B67717765 Sep 19 Salary of governor to be £4000 a year plus travel expenses. 65 B6702266 Sep 28 Further information sought regarding Watson's loss of office. 66 B675TE1067 Oct 1 Despatch received, Victoria as capital. 67 B67718168 - - Birch's leave not approved, office vacant. 68 B6706569 Oct 12 Supply of lighthouse stores. 69 B675AD1670 Oct 19 Duplicate despatches from BC not received since 31 August. 70 V665TA0471 Oct 31 Despatch regarding mining claims in Cariboo received. 7172 Nov 1 Allowance not granted Watson for services as commissary. 72 B67066Nov 4 [Missing?] (Confidential) 73 Nov 6 information requested regarding despatch on appeal from jury. 73 B6710574 Nov 6 Despatch regarding affairs in Caribou received. 74 B67718475 Nov 7 Approving ordinances 17, 22, 24, 35, 26, and 37. 75 B6710676 Nov 7 Approving ordinance regarding expenditure. 76 B6706777 Nov 8 Approving ordinance regarding barristers and notaries public. 77 B675AG0178 Nov 8 Approving ordinances 23, 33, 38. 78 B67718979 Nov 11 Fines, fees and forfeitures to crown revenues. 79 B67067SC80 Nov 13 Suggesting amendments to ordinance regarding powers and mortgages. 80 B67719181 Nov 13 Jurisdiction of two supreme courts. 81 B675TE1582 Nov 14 Confirming ordinance regarding homesteads. 82 B6710883 Nov 15 Approving ordinances regarding liquor licences and homestead property. 83 B675TE1684 Nov 16 Approving ordinance regulating pilotage. 84 B675AG0285 Nov 18 Use of naval detachment in case of disturbance in interior 85 B67719686 Nov 18 Authorizing expense of survey to be paid by home government. 86 B67067SP87 Nov 19 Confederation must await settlement of HBC territory. 87 B67719888 Nov 20 payment of £296 authorized for advance of pensions and gratuities. 88 B675AG0389 Nov 20 Approving ordinance regarding barristers and requesting information for ordinance regarding legal profession. 8990 Nov 21 Presbyterians request for land denied. 90 B675AG0491 Nov 26 Approving ordinance regarding postal services. 9192 Dec 10 Despatch received and payment of £1500 authorized. 92 B675TE1993 Dec 11 Salary assigned to Colonial Secretary Young. 93 B6711094 Dec 12 Approving ordinance prohibiting sale of liquor to Indians. 9495 Dec 13 Despatch regarding Indians at Metlakahtla received. 9596 Dec 13 Other employment for W.R. Spalding of Nanaimo. 9697 Dec 14 Communication between BC and San Francisco and BC debt. 97 B67023Sep Dec 16 Additional instructions regarding members of Executive Council. 16 B67713398 Dec 18 HBC to pay $1700 for land at Beacon Hill Park. 9899 Dec 19 friction between Needham and Begbie. 99 B67068100 Dec 23 Support of Mrs. Cox. 100101 Dec 28 Confidential despatch received, advice regarding purchase of Alaska. 101102 Dec 31 Inquiry into whereabouts of Dominico Terro. 102 B67069103 Dec 31 Payment of Royal Marines on San Juan. 103 B675WA01
British Columbia Despatches to London 1867
12 Jan. 5 1937 Cessation of Kennedy's commission as governor of Vancouver Island. 1937 B6701213 Jan. 4 1938 Customs laws with respect to San Juan Island. 1938 B67013Jan. 5 1992 British deserter serving with US on San Juan Island. (Confidential) 1992 B67013CO14 Jan. 7 1939 Minutes of Executive Council. 1939 B6701415 Jan. 8 1940 Case of John Cooper, late Chief Clerk in Treasury. 1940 B67015
16 Jan. 8 1941 Claim for gratuity by William Bowden. 1941 B6701617 Jan. 9 1942 Disposition of interest and sinking fund on loans. 1942 B6701718 Jan. 10 1943 Requesting Birch be allowed to stay longer in BC. 1943 B6701819 Jan. 11 1944 Sums due to the colony by the imperial government. 1944 B6701920 Jan. 11 1945 Commenting on correspondence of Douglas. 1945 B6702021 Jan. 11 1946 Returns of changes in public service. 1946 B6702122 Jan. 11 1947 Correspondence on subject of colonial bishoprics. 1947 B6702223 Jan. 11 1948 Addresses to governor from Vancouver Island. 1948 B6702324 Jan. 11 1949 Needham's position as chief justice after union. 1949 B6702425 Jan. 11 1950 Reduction of the public expenditure. 1950 B6702526 Jan. 12 2733 Law for the admission of Indian evidence. 2733 B6702627 Jan. 14 2734 Report of Young on boundary treaty of 1846. 2734 B6702728 Jan. 15 2735 Claims of VI against BC on account of lighthouses. 2735 B6702829 Jan. 16 2736 Confirmation of Trutch as surveyor general. 2736 B6702930 Jan. 17 2737 Appointment of Legislative Council in united colony. 2737 B67030Sep Jan. 31 2738 Speech opening legislative session. 2738 B67030SPSep Jan. 31 2739 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2739 B67030SQ31 Feb. 2 3708 Proposed extension of BC liquor law. 3708 B6703132 Feb. 4 3709 Kennedy's report on selling spirits to Indians. 3709 B67032Feb. 5 3752 Disposition of British deserter on San Juan Island. (Confidential) 3752 B67032CO33 Feb. 19 3710 Petition of Indian chiefs. 3710 B6703334 Feb. 22 3711 Demonstration by US citizens on 4 July. 3711 B6703435 Feb. 24 3712 Case of Franks, late colonial treasurer. 3712 B6703536 Feb. 24 3713 Financial returns for the first and second quarters, 1866. 3713 B67036Feb. 24 3753 Further discussing disposition of Franks. (Confidential) 3753 B67036CO37 Feb. 25 3714 Application of Torrens, late Clerk of Assembly. 3714 B6703738 Mar. 1 4392 Property of the late John Curry. 4392 B6703839 Mar. 7 4393 Unsatisfactory state of postal communications. 4393 B6703940 Mar. 8 4394 Report of auditor general on VI accounts. 4394 B6704041 Mar. 11 4395 Address opening session of Legislative Council. 4395 B67041Tel Mar. 14 2509 Admission of BC into Canadian confederacy. 2509 B67041T42 Mar. 12 4396 Financial returns for third quarter, 1866. 4396 B6704243 Mar. 18 4397 Maintenance of Victoria as a free port. 4397 B6704344 Mar. 18 4398 Delayed bill of indemnity for public accounts. 4398 B6704445 Mar. 18 4399 Application respecting mineral lands on VI. 4399 B6704546 Mar. 18 4400 Disposition of Needham as chief justice. 4400 B6704647 Mar. 18 4401 Disposition of Needham as chief justice. 4401 B6704748 Mar. 18 4402 Disposition of Needham as chief justice. 4402 B6704849 Mar. 18 4403 Question regarding proposed jury act. 4403 B6704950 Mar. 18 5072 Responding to criticism of BC customs ordinance. 5072 B6705051 Apr. 2 5073 Reply to circular respecting martial law. 5073 B6705152 Apr. 2 5074 Correspondence from Douglas respecting free port. 5074 B6705253 Apr. 3 5075 Survey of funds in colonial treasury. 5075 B6705354 Apr. 4 5076 Ordinance of indemnity for not enforcing certain local taxes on VI. 5076 B6705455 Apr. 4 5077 Ordinance in aid of municipal taxation. 5077 B6705556 Apr. 4 5078 Ordinance prohibiting unseasonable destruction of game. 5078 B6705657 Apr. 5 5079 Watson applies for remuneration for extra service. 5079 B6705758 Apr. 6 5080 Remuneration and services of Watson. 5080 B6705859 Apr. 10 5081 Case of Nesbitt, late chief clerk of VI. 5081 B6705960 Apr. 10 5082 Refusal of US steamers to carry the mails. 5082 B6706061 Apr. 10 5083 Speech closing session of Legislative Council. 5083 B67061Apr. 10 5084 Minutes of Executive Council regarding Franks. (Confidential) 5084 B67061CO62 Apr. 11 5791 Ordinance to assimilate law relating to sheriffs. 5791 B6706263 Apr. 11 5792 Ordinance to prevent violation of Indian graves. 5792 B6706364 Apr. 12 5793 Ordinance governing settlement of intestates. 5793 B6706465 Apr. 12 5794 Ordinance to assimilate general application of English law. 5794 B6706566 Apr. 13 5795 Concessions to VI Dock Company. 5795 B6706667 Apr. 14 5796 Leave of absence granted to Watson. 5796 B67067Sec Apr. 17 5839 Cession of Russian North America to US. 5839 B67067SCSep Apr. 17 5797 Salary of the governor. 5797 B67067SP68 Apr. 20 5798 Extension of Indian liquor law over whole colony. 5798 B6706869 Apr. 22 5799 Probability of Indian war near border. 5799 B6706970 Apr. 24 5800 Case of John Cooper. 5800 B6707071 Apr. 24 5801 Postal contract with US steamer company. 5801 B6707172 Apr. 29 7981 Ordinance to assimilate laws affecting limitation of certain causes of actions and suits. 7981 B6707273 May 30 7982 Cannot meet specifications for patent publications. 7982 B6707374 June 13 7983 Financial returns for fourth quarter, 1866. 7983 B67074June 26 7989 Report on status of the colony. (Private) 7989 B67074PR75 July 1 8550 James Cooper applies for transfer to another colony. 8550 B6707576 July 1 8551 Addresses presented to Birch upon his departure. 8551 B6707677 July 1 8552 Payment of gratuity to William Bowden. 8552 B6707778 July 1 8553 Arrangements to receive patent publications. 8553 B6707879 July 2 8554 Ordinance for laws relating to interest. 8554 B6707980 July 2 8555 Ordinance for regulation of ferries and bridges. 8555 B6708081 July 2 8556 Receipt from Clark and Skinner for compensation. 8556 B6708182 July 2 8557 Ordinance regarding oaths and admission of evidence. 8557 B6708283 July 2 8558 Ordinance for protection of inventions. 8558 B6708384 July 3 8559 Ordinance for standard of weights and measures. 8559 B6708485 July 3 8560 Ordinance to assimilate laws relating to licences and direct taxes. 8560 B6708586 July 10 8561 Judiciary arrangements with respect to Needham. 8561 B6708687 July 13 8562 Location of the capital, Capt. Verney's petition. 8562 B6708788 July 15 8563 Judiciary arrangements with respect to Needham. 8563 B6708889 July 15 8564 Application for promotion by Fowler. 8564 B6708990 July 15 8565 Return of receipts and obligations of the colony. 8565 B6709091 July 15 8566 Leave of absence for Birch. 8566 B67091Sep July 30 8802 Sums owing from imperial government on account of pensions and gratuities. 8802 B67091SPSep July 31 8803 Cariboo district in state of insurrection. 8803 B67091SQ92 Aug. 16 9638 Cariboo district in state of insurrection. 9638 B6709293 Aug. 16 9639 Question of naval assistance if required. 9639 B67093Sep Aug. 16 9640 Acknowledging receipt of circular despatches. 9640 B67093SPSep Aug. 16 9641 Acknowledging receipt of circular despatches. 9641 B67093SQ94 Aug. 17 10368 Status of crown fund of VI. 10368 B6709495 Aug. 17 10369 Cost of hire of the Beaver. 10369 B6709596 Aug. 20 10370 Watson applies for remuneration for extra service. 10370 B6709697 Aug. 20 10371 Ordinance regulating harbour and tonnage dues. 10371 B6709798 Aug. 30 10372 Ordinance to amend gold mining laws. 10372 B6709899 Sep. 4 10373 Unsatisfactory state of Cariboo district. 10373 B67099100 Sep. 5 10810 Ordinance providing for barristers, notaries and articled clerks of VI. 10810 B67100101 Sep. 5 10811 Ordinance regulating homestead act. 10811 B67101102 Sep. 5 10812 Ordinance extending existing customs laws. 10812 B67102103 Sep. 7 10813 Ordinance authorizing issue of debentures. 10813 B67103104 Sep. 7 10814 Ordinance standardizing system of accounts and regulating currency. 10814 B67104105 Sep. 9 10815 Ordinance regulating creation of ports of entry. 10815 B67105106 Sep. 9 10816 Ordinance to repeal real estate tax act of VI. 10816 B67106107 Sep. 10 10817 Ordinance extending grant to Harewood Colliery Company. 10817 B67107108 Sep. 11 10818 Ordinance to assimilate laws over postal service. 10818 B67108109 Sep. 12 10819 Ordinance prohibiting sale of liquor to Indians. 10819 B67109110 Sep. 13 10820 Ordinance regulating pilotage in the colony. 10820 B67110111 Sep. 14 10821 Ordinance respecting practitioners in Medicine and Surgery. 10821 B67111112 Sep. 16 10822 Ordinance regulating mortgages. 10822 B67112113 Sep. 16 10823 Ordinance regulating solemnization of marriage. 10823 B67113114 Sep. 16 10824 Ordinance regulating excise laws. 10824 B67114115 Sep. 17 10825 Ordinance governing harbour regulations. 10825 B67115116 Sep. 17 10826 Ordinance to assimilate laws over aliens. 10826 B67116117 Sep. 17 10827 Ordinance for incorporation of Victoria. 10827 B67117118 Sep. 18 10828 Ordinance for customs duty amendment. 10828 B67118119 Sep. 18 10829 Ordinance on indemnities. 10829 B67119120 Sep. 18 10830 Information respecting De Veulle. 10830 B67120121 Sep. 20 10831 Position of judges in the colony. 10831 B67121122 Sep. 21 10832 Forwarding acts passed in VI since 1859. 10832 B67122123 Sep. 23 10833 Confirmation of acts No. 2 and No. 6. 10833 B67123124 Sep. 23 10834 Repeal of ordinance No. 3, 1865. 10834 B67124125 Sep. 24 10835 Land sold by Hudson's Bay Company in error. 10835 B67125126 Sep. 24 10836 Admission of BC into Canadian confederation. 10836 B67126Sep Sep. 24 10906 Admission of BC into Canadian confederation. 10906 B67126SP127 Sep. 24 10837 Irregularities in remittances to crown agents. 10837 B67127Sep Sep. 24 10904 Appointments to Executive Council. 10904 B67127ASSep. 24 10905 Payment of interest and sinking fund on loans. (Confidential) 10905 B67127CO128 Sep. 25 10838 Report of auditor general on accounts. 10838 B67128Sec Sep. 25 1268 Return showing financial position of colony. 1268 B67128ASSep. 25 10907 Cession of Russian America to US. (Confidential) 10907 B67128COSep. 25 10908 Enquiries from US army in respect of acquisition of Alaska. (Confidential) 10908 B67128CP129 Sep. 27 11759 Visit to Indian settlement of Metlakahtla. 11759 B67129130 Sep. 27 11760 Ordinance for appropriation for 1867. 11760 B67130131 Sep. 28 11761 Claim by war department for arms. 11761 B67131132 Sep. 28 11762 Promotion recommended for Spalding. 11762 B67132133 Sep. 28 11763 Report on prison at Victoria. 11763 B67133134 Sep. 28 11764 Salary of Young as acting colonial secretary. 11764 B67134135 Sep. 28 11765 Conveyance of mails. 11765 B67135136 Oct. 7 11766 Bills drawn on account of marines at San Juan. 11766 B67136137 Oct. 10 11767 Receipts and expenditure in connection with San Juan. 11767 B67137138 Oct. 14 11768 Information respecting Morgan. 11768 B67138139 Oct. 18 11769 Case of Begbie and Needham. 11769 B67139Sep Oct. 18 11770 Satisfactory state of Cariboo. 11770 B67139SPSep Oct. 18 11770 Satisfactory state of Cariboo [modified copy]. 11770 B67139SPOct. 31 1299 Failure to recommend Franks for further office. (Confidential) 1299 B67139TC140 Nov. 1 716 Satisfactory state of Cariboo. 716 B67140141 Nov. 21 1199 Minutes of Executive Council. 1199 B67141142 Nov. 21 1200 Survey of funds in colonial treasury. 1200 B67142143 Nov. 21 1201 Financial returns for first three quarters, 1867. 1201 B67143144 Nov. 21 1202 Forwarding ordinances passed in late session. 1202 B67144145 Nov. 21 1203 Minutes of Legislative Council. 1203 B67145146 Nov. 22 1204 Waddington's application for charter. 1204 B67146147 Nov. 22 1205 Cession of Russian America to the US. 1205 B67147148 Nov. 22 2626 Ordinance amending country courts ordinance. 2626 B67148149 Nov. 22 3370 Ordinance regulating acquisition of crown land. 3370 B67149150 Nov. 26 1206 Lease of land at Quatsino Sound. 1206 B67150151 Nov. 27 1207 Receipt of imperial act respecting vaccinations. 1207 B67151152 Nov. 28 1208 Property of J.H.C. Baar. 1208 B67152153 Nov. 29 1209 Further proceedings in Cariboo. 1209 B67153154 Nov. 30 1210 Blue Book for 1866. 1210 B67154155 Nov. 30 1211 Ordinance confirming excess expenditure. 1211 B67155156 Nov. 30 1212 Deed for conveyance of VI by Hudson's Bay Company. 1212 B67156157 Nov. 30 1213 Report of commission on sales of VI real estate. 1213 B67157Sep Nov. 30 1214 Effect of union on the legislative constitution. 1214 B67157SP158 Dec. 13 1300 Selection of a capital for the combined colony. 1300 B67158159 Dec. 10 1215 Case of James Cooper for reappointment. 1215 B67159160 Dec. 10 1216 Receipt of patent publications. 1216 B67160161 Dec. 10 2627 Selection of a capital for the combined colony. 2627 B67161162 Dec. 13 1217 Report on financial status of the colony. 1217 B67162163 Dec. 19 2628 Disposition of the public seal of VI. 2628 B67163164 Dec. 24 2629 Selection of a capital for the combined colony. 2629 B67164165 Dec. 24 2630 Selection of a capital for the combined colony. 2630 B67165166 Dec. 31 2631 Good appointed assistant colonial secretary. 2631 B67166
British Columbia Correspondence 1867
4353 May 2 Anderson, J.G.S., Fraser, D., Sprout, G.M., forwarding memorial regarding site of capital. 4353 B676A017258 July 26 -----, forwarding second memorial regarding site of capital. 7258 B676A023139 Mar. 29 Barfield, Samuel, requesting reply to previous communication on question of settlement of Koskeemo. 3139 B676B014753 May 11 -----, requesting reply to previous letter of 7 December 1866. 4753 B676B025596 June 11 -----, inquiry concerning Koskeemo. 5596 B676B0311609 Nov. 26 -----, modifying original application for grant land in VI. 11609 B676B0410433 Aug. 5 Begbie, M.B., financial situation of colony. 10433 B676B0510521 July 8 -----, commenting on conditions in the Cariboo. 10521 B676B06 205 Sep. 23 Chamberlyne, Colonel W.S., requesting land grant for Lieutenant Allman upon his retirement.  467 Jan. 14 Cooper, John, regretting loss of his official connection to the colony. 12203 Dec. 12 Cox, Sophia, requesting part of her husband's salary (£60) be paid to her. 12203 B676C0310683 Oct. 31 Dundas, Frederick, forwarding application from Presbyterian community, Victoria, for land grant. 10683 B676D013398 Apr. 4 Franks, Charles, seeking payment of passage to and from BC and further employment in colonial service. 3398 B676F014974 May 2 -----, asking why further employment was refused. 4974 B676F025317 May 31 -----, requesting copy of Seymour's communications bearing on reason for his discharge. 5317 B676F037739 Aug. 9 Fraser, D., citing further reasons why Victoria should be named the capital of the united colony. 7739 B676F048082 Aug. 16 -----, asking to peruse and comment on Seymour's report on site for capital before action taken. 8082 B676F054178 Apr. 27 Kennedy, A.E., stating sum owed to navy would be paid. 4178 B676K015435 June 1 -----, supporting Needham's claim for compensation for inquiry into loss of Labouchere. 5435 B676K028531 Aug. 26 -----, seeking support for his claims for pecuniary compensation. 8531 B676K039303 Sep. 18 -----, personal reference for Henry Fowler, former clerk in Vancouver Island. 9303 B676K041886 Feb. 20 Kernaghan, W., seeking colonial appointment. 1886 B676K0511610 Nov. 25 Kitson, Edward, seeking information regarding the fate of Edward Pearson. 11610 B676K063942 Apr. 20 Klaucke, M.F., requesting interview to discuss plan to supply colony with agricultural settlers. 3942 B676K0710199 Oct. 16 Loundes, A.E., asking when the next despatches from Seymour were expected. 10199 B676L011007 Dec. 9 Lowenburg, L., seeking settlement of title dispute to Victoria property known as Block Z. 1007 B676L024083 Apr. 23 Morgan, William, enclosing son's Certificate of Service. 4083 B676M014516 n.d. - -----, explaining that his son had left for Victoria with the intention of settling there. 4516 B676M024987 May 19 -----, acknowledging receipt of letter from Buckingham. 4987 B676M039904 Sep. 23 Anonymous, submitting article from Free Press for consideration. 9904 B676M041257 Dec. 12 Needham, Joseph, giving reasons for declining Seymour's offer of a lower position. 1257 B676N014797 May 16 Pease, Joseph W., reporting settlement of Mrs. Curry's claims upon her son's estate. 4797 B676P0111611 Sep. 2 Sinclair, James, urging the formation of special settlements in BC to foster immigration. 11611 B676S0111738 Nov. 26 Southgate, J.J., personal recommendation for R.W. Torrens, former clerk in VI. 11738 B676S028885 Sep. 4 Sproat, G.M., again urging Victoria be named the capital city. 8885 B676S035288 May 20 Tindal, Acton, seeking evidence of the death of his nephew, William De Veulle, in BC. 5288 B676T0111018 Nov. 10 -----, thanking Buckingham for determining De Veulle was not dead. 11018 B676T024535 May 7 Torrens, R.W., seeking appointment as indemnity for loss of position following union. 4535 B676T035543 June 6 -----, acknowledging receipt of letter from Rogers. 5543 B676T047784 June 24 -----, detailing past duties in VI legislature and asking for a position. 7784 B676T054489 May 7 Verney, Edmund, refuting contents of petition against Seymour. 4489 B676V016914 July 16 Watson, Alexander, seeking re-employment following loss of position upon union. 6914 B676W017606 Aug. 3 -----, seeking £100 per annum compensation under terms of his former employment. 7606 B676W028482 Aug. 24 -----, denying an appointment of equal emolument was offered to him by BC government. 8482 B676W039021 Sep. 13 -----, stating his position and asking for a decision to application of 3 August for compensation. 9021 B676W049327 Sep. 19 -----, explaining reasons for refusal to accept position offered in BC. 9327 B676W059634 Oct. 1 -----, requesting decision on earlier application for compensation for his acting as commissary of VI. 9634 B676W0610386 Oct. 21 -----, requesting £100, the difference between his former and present salary for 6 months. 10386 B676W0711037 Nov. 9 -----, explaining why he was entitled to the increased rate of pay as noted above. 11037 B676W088394 Aug. 23 Watson, Jonathan, seeking redress on behalf of his son, Alexander, for loss of office. 8394 B676W09
British Columbia Correspondence 1868
2580 Feb. 26 Chamberlayne, W.S., land grant for Lieutenant Allman. 2580 B686C012549 Mar. 13 Cox, Sophia, allowance from husband's salary. 2549 B686C0211940 Oct. 26 Denny, D'Arcy A., delivery of Great Seal of Vancouver Island. 11940 B686D014970 May 12 Dundas, Frederick, land grant for Church of Scotland. 4970 B686D0210974 Oct. 5 Franklyn, H.B., inquiry about past request for appointment for W.H. Franklyn. 10974 B686F0111213 Oct. 12 Hankin, Philip J., accepting appointment as colonial secretary. 11213 B686H016902 June 29 Poole, Francis, seeking land concession on Queen Charlotte Island. 6902 B686P017201 July 8 -----, application for 20,000 acres on QCI. 7201 B686P023058 Mar. 27 Rae, John, qualifying information reported by Waddington on overland route to Canada. 3058 B686R015778 June 1 Roscoe, F.J., targets for volunteer rifle corps. 5778 B686R021008 Jan. 24 Sproat, Gilbert M., et al, location of seat of government. 1008 B686S012710 Mar. 17 -----, location of seat of government. 2710 B686S027124 July 4 Verney, Edmund A., receipt of letter regarding capital. 7124 B686V012277 Mar. 2 Waddington, Alfred, requesting interview with Buckingham. 2277 B686W01
British Columbia Despatches to London 1868
1 Jan. 11 2632 Recommending appointments for Franklyn and Brew. 2632 B68001Jan. 24 2668 Disturbances at Sitka. (Private) 2668 B68001PR2 Feb. 1 3371 Waddington's proposed road from Bute Inlet to Canada. 3371 B680023 Feb. 2 3372 Unnecessary expenditure on account of Royal Engineers. 3372 B680034 Feb. 3 3373 Investment of sinking fund. 3373 B680045 Feb. 4 3374 Sums due to War Department for stores. 3374 B680056 Feb. 5 4509 Loss of Watson's office as treasurer of VI. 4509 B680067 Feb. 6 3375 Suitability of Esquimalt as a harbour. 3375 B680078 Feb. 20 4510 Transmission of letter from Begbie. 4510 B680089 Feb. 21 4511 Legality of gold coins of Sydney mint. 4511 B6800910 Feb. 22 4512 Acknowledging receipt of circular. 4512 B6801011 Feb. 24 4513 Ordinance relating to sale of land for taxes. 4513 B6801112 Mar. 2 4514 Acknowledging receipt of circular. 4514 B68012Tel Mar. 4 2335 Acknowledging receipt of private despatch. 2335 B68012T13 Mar. 4 4515 Acknowledging receipt of secret despatch. 4515 B6801314 Mar. 5 4516 Minutes of Executive Council. 4516 B6801415 Mar. 6 4517 Memorial regarding statements by Captain Richards. 4517 B6801516 Mar. 7 4518 Acknowledging receipt of circular. 4518 B6801617 Mar. 10 4519 Information on pay for Royal Marines on SJI. 4519 B68017Sep Mar. 17 6271 Difficulty of governing the colony. 6271 B68017SP18 Mar. 17 6290 Correspondence with Rear Admiral Hastings. 6290 B6801819 Mar. 18 6291 Bill drawn for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 6291 B6801920 Mar. 18 6292 Information regarding Dominico Ferro. 6292 B6802021 Mar. 18 6293 Ordinance regarding the Williams Creek Bed Rock Flume Company. 6293 B6802122 Mar. 19 6294 Stores for lighthouses. 6294 B6802223 Mar. 19 6295 Bill concerning Chief Justices Begbie and Needham. 6295 B6802324 Mar. 19 6296 Payment of return passages of distressed persons. 6296 B6802425 Mar. 30 6297 Accounts of receipt and expenditure. 6297 B6802526 Apr. 2 6298 Minute by surveyor general regarding coach road. 6298 B6802627 Apr. 3 6299 Memo regarding payment of Imperial pensions. 6299 B6802728 Apr. 4 6300 Laws respecting treason. 6300 B6802829 Apr. 6 6301 Information regarding J.W. Cramer. 6301 B6802930 Apr. 7 6302 Salary and duties of registrar general of titles. 6302 B68030Apr. 28 6272 Acknowledging receipt of confidential despatch. (Confidential) 6272 B68030COApr. 29 6273 Confidential letter from attorney general. (Confidential) 6273 B68030CP31 Apr. 29 6303 Selection of Victoria as capital. 6303 B6803132 Apr. 29 6304 Speech opening session of Legislative Council. 6304 B6803233 Apr. 29 6305 Survey of funds in colonial treasury. 6305 B6803334 Apr. 29 6306 Conflict of jurisdiction of two judges. 6306 B6803435 May 2 6307 Speech closing session of Legislative Council. 2 B6800136 May 2 6308 Construction and repair to British station on SJI. 2 B68001Tel May 1 4659 Legislature prorogued. 4659 B68036T37 May 5 6309 Forwarding commission of Governor Kennedy. 5 B687025Sep May 5 6311 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6311 B68037SP38 May 7 6947 Interest charged by Bank of British Columbia. 7 B685AD0439 May 7 6948 Forwarding Pacific Coast Directory of 1867. 7 B685AD0440 May 8 6949 Lectures on BC by Legh Harnett. 8 B68001PR41 May 8 6950 Payment on account of pensions and gratuities. 8 B68001PR42 May 9 6951 Resolution in support of popular government. 9 B68070SP43 May 12 6952 Laws relating to gold mining. 6952 B6804344 May 13 6953 Escheats to the Crown. 6953 B6804445 May 14 6954 Union with Canada. 6954 B6804546 May 14 6955 Ordinance regarding standard of weights and measures. 6955 B6804647 May 14 6956 Ordinance for protection of naval stores. 6956 B6804748 May 15 6957 Registrar of births, deaths and marriages. 6957 B6804849 May 20 6958 Appointment of assistant colonial secretary. 6958 B6804950 May 27 6959 Support of Mrs. Cox. 6959 B6805051 May 28 6960 Proclamation of Victoria as capital. 6960 B6805152 June 1 9092 Deed reconveying VI to the Crown. 9092 B6805253 June 1 7423 Public seal of VI. 7423 B6805354 June 2 7424 Law affecting certain causes of actions and suits. 7424 B6805455 June 3 7425 Titles to real property in VI. 7425 B6805556 June 3 7426 Investigation of accidents by fire. 7426 B6805657 June 5 7427 Address to Queen Victoria respecting capital of BC. 7427 B6805758 June 5 7428 Irregularities in the sale of real property. 7428 B68058Sec June 5 8195 Request that Young not be appointed permanently. 8195 B68058SCJune 5 7718 Overland communication with Canada. (Private) 7718 B68058PR59 June 8 7429 Financial condition of BC. 7429 B6805960 June 9 7430 Status of mission at Metlakahtla. 7430 B6806061 June 15 9093 Sale of real estate of intestates. 9093 B6806162 June 16 9094 Ordinance in aid of the trustees relief act. 9094 B68062Sep June 25 9050 Conveyance of public seal of VI to CO. 9050 B68062SP63 June 22 9095 Ordinance amending shipping ordinance of 1867. 9095 B6806364 June 24 9096 Ordinance to extend the Thompson Bridge toll act. 9096 B68064June 26 8831 Report on state of Victoria. (Private) 8831 B68064PR65 July 1 9560 Maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 9560 B6806566 July 10 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 6667 July 13 9562 Bill drawn for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 9562 B6806768 July 13 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 6829 July 13 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 2970 July 13 9565 Acknowledging receipt of circular. 9565 B68070Sep July 28 9906 Anticipation of Fenian raids. 9906 B68070SP71 July 28 9912 Recommending reappointment of Franklyn. 9912 B6807172 July 28 9913 Appropriation ordinance for service of 1868. 9913 B6807273 July 28 9914 Postage rates between UK and BNA via USA. 9914 B6807374 July 28 9915 Confederation with Canada. 9915 B6807475 July 28 9916 Postal arrangements with UK, Canada and USA. 9916 B6807576 July 28 9917 Road to interior via Bute Inlet. 9917 B6807677 July 29 9918 Acknowledging receipt of circular. 9918 B6807778 July 29 9919 Forms for the examination of masters and mates. 9919 B6807879 July 29 9920 Survey of funds in colonial treasury. 9920 B6807980 July 31 9921 Explanation of delay in transmission of report. 9921 B68080Sep Aug. 1 9907 Recommendation that Delacombe be made Lieutenant Colonel. 9907 B68080SP81 Aug. 1 9922 Sale of land for taxes in VI. 9922 B68081Aug. 3 9941 Acquisition of Crown lands in BC. (Confidential) 9941 B68081CO82 Aug. 3 9923 Apologising for delay in transmission of ordinances. 9923 B6808283 Aug. 4 9924 Requesting copy of East Indian Local Statutes. 9924 B6808384 Aug. 4 9925 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 9925 B6808485 Aug. 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 8586 Aug. 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 86 B685AG0587 Aug. 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 87 B6801488 Aug. 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 8889 Aug. 5 9930 Ordinance regarding mortgages. 9930 B6808990 Aug. 5 9931 Telegraph regarding postal arrangements. 9931 B6809091 Aug. 5 9932 Insufficient remittance of money to the Crown Agents. 9932 B6809192 Aug. 5 9933 Expenses connected with military occupation of SJI. 9933 B6809293 Aug. 6 9934 Homestead ordinance. 9934 B6809394 Aug. 6 9935 Ordinance regarding the Society of the Sisters of St. Ann. 9935 B68094Tel Aug. 4 8532 Postal arrangements. 8532 B68094T95 Aug. 8 9936 Enclosure missing from despatch. 9936 B6809596 Aug. 8 9937 Journals of the Legislative Council. 9937 B6809697 Aug. 8 9938 Minutes of the Executive Council. 9938 B6809798 Aug. 8 9939 Schedule of despatches remaining unanswered. 9939 B6809899 Aug. 10 9940 Capital punishment within prisons. 9940 B68099100 Aug. 11 11062 Registration of births, deaths and marriages. 11062 B68100101 Aug. 11 11063 Compensation for loss of office to two gentlemen. 11063 B68101102 Aug. 18 11064 Forwarding financial returns. 11064 B68102103 aug. 17 11065 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 11065 B68103Sep Aug. 17 11072 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11072 B68103SPSep n.d. -- 11102 Substituting despatches. 11102 B68103SQ104 Aug. 22 11066 Forwarding monthly reports of magistrates. 11066 B68104105 Aug. 22 11067 Forwarding return showing revenue. 11067 B68105106 Aug. 22 11068 Disposal of public lands in BC. 11068 B68106107 Aug. 26 11069 Opposition to draft ordinance. 11069 B68107108 Aug. 26 11070 Ordinance respecting supreme courts of BC. 11070 B68108109 Aug. 26 11071 Ordinances respecting the legal profession. 11071 B68109110 Sep. 1 12763 Remittances on account of interest and sinking funds. 12763 B68110Sep Sep. 1 12764 Conditions in New Westminster. 12764 B68110SP111 Sep. 2 12766 Concession of Queen Charlotte Islands. 12766 B68111112 Sep. 4 12767 Pecuniary assistance to BC. 12767 B68112113 Sep. 7 12768 Ability of Seymour to make grants of land. 12768 B68113114 Sep. 30 13646 Destruction by fire of Barkerville. 13646 B68114Sep Oct. 2 104 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 104 B68016Sep Oct. 2 105 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 105 B68114SQ115 Oct. 1 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 115116 Nov. 4 97 Lowenberg's title to lot Z. 97 B68116Sep Nov. 5 103 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 103 B68116SP117 Nov. 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 117 B687016118 Nov. 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 118 B687017119 Nov. 10 100 Preparations for Fenian attack. 100 B68119Nov. 16 3036 Expressing satisfaction with Needham. (Private) 3036 B68119PRNov. 16 468 In favour of permanent appointment of Young. (Confidential) 468 B68119PSSep Nov. 20 106 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 106 B68119SP120 Nov. 21 101 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 101 B68120121 Nov. 21 102 Promotion of Captain Allen at SJI. 102 B68121Nov. 21 469 Appointment of Hankin as colonial secretary. (Confidential) 469 B68121CONov. 29 546 Appointment of Hankin as colonial secretary. (Confidential) 546 B68121CP122 Nov. 30 536 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 536 B68122123 Nov. 30 537 American troops on SJI commanded by Brevet Colonel C. Bird. 537 B68123124 Nov. 30 538 Including BC in reciprocity treaty. 538 B68124125 Nov. 30 539 Convention held at Yale in favour of Confederation with Canada. 539 B68125Nov. 30 547 Fenian organization in Victoria. (Confidential) 547 B68125CO126 Nov. 30 798 Murders at Metlakahtla. 798 B68126127 Nov. 30 799 Claims for compensation for move of capital from New Westminster. 799 B68127128 Dec. 1 800 Forwarding ordinances and journals of the Legislative Council. 800 B68128129 Dec. 10 801 Reports from the district magistrates. 801 B68129130 Dec. 12 802 Reconstitution of the legislature. 802 B68130131 Dec. 12 803 Payment of Hankin as colonial secretary. 803 B68131Dec. 12 835 Dispute over appointment of Hankin over Young. (Confidential) 835 B68131CO132 Dec. 12 804 Ordinance respecting medicine and surgery. 804 B68132133 Dec. 14 805 Report from the magistrate of Lillooet district. 805 B68133Dec. 14 834 Promotion of Captain Delacombe. (Confidential) 834 B68133CO134 Dec. 16 1271 Report of collector of customs. 1271 B68134135 Dec. 21 1272 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 1272 B68135136 Dec. 21 1273 Speech opening session of legislature. 1273 B68136137 Dec. 21 1274 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 1274 B68137138 Dec. 21 1275 Method of payment for postage. 1275 B68138Sep Dec. 21 1276 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1276 B68138SP139 Dec. 22 2183 Payment of sum to War Office. 2183 B68139140 Dec. 22 2184 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 2184 B68140Sep Dec. 31 2182 Acknowledging receipt of despatch. 2182 B68140SP141 Dec. 31 2185 Returns relating to revenue and expenditure. 2185 B68141
British Columbia Public Offices 1868
Admiralty1266 Feb. 3 Delivery of confidential despatch to governor. 1266 B685AD011898 Feb 20 Supression of disturbances at Cariboo. 1898 B685AD023408 Apr 2 Construction of dock at Esquimalt. 3408 B685AD034660 May 5 Possible Fenian raid in Victoria. 4660 B685AD044773 May 11 Hydrographic report favouring dock at Esquimalt. 4773 B685AD056045 June 10 Colonial pay of Royal Marines at San Juan. 6045 B685AD066524 June 18 Approving site of Victoria as capital. 6524 B685AD076609 June 22 Construction of private dock at Esquimalt. 6609 B685AD087242 July 9 Ordinance for protection of naval stores. 7242 B685AD097943 July 24 Murder of Indians on north coast. 7943 B685AD107947 July 24 Report on settlements on north coast. 7947 B685AD119115 Aug 19 Sparrowhawk to visit north coast. 9115 B685AD1210114 Sep 11 Mission station at mouth of Nass River. 10114 B685AD1310509 Sep 22 Honorary rank for Captain Delacombe at San Juan. 10509 B685AD1411576 Oct 21 Assistance for constructing dock at Esquimalt. 11576 B685AD1512780 Nov 19 Difficulty in transporting men to Cariboo. 12780 B685AD1613555 Dec 8 Precautions against Fenian attack. 13555 B685AD17
Agent (Crown Agents)5303 May 21 Payment of arrears in account of BC. 5303 B685AG015304 May 21 Arrangements for handling BC sinking fund. 5304 B685AG027053 July 2 State of BC account. 7053 B685AG039116 Aug 19 Targets for Volunteer Rifle Corps of VI. 9116 B685AG0410638 Sep 28 Forwarding books to BC. 10638 B685AG0513520 Dec 8 Remission of BC funds through Admiralty. 13520 B685AG0613558 Dec 8 Deficits in BC account. 13558 B685AG0713989 Dec 21 Receipt of £3000 from BC. 13989 B685AG08
Foreign Office136 Jan 4 Inquiry into fate of J.W. Cramer. 136 B685FO01244 Jan 8 US Senate resolution regarding San Juan Island. 244 B685FO022753 Mar 4 Proposed arbitration of San Juan dispute. 2753 B685FO036688 June 25 Navigation rights on Stikine River. 6688 B685FO047158 July 6 US Senate report on occupation of San Juan. 7158 B685FO059064 Aug 17 Promotion of US commander at San Juan. 9064 B685FO069404 Aug 25 Disposal of property left by J.H.C. Baar. 9404 B685FO079970 Sep 9 Promotion of US commander at San Juan. 9970 B685FO0811695 Oct 24 Extention of US reciprocity treaty to BC. 11695 B685FO0911721 Oct 26 HBC memorial favouring reciprocity. 11721 B685FO10
India Office10388 Sep 19 India's acts relating to merchant seamen. 10388 B685IN01
Land (Emigration Office)739 Jan 20 Regulations for land grants in VI and BC. 739 B685LN011469 Feb 12 Disposition of deed reconveying VI to the crown. 1469 B685LN024448 Apr 30 Pre-emption of crown lands in BC. 4448 B685LN034850 May 11 Sale of land for taxes in VI. 4850 B685LN047244 July 10 Application for land grant on Queen Charlotte Island. 7244 B685LN058428 July 30 Approving ordinance to confirm certain titles, VI. 8428 B685LN0612132 Oct 31 Land system in VI and BC. 12132 B685LN07
Miscellaneous54 Jan 1 Mail steamship service to Oregon. 54 B685MI012914 Mar 24 Overdrawn account at Bank of BC. 2914 B685MI023581 Apr 9 Overdrawn account at Bank of BC. 3581 B685MI033747 Apr 7 Memorial in support of C.W. Franks. 3747 B685MI044101 Apr 23 Overdrawn account at Bank of BC. 4101 B685MI055434 May 22 Half yearly statement of Bank of BC. 5434 B685MI065984 June 8 Proposal to build dry dock at Esquimalt. 5984 B685MI076119 June 11 Navigation rights to Stikine River. 6119 B685MI086282 June 15 Improvement of postal service with the USA. 6282 B685MI096632 June 23 Overdrawn account at Bank of BC. 6632 B685MI106975 July 1 Report on coach road in BC. 6975 B685MI116983 June 30 Acknowledging fixing of capital in Victoria. 6983 B685MI126990 July 1 Acknowledging fixing of capital in Victoria. 6990 B685MI137486 July 14 Validity of title to lot Z in Victoria. 7486 B685MI148501 Aug 5 Acknowledging information about lot Z. 8501 B685MI158666 Aug 10 Transmission of mails via Oregon. 8666 B685MI169530 Aug 28 Deed granting VI to HBC and reconveyance to the crown. 9530 B685MI1710568 Sep 25 Improvements to postal communications. 10568 B685MI1810993 Oct 5 Extension of US reciprocity to BC. 10993 B685MI1911493 Oct 17 Extension of US reciprocity to BC. 11493 B685MI2012424 Nov 9 Half yearly statement of Bank of BC. 12424 B685MI2112448 Nov 11 Adjustment of postal accounts. 12448 B685MI2237 Dec 30 Canadian concerns about San Juan resolution. 37 B685MI23
Trade (Board of Trade)1267 Feb 4 Consolidation of merchant shipping acts. 1267 B685TA016682 June 25 Payment for lighthouse stores in VI. 6682 B685TA029888 Sep 8 BC shipping ordinance of 1867. 9888 B685TA039963 Sep 9 Requisition for lighthouse stores for VI. 9963 B685TA0410485 Sep 21 Examination forms for masters and mates. 10485 B685TA05
Treasury3274 Mar 30 BC estimates for 1867. 3274 B685TE014244 Apr 27 Investment of BC sinking fund. 4244 B685TE025004 May 14 Sydney gold coins legal tender in BC. 5004 B685TE035102 May 16 Payment of Royal Marines on San Juan. 5102 B685TE046051 June 10 Payment of interest on BC sinking fund. 6051 B685TE056279 June 15 Amendments to BC customs ordinance. 6279 B685TE066280 June 15 Investment of BC sinking fund. 6280 B685TE076359 June 17 Expenses of Royal Marines on San Juan. 6359 B685TE086970 July 1 Payment of imperial pensioners resident in BC. 6970 B685TE097000 July 2 Extra pay for Royal Marines on San Juan. 7000 B685TE107180 July 7 Expenses of Royal Marines on San Juan. 7180 B685TE117266 July 9 Payment of pensions and gratuities during 1867. 7266 B685TE128255 July 30 Debentures for short temporary loans. 8255 B685TE138369 Aug 1 Financial condition of BC. 8369 B685TE148370 Aug 1 Payment to pensioners of Chelsea Hospital. 8370 B685TE159147 Aug 20 Report on amendments to customs ordinance. 9147 B685TE169701 Sep 3 Bill for military occupation of San Juan. 9701 B685TE179802 Sep 7 Bill for military occupation of San Juan. 9802 B685TE1810561 Sep 25 Expense of military occupation of San Juan. 10561 B685TE1912125 Nov 2 BC estimates for 1868. 12125 B685TE20
War Office1317 Feb 5 Supplies to Volunteer Rifle Corps at New Westminster. 1317 B685WA011917 Feb 20 Payment for stores of BC Artillery Volunteers. 1917 B685WA022705 Mar 14 Payment for stores of BC Artillery Volunteers. 2705 B685WA034033 Apr 20 Arms and ammunition left by Royal Engineers. 4033 B685WA046896 June 27 Specifications for targets used by volunteers. 6896 B685WA0511727 Oct 26 Method of paying pensioners in BC. 11727 B685WA0611953 Oct 28 Payment of stores issued to BC. 11953 B685WA07
British Columbia Despatches from London 1868
1 Jan 10 Information sought on ordinance regarding flume company. 12 Jan 11 Information requested regarding J.W. Cramer, employed by Douglas. 2 B68001Jan 17 Validity of Anglo-Russian treaty, 1825. (Confidential) 3 Jan 20 Management and condition of prisons. 3 B685AD014 Jan 21 Despatch regarding conditions in Cariboo received. 4 B680675 Jan 29 Objection to ordinance regarding licensing of surgeons. 5 B687005Sep Jan 31 Return requested of Kennedy's commission as governor. 31 B685AD096 Feb 3 Lowenburg's claim on Lot Z. 67 Feb 5 Ordinance 29 regarding inadmittance of foreign vessels to coastal trade. 7 B680708 Feb 8 Expression of thanks to Needham for work in Cariboo. 8 B68001PR9 Feb 8 Irregularities in VI real estate transactions. 9 B68070SP10 Feb 8 Cartridges supplied to New Westminster volunteer rifle corps. 1011 Feb 10 Indian relations in Alaska Territory. 1112 Feb 13 Needham's request for salary increase denied. 12 B6800213 Feb 15 Effect of union of legislative constitution of the colony. 13Sep Jan 31 Requesting Kennedy's commission be returned for cancelling stamp. 31 B685AD0914 Feb 24 Naval detachments may be used for service in the interior. 1415 Feb 26 Establishment of a court of error for appeal in BC. 15 B6800316 Mar 2 Copy of deed of reconveyance of VI by HBC. 1617 Mar 19 More information regarding appointment of Good as assistant colonial secretary. 17 B685AD0518 Mar 21 Support of Mrs. W.G. Cox. 1819 Mar 23 Alternate position for sea route. 19Sep Mar 27 [Missing] 2720 Mar 25 Approving ordinance regarding county courts. 20 B685AD0621 Apr 5 circumstances of Cooper's appointment. 2122 Apr 10 Approving appropriation ordinance. 2223 Apr 14 Despatches received, Waddington's application for charter. 2324 Apr 17 Overdrawn account of colony with Bank of BC. 24 B685AD0725 May 9 Telegram received, no Fenians, Victoria is capital. 2526 May 12 Report requested on ordinance for regulating crown lands. 26 B685AD08May 12 Correct procedure in handling ordinances. (Confidential) 27 May 16 Esquimalt most suitable for naval dock. 2728 May 16 Communications regarding location of capital. 28 B6807129 May 21 Bill for £1500 for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 2930 May 24 Suggested amendments to ordinance for sale of VI land for taxes. 3031 May 27 Letter regarding grant of land for Presbyterian Church. 31 B685AD0932 June 16 Application for set of targets for rifle practice. 32 B6806233 June 19 Report requested regarding postal services. 33 B6800434 June 20 Expenses of military occupation of San Juan. 34 B685AD0135 June 22 Application by Bushby for employment elsewhere. 35Sep June 22 Separate despatch regarding state of affairs in BC received. 2236 June 22 Despatch regarding opening of legislature received. 3637 June 25 Investment of sinking fund in BC debentures. 37 B685MI2338 June 26 Relations between Seymour and Admiral Hastings corrected. 38 B6800539 June 26 Approving ordinance regarding William Creek Bedrock Flume Company. 3940 June 26 Operation of two supreme courts. 40 B68006June 26 Difficulties regarding supreme courts of VI and BC should be worked out. (Confidential) 41 June 26 Coach road from BC to Canada. 4142 June 30 Assistance requested by BC Graving Dock Company. 4243 July 4 Approving ordinance establishing weights and measures. 4344 July 7 Arrangements for payment of pensioners. 4445 July 9 Expenses of Royal Marines on San Juan. 4546 July 9 Satisfaction that the capital removed to Victoria. 4647 July 11 Confederation with Canada. 47 B6807248 July 15 Request for £50,000 loan turned down. 4849 July 14 Approving ordinance relating to gold mining. 49 B6800750 July 16 Lighthouse stores. 5051 July 18 Approving ordinance regarding protection of naval stores. 5152 July 18 Approving ordinance regarding limitation of action and suits. 52 B685AD1453 July 18 Francis Poole's application for land grant on QCI refused. 5354 July 23 Approval of ordinance for investigating accidents by fire. 54 B685MI0155 July 27 Petition from New Westminster against relocation of capital. 5556 July 28 Lowenburg's title to lot Z. 56 B685AD15July 28 Agreeing not to appoint Young colonial secretary on permanent basis. (Confidential) 57 Aug 3 Murder of nine Indians at Metlakahtla. 5758 Aug 4 Approving ordinance authorizing debentures for short, temporary loans. 58 B685AD1659 Aug 5 Payment authorized for £164 for advances to pensioners of Chelsea Hospital. 5960 Aug 7 Approving ordinance confirming grants from HBC. 60 B68094T61 Aug 11 Telegram regarding postal service received. 6162 Aug 15 Postal arrangements with US. 62Aug 17 [Missing] (Confidential) 63 Aug 21 WO claim of £675 for arms left by RE's for used of BC. 6364 Aug 21 WO postpones claim of £141 for artillery stores. 64 B685AD1765 Aug 25 Supply of targets for VI. 65 B6800966 Aug 27 Approving ordinance regarding sale of property of intestates. 6667 Aug 27 Approving ordinance regarding trustees relief act. 6768 Aug 27 Approving ordinance extending Thompson Bridge Toll Act. 6869 Aug 31 Approving ordinance regarding customs duties. 69 B6801070 Sep 11 Despatches received. 70 B6801171 Sep 14 Lighthouse stores. 71 B685AG0172 Sep 15 Approving ordinance regulating coastal trade and shipping. 72Sep 16 Approving precautionary measure for Fenian attacks. (Confidential) 73 Sep 17 Approving ordinance regarding sale of land for taxes in VI. 73 B6807474 Sep 19 Application from Franklyn for other employment. 7475 Sep 19 Motion by de Cosmos favouring confederation. 7576 Sep 21 Ordinance regarding power of mortgager refused. 76 B685AG0277 Sep 24 Examination of masters and mates. 7778 Sep 24 East Indian local statute for use of AG. 7879 Sep 25 Ordinance incorporating Sisters of St. Ann refused. 79 B6807580 Sep 26 Assistance to VI Dock Company. 8081 Oct 1 Expenses of military occupation of San Juan. 81 B6801282 Oct 2 American promotion of Captain Allen at San Juan. 82 B685AG0483 Oct 2 Captain Delacombe's application for promotion. 83 B68012T84 Oct 3 postal rates between UK and BC via US. 84 B6801385 Oct 6 Announcing appointment of Hankin as colonial secretary of BC. 8586 Oct 13 Hankin departs for New York. 86 B685AG0587 Oct 20 Warrant for appointment of Hankin. 87 B6801488 Oct 20 Application of Needham for chief justice of British Guiana. 8889 Oct 21 Reciprocity with the US, report requested. 89 B6801590 Oct 22 Concurrence of HBC in request for reciprocity. 9091 Oct 24 BC responsible for compensation for officers moving to VI. 9192 Oct 24 Confirming ordinance regarding supreme courts of BC. 9293 Oct 24 Approving ordinances regarding legal profession and barristers and attorneys. 9394 Oct 25 Draft ordinance for supreme court of BC denied. 94 B68700195 Oct 26 Despatch containing monthly reports of magistrates received. 95 B68700296 Nov 2 Assistance to VI Dock Company. 96 B687002A97 Nov 3 Correspondence regarding reciprocity to be forwarded. 97 B6811698 Nov 4 Payment of pension £18 to B. Wakefield. 98 B68700399 Nov 10 Payment to WO for stores. 99Nov 14 Role of governor in referring legislature to Queen. (Confidential) 100 Nov 25 Postal arrangements. 100 B68119Nov 28 Explaining appointment of Hankin instead of Young. (Confidential) 101 Nov 30 Use of naval men in the Cariboo. 101 B68120102 Dec 1 Land system used in BC. 102 B68121103 Dec 3 New Westminster's feelings regarding relocation of capital. 103 B68116SP104 Dec 4 Governor has power to make grants from crown lands. 104 B68016105 Dec 7 Approving ordinance regarding expenditures. 105 B68114SQ1 Dec 12 Franklyn appointed civil commissioner of Seychelles Islands. 12 Dec 21 Withhold assent to ordinance regarding crown lands in BC. 2 B680013 Dec 22 Report of fire at Barkerville received. 3 B685AD014 Dec 30 Liabilities of BC and VI, sinking funds. 4 B68067
British Columbia Correspondence 1869
12098 Oct. 30 Barwise, Jackson, requesting assistance for fishing association. 12098 B696B0112528 Nov. 11 -----, acknowledging reply to inquiry for assistance. 12528 B696B0212461 Nov. 5 Carnarvon, regarding Seymour's salary arrangements. 12461 B696C0114206 Dec. 24 -----, regarding Seymour's salary arrangements. 14206 B696C029942 Sep. 1 Bishop of Columbia, payment regarding female emigration. 9942 B696C035069 Apr. 27 Cowan, Chas., introduction of Cadell's gold washing machinery. 5069 B696C047069 June 18 Fisher, Wm., requesting introduction to government figures so as to present New Westminster Town Council petition. 7069 B696F017878 July 13 -----, requesting interview to present petition. 7878 B696F0210219 Sep. 10 -----, statement of case petitioned. 10219 B696F038130 July 19 Fletcher, Henry, statement of Bella Coola disturbance. 8130 B696F0411650 Aug. 5 Foster, George F., employment recommendation. 11650 B696F056807 June 16 Hill, Stephen J., seeking governorship of BC. 6807 B696H016835 June 17 Moody, R.C., seeking governorship of BC. 6835 B696M016798 n.d. - Musgrave, A., telegram requesting leave of absence. 6798 B69105T17089 June 24 Payne, W. Francis, marriage and burial certificates of Wignell. 7089 B696P014842 Apr. 26 Pearse, B.W., seeking appointment in public service. 4842 B696P024843 Apr. 26 -----, requesting half salary while on leave. 4843 B696P0310012 Aug. 28 Seymour, Florence M., claim to travelling allowance. 10012 B696S016858 June 18 Sprout, Gilbert Malcolm, seeking governorship of BC. 6858 B696S027136 June 26 -----, withdrawing candidacy. 7136 B696S035809 May 21 Torrens, R.W., use of CO as employment reference. 5809 B696T013110 Jan. 14 Watson, Alexander, compensation for loss of office. 3110 B696W014940 May 1 White, John, requesting half salary while on leave. 4940 B696W0212995 Nov. 25 -----, requesting extension of leave. 12995 B696W037692 June 17 Wylly, C.W., compensation for loss of office. 7692 B696W048799 Aug. 2 Young, W.A.G., requesting pension. 8799 B696Y0110527 Sep. 16 -----, clarififying pension claim. 10527 B696Y02
British Columbia Despatches to London 1869
1 Jan. 14 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 12 Jan. 14 2187 Military interference with miners in the interior. 2187 B690023 Jan. 14 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3 B695AD014 Jan. 14 2189 Promotion of Captain Delacombe unnecessary. 2189 B690045 Jan. 16 2190 Power of governor to reserve bills. 2190 B69005Jan. 16 2191 Military occupation of the north end of SJI. (Confidential) 2191 B69005COTel Jan. 18 670 State of colony. 670 B69005T6 Jan. 20 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6 B691027 Jan. 21 3399 Postal arrangements with UK, Canada and USA. 3399 B690078 Jan. 25 PABC Acknowledging receipt of circular. 8 B695AD039 Jan. 25 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 910 Jan. 25 3402 Bill drawn for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 3402 B6901011 Jan. 30 3403 Resignation of Cooper. 3403 B6901112 Jan. 30 3404 Telegraphic system in BC. 3404 B6901213 Jan. 30 3405 Recommending Major Foster for employment. 3405 B6901314 Feb. 4 4619 Reciprocity between BNA and USA. 4619 B6901415 Feb. 5 4620 Minutes of Executive Council. 4620 B6901516 Feb. 18 4621 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 4621 B6901617 Feb. 23 4622 Payment made to Crown Agents. 4622 B6901718 Feb. 24 4623 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 4623 B6901819 Feb. 24 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1920 Feb. 24 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 20 B69005T21 Feb. 25 4626 Accounts of receipt and expenditure. 4626 B6902122 Mar. 1 4627 Leave of absence granted to Pearse. 4627 B6902223 Mar. 2 4628 Requesting copy of "Ship Captain's Medical Guide." 4628 B6902324 Mar. 2 4629 Forwarding Blue Book. 4629 B6902425 Mar. 3 4630 Reduction of salaries to crown officers. 4630 B6902526 Mar. 4 4631 Union of BC with Canada. 4631 B6902627 Mar. 6 4632 Sum to be drawn on Imperial pension account. 4632 B6902728 Mar. 6 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2829 Mar. 8 4634 Forwarding returns of revenue and expenditure. 4634 B6902930 Mar. 8 4635 Payment of passage of W.H. Franklyn. 4635 B6903031 Mar. 8 4636 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 4636 B6903132 Mar. 9 4637 Relevancy of financial instructions to BC. 4637 B6903233 Mar. 9 4638 Progress of the legislative session. 4638 B6903334 Mar. 10 5391 Ordinance to establish savings banks. 5391 B6903435 mar. 10 5392 Ordinance promoting public health. 5392 B6903536 Mar. 10 5393 Queen Charlotte Coal Company moves to Victoria. 5393 B6903637 Mar. 10 5394 Appointment of commissioners to take affidavits and bail. 5394 B6903738 Mar. 12 5395 Ordinance respecting reconveyance of VI to Crown. 5395 B6903839 Mar. 17 5396 Treaty of commercial reciprocity with USA. 5396 B6903940 Mar. 17 5397 Relationship with legislature. 5397 B6904041 Mar. 18 5398 Verheyden will not consent to the marriage of his daughter. 5398 B6904142 Mar. 19 5399 Leave of absence granted to John White. 5399 B6904243 Mar. 19 5400 Report on voyages to foreign ports. 5400 B6904344 Mar. 19 5567 Ordinance to incorporate St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. 5567 B69044Sep n.d. - 6126 Copy of St. Andrew's Church Bill. 6126 B69044SP45 Mar. 19 5568 Ordinance for contingent service of 1869. 5568 B6904546 Mar. 19 5569 Returns relating to revenue and expenditure. 5569 B6904647 Mar. 20 5570 Report from Chief Constable of Kootenay district. 5570 B6904748 Mar. 22 5571 Tramway constructed by the Harewood Colliery Co. 5571 B6904849 Mar. 22 5572 Ordinance respecting pre-emption claims. 5572 B6904950 Mar. 22 5573 Ordinance respecting stipendiary magistrates. 5573 B6905051 Mar. 22 5574 Ordinance amending law of partnership. 5574 B6905152 Mar. 22 5575 Ordinance establishing volunteer force. 5575 B6905253 Mar. 22 5576 Maintenance, improvement, and construction of roads. 5576 B6905354 Mar. 22 5577 Ordinance respecting practise of surgery. 5577 B6905455 Mar. 23 5578 Sum supplied for contingent services of 1866-7. 5578 B6905556 Mar. 24 5579 Ordinance respecting exporters of goods. 5579 B69056Sep n.d. - 6127 Copy of Drawback's bill. 6127 B69056SP57 Mar. 24 5580 Postal system to and from the colony. 5580 B6905758 Mar. 24 5581 Unsatisfactory condition of the courts of BC. 5581 B6905859 Apr. 1 5582 Ordinance respecting property of religious institutions. 5582 B6905960 Apr. 3 5583 Ordinance regulating supreme courts. 5583 B6906061 Apr. 5 5584 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5584 B6906162 Apr. 5 5585 Acknowledging receipt of circular. 5585 B6906263 Apr. 8 5586 Hankin sworn into office. 5586 B6906364 Apr. 8 5587 Amendments to medical ordinance. 5587 B6906465 Apr. 8 5588 Registration of births, deaths and marriages. 5588 B6906566 Apr. 9 5589 Recommendation of Young for employment. 5589 B6906667 Apr. 10 6111 Admiral Hastings to be headquartered at Valparaiso. 6111 B6906768 Apr. 10 6112 Ordinance regulating taking of game. 6112 B6906869 Apr. 10 6113 Ordinance respecting fire halls in Victoria. 6113 B6906970 Apr. 13 6114 Ordinance respecting mineral lands. 6114 B6907071 Apr. 14 6115 Amendment of County Courts Ordinance. 6115 B6907172 Apr. 15 6116 Extension of certain provisions of the 18 and 19 Victoria cap. 90 to BC. 6116 B6907273 Apr. 15 6248 Forwarding receipt from C.F. Weishaar as per instructions. 6248 B6907374 Apr. 16 6249 Ordinance for the protection of cattle. 6249 B6907475 Apr. 16 6250 Establishment of public schools. 6250 B6907576 Apr. 20 6251 Ordinance respecting Indian reserves. 6251 B6907677 Apr. 24 6252 Amendment of Victoria Municipal Ordinance. 6252 B6907778 Apr. 26 7485 Ordinance regulating the fencing of land in BC. 7485 B6907879 Apr. 26 7486 Ordinance to amend the procedure in civil cases. 7486 B6907980 Apr. 26 7487 Ordinance respecting formation of companies. 7487 B6908081 Apr. 28 7488 Report from chief constable of Kootenay district. 7488 B6908182 May 1 7489 Publication of letter regarding bankruptcy. 183 May 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 484 May 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 485 May 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 486 May 4 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 487 May 11 7494 Wreck of the John Bright. 7494 B6908788 May 11 7495 Not able to obtain explanation from Captain Franklyn as per request. 7495 B6908889 May 11 7496 No educational works published in the colony. 7496 B6908990 May 12 7497 Forwarding report on Yale district. 7497 B6909091 May 13 7498 Establishment of investment and loan societies. 7498 B6909192 May 13 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9293 May 15 7500 Sum on account of lighthouse stores remitted. 7500 B6909394 May 17 7501 Despatch to be delivered by Young. 7501 B6909495 May 17 7502 Murders in the neighbourhood of Metlakahtla. 7502 B690951 June 14 8077 Death of Governor Seymour. 8077 B691012 June 14 8078 Appointment of Good as colonial secretary. 8078 B691023 June 14 8079 Appointment of Maunsell as private secretary. 8079 B691034 June 14 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 45 June 14 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5 B69004Tel June 15 6798 Request from Musgrave to travel to England before going to BC. 6798 B69105T1Tel June 15 6790 Reporting death of Seymour. 6790Tel June 15 7681 Reporting death of Seymour. 7681 B69105T36 June 17 8082 Forwarding Government Gazettes. 8082 B691067 June 17 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 78 June 17 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 8 B695AD039 June 17 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 910 June 18 8142 Young's application for compensation for loss of office. 8142 B6911011 June 18 8143 Acknowledging receipt of confidential despatch. 8143 B6911112 June 21 8144 Death of Captain Lascelles. 8144 B6911213 June 21 8145 Liabilities on account of BC and VI loans. 8145 B6911314 June 22 8146 Bill drawn for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 8146 B6911415 June 23 8147 Payment of sum to Crown Agents. 8147 B6911516 June 23 8148 Musgrave appointed governor. 8148 B6911617 June 24 8149 Correspondence from G.W. Cox. 8149 B6911718 June 24 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1819 June 24 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 1920 June 24 8152 Travel plans of Mrs. Seymour. 8152 B6912021 June 24 8153 Estimates of revenue and expenditure. 8153 B6912122 June 26 8154 Report from Trutch regarding death of Seymour. 8154 B6912223 June 28 8580 Watson's claim on the home government. 8580 B6912324 June 30 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2425 July 1 8582 Payments on account of Imperial pensioners. 8582 B6912526 July 3 8583 State of Trutch's appointment. 8583 B69126July 12 9273 Visit of George Francis Train. (Confidential) 9273 B69126CO27 July 12 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2728 July 12 9275 Arrival of French vessels in Esquimalt Harbour. 9275 B69128July 19 9336 Resolution against confederation with Canada. (Confidential) 9336 B69128CO29 July 20 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2930 July 21 9277 Expression of sympathy to Mrs. Seymour. 9277 B6913031 July 21 9278 Minutes of Executive Council. 9278 B6913132 July 23 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3233 July 23 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 33 B6902534 July 27 9672 Execution of Indian for murder of W. Robinson. 9672 B6913435 Aug. 3 10223 Accounts relating to Imperial pensions. 10223 B6913536 Aug. 3 10224 Seymour's funeral costs. 10224 B6913637 Aug. 3 10225 Two Indians condemned to death for murder. 10225 B6913738 Aug. 8 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 38 B6910639 Aug. 8 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 3940 Aug. 9 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 40 B6901241 Aug. 11 10229 Reporting arrival of American frigate. 10229 B6914142 Aug. 12 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 42 B6911043 Aug. 12 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 43 B695AD081 Aug. 25 10686 Condition of colony. 10686 B692012 Aug. 23 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 2 B690023 Aug. 25 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3 B695AD014 Sep. 2 11115 Salary of governor. 11115 B692045 Sep. 2 11116 Addresses presented to Musgrave on his arrival. 11116 B692056 Sep. 2 11117 Returns relating to revenue and expenditure. 11117 B692067 Sep. 3 11118 Governor's intention to visit Cariboo. 11118 B692078 Sep. 2 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8 B695AD039 Oct. 15 12813 Report of governor's visit to settlements. 12813 B6920910 Oct. 16 12814 Maunsell's request for employment. 12814 B6921011 Oct. 18 12815 Request by bishop of BC for money to aid female immigration. 12815 B6921112 Oct. 18 12816 Forwarding Blue Book. 12816 B6921213 Oct. 20 12817 Instructions regarding estimates of revenue and expenditure. 12817 B6921314 Oct. 20 12818 BC and VI loans. 12818 B6921415 Oct. 20 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 15 B69005CO16 Oct. 20 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 16 B69105T117 Oct. 20 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 1718 Oct. 30 13572 Supply of mercantile navy lists to the colonies. 13572 B6921819 Oct. 30 13573 Union of BC with Canada. 13573 B6921920 Nov. 1 13574 Request for copies of memo attached to circular. 13574 B6922021 Nov. 2 13575 Remittance of sum to Crown Agents. 13575 B6922122 Nov. 2 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2223 Nov. 2 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 23 B6900724 Nov. 8 13578 Reporting Musgrave's broken leg. 13578 B6922425 Nov. 13 13579 Leave of absence granted to Cochrane. 13579 B69225Nov. 22 245 BC's inclusion in the reciprocity treaty. (Confidential) 245 B69225CO26 Nov. 13 PABC Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 2627 Nov. 13 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2728 Nov. 26 174 Fees payable to attorney general. 174 B6922829 Nov. 26 175 Bill drawn for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 175 B6922930 Nov. 26 176 Remittance of sum to Crown Agents. 176 B6923031 Nov. 27 177 Condition of the treasury office in BC. 177 B6923132 Nov. 29 178 Mode of appointment to public offices. 178 B6923233 Dec. 8 179 Three cases of murder by Indians. 179 B6923334 Dec. 8 180 Commission appointing Musgrave to be governor. 180 B6923435 Dec. 9 181 Exequatur granted to M.T. Johnston. 181 B6923536 Dec. 9 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 36 B6923537 Dec. 10 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 37 B695WA0438 Dec. 10 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 38 B6910639 Dec. 10 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3940 Dec. 22 1382 Status of justice system in the colony. 1382 B69240Dec. 22 1394 Status of justice system in the colony. (Confidential) 1394 B69240CO41 Dec. 24 1383 Changes to Legislative Council. 1383 B6924142 Dec. 27 1384 Musgrave requests leave of absence on full pay. 1384 B6924243 Dec. 30 1385 Postal arrangements between the colony and the US. 1385 B6924344 Dec. 31 PABC Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 44
British Columbia Despatches from London 1869
1 Jan 5 Whereabouts of Verheyden, supposed to be in Victoria. 12 Jan 11 Lowenburg's title to lot Z. 2 B690023 Jan 13 Supplies for Fisgard lighthouse. 3 B695AD014 Jan 14 Transmitting copy of circular despatch. 45 Jan 22 Inquiry about Christian Friedrick Weishaar. 5 B6970056 Jan 23 Pension payment to James Sullivan. 6 B691027 Feb 1 Returning medical practitioners ordinance for amendment. 78 Feb 2 Telegram received. 8 B695AD039 Feb 3 Hastings to make headquarters at Valparaiso but keep a force in BC. 910 Feb 4 Resolutions from Yale convention. 1011 Feb 8 Constitution of legislative council. 1112 Feb 13 Reciprocity in abeyance for the moment. 12 B6900513 Feb 15 Repayment of postage not advisable. 13 B695AD0414 Feb 16 Disallowing compensation to New Westminster for relocation of capital. 1415 Feb 17 Salary for Hankin and Young. 15 B69005CO16 Feb 26 Postal arrangements between BC and US. 16 B69105T117 Mar 5 Canadian confederation and representative institutions. 1718 Mar 7 More vigorous action needed regarding murders in Metlakhatla. 1819 Mar 23 Promotion of commanding officer at San Juan unnecessary. 19Mar 24 Regarding lawsuit "Cary vs Franklin." (Confidential) 20 Apr 7 Approving ordinance establishing decimal system. 20 B69005T21 Apr 8 Lighthouse stores. 21Apr 10 Governor to exercise no jurisdiction over San Juan. (Confidential) 22 Apr 12 Maintenance expenses at San Juan. 2223 Apr 13 Accounts with Crown Agents in arrears. 23 B6900724 Apr 17 Approve grant of £600 to Cooper for loss of office. 24Apr 19 Hankin to installed as colonial secretary. (Confidential) 25 Apr 19 Application of Major Foster for public office. 25 B695AD0626 Apr 23 Charge of interpreter for Sparrowhawk during northern investigation. 2627 Apr 26 Suggested method of remittances to agents general refused. 2728 Apr 27 Approving leave of absence for 12 months to Pearse. 28Apr 30 Young not to remain as presiding member of Legislative Council. (Confidential) 29 May 1 Despatch regarding remittance to Crown received. 2930 May 6 Resolution of Legislative Council opposing immediate confederation. 30 B6901031 May 8 Remittance to crown agents. 31May 18 Decison on SJI postponed to next session of US senate. (Confidential) 33 May 18 Despatch regarding closing of legislature received. 33 B6902534 May 19 Reduction of salaries for Crown officers. 34 B69011May 19 Consider reducing salaries or abolishing certain offices. (Confidential) 35 May 19 Alleged encroachments of HBC into Alaska. 35 B6900236 May 21 Approving ordinance promoting public health. 36 B6910137 May 21 Approving ordinance regarding Queen Charlotte Coal Mining Company. 37 B696T0138 May 21 Approving ordinance regarding affidavits and bail. 38 B6910639 May 21 Approving ordinance regarding reconveyance of VI to Crown. 3940 May 21 Admission of BC vessels in Spanish ports. 40 B6901241 May 22 Approving ordinance regarding stipendiary magistrates. 4142 May 22 Approving ordinance regarding law of partnership. 42 B6911043 May 24 Approving ordinance regarding maintenance and construction of roads. 43 B695AD0844 May 24 Approving ordinance regarding practice of surgery. 4445 May 24 Ordinance regarding appropriation awaiting estimates. 45 B6901346 May 25 Approving ordinance regarding Harewood Railway Company. 4647 May 27 Watson's claim for compensation not recognised. 47 B695FO0148 May 28 Despatch swearing in Hankin received. 4849 June 1 Approving game ordinance. 49 B695AD0950 June 1 Approving ordinance regarding fire establishments in Victoria. 50June 2 Confederation. (Confidential) 51 June 3 Commercial code of signals for shipping. 5152 June 4 Approving ordinance regarding property of religious institutions. 52 B695AD1053 June 7 Approving ordinance regarding Victoria municipal amendment. 5354 June 9 Confirming ordinance regarding Indian reserves. 54 B6901455 June 10 Approving ordinance regarding volunteer force. 5556 June 15 Telegram confirming ordinance. 5657 June 16 Telegram appointing Musgrave governor. 5758 June 16 Confirming ordinance regarding working of mineral lands. 5859 June 17 Death of Seymour, appointment of Musgrave. 5960 June 19 Approving ordinance regarding county courts amendment. 60 B695MI0861 June 19 Approving ordinance regarding establishment of savings banks. 61Sec June 26 Fenians. 62 June 26 Approving ordinance regarding supplemental supply. 62 B6911163 June 28 Approving ordinance regarding pre-empting claims. 63 B6901564 July 5 Remittances to Crown Agents. 6465 July 6 Approving ordinance regarding protection of cattle. 65 B6901666 July 7 Conveyance of mails to UK. 66 B6901767 July 8 Approving ordinance regarding procedure in civil cases. 6768 July 8 Approving ordinance respecting companies. 68 B6911369 July 9 Expenses of military occupation of SJI. 6970 July 15 Approving ordinance regarding fencing of land. 7071 July 17 Approving ordinance regarding investment and loan societies, additional suggestions. 71 B6901872 July 17 Authorizing Musgrave £800 for passage to BC. 72 B6902173 July 17 Approving ordinance extending certain provisions of imperial legislature. 73 B6911474 July 22 Approving Good as acting colonial secretary. 7475 July 23 Claim of Wylly for loss of VI office. 75 B695AD1176 July 31 Claim of Cox for 2 months salary. 76 B6902277 Aug 2 Trutch's report on Seymour's visit to northern BC. 77 B695AD1278 Aug 4 Remittance to Crown Agents insufficient for liabilities. 7879 Aug 5 Payment of £400 to Bishop for female immigration refused. 7980 Aug 7 Claim of Fisher for compensation for loss of office. 8081 Aug 7 Confirming Trutch as chief commissioner of lands and works. 81 B6902382 Aug 9 Confirming ordinance regulating supreme courts, with advice. 8283 Aug 9 Addresses presented to Musgrave from Newfoundland. 83 B6911784 Aug 14 Authorizing Musgrave to promote confederation with Canada. 8485 Aug 16 Declining to authorize two acts regarding export trade regulations. 8586 Aug 18 Total disregard of instructions regarding estimates. 86 B69024Aug 18 Visit of George Francis Train. (Confidential) Aug 24 Commercial negotiations with US. (Confidential) Aug 25 Fishing and commercial negotiations with US. (Confidential) 87 Aug 27 Telegram announcing Musgrave's arrival received. 87Aug 28 Public officials to support union. (Confidential) 88 Aug 30 Approving ordinance regarding appropriations and sanctioning estimates for 1869. 8889 Sep 7 Despatches regarding execution of Indian and wreck of John Bright received. 8990 Sep 9 Authorizing payment of £400 to Bishop for female immigration. 9091 Sep 13 Approving passage money for Young and family to England. 9192 Sep 20 Claims of New Westminster municipal council for compensation. 9293 - - Seymour's funeral expenses to be borne by BC. 9394 Sep 21 Despatch regarding Indian murderers received. 9495 Oct 2 Despatch regarding reception in Victoria received. 9596 Oct 2 Ordinance incorporating St. Andrews Presbyterian Church not accepted. 9697 Oct 13 Despatch regarding addresses of welcome received. 9798 Oct 18 Approving proposed tour through interior. 9899 Oct 21 Provisional appointment of Johnston as consul for North German Confederation. 99100 Nov 2 Commission and instructions to Musgrave. 100101 Nov 3 Claim of Young for compensation on loss of office. 101102 Nov 10 Charges for stamp on commission as governor. 102 B695AG02103 Nov 11 Application for developing salmon fisheries. 103104 Nov 15 Information sought for Aborigines Protection Society. 104 B695AG03105 Dec 4 Despatch containing report of tour received. 105 B69025106 Dec 4 Application of Maunsell for employment. 106107 Dec 8 Revised route of squadron under Hornby. 107108 Dec 14 Medal awarded James Sullivan, RA. 108 B695AG04109 Dec 14 Confirming leave of absence for 6 months to Cochrane. 109110 Dec 16 Application of White for additional leave denied. 110111 Dec 17 Schedules of arrears. 111112 Dec 24 Compound fracture of Musgrave's right leg. 112 B695AG05113 Dec 31 Despatch regarding confederation, advice to Musgrave. 113
British Columbia Public Offices 1869
Admiralty155 Jan 4 Maritime defence against Fenian attack. 155 B695AD01156 Jan 4 Stationing of Marines at Government House. 156 B695AD02904 Jan 26 Transfer of naval headquarters to Valparaiso. 904 B695AD031862 Feb 15 Despatch of Sparrowhawk to Salt Spring Island. 1862 B695AD041921 Feb 17 Inspection report on Puget Sound ports. 1921 B695AD052488 Mar 2 Refusal of brevet rank for Captain Delacombe. 2488 B695AD063838 Apr 6 Repayment for interpreter's services on board Sparrowhawk. 3838 B695AD074418 Apr 20 Cash problems with naval accountant. 4418 B695AD085287 May 8 Hastings' visit to various ports in BC. 5287 B695AD098788 Aug 3 Indian attack on the crew of John Bright. 8788 B695AD109573 Aug 24 Surgeon's report on Seymour's death on board Sparrowhawk. 9573 B695AD119835 Aug 31 Hastings' report on death of Seymour. 9835 B695AD1211702 Oct 20 Payment for use of Sparrowhawk linen. 11702 B695AD13
Agent (Crown Agents)2837 Mar 12 Payment to War Office for arms and accoutrements. 2837 B695AG014029 Apr 10 Arrangements for paying interest on BC debentures. 4029 B695AG024824 Apr 27 Arrangements for handling BC sinking fund. 4824 B695AG036526 Jun 10 State of the BC account. 6526 B695AG047659 Jul 8 Payment to Board of Trade for lighthouse supplies. 7659 B695AG058223 Jul 22 Payment to bishop for promoting female emigration. 8223 B695AG068447 Jul 29 Arrangements for handling BC sinking fund. 8447 B695AG07
Council (Privy Council)8978 Aug 9 Draft commission and instructions for Musgrave. 8978 B695CO01
Foreign Office47 Jan 1 Requesting Verheyden's consent to marriage of daughter. 47 B695FO01554 Jan 15 Convention regarding San Juan Island arbitration. 554 B695FO02691 Jan 20 Document for Weisshaar from consul of Baden. 691 B695FO031303 Feb 2 Inadvisability of presenting reciprocity proposals to US. 1303 B695FO041421 Feb 6 Extension of US reciprocity treaty to BC. 1421 B695FO051515 Feb 8 Forwarding despatch from Washington on SJI question. 1515 B695FO061872 Feb 16 American memorial against British claims to SJI. 1872 B695FO072325 Feb 27 Decision not to send copy of convention to governor. 2325 B695FO082786 Mar 9 Forwarding despatch from Washington on SJI question. 2786 B695FO092922 Mar 15 Concurrence of refusal to promote Delacombe. 2922 B695FO103527 Mar 29 US Senate resolution regarding SJI. 3527 B695FO113685 Mar 31 Governor's power and jurisdiction on SJI. 3685 B695FO125339 May 10 Inadvisability of pursuing reciprocity. 5339 B695FO135362 May 8 Encroachment of HBC agents in Alaska. 5362 B695FO145380 May 12 US Senate postpone consideration of convention on SJI. 5380 B695FO155504 May 13 Admittance of BC vessels in Spanish colonies. 5504 B695FO1611659 Oct 18 Consul for North German Confederation at Victoria. 11659 B695FO17
Land (Emigration Office)6144 May 29 Ordinance respecting pre-emption claims. 6144 B695LN016221 May 31 New regulations to facilitate mining. 6221 B695LN02
Miscellaneous16 Dec 31 Canadian and BC views on reciprocity. 16 B695MI19900 Jan 26 Settlement of Victoria lot Z dispute. 900 B695MI011493 Feb 8 Character reference on James Reed Macadam. 1493 B695MI021559 Feb 11 New postal arrangements between Britain and BC. 1559 B695MI031998 Feb 19 US terms for postal arrangement with BC. 1998 B695MI045741 May 19 Half yearly statement of Bank of BC. 5741 B695MI056266 Jun 2 Application of Church of Scotland for land grant. 6266 B695MI066808 Jun 12 Death of Seymour noted. 6808 B695MI076912 Jun 19 Memorial on unfortunate condition of BC. 6912 B695MI087458 Jul 2 Post Office credit to BC. 7458 B695MI097870 Jul 12 Memorial on unfortunate condition of BC. 7870 B695MI108053 Jul 16 Report on educational publications. 8053 B695MI118132 Jul 19 Memorialists ask for consideration. 8132 B695MI128391 Jul 27 New Westminster petition for financial redress. 8391 B695MI1310660 Sep 21 Church of Scotland opposes proposed ordinance. 10660 B695MI1411919 Oct 26 Half yearly statement of the Bank of BC. 11919 B695MI1512285 Nov 1 Condition and treatment of Indians on VI. 12285 B695MI1612924 Nov 20 Condition and treatment of Indians on VI. 12924 B695MI1713320 Dec 2 Concerns of the memorialists over reciprocity. 13320 B695MI1800016 Dec 31 BC's interest in reciprocity with the US. 00016
House of Parliament6283 June 1 Resolution asking for information on confederation with Canada. 6283 B695PA017909 July 16 Removal of seat of government. 7909 B695PA02
Trade (Board of Trade)307 Jan 9 Substitution of lamps at Fisgard lighthouse. 307 B695TA013814 Apr 5 Statement on account of lighthouse stores. 3814 B695TA028871 Aug 6 Ordinance on exports and duty free transport. 8871 B695TA03
Treasury3734 Apr 2 Establishment of a decimal system of accounts. 3734 B695TE013815 Apr 5 Charge on account of Royal Engineers. 3815 B695TE023850 Apr 6 Expenditures on works at SJI. 3850 B695TE034218 Apr 15 Compensation for loss of office to Cooper. 4218 B695TE046416 Jun 5 BC Savings Bank Ordinance. 6416 B695TE056725 Jun 14 Supplemental supply for contingent services. 6725 B695TE067558 Jul 6 Error in totalling vouchers for colonial pay. 7558 B695TE079431 Aug 19 Passage money and gratuity to Young. 9431 B695TE089601 Aug 25 Estimates and appropriations for 1869. 9601 B695TE099946 Sep 2 Recommendation that gratuity to Young be denied. 9946 B695TE1010968 Sep 29 Granting allowance to Mrs. Seymour. 10968 B695TE1111606 Oct 16 Gratuity to Young reconsidered and recommended. 11606 B695TE1213289 Dec 3 Grants for the establishment of public schools. 13289 B695TE13
War Office632 Jan 16 Settlement of claims for stores. 632 B695WA01665 Jan 20 Arrangements for payment of pension to J. Sullivan. 665 B695WA026432 Jun 7 Establishment of a volunteer force. 6432 B695WA0313595 Dec 10 Medal for long service and good conduct to Sullivan. 13595 B695WA04
British Columbia Despatches to London 1870
1 Jan. 1 1388 Rates of postage for printed papers and patterns. 1388 B700012 Jan. 1 1389 Appointments to the Executive Council. 1389 B700023 Jan. 7 2135 Salary due to Young on account of loss of office. 2135 B700034 Jan. 7 2136 Returns of revenue and expenditure. 2136 B700045 Jan. 11 2137 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 2137 B700056 Jan. 11 2138 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2138 B700067 Jan. 20 2139 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2139 B70007Jan. 21 2153 Reduction of salaries of future officers. (Confidential) 2153 B70007CO8 Jan. 29 2542 Condition of Indians in VI. 2542 B700089 Jan. 29 2543 Colonial estimates, returns, and a report. 2543 B70009Tel Jan. 31 1393 Needham accepts post in Trinidad. 1393 B70009T1Tel Feb. 4 1395 Request that Crease be appointed puisne judge. 1395 B70009T210 Feb. 2 2544 Explaining two telegrams sent home. 2544 B7001011 Feb. 2 2545 Alterations to ordinance number 18. 2545 B7001112 Feb. 5 2546 Alterations to ordinance number 11. 2546 B7001213 Feb. 11 2547 Alterations to ordinance regarding surgeons. 2547 B7001314 Feb. 11 2548 Minutes of the Executive Council. 2548 B7001415 Feb. 11 2549 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 2549 B7001516 Feb. 11 2550 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2550 B7001617 Feb. 21 3409 Message on the opening of the Legislative Council. 3409 B7001718 Feb. 21 3410 Union with Canada. 3410 B7001819 Feb. 22 3411 Audit of Crown fund of VI. 3411 B7001920 Feb. 23 3412 Modification of Legislative constitution. 3412 B7002021 Feb. 23 3413 Forwarding returns of revenue and expenditure. 3413 B7002122 Feb. 24 3414 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 3414 B7002223 Feb. 24 3415 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3415 B70023Mar. 7 3868 Precedency allowed to foreign consuls. (Confidential) 3868 B70023COMar. 7 3869 Transferral of colony to US. (Confidential) 3869 B70023CP24 Mar. 8 3855 Sum needed for purchase of furniture for Government House. 3855 B7002425 Mar. 10 3856 Forwarding copies of "Currency Ordinance 1867." 3856 B7002526 Mar. 15 3857 Financial arrangements upon union with Canada. 3857 B7002627 Mar. 15 3858 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3858 B70027Tel Mar. 20 3188 Needham's move to Trinidad. 3188 B70027T28 Mar. 25 4680 Sum appropriated for contingent service of 1868-9. 4680 B7002829 Mar. 25 4681 Ordinance respecting surgeons and doctors. 4681 B7002930 Mar. 25 4682 Sum appropriated for contingent service of 1870. 4682 B7003031 Mar. 29 4683 Needham's move to Trinidad. 4683 B7003132 Apr. 5 4924 Resolutions on union with Canada. 4924 B7003233 Apr. 12 4925 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 4925 B7003334 Apr. 12 4926 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4926 B7003435 Apr. 12 4927 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4927 B7003536 Apr. 22 5724 Possession of SJI. 5724 B7003637 Apr. 22 PABC Photographs of buildings in colony. 3738 Apr. 22 5726 Photographing of Indians. 5726 B7003839 Apr. 23 5727 Crease's pay as attorney general. 5727 B7003940 Apr. 23 5728 Claims by naval department against colony. 5728 B7004041 Apr. 23 5729 Returns of wrecks and casualties. 5729 B7004142 Apr. 23 5730 Meteorological works issued under colonial government. 5730 B7004243 Apr. 25 5731 Correspondence regarding the supreme court. 5731 B7004344 Apr. 25 5732 Leave of absence of Musgrave. 5732 B7004445 Apr. 25 5733 Sum due to War Department on account of stores. 5733 B7004546 Apr. 26 5734 Sum due to War Department on account of stores. 5734 B7004647 Apr. 26 5735 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5735 B7004748 Apr. 28 6111 Game ordinance of 1870. 6111 B7004849 Apr. 28 6112 Ordinance respecting municipal by-laws. 6112 B7004950 Apr. 28 6113 Ordinance regarding cemetaries in BC. 6113 B7005051 Apr. 28 6114 Ordinance to provide means of maintaining telegraph. 6114 B7005152 Apr. 29 6115 Ordinance to prevent desertion from merchant ships. 6115 B7005253 Apr. 23 6116 Ordinance to regulate fees of supreme court. 6116 B7005354 Apr. 29 6117 Message closing legislative session. 6117 B7005455 May 5 6118 Ordinance respecting the supreme court. 5 B70704356 May 8 6119 SJI military accounts and vouchers. 857 May 6 6120 Passage of supreme court ordinance. 6 B7007958 May 9 6121 Imperial pension account. 9 B7011259 May 9 6122 Sum due for conveyance of mails between Victoria and San Francisco. 9 B7011260 May 10 6123 Returns of revenue and expenditure. 6123 B7006061 May 10 6124 Leave of absence of J.J. Young. 6124 B7006162 May 11 6125 Return of fees received by governor and other public officers. 6125 B7006263 May 11 6126 Ordinance regarding law relating to bills of sale. 6126 B7006364 May 13 6127 Reporting arrival and appointment of Phillippo. 6127 B7006465 May 13 6128 Appointment of H.P.P. Crease. 6128 B7006566 May 13 6129 Delegation to discuss terms for union with Canada. 6129 B7006667 May 13 6130 Forwarding parliamentary papers. 6130 B7006768 May 13 6131 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6131 B7006869 May 13 6132 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6132 B7006970 May 16 6779 School ordinances. 6779 B7007071 May 17 6780 Condition of loans in BC. 6780 B7007172 May 17 6781 Crest to appear on governor's flag. 6781 B7007273 May 23 6782 Suspension of T.B. Humphreys. 6782 B7007374 May 23 6783 Wood's claim for employment in colonial service. 6783 B7007475 May 27 6784 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6784 B7007576 May 31 7277 Petition for money to restore cathedral in Victoria. 7277 B7007677 May 31 7278 Law and practice of escheats act. 7278 B7007778 June 4 7279 Ordinance to amend road ordinance of 1869. 7279 B7007879 June 7 7280 Ordinance to alter county court ordinance of 1867. 7280 B7007980 June 7 7281 Punishment awarded to two men for aiding in desertion attempts. 7281 B7008081 June 7 7282 Begbie's request for more lucrative appointment. 7282 B7008182 June 9 7283 Bill drawn on account of Royal Marines at SJI. 7283 B7008283 June 10 7284 Copies of debates on confederation forwarded. 7284 B7008384 June 11 7285 Governor to take leave of absence. 7285 B7008485 July 2 8528 Return of governor from leave of absence. 8528 B7008586 July 11 8529 Forwarding three ordinances. 8529 B7008687 July 12 8530 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 8530 B7008788 July 12 8531 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8531 B7008889 July 12 8532 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8532 B7008990 July 27 9446 Alston appointed registrar general of titles. 9446 B7009091 July 27 9447 Reporting death of C.J. Pritchard. 9447 B7009192 July 27 9448 Regulations for schools. 9448 B7009293 July 27 9449 Reporting death of C. Brew. 9449 B7009394 July 28 9450 Terms of agreement for union with Canada. 9450 B7009495 July 28 9457 Claim by S. Harris against government of Colombia. 9457 B7009596 July 28 9452 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 9452 B7009697 July 28 9453 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9453 B7009798 July 28 9454 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9454 B7009899 Aug. 3 9880 Accounts of military expenditure for SJI. 9880 B70099100 Aug. 5 9881 Forwarding Blue Book with report. 9881 B70100101 Aug. 5 9882 Inability to find James Sullivan. 9882 B70101102 Aug. 5 9883 Forwarding scales of court costs. 9883 B70102103 Aug. 6 9884 Forwarding copies of a hand book of BC and VI. 9884 B70103104 Aug. 6 9885 Land registry ordinance. 9885 B70104105 Aug. 11 9886 Kimberley's appointment as Secretary of State for the Colonies. 9886 B70105106 Aug. 11 9887 Return of revenue obtained from taxes and imposts. 9887 B70106107 Aug. 12 9888 Extension of money order system to BC. 9888 B70107108 Aug. 12 9889 Claims made by Admiralty for stores and labour. 9889 B70108109 Aug. 12 9890 Payment to Ker for auditing accounts. 9890 B70109110 Aug. 12 9891 Forwarding audit and papers concerning the VI Crown fund. 9891 B70110111 Aug. 12 9892 Report on ordinance to amend road ordinance. 9892 B70111112 Aug. 15 9893 Weight of packages sent from colonies. 9893 B70112113 Aug. 16 9894 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9894 B70113114 Aug. 16 9895 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9895 B70114115 Aug. 16 9896 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 9896116 Aug. 25 10648 Begbie's report on the physical features of BC. 10648 B70116117 Aug. 25 10649 Measures for checking desertions from the Royal Navy. 10649 B70117118 Aug. 25 10650 Land priviledges to naval and military officers. 10650 B70118119 Aug. 25 10657 Promotion of Captain Delacombe. 10657 B70119120 Aug. 27 10652 Returns of revenue and expenditure. 10652 B70120121 Aug. 27 10653 Transmitting copies of ordinances. 10653 B70121122 Aug. 27 10654 Forwarding copies of journals of Legislative Council. 10654 B70122123 Aug. 28 10655 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 10655 B70123124 Aug. 29 10656 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 10656 B70124125 Oct. 11 11846 Returns relative to hospitals and lunatic asylums. 11846 B70125Oct. 11 11857 Inclusion of SJI in American census. (Confidential) 11857 B70125CO126 Oct. 12 11847 Information on laws of trespass and preservation of game. 11847 B70126127 Oct. 12 11848 Leave of absence granted to G. Williams. 11848 B70127128 Oct. 12 11849 Execution of Indian named Hahamack. 11849 B70128129 Oct. 12 11850 Forwarding financial returns. 11850 B70129130 Oct. 14 11851 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 11851 B70130131 Oct. 14 11852 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 11852 B70131132 Oct. 14 11853 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 11853 B70132133 Oct. 12 11854 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11854 B70133134 Oct. 14 11855 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11855 B70134135 Oct. 14 11856 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 11856 B70135136 Oct. 17 12323 Constitution of Legislative Council. 12323 B70136137 Oct. 17 12324 Forwarding copy of Blue Book for 1869. 12324 B70137138 Oct. 18 PABC Methods of auditing accounts. 138 B70014139 Oct. 19 12326 Suspension of T.B. Humphreys. 12326 B70139140 Oct. 19 12327 Proposed visit to Cowichan, Nanaimo and Comox. 12327 B70140141 Nov. 5 12859 Report of visit to Cowichan, Nanaimo and Comox. 12859 B70141142 Nov. 7 12860 Bill drawn for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 12860 B70142143 Nov. 7 12861 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 12861 B70143144 Nov. 16 141 Report on Imperial copyright act. 141 B70144145 Nov. 16 142 Land title claim forwarded by Nias. 142 B70145146 Nov. 17 143 Financial arrangement of local debt. 143 B70146147 Nov. 17 144 Position of government servants after union with Canada. 144 B70147148 Nov. 19 145 Appointment of J. Sullivan as magistrate and recorder of mining claims. 145 B70148149 Nov. 19 146 Transferral of Crown fund of VI. 146 B70149150 Nov. 21 147 Illigal traffic of liquor on the coast. 147 B70150151 Nov. 23 148 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 148 B70151152 Dec. 7 28231 Rates of postage between BC, UK and USA. 28231153 Dec. 7 283 Correspondence regarding land registry act. 283 B70153154 Dec. 8 284 Ball requests naval cadetship for his son. 284 B70154155 Dec. 10 285 Begbie's paper on Fraser River "Benches." 285 B70155156 Dec. 10 286 Not practical to conduct census of BC. 286 B70156157 Dec. 10 287 Money order system in BC. 287 B70157158 Dec. 12 288 Acknowledging receipt of parliamentary papers. 288 B70158159 Dec. 12 289 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 289 B70159160 Dec. 14 742 Compulsory vaccination in BC. 742 B70160161 Dec. 14 743 Fog bell placed on Race Rocks. 743 B70161162 Dec. 16 744 Crown grants in VI prior to reconveyance of colony to Crown. 744 B70162163 Dec. 22 1207 Reporting members elected to Legislative Council. 1207 B70163164 Dec. 22 1208 Reporting execution of Indian named Jino. 1208 B70164165 Dec. 26 1209 Begbie's application for appointment in Straits Settlements. 1209 B70165
British Columbia Correspondence 1870
2211 Feb. 23 Coutts, A.G. Burdett, concerning future of Colonial Bishop's Fund. 2211 B706C018593 Aug. 9 Foster, George, requesting re-appointment. 8593 B706F0112221 Nov. 19 Gibbons, E., seeking employment as governess in BC. 12221 B706G011171 Jan. 29 Holland, B., seeking emigration information. 1171 B706H014532 Apr. 2 Kelly, William, accusing his property agent, H.P.P. Crease, of unfair dealing. 4532 B706K019057 Aug. 22 Mackonochie, A.H., requesting CO forward a letter to Trutch. 9057 B706M012438 Mar. 2 Maunsell, D.C., reporting return to England. 2438 B706M023159 Mar. 24 -----, requesting travel reimbursement. 3159 B706M034911 May 9 -----, acknowledging sanction of passage reimbursement. 4911 B706M047368 July 8 -----, requesting usual privileges in transporting Seymour's effects. 7368 B706M0512615 n.d. - McGilvary J., steps in bringing home mentally disturbed son. 12615 B706M064918 May 9 Mellors, F. seeking information on estate of W.M. Cochrane. 4918 B706M076632 June 17 Morley, S., seeking information on river terraces. 6632 B706M084721 Apr. 28 Nesbitt, E.J., requesting re-appointment. 4721 B706N011601 n.d. Nias, George E., claiming title to pre-empted land. 1601 B706N029258 June 17 -----, requesting CO interference in claim case. 9258 B706N039 Jan. 2/71 -----, requesting CO interference in claim case. 9 B70112 137 Jan. 4 Pearse, B.W., applying for one month's extra leave. 2761 Mar. 14 Phillippo, G., seeking salary advance for travel costs to the colony. 2761 B706P0211185 Oct. 18 Robinson, William, publishing Begbie's terrace report. 11185 B706R014720 Apr. 27 S-----. (Missing) 4720 B706S018610 Aug. 10 Trutch, Joseph, authorization to accept map bid. 8610 B706T019038 Aug. 22 -----, notifying map corrections will be free. 9038 B706T02 701 Jan. 17 Waddington, A., requesting introduction to Governor General of Canada. 7363 July 8 Watson, Alexander, explaining circumstances of his case and requesting re-appointment. 7363 B706W027774 July 18 -----, requesting re-employment. 7774 B706W038985 Aug. 20 -----, requesting financial settlement in lieu of re-employment. 8985 B706W043392 Mar. 27 White, John, resigning as clerk to the gold commissioner of Columbia district. 3392 B706W057568 July 13 Williams, G., requesting half salary while on leave. 7568 B706W067264 July 5 Wood, Thomas Lett, explaining circumstances of his case and requesting re-appointment. 7264 B706W076711 n.d. - Young, J.J., requesting half salary while on leave. 6711 B706Y01
British Columbia Public Offices 1870
Admiralty1313 Feb 1 Visit of Captain Lyons to San Juan Island. 1313 B705AD011896 Feb 18 Payment for washing Seymour's linen on board Sparrowhawk. 1896 B705AD024132 Apr 18 Punishment for aiding deserters of Satellite. 4132 B705AD035172 May 14 State of affairs in colony. 5172 B705AD046376 Jun 13 Retention of guards at government house. 6376 B705AD056877 Jun 28 Refusing application of BC desertion ordinance to RN. 6877 B705AD068417 Aug 4 Requisition of supplies at naval stations. 8417 B705AD078793 Aug 15 Sparrowhawk at disposal of governor for San Francisco visit. 8793 B705AD089430 Aug 29 Payment policy on stores supplied by Admiralty. 9430 B705AD0911121 Oct 17 Decline granting of local rank to Delacombe. 11121 B705AD10
Agents (Crown Agents)1333 Jan 31 Public debt readjustment proposal by Julyan. 1333 B705AG013173 Mar 25 Payment to sinking fund for BC loan of 1862. 3173 B705AG023611 Apr 5 Payment to sinking fund for BC loan of 1863. 3611 B705AG033612 Apr 5 Payment to sinking fund for VI loan of 1862. 3612 B705AG046790 Jun 25 Admiralty claims against BC for stores and supplies. 6790 B705AG057838 Jul 20 Payment of half salary to G. Williams. 7838 B705AG069405 Aug 26 Musgrave's public debt re-adjustment scheme. 9405 B705AG079860 Sep 12 Authority to requisition stationery supplies. 9860 B705AG0810392 Sep 26 Payment to sinking fund for VI loan of 1862. 10392 B705AG09
Council (Privy Council)* Feb 24 Missing. * Aug 24 Missing. * Feb 24 Missing. 
Foreign Office721 Jan 17 BC memorial requesting US annexation. 721 B705FO01917 Jan 24 Resolution to US Congress for cession of BC. 917 B705FO02953 Jan 25 Approval of Johnston as consul for North German Confederation. 953 B705FO032504 Mar 5 Senate speech rejecting San Juan convention. 2504 B705FO044773 May 3 Appointment of US consul at Victoria. 4773 B705FO055331 May 21 Approval of Eckstein as US consul. 53316150 Jun 4 Delaying of San Juan issue for present. 6150 B705FO078292 Jul 29 Inclusion of San Juan in US census. 8292 B705FO0810105 Sep 14 Exclusion of San Juan in US census. 10105 B705FO0911051 Oct 13 Compensation for injuries to Samuel Harris by government of Colombia. 11051 B705FO1011302 Oct 21 Taking of US census on San Juan. 11302 B705FO1113335 Dec 20 Census correspondence from ambassador to US. 13335 B705FO12
Land (Emigration Office)3042 Mar 21 Shortcoming of preemption claims ordinance. 3042 B705LN019342 Aug 27 Effects of three ordinances regarding title to real estate. 9342 B705LN02
Miscellaneous3189 Mar 23 Receipt by Aborigines Protection Society of report. 3189 B705MI013389 Mar 29 Implementing US-BC postal arrangement. 3389 B705MI024324 Apr 22 Half yearly statement of the Bank of BC. 4324 B705MI035583 May 23 Making further provisions for BC government. 5583 B705MI046776 May 29 Suspension of Humphreys from Legislative Council. 6776 B705MI057862 Jul 20 Reply to cathedral restoration petition. 7862 B705MI068184 Jul 28 Credit to BC for conveyance of mails. 8184 B705MI0710146 Sep 20 Extension of money order system to BC. 10146 B705MI0810930 Oct 11 HBC's concern over Indian liquor trade. 10930 B705MI0911053 Oct 13 Royal Geographic Society's receipt of Begbie's "Benches" report. 11053 B705MI1011648 Oct 31 Half yearly statement of the Bank of BC. 11648 B705MI11
Parliamentary3132 Mar 29 Request correspondence warning threats of invasion up to 1859. 3132 B705PA013362 Mar 29 Request correspondence warning threats of invasion up to 1859. 3362 B705PA02
Trade (Board of Trade)6416 Jun 14 Creation of a further customs duty. 6416 B705TA016791 Jun 25 Desertion ordinance suggestions. 6791 B705TA02
Treasury771 Jan 20 Report on drawings from Crown fund for Seymour's salary. 771 B705TE013095 Mar 23 Expenditures for San Juan occupation. 3095 B705TE023821 Apr 11 Grant of passage money for Maunsell. 3821 B705TE034646 Apr 30 Placing of crown fund under legislative control. 4646 B705TE044770 May 4 Reimbursement of passage money to Maunsell. 4770 B705TE056513 Jun 16 Change of fiscal year dates for San Juan account. 6513 B705TE066638 Jun 18 Approval of further customs duty. 6638 B705TE077909 Jul 23 Clearing of Seymour's effects through customs. 7909 B705TE08
War Office1874 Feb 16 Oustanding remittance for stores. 1874 B705WA012108 Feb 21 Stores supplied to guard house, Government House. 2108 B705WA02
British Columbia Despatches from London 1870
1 Jan 10 Musgrave's salary to be £4,000, extra £1000 not authorized. 12 Jan 13 Leave of absence for Pearse extended 1 month. 2 B700013 Jan 20 Graham's salary £500 for performing duties of treasurer. 3 B705PA014 Jan 21 Telegram offering Needham chief justiceship of Trinidad. 4 B700025 Jan 21 Remittances to crown agents. 5 B7070046 Jan 22 Fees payable to attorney general. 6 B700797 Jan 24 Reports of capital sentences to be transmitted. 7 B705AD018 Jan 28 M.T. Johnston appointed US Consul in BC. 8Feb 1 Reciprocity with US. (Confidential) Feb 3 Annexation petition to US president. (Confidential) 9 Feb 15 Granting Musgrave two months leave to visit New York. 9 B7011210 Feb 19 G.E. Nias' petition for title to preempted land. 10 B7000311 Feb 21 Claim for stores provided Sir James Douglas. 11 B705AD0212 Feb 21 WO's claim of £675 for stores. 1213 Feb 23 Repayment of indebtedness to crown agents. 13 B7008014 Feb 26 WO claim of £4 for stores for government house. 14 B7011415 Mar 1 Telegram regarding Needham to be CJ of Trinidad. 15 B7011516 Mar 1 Telegram requesting puisne justiceship for Crease. 16 B7008117 Mar 1 Admiralty's claim against colony. 1718 Mar 4 Young's claim for compensation for loss of office. 1819 Mar 7 Approving appointments to Legislative Council. 19 B7011620 Mar 7 Approving appointments to Executive Council. 2021 Mar 7 Appointing Crease puisne judge of BC. 21 B7000422 Mar 8 Submit to councils correspondence regarding supreme court. 22 B7008223 Mar 8 Appointing Phillippo attorney general. 2324 May 10 Telegram regarding consolidation of public debt. 24 B7008325 Mar 14 Report on ordinance regarding customs duties. 2526 Mar 16 Minutes of Executive Council received. 2627 Mar 16 Amendments to ordinance regarding public schools. 2728 Mar 18 Warrant appointing Crease puisne judge of BC. 2829 Mar 23 Advance of £150 to Phillippo for passage expenses. 2930 Mar 24 Suggestions for ordinance regarding preemption claims. 3031 Mar 25 Warrant appointing Phillippo to be attorney general. 31 B705AD0632 Mar 25 Expenses of military occupation of San Juan. 3233 Mar 26 Telegram, Needham's warrant will go to Trinidad. 3334 Mar 30 Correspondence from Aborigines Protection Society. 3435 Apr 1 Estimates to be accompanied by ordinances. 3536 Apr 1 Postal arrangements between BC and US. 3637 Apr 5 Resignation of John White, clerk to Columbia magistrate. 3738 Apr 6 Despatch regarding opening of legislature received. 38 B7000139 Apr 8 Despatch regarding terms of confederation received. 39 B7007840 Apr 15 authorizing £400 for furniture for government house New Westminster. 40 B7011041 Apr 16 Despatch regarding floating debt received, amendment suggested. 41 B7011142 Apr 21 Enquiring into punishment of Lyons and Shakespeare for assisting deserters. 42 B705AD0143 May 5 Approving ordinance regarding doctors. 43 B705AD0844 May 7 Needham's departure and short leave approved. 4445 May 12 Account of crown fund, Seymour's additional salary. 4546 May 12 Approving transfer of crown funds to general revenue. 46 B7000547 May 13 Forwarding enclosures to duplicate despatches. 47 B7000648 May 14 Supplementary appropriation ordinance, more information. 48 B7000749 May 14 Approving ordinance regarding appropriation. 4950 May 18 Despatch regarding debates on confederation received. 50 B7008451 May 24 Appointment of D. Eckstein US Consul at Victoria. 5152 June 2 Legislative council resolution regarding San Juan. 52 B70007CO53 June 2 Salary of attorney general. 53 B7008554 June 8 Claim of £675 by War Department. 5455 June 8 Approve withholding Supreme Court correspondence from Legislative Council. 55 B7008656 June 10 Despatch closing legislature received. 5657 June 11 Approving ordinance regarding hunting. 57 B705AG0158 June 11 Approving ordinance regarding municipal by-laws. 5859 June 11 Approving ordinance regarding cemeteries. 5960 June 11 Approving ordinance regulating Supreme Court fees. 60 B7008461 June 11 Approving ordinance regarding Supreme Court merger. 61 B7011762 June 11 Approving ordinance regarding bills of sale. 6263 June 13 Approving 3 months leave for J.J. Young. 6364 June 14 Confirming appointments of Woods and Pooley as registrar and deputy registrar. 6465 June 14 Despatch regarding departure of delegates received. 65 B70118June 15 Time unsuitable for discussing San Juan question. (Confidential) 66 June 20 Accounts for RM's at San Juan to be made up from 31 March. 6667 June 21 Physical description of BC sought by W. Robinson. 6768 June 22 Approving ordinance creating further customs duty. 68 B7011969 June 30 Admiralty's claim of £52 for stores and labour. 69 B705AG0270 July 2 Approving ordinance regarding public schools. 701 July 9 Ordinance regarding roads is incomplete. 12 July 9 Approving design of governor's flag. 2 B700013 July 11 Ordinance regarding desertions returned for amendment. 3 B705PA014 July 11 Expulsion of Humphreys from Legislative Council to be reconsidered. 4 B700025 July 11 Application from Begbie for appointment in Straits Settlement. 5 B7071036 July 23 Application for employment from T.L. Wood. 6 B700797 July 25 Petition from cathedral restoration committee. 7 B705AD018 Aug 1 £580 due BC on postal account. 89 Aug 6 Approving ordinance, county court amendment. 9 B7011210 Aug 12 Leave for G. Williams, government printer. 10 B7000311 Aug 22 Constitution of new Legislative Council. 11 B705AD0212 Aug 22 Order in council respecting new Legislative Council. 12Aug 24 Intention of US to include San Juan in US census. (Confidential) 13 Aug 25 Correspondence with Trutch regarding new map of BC. 13 B7008014 Sep 1 Land claim of Nias. 14 B7011415 Sep 2 Approving appointment of McBride to be warden of New Westminster jail. 15 B7011516 Sep 2 Despatch regarding school regulations received. 16 B7008117 Sep 2 Despatch regarding death of Brew received. 1718 Sep 5 Approving ordinances regarding land. 1819 Sep 5 Loan scheme suggested by Julyan preferred. 19 B7011620 Sep 5 Terms negotiated between BC and Canada for union. 2021 Sep 6 Approving appointment of Alston to be registrar general. 21 B7000422 Sep 20 Scale of court fees in BC. 22 B7008223 Sep 21 Approving amendment to road ordinance. 2324 Sep 22 Approving extension of money order system to BC. 24 B70083Sep 26 US has decided not to include San Juan in census. (Confidential) 25 Sep 26 Payment of $250 to Ker for auditing crown fund and San Juan accounts. 2526 Oct 8 Begbie's report on benches on Fraser River. 2627 Oct 10 Colonial flag to be flown only by governor when afloat. 2728 Oct 18 Claim of Samuel Harris for compensation for injury. 2829 Oct 20 HBC complaint of sale of liquor to Indians. 2930 Oct 22 Captain Delacombe not promoted to Lieut. Colonel. 3031 Oct 29 Request by Robinson to publish Begbie's report on Fraser. 31 B705AD0632 Nov 9 Execution of Indian named Hahamac. 3233 Nov 15 Financial returns to be continued as usual. 3334 Nov - Use of scripture and prayer in public schools. 3435 Nov 30 Despatch regarding suspension of Humphreys received. 3536 Dec 6 Approving action in establishing new Legislative Council. 3637 Dec 16 Despatch regarding trip to Nanaimo received. 3738 Dec 16 Transmission of financial returns. 38 B70001
British Columbia Correspondence 1871
6468 June 29 Bridges, Sawlett, et al, claims to land by relations of Venables. 6468 B716B014657 May 12 Brown, R.E.L., requesting information on 1864 expedition against Chilcotin Indians. 4657 B716B025758 May 25 -----, thanking CO for offering information. 5758 B716B035330 May 27 Columbia, G., requesting grants for Indian welfare work. 5330 B716C014360 May 3 Good, Charles, requesting full pay while on leave. 4360 B716G015443 June 2 -----, requesting extension of leave of absence. 5443 B716G026118 June 20 -----, advising of upcoming resumption of duties. 6118 B716G034394 May 3 Keay, William I., requesting information on BC. 4394 B716K014959 Mar. 24 Nias, G.E., requesting his land claim be settled. 4959 B716N016184 June 24 Sybry, Searls & Co., requesting map of VI. 61844910 May 17 Trutch, Joseph, pensions to men displaced by union. 4910 B716T01
British Columbia Despatches to London 1871
Tel Jan. 20 899 Address to Queen for union with Canada. 899 B71001T1 Jan. 11 1341 Speech opening session of Legislative Council. 1341 B71001U2 Jan. 18 2274 Returns of hospitals and lunatic asylums. 2274 B71002Jan. 18 2282 Report on claims of candidates for appointments or promotion. (Confidential) 2282 B71002CO3 Jan. 22 2275 Address to Queen for union with Canada. 2275 B710034 Jan. 22 2276 Terms for union with Canada. 2276 B710045 Jan. 23 2277 Reporting telegraph sent regarding union. 2277 B710056 Feb. 9 2348 Pensions for officers after union with Canada. 2348 B710067 Feb. 10 2349 Address to Queen asking for union of BC with Canada. 2349 B710078 Feb. 10 2350 Sum due from Crown for conveyance of mails. 2350 B710089 Feb. 10 2351 Minutes of Executive Council. 2351 B7100910 Feb. 10 2352 Appropriation act for service of year 1871. 2352 B7101011 Feb. 10 2353 Exemption of mining company from payment of road and bridge tolls. 2353 B71011Sep Feb. 11 2354 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2354 B71011SPSep Feb. 11 2355 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 2355 B71011SQ12 Feb. 16 3466 Changes to tariff resulting from union with Canada. 3466 B7101213 Feb. 18 3467 Act to amend the constitution of BC. 3467 B7101314 Feb. 21 3468 Error in telegram regarding union with Canada. 3468 B7101415 Feb. 18 3469 Rules regarding the tonnage of foreign vessels. 3469 B7101516 Feb. 22 3470 Importance of SJI to Canada. 3470 B7101617 Feb. 25 3471 Act to amend tolls exemption ordinance. 3471 B7101718 Feb. 25 3472 Sum appropriated for contingent service. 3472 B7101819 Feb. 25 3473 Act respecting literary societies and mechanics institutes. 3473 B7101920 Mar. 7 3285 Act relating to tax sale repeal ordinance. 3285 B7102021 Mar. 9 3286 Act to repeal customs amendment ordinance. 3286 B7102122 Mar. 10 3287 Act to amend road amendment ordinance. 3287 B7102223 Mar. 10 3288 Act relating to Thomson's road steamers. 3288 B7102324 Mar. 10 3289 Act to amend fire companies aid ordinance. 3289 B71024Sep Mar. 10 3290 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 3290 B71024SPTel n.d. - 4069 Details of Phillippo's acceptance of appointment. 4069 B71024T25 Mar. 17 4070 Claim by Anderson in respect to land. 4070 B7102526 Mar. 20 4071 Recommendation of Charles Good for appointment. 4071 B7102627 Mar. 21 4072 Rules regarding tonnage of foreign vessels. 4072 B7102728 Mar. 21 4073 Deferred pension of John Linn. 4073 B7102829 Mar. 22 4074 Changes to BC with respect to union with Canada. 4074 B7102930 Mar. 24 4075 Prohibition of arms exportation from BC. 4075 B7103031 Mar. 27 4076 Appointment of H.B. Good. 4076 B71031Sep Mar. 27 4077 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4077 B71031SP32 Mar. 31 4316 Speech closing session of Legislative Council. 4316 B7103233 Mar. 31 4317 Bill draw for maintenance of Royal Marines on SJI. 4317 B7103334 Mar. 31 4318 Act to prevent desertion from merchant ships. 4318 B7103435 Mar. 31 4319 Act to incorporate charitable associations. 4319 B7103536 Mar. 31 4320 Forwarding two acts for confirmation. 4320 B7103637 Mar. 31 4321 Act enabling governor to grant charters for road tolls. 4321 B7103738 Mar. 31 4322 Act to abolish road tolls on certain articles. 4322 B7103839 Mar. 31 4323 Act to provide for permanent civil list. 4323 B7103940 Apr. 5 4540 Forwarding four acts for confirmation. 4540 B7104041 Apr. 6 4541 Irrelevancy of draft bill concerning court jurisdiction. 4541 B71041Tel n.d. - 4359 Phillippo's acceptance of post in British Guiana. 4359 B71041T42 Apr. 8 PABC Naval cadetship form submitted by Ball on behalf of son. 42 B71001T43 Apr. 8 4543 Act to amend investment and loan societies ordinance. 4543 B7104344 Apr. 8 4544 Act respecting cattle farmed on shares. 4544 B7104445 Apr. 8 4545 Resolutions respecting civil list act. 4545 B71045Sep Apr. 12 4547 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 4547 B71045SP46 Apr. 12 PABC Thanks for admission to Order of St. Michael and St. George. 4647 Apr. 20 5086 Power of governor to deal with idiots and lunatics and their estates. 5086 B7104748 Apr. 20 5087 Penal code with respect to union with Canada. 5087 B7104849 Apr. 20 5088 Difficulty in transmitting Blue Books. 5088 B7104950 Apr. 20 5089 Resolutions from Yale respecting the civil list. 5089 B7105051 Apr. 24 5090 Explanation of telegraphs regarding Phillippo. 5090 B7105152 Apr. 27 5322 Defalcations in Cariboo district. 5322 B7105253 Apr. 29 5323 Recommending Alston for promotion. 5323 B7105354 May 6 5324 Explanation of telegraph concerning Phillippo. 6 B717012Sep May 6 5325 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5325 B71054SPSep May 6 5326 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 5326 B71054SQ55 May 6 5555 Forwarding tables concerning criminal statistics. 6 B71701256 May 11 5556 Effect of confederation upon Crease's job. 5556 B7105657 May 11 5557 Memorial from civil servants concerning job security. 5557 B71057Tel June 13 5943 Acceptance of Alston and question of union date. 5943 B71057T58 May 17 6094 Sum paid to War Department for arms and ammunition. 6094 B7105859 May 17 6095 Premium offered to QCI coal mining company by BC. 6095 B7105960 May 17 6096 Resolutions concerning civil list act. 6096 B7106061 May 19 6097 General abstract of financial returns of BC. 6097 B7106162 May 25 6197 Payments of imperial pensions from colonial treasury. 6197 B7106263 May 27 6198 Account expenditure concerning Royal Marines on SJI. 6198 B7106364 May 31 6199 Transmitting copies of acts. 6199 B71064Sep June 1 6200 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 6200 B71064SP65 June 21 7155 Confirming telegram regarding appointment of Alston and date of union. 7155 B7106566 June 21 7156 Report on condition of colony for 1871. 7156 B7106667 June 22 7157 Possession of SJI. 7157 B7106768 July 21 7891 Completion of union with Canada. 7891 B71068Sep July 12 7893 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7893 B71068SPSep July 12 7894 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7894 B71068SQSep July 12 7895 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7895 B71068SRSep July 12 7896 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 7896 B71068SS69 July 13 PABC Bill drawn for return passage of governor. 6970 July 19 8279 Latest map of the colony. 8279 B7107071 July 19 8280 Minutes of Executive Council. 8280 B7107172 July 19 8281 Forwarding Blue Book. 8281 B7107273 July 19 8282 Nias's land claims. 8282 B7107374 July 19 8283 Addresses to Musgrave on his departure. 8283 B7107475 July 24 8284 Musgrave's travel plans. 8284 B71075Sep July 24 8285 Acknowledging receipt of despatches. 8285 B71075SP- Oct. 23 11477 Trutch submission on northwest water boundary question. 11477 B71080- Oct. 28 11749 Trutch submission of affidavit concerning SJI. 11749 B71081
British Columbia Public Offices 1871
Admiralty2169 Feb 28 Movements of Scylla & Sparrowhawk along BC coast. 2169 B715AD018293 Aug 19 Sparrowhawk offered to convey Musgrave to San Francisco. 8293 B715AD028380 Aug 23 Sparrowhawk offered to convey new Lieutenant Governor to BC. 8380 B715AD03
Agent (Crown Agents)2555 Mar 14 Requisition for rape oil and other stores. 2555 B715AG013612 Apr 11 Investment for BC sinking fund. 3612 B715AG02
Council (Privy Council)4916 May 18 Order in Council amending constitution. 4916 B715CO014917 May 18 Order in Council providing for permanent civil list. 4917 B715CO024953 May 22 Order in Council uniting BC to Canada. 4953 B715CO03
Foreign Office1160 Jan 28 San Juan census. 1160 B715FO011745 Feb 15 San Juan census. 1745 B715FO021900 Feb 22 San Juan census. 1900 B715FO034387 May 3 Approving despatch regarding San Juan despatches. 4387 B715FO04
Land (Emigration Office)1309 Feb 3 Exceptions in the deed of reconveyance. 1309 B715LN014372 May 3 Recommendation to remit debt due from Anderson. 4372 B715LN02
Miscellaneous1051 Jan 28 Payment of money orders drawn in BC. 1051 B715MI011416 Feb 7 Costs of postal service to BC. 1416 B715MI023859 Apr 19 Costs of postal service to BC. 3859 B715MI034060 Apr 25 Correction of error in telegram. 4060 B715MI044221 Apr 28 Half yearly statement of Bank of BC. 4221 B715MI055064 May 23 refund for error in telegram. 5064 B715MI06
Parliamentary1480 Feb 10 Arrangements for union of BC with Canada. 1480 B715PA01
Trade (Board of Trade)4750 May 13 Prevention of desertion from merchant ships. 4750 B715TA01
Treasury8265 Aug 17 Steps taken to correct defalcations of Cochrane. 8265 B715TE018381 Aug 23 Requesting further information on Cochrane. 8381 B715TE02
War Office3507 Apr 10 Oustanding claim of £675.2.4 for stores. 3507 B715WA014456 May 5 Deferred pension application by Linn. 4456 B715WA02
British Columbia Despatches from London 1871
Jan 5 US census on San Juan Island. (Confidential) 1 Jan 6 Approving appointment of James Sullivan, replacing W.M. Cochrane. 1 B7170072 Jan 14 Disposition of crown fund. 2 B71001T3 Jan 19 Future positions of Hankin and Phillippo. 3 B7170084 Jan 21 Amendment to land registry act not pressed. 4 B7170095 Jan 24 Nomination of Ball's son to naval cadetship. 5 B7170056 Jan 26 Telegram regarding approval of confederation by legislative council received. 6 B7170127 Feb 1 Money order system for BC. 7 B717007Feb 6 Census of San Juan recently taken. (Confidential) 8 Feb 6 Execution of Indian (Jim) at Nanaimo. 8 B71054SQ9 Feb 7 Begbie's application for appointment to Straits Settlements. 9 B7100210 Feb 9 Letter to Robinson regarding Fraser River benches. 10 B71701611 Feb 9 Despatch regarding opening of legislature received. 11 B7105512 Feb 10 Land titles should be issued direct by HBC. 12 B71701713 Feb 11 Telegraphed yesterday satisfaction of home government regarding confederation. 13 B71701814 Feb 14 Adjustment of postage rates between UK and BC. 14 B7105615 Feb 17 Warrants for appointments to Legislative Council. 1516 Feb 23 Granting Musgrave third class Companion of St. Michael and St. George. 16 B717020Mar 2 San Juan census. (Confidential) 17 Mar 6 Land grants to naval and military officers. 17 B71702118 Mar 10 Further employment on union with Canada. 18 B71702219 Mar 11 Petition Legislative Council regarding confederation received. 19 B71702320 Mar 15 Approving Lane and Kurtz Mining act. 20 B71702421 Mar 15 Compensation to officers affected by confederation and 6 months salary to Musgrave. 21 B71702522 Mar 15 Approving ordinance regarding appropriations. 22 B71702623 Mar 17 Despatch regarding state of hospitals and asylums. 23 B71702824 Apr 6 Approving revision of road amendment ordinances. 24 B71702925 Apr 10 Approving tax sale repeal ordinance amendment act. 25 B71703026 Apr 11 Approving BC patent road steamers act. 26 B71002CO27 Apr 12 Approving fire companies aid amendment act. 27 B71703328 Apr 15 Approving supplemental supply act. 2829 Apr 17 Approving tolls exemption act. 29 B71703530 Apr 17 Approving library societies act. 3031 Apr 21 Telegram offering Phillippo judgeship in British Guiana. 31 B71703632 Apr 22 Payment to BC for conveyance of mails. 32 B7100333 Apr 29 Despatch regarding export of arms from BC received. 33 B71703834 May 2 Leave to Musgrave on appointment of lieutenant governor. 34 B7101935 May 2 Phillippo's conditions impossible to meet. 35 B7105736 May 5 Approving statutes repeal act. 36 B71704037 may 5 Approving toll charter act. 37 B71704238 May 5 Approving toll exemption act. 38 B7100439 May 5 Confirming appointment of Good as magistrates clerk. 3940 May 6 Approving charitable association act. 40 B717045May 6 San Juan Islands. (Confidential) 41 May 8 Despatch regarding closing of Legislative Council received. 41 B71704742 May 10 Approving payment to A.C. Anderson for land bought in '59. 42 B71001T43 May 13 Approving loan societies amendment act. 43 B71001U44 May 15 Approving ordinance regarding permanent civil list. 44 B7100645 May 16 Approving cattle exemption act. 45 B71057T46 May 16 Approving merchant ship desertion act. 4647 May 17 Approving legislation regarding elections. 47 B7105848 may 18 Crease and Begbie's objections to controverted elections act overruled. 4849 May 20 Approving civil list act. 49 B71705350 May 23 Approving constitution act. 50 B7105951 May 25 Disallowing customs repeal act. 51 B71705752 May 27 Forwarding order in council uniting BC and Canada. 52 B71705953 June 1 Inaccurate transmission of telegram. 53 B71706054 June 1 Yale resolution against civil list act. 5455 June 3 Phillippo's acceptance of appointment to British Guiana. 5556 June 5 Despatch to Lisgar regarding pensions. 56 B71706157 June 5 Extension of leave to Good. 57 B71706258 June 8 Disposition of estates of lunatics and idiots. 58 B71706359 June 10 Telegram offering Alston appointment in Sierra Leone. 59 B71706460 June 15 Memorial of subordinate officials. 60 B71001T61 June 17 Suggesting lease regarding Nias' claim. 61 B71706562 June 17 Telegram regarding Alston and date of union received. 6263 June 28 Despatch regarding resolutions against civil list received. 63 B71706664 June 28 Premium of $500 claimed by QCI Mining Company to be paid. 64 B71706765 June 28 Send home all secret or confidential despatches. 6566 July 3 Crease's petition regarding pension too late. 6667 July 5 Telegram, return all confidential despatches. 6768 July 13 Advice requested for San Juan arbitration. 68
  1. [Reel 1, CO 305/1, Public Offices index, pp. 695-697.]
  2. End-of-file (.ef) found here in original Waterloo Script file. Remainder of this file may be obsolete, and must be checked.
  3. Where did this reference came from? Not on microfilm or index.
  4. Slaughter, J.H., no date, soliciting appointment to Falkland
  5. Islands. Bound in Falkland Islands.
  6. Reel 1, CO 305/1, Correspondence schedule, pp. 698-699
  7. Index gives next 2350 as the Order in Council approving draft
  8. of grant. On m.f. it is the enclosure to 2349.
  9. [Reel 1, CO 305/2, Correspondence index, p. 386.]
  10. End-of-file (.ef) found here in original Waterloo Script file. Remainder of this file may be obsolete, and must be checked.
  11. Reel 1, CO 305/2, Public Offices index, pp. 381-386.
  12. in 328/1
  13. Reel 1, CO 305/2, Public Offices index, pp. 381-386.
  14. Reel 1, CO 305/2, Correspondence index, p. 386.
  15. For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/2, p. 379, reel 1.
  16. Reel 2, CO 305/3, 581 Index.
  17. * Feb. 27 Controversy between HBC and miners regarding wages.
  18. Reel 2, CO 305/3, Public Offices index, pp. 585-590.
  19. End-of-file (.ef) found here in original Waterloo Script file. Remainder of this file may be obsolete, and must be checked.
  20. Index gives date as Nov 4
  21. Reel 2, CO 305/3, Public Offices index, pp. 585-590.
  22. End-of-file (.ef) found here in original Waterloo Script file. Remainder of this file may be obsolete, and must be checked.
  23. no ref number on this
  24. Reel 2, CO 305/3, Cor index, pp. 590-591; Cor begins p. 492.]
  25. Reel 2, CO 305/3, Public Offices index, pp. 585-590.
  26. no ref number on this
  27. Reel 2, CO 305/3, Cor index, pp. 590-591, Cor begins p. 492.]
  28. Reel 2, Index CO 305/3, p. 584.
  29. Reel 3, CO 305/4, Correspondence index, p 342, Cor begins p. 301.
  30. For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/4, p. 337, reel 3.
  31. index lists this under heading, Crown Office
  32. Reel 3, CO 305/4, index, pp. 339-341, PO begin p. 107 (Reel 2).
  33. Reel 3, CO 305/5, Correspondence begins p. 272, no index
  34. Reel 3, CO 305/5, Public Offices begin p. 140, index to Des only
  35. Index CO 305/5, p 318, reel 3
  36. [Reel 4, CO 305/6, no index, correspondence begins p. 313]
  37. [Reel 4, CO 305/7, no index listed, correspondence begins p. 421]
  38. [Reel 4, CO 305/7, Public Offices, no index, Public Offices begin
  39. p. 143.]
  40. [Reel 5, CO 305/8, no index given, correspondence begins p. 364]
  41. [Reel 5, CO 305/8, Public Offices, no index, Public Offices begin
  42. p. 290.]
  43. For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/8, pp. 390-391, reel 5.
  44. For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/9, p. 681, reels 5 and 6.
  45. [Reel 6, CO 305/9, no index given, correspondence begins p. 546]
  46. Correspondence reproduced in full is indicated by an asterisk, thus (*).
  47. Reel 2 & 3 (reel 3 begins at Falk, vol. 3 begins at Davies),
  48. Correspondence begins vol. 2, p. 432. vol. 3, p. 719 is labelled
  49. "Index" but no index follows.
  50. For schedule of Despatches, see CO 60/1, pp. 574-78, reel 1.
  51. Reels 1 & 2 (2 begins, For 11499), PO begins vol. 2, p. 3. vol. 3,
  52. p. 719 is labeled "Index" but no index follows.
  53. [Reel 6, CO 305/9, Public Offices, no index given, Public Offices
  54. begin p. 283.]
  55. Text missing from microfilm although headings & note appears.
  56. [Reel 8, CO 305/13, no index given, correspondence begins p. 218]
  57. Missing from mf
  58. [Reel 8, CO 305/12 and CO 305/13, Public Offices, no index
  59. given, Public Offices (Admiralty to Foreign Office) begin
  60. Reel 7, CO 305/12, p. 1, and (Treasury to Hudsons's Bay)
  61. begin Reel 8, CO 305/13, p. 1.]
  62. JEH had this as 164CO.
  63. Index for Nos. 197-242, CO 60/5, p 571-4
  64. Correspondence reproduced in full is indicated by an asterisk, thus (*).
  65. not sure of name
  66. "Reel 6, correspondence runs from CO 60/6, 337 to 708;
  67. there is no index."
  68. Reels 5 & 6 (6 begins, Tre 8556), PO begins vol 5, p. 284,
  69. p. 708 is labelled "Index" but no index follows.
  70. Schedule, 305/10, 342 (1-29), and 305/11, 409, (30-64), reel 7
  71. Reel 8, Correspondence begins vol. 9, p. 283, index p. 391.
  72. [For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/14, p. 461, reel 9.]
  73. The remainder of this schedule file contains some material related to the public accounts of the HBS which seems out of place; it's commented out, and left in Waterloo Script.
  74. we have this entered as 83SP
  75. Schedule of Despatches, see CO 60/7 (Nos. 1-69, Jan-July),
  76. p. 383, and CO 60/8 (Nos. 70-106, Aug-Dec), p. 412.
  77. [Reels 9 and 10, CO 305/15, Public Offices index, p. 665, Public
  78. Offices begin p. 3, reel 9.]
  79. Reel 8, PO begins vol. 9, p. 3, index p. 392.
  80. second letter sent later, received earlier. Explains #'s.
  81. [Reels 9 and 10, CO 305/15, index, p. 667, correspondence
  82. begins p. 583, reel 9]
  83. Reel 9, PO begins vol. 12, p. 3, index p. 294
  84. [Reel 11, CO 305/18, index p. 454, correspondence begins p. 375]
  85. [Reel 11, CO 305/18, Public Offices index, p. 452 Public
  86. Offices begin p. 3.]
  87. .sed Sep Jul 16 8718 Visit to BC and report on state of affairs.
  88. For schedule of Despatches, Nos. 1-53, see CO 60/10, p. 368-381,
  89. reel 9 and for Nos. 54-83, CO 60/11, p. 249-250, reel 9.
  90. Reel 9, Correspondence begins vol. 12, p. 244, index p. 294
  91. [For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/17, p. 584, reel 10.]
  92. nomf, see CO 381/18, p. 81-92
  93. ft changed to 11111
  94. Reel 11, PO begins vol. 14, p. 3, index p. 520
  95. [For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/19, p. 700, reel 12.]
  96. [Reel 12, CO 305/19, index p. 714, correspondence begins p. 620]
  97. Index records another despatch dated November 20. There seems to
  98. be an error in reference to the Dec. 4 despatch description.
  99. [Reel 12, CO 305/19, Public Offices index, p. 713, Public
  100. Offices begin p. 329.]
  101. Reel 11, correspondence begins vol.14, p. 331, index p. 532
  102. [Reel 14, Correspondence begins vol. 17, p. 395, index p. 520]
  103. [Reel 13, CO 305/21, index p. 374, correspondence begins p. 271]
  104. [For schedule of Despatches, see CO 305/20, p. 434, reel 13.]
  105. Reels 13 & 14 (14 begins p. 270), PO begins 17, p. 3, index p. 523
  106. 36-77 (June-Dec) is on CO 60/16, 396, reel 13]
  107. [Reel 13, CO 305/21, Public Offices index, p. 373, Public
  108. Offices begin p. 3.]
  109. [Reel 15, CO 305/24, Public Offices index, p. 332, Public
  110. Offices begin p. 3.]
  111. [Schedule of Despatches, CO 305/22 (Nos. 1-48, Jan.-July), p. 405,
  112. reel 14, and CO 305/23 (Nos. 49-113, Aug.-Dec.), p. 532, reel 15.]
  113. Reel 16, PO begins vol. 20, p. 3, index p. 373
  114. [Reel 15, CO 305/24, index p. 333, correspondence begins p. 267]
  115. [Reel 16, Correspondence begins vol. 20, p. 287, index p. 387]
  116. [Reel 17, CO 305/27, Public Offices index, p. 412, Public
  117. Offices begin p. 3.]
  118. [Reel 18, Correspondence begins vol. 23, p. 227, index p. 361]
  119. Reel 18, PO begins vol. 23, p. 3, index p. 225
  120. [Schedule of Despatches, CO 305/25 (Nos. 1-45, Jan.-June), p. 737,
  121. reel 16, and CO 305/26 (Nos. 46-99, July-Dec.), p. 597, reel 17.]
  122. spell out first name as have a James Cooper later.
  123. spell out first name as have a James Cooper later.
  124. spell out first name as have a John Cooper already mentioned.
  125. [Reel 17, CO 305/27, index p. 415, correspondence begins p. 332]
  126. [Reel 20, Correspondence begins vol. 26, p. 233, index p. 437]
  127. CO 60/24, p. 343, reel 18 Jan to June
  128. CO 60/25, p. 518, reel 19 July to Dec
  129. [Reel 19, CO 305/30, Public Offices index, p. 384, Public
  130. Offices begin p. 3.]
  131. Reel 19 & 20 (20 begins p. 233), PO begins 26, p. 3, index p. 436
  132. Schedule of Despatches, Nos. 1-49, Jan.-June, CO 305/28, p. 527
  133. reel 18, Nos. 50-90, July-Nov., CO 305/29, p. 480, reel 19.
  134. [Reel 19, CO 305/30, index p. 386, correspondence begins p. 281]
  135. keep "John" as also correspondence regarding "James" Cooper
  136. [Reel 23, correspondence runs from CO/60/31, 135 to 416, no index]
Vessels in this document

HMS Alarm, 1845-1904


HMS Amethyst, 1844-1869

Beaver, 1835-1888

Brig William


Brother Jonathan, 1851-1865

HMS Cameleon, 1860-1883

HMS Clio, 1858-1919


HMS Daedalus, 1826-1911

HMS Daphne, 1838-1864

HMS Devastation, 1841-1866

HMS Driver, 1840-1861

unavailableEast Lothian



HMS Forward, 1855-1869


HMS Grappler, 1856-1883

John Bright

John Stephenson


Labouchere, 1858

Lord Western, 1840-1853



Nanaimo Packet


Otter, 1852-1861

HMS Plumper, 1848-1865

HMS President, 1829-1903

Prince of the Seas, 1853-?

HMS Pylades, 1854-1875


Royal Charlie

HMS Satellite, 1855-1879

HMS Scout

HMS Scylla

Sea Nymph

HMS Severn

CSS Shenandoah

HMS Sparrowhawk

Susan Sturges

HMS Sutlej

Swiss Boy


Thames City, 1856

HMS Thetis, 1846-55

HMS Tribune, 1853-1866

HMS Trincomalee, 1817 - present

SS Una, 1849-1851

HMS Virago, 1842-1876

William Allen

The Colonial Despatches Team. Schedules. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. The Colonial Despatches Team. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)